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AAASBenchmark - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Extends AsnStandard to provide custom rendering of display text for AAAS standards.
AAASBenchmark(AsnStatement, AsnDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AAASBenchmark
Constructor for the AAASBenchmark object
abort() - Method in class
This method is called if the LoginContext's overall authentication failed.
ABORT_INDEXING - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Indicates the watcher should abort indexing immediately.
abortIndexing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Aborts the indexing process by returning a null index document.
AbstractCATHelperPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
Abstract class for framework-specific plugins to the CATServiceHelper
AbstractCATHelperPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
AbstractConfigReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Abstract class for extracting information from, and writing to, XML config files
AbstractConfigReader(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Create a AbstractConfigReader.
AbstractConfigReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
AbstractSchemEditAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Abstract controller for Metadata Editors.
AbstractSchemEditAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
accept(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter.DirectoryFilter
A FileFilter for xml files.
accept(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataConverter.DirectoryFilter
A FileFilter for xml files.
accept(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.ZipFileFilter
A FileFilter for zip files.
accept(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLFileFilter
A FileFilter for xml files.
acceptsNewChioceTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
acceptsNewMember(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.All
acceptsNewMember(Element, String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.All
acceptsNewMember(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
Returns true if there is room in instanceElement any new member within the constraints of the schema.
acceptsNewMember(Element, String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
acceptsNewMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.ChoiceGuard
Returns true if a new member may be added.
acceptsNewMember(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Returns true if a given instance document element can accept a new member according to schema-defined constraints for this compositor.
acceptsNewMember(Element, String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
acceptsNewMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Will the CompositorGuard allow another member element to be added?
acceptsNewMember(String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Tests whether the instance element can accept a new member of "memberName" at the specified memberIndex.
acceptsNewMember(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.InlineCompositor
Returns true if a given instance document element can accept a new member according to schema-defined constraints for this InlineCompositor.
acceptsNewMember(Element, String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.InlineCompositor
acceptsNewMember(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Sequence
Does the the given instanceElement accept ANY new member? NOTE: this method does not make sense! What we are interested in, is which of the CompositorMembers can accept another occurrence!
acceptsNewMember(Element, String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Sequence
Does the the given instanceElement accept a specifical new member at a specific location? WHEN would this be called? Compositors only care whether they can accept another OCCURRENCE!
acceptsNewMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.SequenceGuard
acceptsNewSiblingTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
accessionDate - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
accessManager - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
AccessManager - Class in
AccessManager(File, List) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the AccessManager object
AccessManagerAction - Class in
AccessManagerAction() - Constructor for class
AccessManagerForm - Class in
AccessManagerForm() - Constructor for class
AccessTester - Class in
AccessUtils - Class in
AccessUtils() - Constructor for class
ActionPath - Class in
Wrapper for HotActionMapping
ActionPath(HotActionMapping) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the ActionPath object
ActionServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
ActionServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ActionServlet
activateObject(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Set state to "Active" for NDR Object corresponding to handle.
ActivityReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
ActivityReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.ActivityReader
add(char) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Add a character to the word being stemmed.
add(char[], int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Adds wLen characters to the word being stemmed contained in a portion of a char[] array.
add(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.ErrorLog
add(String, ActionMessage) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditActionErrors
Add an error, and sort into document order if schemaHelper is present and if specified propery is contained in sortedProperties list.
add(MappingInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
add(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Add the id to this RecordLists's items
add(FieldFilesChecker.FileError) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.ErrorManager
add(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.Log
addAdminEmail(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Add the given admin e-mail to the repository.
addAgent(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddAgentRequest
Creates an Agent object and returns it's handle.
addAgent(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
addAgent() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
addAgentAggregator() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
AddAgentRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
AddAgentRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddAgentRequest
Constructor for the AddAgentRequest object
addAggregator() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
AddAggregatorRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
AddAggregatorRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddAggregatorRequest
Constructor for the AddAggregatorRequest object
AddAggregatorRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddAggregatorRequest
Convenience constructor that initializes the aggregatorFor releationship with provided agentHandle.
addAnalyzersInBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Adds the Analyzers to use for given fields, using the field=className pairs provided in the ResourceBundle, overrridding any previous ones if they existed.
addAnyTypeError(SchemEditActionErrors, InputField, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Adds a feature to the AnyTypeError attribute of the SchemEditErrors class
addAttributeValueDn(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: adds a single value to a single attribute, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
addChild(Element, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsData
addChild(Element, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
addChild(AsnStandard) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Adds a Child to the AsnStandard object
addChild(Standard) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Adds a Child to the Standard object
addChild(XMLNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Adds a child node to this one at the correct location, and sets the path.
addCommand(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
Adds a feature to the Command attribute of the InputXMLComponent object
addCommand(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
Adds a feature to the Command attribute of the InputXMLComponent object.
addCommand(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
Adds a feature to the Command attribute of the InputXMLComponent object
addCommand(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a command represented as an Element of the specified type.
addCommand(String, Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a command represented as an Element of the specified type and with the specified action.
addCommand(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a command specified as a prop and value pair of the specified type.
addCommand(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a command specified as a prop and value pair of the specified type and action.
addComment(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Adds a comment to the element of this node.
addCompression(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Adds a feature to the Compression attribute of the RepositoryManager object.
addConstraintToQuery(String, String) - Static method in class
Adds a feature to the ConstraintToQuery attribute of the DDSQueryAction class
addContact(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Creates a Contact instance and adds it to the serviceDescription.
addContact(Contact) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Adds a contact instance to the serviceDescription.
addCustomFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorFileIndexingWriter
Adds the error message to the Lucene document.
addCustomFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Adds additional custom fields that are unique the document format being indexed.
addCustomFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Adds the full content of the XML to the default search field.
addDataStreamCmd(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.DataComponent
Adds a DataStream command to the DataComponent with default action.
addDataStreamCmd(String, Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.DataComponent
Adds a DataStream command to the DataComponent with specified action.
addDataStreamCmd(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a datastream command to the data component with given datastream of specified format (e.g., "ndsl_dc");
addDataStreamCmd(String, Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a datastream command to the data component with given datastream of specified format (e.g., "ndsl_dc");
addDateString(String) - Method in class
Adds a feature to the DateString attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
addDateStringForUI(String) - Method in class
Adds a feature to the DateStringForUI attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
addDcsStream(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddAgentRequest
addDcsStreamCmd(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyAgentRequest
addDCStreamCmd(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the DCStreamCmd attribute of the NdrRequest object
addDebugInfo(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
addDerivedType(XSDatatype) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
Adds a derived XSDatatype to the map of derived types
addDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Adds a feature to the Description attribute of the RepositoryManager object
addDirectory(String, Class, HashMap, FileIndexingPlugin, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Adds a directory of files to be monitored for changes, or replaces the current one if one exists with the same absolute path.
addDirectory(File, Class, HashMap, FileIndexingPlugin, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Adds a directory of files to be monitored for changes, or replaces the current one if one exists with the same absolute path.
addDirInfo(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Adds a feature to the DirInfo attribute of the SetInfo object
addDleseCommand(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the DleseCommand attribute of the NdrRequest object
addDleseCommand(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the DleseCommand attribute of the NdrRequest object
addDoc(Document) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
addDoc(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Adds a Document to the index.
addDoc(Document, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Adds a Document to the index.
addDocs(Document[]) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
addDocs(Document[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Adds a group of Documents to the index.
addDocs(Document[], boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Adds a group of Documents to the index.
addDocToRemove(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingServiceData
addDocToRemove(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Removes a matching item from the index during the FileIndexingService update.
addDuplicateUrlError(SchemEditActionErrors, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Create a duplicateURL error(s) and attach to provided errors lsit
addDuplicateValueError(SchemEditActionErrors, InputField, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Creates two ActionErrors signifying a duplicateValue error, one for the top of page message, and one for the error message that is attached to a specific field.
addElement(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Called from metadata controller to add an element at a specific place in the document.
addEntityError(SchemEditActionErrors, InputField, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Creates two ActionErrors, one for the top of page message, and one for the error message that is attached to a specific field.
addEntry(ReportEntry) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReport
addEntry(DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
addEntry(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
addEntryDn(String, String, String, String[][]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: adds a new LDAP entry, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
addError(SchemEditActionErrors, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Creates two ActionErrors, one for the top of page message, and one for the error message that is attached to a specific field.
addError(SchemEditActionErrors, InputField, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Creates two ActionErrors, one for the top of page message, and one for the error message that is attached to a specific field.
addError(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Adds a feature to the Error attribute of the MetadataVocab object
addError(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Adds a feature to the Error attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
addError(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Adds a feature to the Error attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
addErrorMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Adds a feature to the ErrorMessage attribute of the SuggestXMLForm object
addField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.TermDocCount
Adds a feature to the Field attribute of the TermDocCount object
addFields(File, Document, Document, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DDSItemMetaMetadataIndexingPlugin
Indexes a single field 'DDSItemMetaMetadataIndexingPlugin' with the value 'true'.
addFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Adds additional custom fields that are unique to the dlese anno document format being indexed.
addFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Adds fields to the index that are part of the collection-level Document.
addFields(File, Document, Document, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingPlugin
This method may be used to add custom fields to a Lucene Document for a given file prior to it's being inserted into the index.
addFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Adds fields to the index that are common to all item-level documents.
addFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Adds fields to the index that are part of the collection-level Document.
addFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Adds fields to the index that are part of the news-opps Document.
addFields(File, Document, Document, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleFileIndexingPlugin
Indexes a single field 'simplePluginDataIsPluggedIn' with the value 'true'.
addFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Nothing to do here.
addFields(Document, Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Adds additional fields that are unique the document format being indexed.
addFields(File, Document, Document, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.SessionIndexingPlugin
addFields(File, Document, Document, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin
Adds workflow status fields to the index for a particular record.
addFrameworkFields(Document, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Adds custom fields to the index that are unique to this framework.
addFrameworkFields(Document, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Adds custom fields to the index that are unique to DLESE-IMS
addFrameworkFields(Document, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Adds fields to the index that are unique to the given framework.
addGenericError(SchemEditActionErrors, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Creates two ActionErrors signifying a Generic error, one for the top of page message, and one for the error message that is attached to a specific field.
addGlobalDef(String, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Adds a feature to the GlobalDef attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
addGlobalDef(String, GlobalDef, Namespace) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Adds a feature to the GlobalDef attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
addGuardedPath(GuardedPath) - Method in class
Adds a feature to the GuardedPath attribute of the AccessManager object
addHtmlComment(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Adds a feature to the HtmlComment attribute of the MdeNode object
addIndexingEventHandler(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Adds an event handler that performs the indexing actions, sets the config directory and fires the configure and init event.
addIndexingMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Adds a feature to the IndexingMessage attribute of the IndexingManager object
addInvalidUrlError(SchemEditActionErrors, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Creates two ActionErrors signifying an invalidUrlError error, one for the top of page message, and one for the error message that is attached to a specific field.
addItem(String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Adds a feature to the Item attribute of the GradeRangeHelper object
addItem(String, int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Adds a feature to the Item attribute of the GradeRangeHelper object
addItem(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Adds a feature to the Item attribute of the GradeRangeHelper object
addJavaConverterClass(String, String, String, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Adds a concrete implementation of the XMLFormatConverter interface that can convert XML from one format to another.
addJavaConverterHelper(String, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Adds an Java class XML converter by parsing a String of the form [ fromFormat | toFormat | className ].
addListener(DataListener) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Add a DataListener to this DataManager.
addListener(WorkFlowServices) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Adds a feature to the Listener attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
addListener(RepositoryEventListener) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Adds a feature to the Listener attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
addListener(MetadataVocabReloadListener) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
Registers a Listener to be notified of MetadataVocabReloadEvents.
addListName(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Adds a single "DLESElistMember" name to the specified list.
addMenuItem(String, String) - Method in class
Adds menu and item to the page.
addMessage(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the MetadataVocab object
addMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
addMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
addMetadata() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
AddMetadataRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
Convenience class for creating NdrRequests to add metadata
AddMetadataRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddMetadataRequest
Constructor for the AddMetadataRequest object
AddMetadataRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddMetadataRequest
Constructor that sets "metadataFor" relationship with provided resourceHandle;
addMetadataRequest(NdrRequest, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Augment provided NdrRequest to form an "addMetadataRequest" request to create a new NDR object.
addMetadataRequest(NdrRequest, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NSDLCollectionWriter
Adds a feature to the MetadataRequest attribute of the NSDLCollectionWriter object
addNativeDataStreamCmd(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
addNativeDataStreamCmd(String, Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
addNcsPropertyCmd(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a property command with the specified property belonging to the dlese namespace.
addNcsPropertyCmd(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a property command with the specified property belonging to the dlese namespace.
addNcsRelationshipCmd(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the NcsRelationshipCmd attribute of the NdrRequest object
addNcsRelationshipCmd(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a property command with the specified property belonging to the dlese namespace.
addNode(XMLNode, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Adds a JDOM element to the current record.
addNodes(String, XMLNode, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Adds one or more like elements to the current record.
addOaiError(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Adds a feature to the Error attribute of the RepositoryForm object
addOaiVisibilityCmd(NDRConstants.OAIVisibilty) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the OaiVisibilityCmd attribute of the NdrRequest object
addOaiVisibilityCmd(NDRConstants.OAIVisibilty, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the OaiVisibilityCmd attribute of the NdrRequest object
addPage(PageList.Page) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Adds a feature to the Page attribute of the PageList object
addPage(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Adds a feature to the Page attribute of the PageList object
addPage(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Adds a feature to the Page attribute of the PageList object
addPlugin(RepositoryWriterPlugin) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriter
Register a RepositoryWriterPlugin.
addQualifiedCommand(Namespace, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the QualifiedCommand attribute of the NdrRequest object
addQualifiedCommand(Namespace, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the QualifiedCommand attribute of the NdrRequest object
addRecord(String, URL, Document, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.EnvelopeWriter
addResource() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
AddResourceRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
* Convenience class for creating NdrRequest to add a Resource
AddResourceRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddResourceRequest
Constructor for the AddResourceRequest object
addScheduledHarvest(ScheduledHarvest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Adds a ScheduledHarvest to this manager or replaces an existing one with the same ID.
addSchemaReader(URI, SchemaReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Adds a feature to the SchemaFile attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
addServiceDescriptionCmd(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a serviceDescription command to the data element.
addServiceDescriptionCmd(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the ServiceDescriptionCmd attribute of the NdrRequest object
addSetInfo(SetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Adds a new set of files to the repository configuration, but does not index them.
addSimilarMirrorUrl(DupSim) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Adds a DupSim instance to the SimilarMirrorUrl attribute of the ValidatorResults object
addSimilarPrimaryUrl(DupSim) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Adds a DupSim instance to the SimilarPrimaryUrl attribute of the ValidatorResults object
addSimilarUrlError(SchemEditActionErrors, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Creates two ActionErrors signifying a similarURL, one for the top of page message, and one for the error message that is attached to a specific field.
addStandardDocument(String) - Method in class
Adds an item to the standardDocuments attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
addStateCmd(NDRConstants.ObjectState) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the StateCmd attribute of the NdrRequest object
addStateCmd(NDRConstants.ObjectState, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Adds a feature to the StateCmd attribute of the NdrRequest object
addStatusMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Adds a feature to the ValidatingMessage attribute of the ThreadedService object
addSubNode(StandardsNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Adds a feature to the SubNode attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
addSubNode(StandardsNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Adds a childNodet to the AsnStandardsNode
addSubNode(StandardsNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Adds a childNodet to the CommCoreStandardsNode
addSubNode(StandardsNode) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Adds a feature to the SubNode attribute of the StandardsNode object
addSubNode(StandardsNode) - Method in class
Adds a childNodet to the TeachersDomainStandardsNode
addSubstitutionGroupMember(GlobalElement) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalElement
NOTE: substitutionGroupMembers must have the same type as head or be derived from head's type
addToAdminDefaultField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Adds the given String to a text field referenced in the index by the field name 'admindefault'.
addToAdminDefaultField(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
Adds the given String to a text field referenced in the index by the field name 'default'.
addToAdminDefaultField(Document, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Indexes the given text into the admin default field.
addToAdminDefaultField(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Adds the given String to a text field referenced in the index by the field name 'default'.
addToAdminDefaultField(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogWriter
Adds the given String to a text field referenced in the index by the field name 'default'.
addToDefaultAndStemsFields(Document, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Indexes the given text into the default and stems fields.
addToDefaultField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Adds the given String to the 'default' and 'stems' fields as text and stemmed text, respectively.
addToDocCount(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.TermDocCount
Adds a feature to the ToDocCount attribute of the TermDocCount object
addToTermCount(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.TermDocCount
Adds a feature to the ToTermCount attribute of the TermDocCount object
addTree(String, AsnStandardsDocument) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
Description of the Method
addUniqueUrlError(SchemEditActionErrors, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Creates two ActionErrors for a "nonUniqueUrl", one for the top of page message, and one for the error message that is attached to a specific field.
addUserAttributeValue(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Adds a single value to a single attribute, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
addUserAttributeValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Adds a single value to a single attribute, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
addUserEntry(String, String[][]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Adds a new LDAP entry for a user, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
addVirtualFieldConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Adds all virtual field/term query definitions (virtualSearchField elements) contained in the given XML configuration String, replacing any previous definitions.
addVirtualFieldConfiguration(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Adds all virtual field/term query definitions (virtualSearchField elements) contained in the given XML configuration file, replacing any previous definitions.
addVirtualFieldConfiguration(URL) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Adds all virtual field/term query definitions (virtualSearchField elements) contained in the given XML configuration file, replacing any previous definitions.
addXSDdatatypeError(SchemEditActionErrors, InputField, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
Adds errors in the case where an invalid value message has been supplied by the XSDDataType validator.
addXslConverterHelper(String, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Adds an XSL converter by parsing a String of the form [ fromFormat | toFormat | xslFileName ].
addXslStylesheet(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Adds a XSL stylesheet that can convert from one XML format to another.
ADMIN_EMAILS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
ADMIN_ROLE - Static variable in class
ADMIN_ROLE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
adminDefaultFieldName - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Admin default field 'admindefault'
adn2asnMap - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMappingInfoMaker
adn_test() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TransformTester
ADNFileIndexingWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Creates a Lucene Document from an ADN-item metadata source file.
ADNFileIndexingWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Create a ADNFileIndexingWriter that indexes the given collection in field collection.
ADNFileIndexingWriter(boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Create a ADNFileIndexingWriter that indexes the given collection in field collection.
ADNFragDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
ADNFragDocReader(String, String, Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
ADNFragDocReader constructor requiring an itemRecordDoc
AdnFrameworkPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn
CATHelperPlugin for the ADN framework
AdnFrameworkPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
ADNItemDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader
Description of the Class
ADNItemDocReader(String, String, Document, MetadataVocab) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
ADNItemDocReader constructor requiring an itemRecordDoc
ADNItemDocReader(String, GetRecordResponse) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Constructor for the ADNItemDocReader object
ADNItemDocReader(String, GetRecordResponse, MetadataVocab) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
parse a GetRecordResponse (a response from a GetRecord request), to create an ADNItemDocReader.
adnMgr - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMappingInfoMaker
adnSearch() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SearchServiceClient
Gets the nCSRecordByTitle attribute of the SearchServiceClient object
AdnStandard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn
Represents an controlled vocabulary item from the ADN educational metadata standard.
AdnStandard(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
Constructor for the AdnStandard object given a ResultDoc instance
AdnStandard.StandardComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn
Description of the Class
ADNToBriefMetaFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from ADN format to the BriefMeta format.
ADNToBriefMetaFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToBriefMetaFormatConverter
ADNToLocalizedFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from ADN format to a localized ADN format, which contains no namespace declarations.
ADNToLocalizedFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToLocalizedFormatConverter
ADNToNSDLDCFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from ADN format to the NSDL DC format.
ADNToNSDLDCFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToNSDLDCFormatConverter
ADNToOAIDCFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from ADN format to the OAI DC format.
ADNToOAIDCFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToOAIDCFormatConverter
After(String, Date) - Static method in class
Constructs a filter for field f matching dates on or after date.
After(String, long) - Static method in class
Constructs a filter for field f matching times on or after time.
agentInit() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AgentReader
AgentReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Extension of NdrObjectReader for accessing properties, dataStreams, and relationships of NDR Agent Objects.
AgentReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AgentReader
Constructor for the AgentReader with provided handle
AgentReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AgentReader
Constructor for the AgentReader object with provided response (to ndr "get" call)
agentReader() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.Tester
agg - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
aggHandle - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
aggregator - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
AggregatorReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Extension of NdrObjectReader for accessing properties, dataStreams, and relationships of NDR Aggregator Objects.
AggregatorReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AggregatorReader
Constructor for the AggregatorReader object at the specified NDR handle.
AggregatorReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AggregatorReader
Constructor for the AggregatorReader object for the provided Document representing a NDR "get" call for a Aggregator object.
aggregatorReaderTester() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.Tester
alignActionsToGuardedPaths() - Method in class
All - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
Class representing the All compositor.
All(ComplexType) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.All
All(ComplexType, Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.All
ALL - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
ALL_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
ALL_VALID_OAI_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
Array of all valid arguments.
ALL_VALID_OAI_ARGUMENTS_MAP - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
Map of all valid arguments.
AllGuard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
CompositorGuard for the All Compositor class.
AllGuard(Compositor, Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.AllGuard
Constructor for the AllGuard object
AllGuard(Compositor, List) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.AllGuard
allItemResultDocs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
allItemsInitialized - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
AllToolsUnitTests - Class in org.dlese.dpc.junit
This class packages and runs unit tests for all DLESE Tools classes that have unit tests written for them.
AllToolsUnitTests() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.junit.AllToolsUnitTests
ancestors - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
ancestors - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Annotation() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Annotation
Constructor for the Annotation object
Annotation(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Annotation
Constructor for the Annotation object
annotation - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Annotation
annotationDocReadersInitialized - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
annotationResultDocs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
annotations - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
ANY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
ANY_GRADE - Static variable in class
AnyTypeInputField - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Helper for translating between http request parameters and metadata elements.
AnyTypeInputField(String, String, SchemaNode, String, InputManager) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.AnyTypeInputField
AnyTypeInputField constructor.
anyTypeMember - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
apiUrl - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
applyMarkup(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Apply specified markup (url, style) to the first occurrence of a substring (link ) of the provided text.
archiveServiceReport(Report) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
arrayContains(String[], String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
asBitSet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocs
ASCENDING - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneFieldComparator
Used to sort in ascending order.
ASCENDING - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Constants
Used to sort in ascending order.
ASCENDING - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jNodeListComparator
Sort ascending.
asDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXML
Get an org.dom4j.Document representation of the inputXML.
asElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
asElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.Contact
asElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DcStream
Returns serviceDescription as an dom4j.Element.
asElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
asElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NsdlDcWriter
Returns serviceDescription as an dom4j.Element.
asElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Returns serviceDescription as an dom4j.Element.
asElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription.Image
asElement() - Method in class
asElement() - Method in class
asList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocs
asMap() - Method in class
Return Constraints as a map, keyed by parameter name
asn2adnMap - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMappingInfoMaker
ASN_PURL_BASE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Constants
ASN_PURL_BASE - Static variable in class
AsnAuthors - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Class to read the ASN authors document from ASN web service and provide author lookup by author purl.
AsnCATPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Abstract class for CATHelperPlugins whose frameworks store ASN identifiers.
AsnCATPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
asnDoc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMappingInfoMaker
asnDoc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
AsnDocInfo - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Bean to hold summary information about AsnDocument for use by the suggestion service.
AsnDocInfo(AsnDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
Constructor for the AsnDocInfo object
AsnDocKey - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
A key representing an ASN StandardDoc that encodes the "author/subject", "topic/jurisdiction", "created date", and "UID" part of the full ASN purl id for the document (e.g., "D10001D0").
AsnDocKey(AsnDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocKey
Constructor for the AsnDocKey object given an AsnDocument
AsnDocKey(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocKey
Constructor for the AsnDocKey object given author, topic and created segments.
AsnDocKey(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocKey
Constructor for the AsnDocKey object with provided field data.
AsnDocStatement - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Extends AsnStatement to capture document-level information from the "asn:StandardDocument" statement of a ASN resolver response or a ASN standards document file.
AsnDocStatement(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocStatement
Constructor for the AsnDocStatement object
AsnDocument - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Encapsulates an ASN Standards Document by reading the source XML file and creating a hierarchy of AsnStandard instances.
AsnDocument(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Constructor for the AsnDocument object given the path to an ASN XML file.
AsnHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Utility class to provide acess to resolution services for ASN topics and authors.
AsnMappingDocument - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util
AsnMappingDocument(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnMappingDocument
AsnMappingStandard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util
Extends AsnStandard with methods to aid the task of mapping asn standards to ADN standards.
AsnMappingStandard(AsnStatement, AsnMappingDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnMappingStandard
Constructor for the AsnMappingStandard object
ASNResReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
ASNResReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ASNResReader
AsnServiceAction - Class in
An Action that handles Web service requests.
AsnServiceAction() - Constructor for class
AsnServiceForm - Class in
ActionForm bean that holds data for AsnService.
AsnServiceForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
AsnServiceForm.DateLabelPair - Class in
AsnServiceHelper - Class in
Class to read all ASN standards documents in specified directory, and provide access to their contents, e.g., getAsnDocument, getStandard.
AsnServiceHelper(String) - Constructor for class
AsnServlet - Class in
Servlet responsible for initializing the ASN resolver service.
AsnServlet() - Constructor for class
AsnStandard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Wraps AsnStatement to expose object based hierarchy information, such as "children" and "ancestors" as AsnStandards rather than ASN IDs, and to expose resolved ASN purl-based Attributes as human-readable strings, such as "Science" rather than "".
AsnStandard(AsnStatement, AsnDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Constructor for the AsnStandard object given an XML Element and the containing AsnDocument instance;
AsnStandardsDocument - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Provides acess to a single ASN Standards Document (and individual standards contained within) via the AsnDocument and AsnStandard classes.
AsnStandardsDocument(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Constructor for the AsnStandardsDocument object
AsnStandardsDocument(AsnDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Constructor for the AsnStandardsDocument object
AsnStandardsManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Provides acess to a single ASN Standards Document (and individual standards contained within) via the AsnDocument and AsnNode classes.
AsnStandardsManager(String, String, File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Constructor for the AsnStandardsManager object
AsnStandardsNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Wraps an AsnStandard object and implements the StandardsNode interface.
AsnStandardsNode(AsnStandard, AsnStandardsNode) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Constructor for the AsnStandardsNode object given an AsnStandard instance and the parent Node.
AsnStatement - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Encapsulates a single statement of an ASN Standards Document or ASN Resolver Response, which are represented as RDF elements, and exposes statement attributes as Strings and Lists.
AsnStatement(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Constructor for the AsnStatement object
AsnSuggestionServiceHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
SuggestionsServiceHelper for the CAT REST standards suggestion service, operating over ASN Standards.
AsnSuggestionServiceHelper(SchemEditForm, CATHelperPlugin) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Constructor for the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object
ASNTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
ASNTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ASNTester
AsnTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
AsnTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnTester
AsnToAdnMapper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn
Provides services for mapping between different standards formats, namely ASN and ADN (dlese), as well as convenience methods for translating between the different gradeRange representations.
AsnToAdnMapper(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
Constructor for the AsnToAdnMapper object
AsnToAdnVerifier - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util
verifies that the asn and adn standards represented in the mappings file correspond to the asn and adn standards.
AsnToAdnVerifier() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnToAdnVerifier
Constructor for the AsnToAdnVerifier object
AsnTopics - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Class to read the ASN topics document from ASN web service and provide topic lookup by topic purl.
AsnUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util
AsnUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util.AsnUtils
AssessmentFormReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
AssessmentFormReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentFormReader
AssessmentReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
AssessmentReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentReader
AssessmentSubTestReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
AssessmentSubTestReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentSubTestReader
assignAttributes(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
NOT USED!! Only override existing attributes if the particular attribute is explicitly defined in the donor element.
assignIDs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabAssignIDs
Assign IDs and check the integrity of the existing ones against a "database" (serialized HashMaps) of IDs.
assignNewSystemId(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.DLESEMetadataVocabTracker
Assign a unique system Id for a new vocabulary value.
assignNewSystemId(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTracker
Assign a unique system Id for a new vocabulary value.
associatedItemResultDocs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
associatedItemsInitialized - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
associateWith(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddAggregatorRequest
Addes "associatedWith" relationship to provided resourceHandle.
associateWith(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyAggregatorRequest
asXML() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXML
Returns a String representation of the InputXML instance for use as a NdrRequest parameter.
attachElementDebugInfo(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Attach a debugging message to this element that can be viewed in the editing form.
attachElementDebugInfo(Element, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Attaches debugging info to a rendered element in the editor, optionally including a border to outline the element.
attachElementDebugInfo(Element, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
attachElementId(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Add an "id" attribute to the provided element, with a value derived from this node's "xpath".
attachLabelDebugInfo(Element, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Description of the Method
attachLabelDebugInfo(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Description of the Method
attachLabelDebugInfo(Label, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
attach debuging information to a label object that is displayed in the editor
attachMessages(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Description of the Method
attachNewElement(String, SchemEditForm, SchemaHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Create a new element and attach it to the instance document
attachToolHelp(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Attach a pop-up tool help message to an element
ATTRIBUTE_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
AttributeGroup - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Wrapper for AttributeGroup definitions in an XML Schema, which are defined as an immediate child of the schema element.
AttributeGroup(Element, String, Namespace, SchemaReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.AttributeGroup
Constructor for the AttributeGroup object
attributes - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocConfig
The attributes that will be made availalbe to DocReaders at search time.
audience - Variable in class
audience - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabResponseMap
audience - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
audiences - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
Auth - Interface in
Auth interface to be extended by concrete Auth classes, such as SchemEditAuth
AUTH - Static variable in class
This TypedPrincipal represents an authentication method.
AUTH_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
authenticate() - Method in interface
authenticate() - Method in class
Perform Authentication
authenticate(String, String, String) - Static method in class
author - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
authorIsAAAS() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Returns true if
authorIsColorado() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Returns true if the author of this AsnDocument is Colorado
AuthorizationFilter - Class in
AuthorizationFilter() - Constructor for class
authorizeToChange(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SignedNdrRequest
authorizeToChange(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SignedNdrRequest
authorizeToChangeMdp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
AuthPrincipal - Class in
A principle for denoting which login module authenticated.
AuthPrincipal(String, int) - Constructor for class
AuthPrincipal(String) - Constructor for class
Create a AuthPrincipal with a name.
AuthPrincipal() - Constructor for class
Create a AuthPrincipal with a blank name.
AuthUtils - Class in
AuthUtils() - Constructor for class
AutoExportTask - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
Export collections at regular intervals.
AutoExportTask(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.AutoExportTask
AutoForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Class to automatically generate jsp pages (using a Renderer class such as DleseEditorRenderer) for editing and viewing of schemedit-based xml documents.
AutoForm(MetaDataFramework) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Constructor for the AutoForm object
AutoForm(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Constructor for the Stand-along AutoForm object, meaning it is created from command line rather than via schemedit.
AutoFormException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Simply wraps Exception.
autoPopulate - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.UserInfo


BAD_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAICodes
BAD_RESUMPTION_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAICodes
BAD_VERB - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAICodes
BadCharChecker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Checks XML documents for presence of bad characters and builds a list of BadCharEntries containing the element xpath and value containing the bad char.
BadCharChecker() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.BadCharChecker
BadCharChecker.BadCharEntry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
BadCharEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.BadCharChecker.BadCharEntry
BadCharTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
baseDir - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
baseUrl - Variable in class
baseUrl - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
BasicLogin - Class in
Superclass for all the com.myjaas.auth.* authorisation modules.
BasicLogin() - Constructor for class
BATCH_DELETE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
batchCopyMoveRecords(RecordList, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Moves a batch of records into the specified collection.
batchDeleteRecords(RecordList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
returns list of records that could not be deleted
batchMoveRecords(RecordList, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Moves a batch of records into the specified collection.
BatchOperationsAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action controlling batch record operations, such as batchDelete, batchStatusUpdate, and batchMove.
BatchOperationsAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.BatchOperationsAction
BatchOperationsForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling batchRecordOperations.
BatchOperationsForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
batchRenderAndWrite() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Create a jsp file for each top-level element of the schema
batchRenderAndWrite() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
batchStatusUpdate(RecordList, StatusEntry) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Updates the status of a set of records (but does not validate or update the lastTouchDate.
beautify(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util.AsnUtils
beautify(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util.AsnUtils
beautifyDir(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util.AsnUtils
Before(String, Date) - Static method in class
Constructs a filter for field f matching dates on or before date.
Before(String, long) - Static method in class
Constructs a filter for field f matching times on or before time.
BEGIN_INDEXING_ALL_COLLECTIONS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Indicates the watcher should begin indexing all collections.
BEGIN_INDEXING_COLLECTION - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Indicates the watcher should update a given collection.
bestPractices - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
bestPracticesLink(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Return a Best Practices link represented as an Element.
bestPracticesLink(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
bestPracticesLink(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Render a Best Practices link for the specified xpath
BLOCK - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Indicates update operations will be blocked until the current one returns.
BOTH_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
BoundingBox - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml
Struct used to hold geospatial bounding box lat lon coordinates.
BoundingBox(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.BoundingBox
Constructor for the BoundingBox object
box(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Description of the Method
box(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
box(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
box(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
BreadCrumbs - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
BreadCrumbs(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BreadCrumbs
BreadCrumbs.Crumb - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
BriefDateFormatString - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
buildQuery(String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Return a query string that will find records for the specified collection.
BUILT_IN_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
BuiltInType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
wrapper for BuiltInType definitions (Element).
BuiltInType(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
Constructor -
BuiltInType(String, Namespace) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType


cacheAuthorsDoc(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnAuthors
Utility to update cached Authors File
cacheRecord(DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Description of the Method
cacheTopicsDoc(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnTopics
Utility to update cached Topics File
Callback - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.index
Interface for callbacks to handle processing Documents.
callbackHandler - Variable in class
canConvert(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Determines whether this XMLConversionService can perform the given converstion.
canDisseminateFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determines whether this repository can disseminate the given format.
CANNOT_DISSEMINATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAICodes
Cas - Class in
Creator Acknowledgement System main interface
CasException - Exception in
CasException Simply wraps Exception.
CasException(String) - Constructor for exception
Wraps the Excepition object
CATALOGER_ROLE - Static variable in class
CATALOGER_ROLE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
catalogers - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
CatchDup - Class in
Catches duplicate resources
CatchDup(long, String, String, long, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the CatchDup object
CATHelperPlugin - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
Interface for framework-specific plugins to the CATServiceHelper
CATRequestConstraints - Class in
Data Structure to manage information passed to the CATRest Service to constrain it's search.
CATRequestConstraints() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the CATRequestConstraints object
CATServiceHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
Run-time support for CAT suggestion service, which acts as intermediary between CAT Service client and Form bean/JSP pages.
CATServiceHelper(SchemEditForm, CATHelperPlugin) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Constructor for the CATServiceHelper object
CATServiceToolkit - Class in
CATServiceToolkit() - Constructor for class
CATServiceToolkit(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the CATServiceToolkit object
CATStandard - Class in
Wraps standard element returned by SuggestCATStandards call.
CATStandard(Element) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the CATStandard object
CATStandardDocument - Class in
Wraps "StandardDocument" elements returned by getAllStandardDocuments call.
CATStandardDocument(Element) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the CATStandardDocument object
CATWebService - Class in
CATWebService() - Constructor for class
CATWebService(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the CATWebService object
CdTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp
CdTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp.CdTester
changeUpdateFrequency(long) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Changes the frequency of reindexing to the new value.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Element data (characters between tags, not used here)
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Element data (characters between tags)
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Element data (characters between tags)
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Element data (characters between tags)
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Element data (characters between tags)
charactersDefinition(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Element data for definitions
charactersUI(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Element data for UIs
CharArrayWrapper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters
A response wrapper that takes the servlet's or JSP's response and saves it into a char[] for use in Filters.
CharArrayWrapper(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Constructor for the CharArrayWrapper object
charEntityMap - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceResolver
Description of the Field
charTest(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
Description of the Method
charTest() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
Description of the Method
check(String, MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.BadCharChecker
check(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.BadCharChecker
Check localized xmlRecord in string form for bad characters
check(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.BadCharChecker
First checks for the presense of a "badChar" in the document as a string, and if one is found creates a list of BadCharEntry
checkForErrorResponse(Document) - Method in class
checkForErrorResponseDDSUpdateWS(Document) - Method in class
Checks for the existance of an error response from a DDS update service request (DDSUpdateWS).
checkForErrorResponseDDSWS(Document) - Method in class
Checks for the existance of an error response from a DDS service request (DDSWS).
checkStatusString(String) - Static method in class
Checks that the specified nm is valid; if not throws MmdException.
checkValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.ChoiceGuard
NOTE: if any of the choice compositor members has a minOccurs of 0, then there need not be any occurrances!
checkValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
checkValid(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
Checks a value against it's datatype.
checkValid(XSDatatype, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
validates a String value against an XSDatatype.
checkValidBCType(String, XSDatatypeManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DateValidator
First make sure value is valid as a "xsd:gYear" and then make sure the max inclusive value is "-0001"
checkValidUnionDate(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DateValidator
We are given a date String.
checkValidValue(InputField) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Validates the value for a given InputField against its dataType.
checkValidValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Checks to see if a value is valid against a specified datatype.
checkValidXsdDate(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DateValidator
Description of the Method
children - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
children - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
children - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
List of child nodes.
Choice - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
Class representing the Choice compositor.
Choice(ComplexType) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
Choice(ComplexType, Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
CHOICE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
choiceCompositor - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeChoice
ChoiceGuard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
CompositorGuard for the Choice compositor.
ChoiceGuard(Compositor, Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.ChoiceGuard
Constructor for the ChoiceGuard object
ChoiceGuard(Compositor, List) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.ChoiceGuard
ChoiceTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
ChoiceTester(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ChoiceTester
chopUrl(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UrlTester
Split given URL into pieces and print them out
CIGlobals - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Reads an XML file containing mappings between ncsrecordid and aggregator handle, and produces an XML file containing more detailed information about the NCS Collection record and the NDR Collection Objects associated with the aggregator.
CIGlobals() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CIGlobals
cleanMap(XMLNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Called by removeNodes to remove a node and its children from the local map.
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Method not supported.
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Method not supported.
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Clears all field/term definitions that are defined.
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Description of the Method
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Description of the Method
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.UcasProxyForm
Description of the Method
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.ErrorLog
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Removes all state information from the CollapseBean.
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
Description of the Method
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
resets the bean's key attributes
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
resets the bean's key attributes
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
resets the bean's key attributes
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.Log
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
clear() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
clearAll() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingServiceData
clearCache() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Clear the cache that holds the totals for histogram nodes
clearDateStrings() - Method in class
Description of the Method
clearGeographyStds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Method
clearLoadErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Clear the load errors
clearLoadWarnings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Clear the load warnings
clearMap(XMLNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
clearMultiValuesCache() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Clear cache of eneration values that are used to optimize property lookup during display of form.
clearNdrInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Removes all content from the NDR info element.
clearNdrInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Remove all ndrInfo from the CollectionConfig and set "authority" to "dcs".
clearNdrInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Clear the ndrInfo element
clearPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
clearRepeatingFieldsToPrune() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Clear the cache of repeating values that stores the repeating elements which may have empty values after form is submitted.
clearScienceStds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Method
clearSearchParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Wipes out information about the last search.
clearServiceReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
clearStatusAttributes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Clears the status attributes (editor, status, statusNote) for batch status change.
clearStatusMessages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Clear status messages
clearSyncErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Clear any errors associated with External repositories, such as the NDR.
clearVocabCache() - Method in class
Description of the Method
clearVocabCache() - Method in class
Description of the Method
ClfLogger - Class in org.dlese.dpc.logging
This implements the DLESE extended form of the combined log format as documented at Apache logs docs.
ClfLogRecord - Class in org.dlese.dpc.logging
Represents a single log record created by ClfLogger.
ClfLogRecord() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
close() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Closes the writers and performs clean-up
close() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogger
closeConnection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.DLESEMetadataVocabTracker
Close the connection to SQL database
closeConnection() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTracker
If a relational database is being used, this should be used to close its connection once the vocabulary has been loaded
CLOSED - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Description of the Field
closeDb() - Method in class
closeDb() - Method in class
Closes the database connection.
closeElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Set the state of the current element (the value returned by getId) to CLOSED.
closeElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Set the state of the specified element to CLOSED.
closeIdMapper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Closes the local Query Object, releasing it's resources.
closeIdMapperQueryObject(Query) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Closes an IDMapper Query object, releasing its resources.
cmpMaps(Map, Map) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.DocContentMap
Compares two docContent Maps - used for debugging and testing.
cmpValLists(List, List) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.DocContentMap
compare the values of a doc field for the cashed and active docs
cmpVals(List, List) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.DocContentMap
Debugging method to compare two value-lists.
codes - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Converts a string that contains escaped hex encoding of the form %HEX back to plain text.Provides the inverse operation of the method encodeFileName()
CollapseBean - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display
Maintains the state of collapsible nodes in the metadata Editor.
CollapseBean() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Constructor for the CollapseBean object
CollapseBeanInitializer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display
Class to initialize a CollapseBean which controls the visibility of fields in the metadata editor.
CollapseBeanInitializer(CollapseBean, Document, MetaDataFramework) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBeanInitializer
Constructor for the CollapseBeanInitializer object
CollapseBeanInitializer(CollapseBean, Document, int, MetaDataFramework) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBeanInitializer
Constructor for the CollapseBeanInitializer object
CollapseUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display
Maintains the state of collapsible nodes in the metadata Editor.
CollapseUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseUtils
collapseWidget - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
collection - Variable in class
collection - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
collection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReport
Collection - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Reads spreadsheet data (xml file created from spreadsheet) with data supplied by NSDL but augmented from NCS Collect records, with the purpose of determining overlaps and gaps between the collection management info in both models.
Collection(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
Constructor for the Collection object
Collection(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
collection - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.IntegrationUtils
COLLECTION - Static variable in class
collection - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
COLLECTION_MAPPINGS_DIR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CIGlobals
CollectionAccessAction - Class in
Controller for viewing and editing user access (roles) for each collection for which the sessionUser has managerial permissions.
CollectionAccessAction() - Constructor for class
CollectionAccessAction.UserRoleBean - Class in
Bean storing User object with a role value.
CollectionAccessForm - Class in
CollectionAccessForm() - Constructor for class
CollectionAccessForm.RoleBean - Class in
CollectionAccessionStatusComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter.CollectionAccessionStatusComparator
CollectionAdopter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Use Case: there is a collection in the ndr that is not represented by a NSDL collection record in the NCS.
CollectionAdopter(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.CollectionAdopter
Constructor for the CollectionAdopter object
collectionAgentPath - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
CollectionCmp - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Reads spreadsheet data (xml file created from spreadsheet) with data supplied by NSDL but augmented from NCS Collect records, with the purpose of determining overlaps and gaps between the collection management info in both models.
CollectionCmp() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionCmp
Constructor for the CollectionCmp object
CollectionConfig - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Holds information about a collection that is accessed via a CollectionConfigReader.
CollectionConfig(File, CollectionRegistry) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Constructor for the CollectionConfig object
CollectionConfig(CollectionConfigReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Constructor for the CollectionConfig object
collectionConfig - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
CollectionConfigAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Controller for the Collection Settings editor.
CollectionConfigAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionConfigAction
CollectionConfigReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Extracts info from a Collection configuration document.
CollectionConfigReader(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Create a CollectionConfigReader.
CollectionConfigTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
CollectionConfigTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CollectionConfigTester
Constructor for the CollectionConfigTester object
CollectionConfigValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Extends SchemEditValidator to provide validation services for collection configuration records.
CollectionConfigValidator(CollectionRegistry, SchemEditForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.CollectionConfigValidator
Constructor for the CollectionConfigValidator object
collectionDocReader - Variable in class
CollectionExporter - Class in
CollectionExporter() - Constructor for class
CollectionFileConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
CollectionFileConverter(MetaDataFramework) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionFileConverter
CollectionImporter - Class in
CollectionImporter() - Constructor for class
CollectionImporter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr
Extracts data from a Collection Metadata object and loads it into the NCS data structures to create a collection, and then creates item-level metadata from MetadataObjects in the NDR (transforming to native format if possible).
CollectionImporter(String, ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
Constructor for the CollectionImporter object (with access to ServletContext)
CollectionImporter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
Constructor for development and debugging purposes (servletContext is not available).
CollectionIndexer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing
Manage collections of records in a DDS repository.
CollectionIndexer(RepositoryManager, IndexingManager) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Constructor for the CollectionIndexer object
CollectionIndexingObserver - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
RepositoryIndexingObsever initializes IDGenerators for each collection after reindexing the entire repository (all collections).
CollectionIndexingObserver(String, CollectionRegistry, RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionIndexingObserver
Constructor for the CollectionIndexingObserver object
CollectionIndexingSession - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing
CollectionIndexingSession(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexingSession
CollectionIndexingSession() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexingSession
CollectionInfo - Class in
Class to cache information about collections obtained from "listCollections" call to DDSServicesToolkit.
CollectionInfo() - Constructor for class
CollectionIntegrationAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action
Action supporing integration of NCS Collect Records and NDR Collections in the NDR
CollectionIntegrationAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.CollectionIntegrationAction
CollectionIntegrationForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling interactions with the NDR.
CollectionIntegrationForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.CollectionIntegrationForm
CollectionIntegrator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Reads spreadsheet data (xml file created from spreadsheet) with data supplied by NSDL but augmented from NCS Collect records, with the purpose of determining overlaps and gaps between the collection management info in both models.
CollectionIntegrator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionIntegrator
Constructor for the CollectionIntegrator object
CollectionLabelValueSorter - Class in
Sort LabelValueBeans representing [collectionName, collectionKey] by the label (collectionName).
CollectionLabelValueSorter() - Constructor for class
collectionMetaName - Variable in class
CollectionReaper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
Deletes a collections by moving metadata records to a "baseTrashDir" directory.
CollectionReaper(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionReaper
Constructor for the debugging the CollectionReaper
CollectionReaper(String, ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionReaper
constructor for use from Schemedit app
collectionRegistry - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
CollectionRegistry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Holds CollectionConfig instances in a map structure, keyed by collection id (e.g., "dcc"); The registry is initialized during system startup by reading from a configDir where the collection config files are located.
CollectionRegistry() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
no-argument Constructor for the CollectionRegistry object
CollectionRegistry(File, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Register collections from configuration directory
CollectionRoleBean(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the CollectionRoleBean object
CollectionRoleBeanSorter() - Constructor for class
CollectionServicesAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action controlling several collection-level operations, including creation, export, validation, and deletion.
CollectionServicesAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionServicesAction
CollectionServicesForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling requests for Collections-based operations, such as creating, deleting, exporting and validating collections.
CollectionServicesForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
CollectionXSLReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Reads spreadsheet data (xml file created from spreadsheet) with data supplied by NSDL but augmented from NCS Collect records, with the purpose of determining overlaps and gaps between the collection management info in both models.
CollectionXSLReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
Constructor for the CollectionXSLReader object
CollectionXSLReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
Constructor for the CollectionXSLReader object taking a path to a tab-delimited* datafile.
CollectionXSLRecord - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Wraps a row from CollectionXSLReader, reprsenting information about a particular collection with the purpose of determining overlaps and gaps between the collection management info in NDR and NCS models.
CollectionXSLRecord(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLRecord
Constructor for the CollectionXSLRecord object
ColoradoBenchmark - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Extends AsnStandard to provide custom "description" for Colorado Benchmarks.
ColoradoBenchmark(AsnStatement, AsnDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.ColoradoBenchmark
Constructor for the ColoradoBenchmark object
ColoradoStandardDisplay - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
ColoradoStandardDisplay() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.ColoradoStandardDisplay
commaDelimitedToArray(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
Converts a comma-delimited string into a String array.
command - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
CommCoreFrameworkPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore
CATService FrameworkPlugin providing information specific to the "comm_core" framework.
CommCoreFrameworkPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreFrameworkPlugin
CommCoreServiceHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore
Run-time support for CAT suggestion service, which acts as intermediary between CAT Service client and Form bean/JSP pages.
CommCoreServiceHelper(SchemEditForm, CATHelperPlugin) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Constructor for the CommCoreServiceHelper object
CommCoreServiceHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore
Class to read all comm-core standards documents in specified directory, and provide access to their contents, e.g., getStdDocument, getStandard.
CommCoreServiceHelper(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Constructor for the CommCoreServiceHelper object
CommCoreServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore
Servlet responsible for initializing the StandardsSuggestionService.
CommCoreServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServlet
CommCoreStandardsDocument - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore
Provides acess to a single CommCore Standards Document (and individual standards contained within) via the StdDocument and Standard classes.
CommCoreStandardsDocument(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Constructor for the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
CommCoreStandardsDocument(StdDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Constructor for the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
CommCoreStandardsManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore
StandardsManager for the CommCore Framework.
CommCoreStandardsManager(String, String, File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsManager
Constructor for the CommCoreStandardsManager object
CommCoreStandardsNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore
Implements the StandardsNode interface using information from a Commcore instance.
CommCoreStandardsNode(Standard, CommCoreStandardsNode) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Constructor for the CommCoreStandardsNode object given a ResultDoc instance
comment(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
CommentEmailer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment
Formats and sends email notifying of a newly suggested resource
CommentEmailer(String, SuggestHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentEmailer
Constructor for the CommentEmailer object
CommentRecord - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment
SuggestionRecord for Suggestors using the "dlese_anno" metadata framework.
CommentRecord(Document, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Creates a new CommentRecord given a LOCALIZED dom4j.Document and SchemaHelper, but doesn't assign an id
commit() - Method in class
This method is called if the LoginContext's overall authentication succeeded (the relevant REQUIRED, REQUISITE, SUFFICIENT and OPTIONAL LoginModules succeeded).
commitSucceeded - Variable in class
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
Provide comparison for sorting Lucene documents alphabetically by "title"
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
Provide comparison for sorting Lucene documents alphabetically by "title"
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneFieldComparator
Compares two ResultDocs for sorting by a Lucene field, indicated at construction time.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter.CollectionAccessionStatusComparator
Compares two collection accession XML nodes for sorting.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.FormatComparator
Campares the format field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NameComparator
Campares the name field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NumDeletedComparator
Campares the numDeleted field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NumFilesComparator
Campares the numFiles field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NumIndexedComparator
Campares the numIndexed field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NumIndexingErrorsComparator
Campares the numIndexingErrors field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.SetSpecComparator
Campares the setSpec field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.StatusComparator
Campares the status field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathComparator
sorts by order in which paths are processed by MetadataFramework.populateFields (and therefore are added to the docMap) so one value doesn't get stomped by another.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SortStatusFlags
Provide comparison for sorting StatusFlag by their label property
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumDoneComparator
Campares the numDone field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumNotValidComparator
Campares the numDone field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumSyncErrorsComparator
Campares the numDone field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumValidComparator
Campares the numDone field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumWorkingComparator
Campares the numWorking field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.SortStatusEntries
Provide comparison for sorting Sugest a URL Records by "lastModified" property
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ElementsOrderer.ElementOrderComparator
Compare two asset Elements which may or not have an "order" attribute
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditActionErrors.DocOrderComparator
sorts by order in which paths are processed by StructureWalker (and therefore are added to the SchemaNodeMap)
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SortInputFieldAscending
Compare InputField objects by their XPath fields (in "natural order"), only taking indexing into account (e.g., "/record/general[1] comes before "record/general[10]").
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SortInputFieldDescending
Compare InputField objects by their XPath fields (in reverse of "natural order")
compare(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
Description of the Method
compare(NSDLCollectionReader, NCSCollectReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
Description of the Method
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
Compare (case insensitive) by usernames
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
Compare the labels of the provided LabelValueBeans.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
A lexical comparison
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean.IdComparator
Campares the session id field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean.IdleTimeComparator
Campares the session id field.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SortRecsByLastMod
Compare InputField objects by their XPath fields (in reverse of "natural order")
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard.StandardComparator
Description of the Method
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.NsdlGradeRangeHelper.GrItemComparator
Compare two GradeRanges to enable "NSDL graderange sort".
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaPathSorter.DocOrderComparator
sorts by order in which paths are processed by StructureWalker (and therefore are added to the SchemaNodeMap)
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SearchServiceClient.TitleComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService.SortReports
Provide comparison for sorting Sugest a URL Records by "lastModified" property
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim.DupSimComparator
Description of the Method
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.SortTermAndDeftns
Provide comparison for sorting Sugest a URL Records by reverse "creation Date"
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.SimSorter
Description of the Method
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileModDateComparator
Compares two Files for sorting by their modification date.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jNodeListComparator
Compares two dom4j Nodes for sorting by an xPath.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap.DocOrderComparator
sorts by order in which paths are processed by StructureWalker (and therefore are added to the SchemaNodeMap)
compare(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Compares two xpaths for "xpath order", using "natuiral" or alphabetical ordering except for when xpath indexing is involved, e.g., "/record/general[3]/foo[5]" is "less than" "/record/general[4]/foo[6]".
compareInfoModels() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
Description of the Method
compareOne() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnMappingDocument
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Compares two ResultDocs for sorting by score.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.TermDocCount
Compares two TermDocCount by the term count.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Compare for sorting purposes
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Compares two SetInfos by the Set Name.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class
Implement Comparable interface
compareWithCatDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
compiledPatterns - Variable in class
COMPLETED_OAI_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
COMPLETED_SERIOUS_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
COMPLETED_SUCCESSFUL - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
completedAnnos - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
completedAnnosByType - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
completedHarvestMessage(int, int, String, String, long, long, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.HarvestMessageHandler
A final report detailing the result of a successful harvest.
completedHarvestMessage(int, int, String, String, long, long, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
A final report detailing the result of a successful harvest, which only occurs if no errors have occured.
completedHarvestMessage(int, int, String, String, long, long, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.SimpleHarvestMessageHandler
A final report detailing the result of a successful harvest.
COMPLEX_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
ComplexType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Wrapper for ComplexType definitions in XML Schemas.
ComplexType(Element, String, Namespace, SchemaReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Constructor for the ComplexType object
ComplexTypeLabel - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Class to render an element label for metadata editors and viewers.
ComplexTypeLabel() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
component - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
compositor - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CompositorTester
The compositor created by CompositorTester for the specified schema, instanceDocument, and xpath;
Compositor - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
Compositor class specifies methods for accessing and validating the "members" of a Compositor Element (i.e., All, Sequence and Choice), as well as the acceptsNewMember method.
Compositor(ComplexType, Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Constructor for the Compositor object.
Compositor(ComplexType) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Constructor for the Compositor object
COMPOSITOR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
CompositorGuard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
The CompositorGuard classes is responsible for enforcing the min and max occurrance schema constraints defined for a Compositor (e.g., All, Choice, or Sequence).
CompositorGuard(Compositor, Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Constructor for the CompositorGuard object
CompositorGuard(Compositor, List) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Constructor for the CompositorGuard object
CompositorMember - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
Represents a *Member* of the Compositor (e.g., All, Sequence, or Choice) specified in ComplexType definition.
CompositorMember(Element, Compositor) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Constructor for the Member object
CompositorMember(GlobalElement) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Construct a CompositorMember given a GlobalElement.
CompositorTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Provides Helpful methods for creating and testing Compositors and CompositorGuards
CompositorTester(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CompositorTester
Constructor for the CompositorTester object
compressions - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
COMPRESSIONS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
conf - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
The index that was searched over.
configPath - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
CONFIGURE_AND_INITIALIZE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Indicates the watcher should update its configuration to get any changes and (re)initialize.
connect() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Connect via this NDR connection.
Constants - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Schemedit Constants
Constants() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Constants
Contact - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Class representing an Contact attribute of the serviceDescription
Contact(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.Contact
Constructor for the Contact object
Contact(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.Contact
contains(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
returns true of the provided id is managed by this RecordList
contains(GradeRange) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRange
Determines if the extents of this GradeRange contain those of provided gradeRange.
contains(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Returns true if the object in the first parameter contains the Object in the second parameter according to the Objects equals method.
contains(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
containsAnalyzer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Determines if an Analyzer is configured for the given field.
containsDirectory(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Determines whether a directory is configured in this SetInfo.
containsDirInfo(DirInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Determines whether a DirInfo that matches the attributes of the given DirInfo already exists in this SetInfo.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Determines whether a given field exists in the Lucene Document.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Determines whether a given field exists in the Lucene Document.
containsKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
Description of the Method
containsKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Description of the Method
containsScheduledHarvest(Long) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Determines whether the given ScheduledHarvest ID is in this manager.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Determines whether the given field value is present in the Lucene Document.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Determines whether the given field value is present in the Lucene Document.
containsValue(ScheduledHarvest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Determine whether the given ScheduledHarvest value is in this manager.
content - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceResolver.ResolverResults
Description of the Field
contentLength - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
The content length of the document returned to the client.
ContentUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit
ContentUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.ContentUtils
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Method called when a context is destroyed.
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Called when context is initialized, sets ServletContext as class attribute.
contractAmpersands(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Contract expanded ampersands (&) that are part of entity references.
Contributor() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Contributor
Constructor for the Contributor object
Contributor(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Contributor
Constructor for the Contributor object
control - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
controls(Roles.Role) - Method in enum
controls(Roles.Role, String) - Method in class
Does this user have a role higher than the provided for the specified collection
controls(RolesTest.Role) - Method in enum org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest.Role
convert(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionFileConverter
convert() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataConverter
Convert a directory of dcs_data files into new format by calling convertFile on each file.
convert(File) - Static method in class
convert(String) - Static method in class
convertDateToString(Date, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Converts a Java Date that into a formatted String.
convertDirectory(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter
convertDirectory(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataConverter
convertedDir - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter
convertFile(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter
Convert file to new format if necessary
convertFile(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataConverter
Convert file to new format if necessary
convertLongToDate(long) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Converts a long representation of time to a Date.
convertMillisecondsToTime(long) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Converts a long that represents time in milliseconds to a String that displays the time in minutes and seconds.
convertQuery(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.adl.LuceneGeospatialQueryConverter
Converts a geospatial query to a Lucene query.
convertQuery(String, String, String, String, String, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.adl.LuceneGeospatialQueryConverter
Converts a geospatial query to a Lucene query.
convertStringToDate(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Converts a String that contains a recognizable date/time to a Java Date object.
convertXML(String, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToBriefMetaFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from ADN to BriefMeta format.
convertXML(String, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToLocalizedFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from ADN to ADN localized.
convertXML(String, XMLDocReader, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToNSDLDCFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from ADN to nsdl_dc format.
convertXML(String, XMLDocReader, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToOAIDCFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from ADN to oai_dc format.
convertXML(String, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESEAnnoToLocalizedFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from DLESE Anno to DLESE Anno localized.
convertXML(String, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESECollectToLocalizedFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from DLESE Collect to DLESE Collect localized.
convertXML(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
convertXML(String, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
convertXML(String, XMLDocReader, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from ADN to oai_dc format.
convertXML(String, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NewsOppsToLocalizedFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from news_opps to news_opps localized.
convertXML(String, XMLDocReader, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from ADN to oai_dc format.
convertXML(String, ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleXMLFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from the input format to the output format by simply adding a coment to the end of the input XML record.
convertXml(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Converts XML from one format to another, without the use of a cache to store or save results.
convertXML(String, XMLDocReader, ServletContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDocumentFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from the input format to the output format and may use content available in the given Lucene Document.
convertXML(String, ServletContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLFormatConverter
Performs XML conversion from the input format to the output format.
coppa - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
copy(File, File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Copys the contents of one file to another, as bytes.
copyDir(File, File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Recursively copies the contents of one directory to another.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileCopy
copyMoveRecord(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Write a copied version of a metadata record into a destination collectioni
copyRecord(String, String, CollectionConfig, User) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Copy the given xml record, inserting new values as specified by the Collection configuration.
copyRecord(String, User) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Create a new record within the same collection as the original.
copyright - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
cost - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
counter - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Keeps track of number of Renderer instantiations to guard against infinite loops
countMembers() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
CountMembersRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
CountMembersRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.CountMembersRequest
Constructor for the CountMembersRequest object
CountMembersRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.CountMembersRequest
Constructor for the CountMembersRequest object given a handle for a Aggregator or MetadataProvider object.
create(String, String, int) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
create(String, String, String[], int) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
create(File, Document, FileIndexingPlugin, HashMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Creates the Lucene Document for the given resource or returns null if unable to create.
CreateADNRecordAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action controlling interaction during creation of ADN records in the DCS.
CreateADNRecordAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateADNRecordAction
CreateADNRecordForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling requests to create ADN Records
CreateADNRecordForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
created - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
createdDate - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
createdDate - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
CreateJavascriptSurveyFromHTMLForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.surveys
Parse the HTML form found (hopefully) at the given URL, and turn it into a Javascript-rendered version that can easily be included in the DLESE site.
CreateJavascriptSurveyFromHTMLForm(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.surveys.CreateJavascriptSurveyFromHTMLForm
Constructor for the CreateJavascriptSurveyFromHTMLForm object
createList(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Creates an empty list of names, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization, and adds the owner as a DLESElistMember of the list.
createLogEntryDoc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Create a log entry Document, storing and indexing the given notes.
CreateMastRecordAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action controlling interaction during creation of records for the "mast" framework, including iteraction with "metaextract" service to populate record fields.
CreateMastRecordAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateMastRecordAction
createModuleConfig(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts.MyModuleConfigFactory
Create and return a newly instansiated MyModuleConfig.
createNewNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Creates a new node at the location specified by the xpath, creating all the necessary nodes along the path in the process.
createNewSiblingNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Creates new node that is a sibling of the node at provided xpath
createRecord(ActionForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
Update the SuggestionRecord (managed by SuggestResourceHelper) with values from the form bean
createRecord(ActionForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
Update the SuggestionRecord (managed by SuggestCommentHelper) with values from the form bean.
createRecord(ActionForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
Update the SuggestionRecord (managed by SuggestResourceHelper) with values from the form bean
CreateRecordAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action controlling interaction during creation of metadata records for frameworks that require an initial data-entry screen before entering the metadata editor.
CreateRecordAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateRecordAction
createStandardsManager(MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceManager
StandardsManager factory that uses a MetaDataFramework and a SuggestionServiceConfig instance to create the appropriate instance.
createUser(String) - Method in class
Create a new User instance for provided user name.
creators - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
creators - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
Crumb(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BreadCrumbs.Crumb
crypt(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.strings.Rot13
Return an encrypted/decrypted version of the given string
cryptPassword(char[]) - Static method in class
Perform MD5 hashing on the supplied password and return a char array containing the encrypted password as a printable string.
currentVocabFramework - Variable in class
currentVocabGroup - Variable in class
currentVocabName - Variable in class
CurriculumStructureReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
CurriculumStructureReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.CurriculumStructureReader


data - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
data - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker.FileError
DATA_TYPES - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
dataAdded(DataEvent) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataListener
Invoked when a DataManager has added new data.
dataChanged(DataEvent) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataListener
Invoked when a DataManager has changed existing data.
DataComponent - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
DataComponent() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.DataComponent
Constructor for the DataComponent object
DataEvent - Class in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
Indicates that an event occurred affecting data managed by a DataManager source.
DataEvent(DataManager) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataEvent
Contruct a DataEvent
dataFile - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionCmp
dataFile - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionIntegrator
dataFile - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MisMatches
DataListener - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
Provides the interface for Objects listening to a DataManager source.
dataManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataEvent
Convenience method for listeners to retrieve the DataManager event source
DataManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
Provides an abstract implementation of a common interface for applications needing to work with a data store.
DataManager() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
dataPath - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
The path to the data store
dataRemoved(DataEvent) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataListener
Invoked when a DataManager has removed data.
dataStore - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
DataStoreTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
DataStreamWrapper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi
DataStreamWrapper() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi.DataStreamWrapper
TODO - make the internal representation nodes, not Strings
DateFieldTools - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.document
Provides support for converting dates to strings and vice-versa using seconds as the default time granularity.
DateFieldTools() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.document.DateFieldTools
DateLabelPair(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm.DateLabelPair
DateLabelPair(String, String) - Constructor for class
DateLabelPair(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DateLabelPair object
DateLabelPair(String, String) - Constructor for class
DateLabelPair(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DateLabelPair object
DateLabelPair(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DateLabelPair object
DateLabelPair(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DateLabelPair object
DateRangeFilter - Class in
Filters Lucene search results based on a range of Dates or times.
DateRangeFilter(String, Date, Date) - Constructor for class
Constructs a filter for field f matching dates between from and to inclusively.
dateToString(Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.document.DateFieldTools
Converts a Date to a string suitable for indexing using resolution to seconds.
DateValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Functions for validating date-related schema data types.
DateValidator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DateValidator
DbConn - Class in
Provides a DB Connection and some low level access methods.
DbConn(int, String) - Constructor for class
dbDriver - Variable in class
DBLogin - Class in
Simple database based authentication module.
DBLogin() - Constructor for class
dbPassword - Variable in class
dbstring(Timestamp) - Static method in class
dbstring(double) - Static method in class
dbstring(int) - Static method in class
dbstring(long) - Static method in class
dbstring(String) - Static method in class
dbstringcom(Timestamp) - Static method in class
dbstringcom(double) - Static method in class
dbstringcom(int) - Static method in class
dbstringcom(long) - Static method in class
dbstringcom(String) - Static method in class
dbstringforce(String) - Static method in class
dbstringforcecom(String) - Static method in class
dbstringsub(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a string suitable for MySQL commands, including escaped quotes and the surrounding single quotes.
dbURL - Variable in class
dbUser - Variable in class
DCS_SPECIAL - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
DCSAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Base Action class that sets up access to global structures as instance variables.
DCSAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
DCSAdminAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Implementation of Action that handles administration of a metadata repository.
DCSAdminAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAdminAction
DCSAdminForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
This class uses the getter methods of the ProviderBean and then adds setter methods for editable fields.
DCSAdminForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Constructor for the DCSAdminForm Bean object
DCSBrowseAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action for handling query requests for browsing a collection in the DCS.
DCSBrowseAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSBrowseAction
DCSBrowseForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
Supports the collection browser of the DCS.
DCSBrowseForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
Constructor for the DCSBrowseForm object
DcsDataConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Converts old style DcsData records (that only mantained a single-entry) into history-aware records.
DcsDataConverter(String, MetaDataFramework) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataConverter
DcsDataConverter Constructor.
DcsDataConverter.DirectoryFilter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
DcsDataDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Reader to extract DcsData (aka "workflow status") information from a LuceneDoc created by DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin.
DcsDataDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
Constructor for the DcsDataDocReader object
DcsDataDocReader(Document, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter.
DcsDataException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Simply wraps Exception.
DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Helper for indexing DCS-specific workflow status information along with the normally-indexed fields for a metadata record.
DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin
dcsDataManager - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
DcsDataManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Provides access to, and caching of DcsDataRecord instances that house workflow status associated with each metadata record managed by the DCS.
DcsDataManager(RepositoryManager, MetaDataFramework, CollectionRegistry) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Create a DcsDataManager.
dcsDataManager - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
DcsDataRecord - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Used to manage dcs_data that is associated with an indexed item-level record.
DcsDataRecord(File, MetaDataFramework, CollectionConfig, DcsDataManager) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Constructor for DcsDataRecord.
dcsDataRecord - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
DcsDataTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Tester for DcsDataRecord and related classes.
DcsDataTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DcsDataTester
Constructor for the DcsDataTester object
DCSQueryAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
DCSQueryAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
DCSQueryForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
A Struts Form bean for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
DCSQueryForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Constructor for the DCSQueryForm object
DCSQueryForm.ParamPair - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
Holds paramter, value pairs.
DcsRecordEditorFix - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Replaces all the occurances of an editor with another .
DcsRecordEditorFix(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DcsRecordEditorFix
Constructor for the DcsRecordEditorFix object
DCSSchemEditAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Controller for the Metdata Editor that handles Indexed records rather than reading and writing records directly to disk.
DCSSchemEditAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
DCSServicesAction - Class in
An Action that handles DCS related web service requests.
DCSServicesAction() - Constructor for class
DCSServicesForm - Class in
An ActionForm bean that holds data for DCS web services.
DCSServicesForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
DCSServicesForm.DateLabelPair - Class in
DCSServiceTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Description of the Class
DCSServiceTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DCSServiceTester
Constructor for the DCSServiceTester object
DcsSetInfo - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Extends SetInfo to provide DCS-specific information about sets (aka collections), such as the number of valid records.
DcsSetInfo(SetInfo) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
Constructor for the DcsSetInfo object
dcsSetInfo - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
DcsSetInfo.NumDoneComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numDone.
DcsSetInfo.NumNotValidComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
DcsSetInfo.NumSyncErrorsComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numDone.
DcsSetInfo.NumValidComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
DcsSetInfo.NumWorkingComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numWorking.
dcsStandardQuery(HttpServletRequest, RepositoryManager, SessionBean, ActionForm, ServletContext) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
Create a query object to search for results specified in request, with custom query expansion.
dcsStatus - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
DcsStatus given to SuggestionRecords
dcsStatusNote - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
dcsStatusNote given to SuggestionRecords
DcStream - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Class to construct serviceDescription elements to be used in NDR Objects (i.e., MetadataProvider and Aggregator), as described at
DcStream() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DcStream
Constructor for the DcStream object
DcStream(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DcStream
Constructor for the DcStream object, given title, description and type values.
DCSViewAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
DCSViewAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSViewAction
DCSViewForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
DCSViewForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Constructor for the DCSViewForm object
DcsViewRecord - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Displays an XML metadata record using the ViewerRenderer.
DcsViewRecord(MetaDataFramework) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
Constructor for the DcsViewRecord object
DcsViewRecord(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
Constructor for the Stand-alone DcsViewRecord object, meaning it is created from command line rather than via schemedit.
DcsViewRenderTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
DDSAdminAction - Class in
Implementation of Action that handles administration of the DDS.
DDSAdminAction() - Constructor for class
DDSAdminForm - Class in
DDSAdminForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSAdminForm object
DDSAdminQueryAction - Class in
A Struts Action for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
DDSAdminQueryAction() - Constructor for class
DDSAdminQueryForm - Class in
A Struts Form bean for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
DDSAdminQueryForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSAdminQueryForm object
DDSAdminQueryForm.ParamPair - Class in
Holds paramter, value pairs.
DDSEditRecordAction - Class in
An Action that handles editing recrods in DDS.
DDSEditRecordAction() - Constructor for class
DDSEditRecordForm - Class in
A bean that holds data for editing records.
DDSEditRecordForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
DDSItemMetaMetadataIndexingPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
A FileIndexingPlugin that indexes meta-metadata about items (educational resources) in the index.
DDSItemMetaMetadataIndexingPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DDSItemMetaMetadataIndexingPlugin
DDSManageCollectionsAction - Class in
A Struts Action for managing the items in the DDS collections.
DDSManageCollectionsAction() - Constructor for class
DDSManageCollectionsForm - Class in
A Struts Form bean for managing the items in the DDS collections.
DDSManageCollectionsForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSManageCollectionsForm object
DDSPerformanceTests - Class in org.dlese.dpc.junit
DDSPerformanceTests() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.junit.DDSPerformanceTests
DDSQueryAction - Class in
A Struts Action for handling display of resource record descriptions, and their various collection info.
DDSQueryAction() - Constructor for class
DDSQueryForm - Class in
A Struts Form bean for handling DDS query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
DDSQueryForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSQueryForm object
DDSQueryForm.ParamPair - Class in
Holds paramter, value pairs.
DDSReportingAction - Class in
An Action that handles DDS related reporting requests.
DDSReportingAction() - Constructor for class
DDSReportingForm - Class in
A bean that holds data for DDS reporting.
DDSReportingForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
DDSRepositoryFetcher - Class in
Downloads entire DDS repositories and writes to local disk using the DDSServicesToolkit.
DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceAction - Class in
An Action that implements a RESTful Web service for performing updates to a DDS repository.
DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceAction() - Constructor for class
DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm - Class in
A ActionForm bean that holds data for DDS repository update web service.
DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
DDSRSS20Action - Class in
An Action that handles RSS 2.0 requests.
DDSRSS20Action() - Constructor for class
DDSRSS20Form - Class in
A ActionForm bean that holds data for DDS RSS requests
DDSRSS20Form() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSRSS20Form object
DDSServiceErrorResponseException - Exception in
Indicates a standard error response was recieved from a DDS service request.
DDSServiceErrorResponseException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for the DDSServiceErrorResponseException object
DDSServicesAction - Class in
An Action that handles DDS Web service requests.
DDSServicesAction() - Constructor for class
DDSServicesAction_1_1 - Class in
An Action that handles DDS Web service requests.
DDSServicesAction_1_1() - Constructor for class
DDSServicesForm - Class in
A ActionForm bean that holds data for DDS web services and has access to vocab info.
DDSServicesForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
DDSServicesForm.DateLabelPair - Class in
DDSServicesForm_1_1 - Class in
A ActionForm bean that holds data for DDS web services and has access to vocab info.
DDSServicesForm_1_1() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
DDSServicesResponse - Class in
Encapsulates a response from a DDSWS or DDSUpdateWS service request.
DDSServicesResponse(String, Document) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSServicesResponse object
DDSServicesToolkit - Class in
Toolkit for working with DDS repository Search and Update Web Services (DDSWS and DDSUpdateWS) for read and write operations.
DDSServicesToolkit(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSServicesToolkit object
DDSServicesUIHelperBean - Class in
A bean that performs functions helpful in the UI.
DDSServicesUIHelperBean() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSServicesUIHelperBean object
DDSServicesUIHelperBean.DateLabelPair - Class in
Object used to store Dates and labels for the dates
DDSServlet - Class in
Provided as an administrative and intialization servlet for the Digital Discovery System (DDS).
DDSServlet() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSServlet object
ddsStandardQuery(HttpServletRequest, String, RepositoryManager, MetadataVocab, ServletContext, int) - Static method in class
Performs textual and field-based searches limited to discoverable items only and using pre-defined search logic.
DDSStandardSearchResult - Class in
Structure that holds the results of a standard DDS text/field search.
DDSStandardSearchResult() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSStandardSearchResult object
DDSStandardSearchResult(ResultDocList, Exception, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSStandardSearchResult object
DDSUtils - Class in
Utility class for working with DDS resources and collections
DDSUtils() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSUtils object
DDSViewCollectionAction - Class in
A Struts Action for handling display of collection info.
DDSViewCollectionAction() - Constructor for class
DDSViewCollectionForm - Class in
A Struts Form bean for handling DDS view collection requests
DDSViewCollectionForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSViewResourceForm object
DDSViewResourceAction - Class in
A Struts Action for handling display of resource record descriptions, and their various collection info.
DDSViewResourceAction() - Constructor for class
DDSViewResourceForm - Class in
A Struts Form bean for handling DDS view resource requests
DDSViewResourceForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the DDSViewResourceForm object
deactivateObject(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Set state to "Inactive" for NDR Object corresponding to handle.
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataHelper
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
debug - Variable in class
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceManager
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Description of the Field
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.Emailer
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.SimSorter
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
debug - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
DEBUG_ON - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy
DebugLogger - Class in org.dlese.dpc.logging
Provides debug logging by wrapping java.util.logging.Logger.
decode(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
Decode an identifier or resumption token.
decode(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Decode a file name.
decodeAnyTypeXpath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Replaces xpath used to access an "anyType" node in the XML Document with a version that is known to the schema.
decodeFileName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Decodes a String that was encoded using the method SerializedDataManager.encodeFileName(String name).
decodeId(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseUtils
decodePath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Removes jsp-encoded xpath indexing from a string
decodeString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.ContentUtils
decodeXPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Converts encoded paths of the form used in jsp pages ( "foo_1_") to a XPath form ("foo[1]").
DEFAULT - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
DEFAULT - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
DEFAULT_AND - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Use to set the boolean search operator to AND.
DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_VALIDATION - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Default dynamic validation support (false).
DEFAULT_FINAL_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Description of the Field
DEFAULT_LINE_CHAR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
DEFAULT_MEMORY_USAGE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Default memory usage report (false).
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Default namespace prefixes (false).
DEFAULT_NAMESPACES - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Default namespaces support (true).
DEFAULT_OR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Use to set the boolean search operator to OR.
DEFAULT_PARSER_NAME - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Default parser name.
DEFAULT_REC_SORT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
DEFAULT_REC_SORT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Specifies the default sort order for display of records.
DEFAULT_SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Default Schema full checking support (false).
DEFAULT_SCHEMA_VALIDATION - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Default Schema validation support (false).
DEFAULT_STATE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Description of the Field
DEFAULT_TAGGINESS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Default "tagginess" report (false).
DEFAULT_TEXT_INPUT_SIZE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
DEFAULT_VALIDATION - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Default validation support (false).
defaultFieldName - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Default field 'default'
defaultValue - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
An optional default for this element
definition - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabList
DefinitionMiner - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
DefinitionMiner builds data structures that aid in processing and validation of XML Instance Documents.
DefinitionMiner(URI, String, Log) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Constructor for the DefinitionMiner object.
DefReportTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
DefReportTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DefReportTester
Constructor for the DefReportTester object
delete(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Deletes an existing data object, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
delete(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Deletes an existing data object iff the object is not locked.
delete(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Deletes an existing data object, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
delete(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Deletes an existing data object iff the object is not locked.
delete(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Deletes an existing data object, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
delete(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Deletes an existing data object iff the object is not locked by another user.
delete(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Deletes an existing data object, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
delete(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Deletes an existing data object iff the object is not locked by another user.
delete() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Delete this record by removing it from the cache, destroying the contents, and deleting the source file from disk.
delete() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
DELETE_COLLECTION_VERB - Static variable in class
Delete Collection
DELETE_RECORD - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
DELETE_RECORD_VERB - Static variable in class
deleteAndReinititlize() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Deletes the index and re-initializes a new, empty one in its place.
deleteCollection(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NDRCollectionUtils
Deletes all objects associated with provided mdpHandle, including aggregator and metadata objects.
deleteCollection(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Removes the metadataProvider and all Metadata Objects associated with given key from the NDR.
deleteCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Delete a collection and all its records from a DDS repository.
deleteCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Delete a collection and all its records from the repository.
deleteCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Unregister a collection and deletes it's configuration file.
deleteCollection(CollectionConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Unregister a collection and delete it's configuration file.
deleteCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Delete a collection from the repository
deleteCollection(CollectionConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriter
Delete a collection from the local repository.
DELETED_RECORD - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
deleteDataStream(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyMetadataRequest
deleteDirectory(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Deletes the files in the given directory from the index and removes it from the configuration.
deleteDirectory(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Deletes the files in the given directory from the index and removes it from the configuration.
deleteDirectory(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Deletes a directory or file and all files and directories within.
deletedRecord - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
deletedRecordsTester() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
deleteEmptyMDPs() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
deleteGuardedPath(GuardedPath) - Method in class
deleteIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Deletes the repository index and re-initializes a new, empty one in its place.
deleteMdp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
deleteNDRCollection(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Removes the metadataProvider, all Metadata Objects, and the aggregator associated with the given mdpHandle from the NDR.
deleteNDRObject(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Marks the object corresponding to the provided handle as "deleted" in the NDR.
deleteNDRObject(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Marks the object corresponding to the provided handle, as well as all subordinate objects (when cascade is true), as "deleted" in the NDR.
deletePref(String) - Method in class
Delete a rref (if the collection is not the default collection)
deletePreviousSessionRecords(CollectionIndexingSession) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Delete all records that DO NOT have the given session ID.
deleteRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Deletes a record in the repository.
deleteRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Deletes a record from the repository if one exists with the given ID.
deleteRecord(String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NdrRepositoryWriterPlugin
deleteRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Delete a record from the repository
deleteRecord(String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriter
Delete a record from the repository.
deleteRecord(String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPlugin
deleteRecord(String) - Method in class
Deletes a record from a DDS repository.
DeleteRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
Convenience class for creating NdrRequests to delete an NDR Object.
DeleteRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.DeleteRequest
Constructor for the DeleteRequest object
DeleteRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.DeleteRequest
Constructor for the DeleteRequest object with provided handle to ndrObject.
DeleteRequest(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.DeleteRequest
Constructor for the DeleteRequest object
deleteRole(String) - Method in class
Delete a role (if the collection is not the default collection)
deleteStaleMDPs(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
deleteStatusEntry(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Remove specified status entry from the status entry list
deleteUser(String) - Method in class
Remove user associated with provided username from registry
delocalizeDocStr(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Insert nameSpaceInformation into the root element to make validation possible.
delocalizeXml(Document, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Insert nameSpaceInformation into the root element
deltaPath(URL, URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Compute a "delta" between two URLs that serves as a measure of their similarity.
deltaPathLen(URL, URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Find the difference between the path lengths of two urls.
deltaPathLen(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Returns the difference in path lengths of two urls represented as strings
deriveByUnion(SimpleType) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
Description of the Method
DESCENDING - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneFieldComparator
Used to sort in descending order.
DESCENDING - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Constants
Used to sort in descending order.
DESCENDING - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jNodeListComparator
Sort descending.
description - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
description - Variable in class
description - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker.FileError
description - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
DESCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
destroy() - Method in class
Shut down sequence.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Release map resources for GC after processing.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
This method is called at the conclusion of processing and may be used for tear-down.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
This method is called at the conclusion of processing and may be used for tear-down.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Release map resources for GC after processing.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorFileIndexingWriter
Does nothing.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
This method is called at the conclusion of processing and may be used for tear-down.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
This method is called at the conclusion of processing and may be used for tear-down.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
This method is called at the conclusion of processing and may be used for tear-down.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
This method is called at the conclusion of processing and may be used for tear-down.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Does nothing.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NDRServlet
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Issue the abort indexing event to watchers and shut down the IndexingManager
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Tear down and clean up by gracefully stopping threads.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
This method is called at the conclusion of processing and may be used for tear-down.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
This method is called at the conclusion of processing and may be used for tear-down.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
This method is called at the conclusion of processing and may be used for tear-down.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Destroys the loaded frameworks
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.RecordValidationFilter
Destroy is called at application shut-down time.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditServlet
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class
Destroy the datastructures for this User object
destroy() - Method in class
Destroy this Usermanager and all the managed users.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Release locked records
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SetupServlet
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Set all data structures for this DleseStandardsDocument to null
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
destroy() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsDocument
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteSearcher
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.SearchServiceClient
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServlet
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestCommentServlet
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestResourceServlet
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
Shut down sequence.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.GzipFilter
Destroy is called at application shut-down time.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.JavaScriptWritelnFilter
Destroy is called at application shut-down time.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLPostProcessingFilter
Destroy is called at application shut-down time.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLValidationFilter
Destroy is called at application shut-down time.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Releases all resources and calls finalize method.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
Should release resources and call the finalize method.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Should release resources and call the finalize method.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaViewerServlet
Performs shutdown operations.
destroy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
Description of the Method
destroy() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLMap
Should release resources and call the finalize method.
details() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
details() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
DevelTools - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Utilities for cleaning up NDR test repository.
DevelTools() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
df - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
df - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
df - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
The DataType of the element to be rendered.
df - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
df - Variable in class
DirectoryFilter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter.DirectoryFilter
DirectoryFilter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataConverter.DirectoryFilter
directoryUri - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
DirInfo - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Data structure that holds information about a directory of metadata files.
DirInfo() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Constructor for the DirInfo object
DirInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Constructor for the DirInfo object
dirSep - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
The char used to separate files in the native file system.
dirSepStr - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
The String used to separate files in the native file system.
disableSet(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Disabled the given set of files from discovery.
DISPLAY_MODE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
displayableAssociatedItemResultDocs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
displayableAssociatedItemsInitialized - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
displayAllParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Debugging method to display all request parameters
displayAnyTypeFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Displays the InputFields corresponding to metadata fields that are Elements.
displayAttributeFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Displays the InputFields corresponding to metadata fields that are Attributes.
displayAttributes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
Displays specific info about all the SchemaNodeMap schemaNodes that wrap attribute elements from the schema
displayCompositors(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
Gets the compositors attribute of the SchemaHelperTester object
displayElementFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Displays the InputFields corresponding to metadata fields that are Elements.
displayEmptyMDPs() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
Display MDPs that have no items
displayEntityErrorFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Displays the InputFields corresponding to metadata fields that are Elements.
displayMultiValueFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Displays the InputFields corresponding to metadata fields that allow for multiple values (for debugging).
displayRecentMDPs() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
displayStaleMDPs(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
displayStateMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Debugging utility
displaySuggestions(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
displaySuggestions(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
dlese_anno_tests() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
DLESE_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
DLESE_TEST_AGENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
DleseAnnoDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed from a DLESE annotation-level metadata record.
DleseAnnoDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Constructor for the DleseAnnoDocReader object
DleseAnnoDocReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document that was created by a FileIndexingServiceWriter.
DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Creates a Lucene Documents for a DLESE annotation record.
DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Create a DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
DLESEAnnoToLocalizedFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from DLESE Anno format to a localized DLESE Anno format, which contains no namespace declarations.
DLESEAnnoToLocalizedFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESEAnnoToLocalizedFormatConverter
DleseAsUseCaseHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr
Just a few examples of fetching info from NDR.
DleseAsUseCaseHelper() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.DleseAsUseCaseHelper
DleseBean - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps
Provided here only to support the DLESE metadata object types required by the the DleseXMLReader class.
DleseBean() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Constructor for the DleseBean object
DleseBean.Annotation - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps
Provides an object definition for representing an annotation as specified by the DLESE metadata framework.
DleseBean.Contributor - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps
Provides an object definition for representing a contributor as specified by the DLESE metadata framework.
DleseBean.GeoReference - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps
Provides an object definition for representing a geo-reference as specified by the DLESE metadata framework.
DleseBean.Relation - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps
Provides an object definition for representing a relation as specified by the DLESE metadata framework.
DleseBean.ResourceType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps
Provides an object definition for representing the learning resource types of a DLESE resource, as specified by the DLESE metadata framework.
DleseBean.TechnicalReq - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps
Provides an object definition for representing the technical requirements of a DLESE resource, as specified by the DLESE metadata framework.
DleseCollectionDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed from a DLESE collection-level metadata record.
DleseCollectionDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Constructor for the DleseCollectionDocReader object
DleseCollectionDocReader(Document, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter.
DleseCollectionDocReader.Contributor - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean that holds information about a DLESE contributor.
DleseCollectionDocReader.OrganizationContributor - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean that holds information about a DLESE contributor that is an organization.
DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean that holds information about a DLESE contributor that is a person.
DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Used to write a Lucene Document for a DLESE Collection XML record.
DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Create a DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter.
DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter.CollectionAccessionStatusComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Allows sorting of a Collection accession status XML Node, by date giving precedence to status = accessioned if dates are equal.
DLESECollectToLocalizedFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from DLESE Collect format to a localized DLESE Collect format, which contains no namespace declarations.
DLESECollectToLocalizedFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESECollectToLocalizedFormatConverter
DleseEditorRenderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Renders JSP for DLESE metadata frameworks, adding functionality for choosing from suggested standards, and other dlese-specific input objects, including: Rendering multiBox elements using either Fields File, MUI groups, or StandardsManager (for suggestion service) Rendering repeating elements as MdeStdNode if element has been configured to use standards manager Rendering of textInput elements as textAreas for configured elements of "concepts" and "fields_files" frameworks idiosyncratic rendering of xsd:string elements for certain fields in "adn" and "dlese_anno" frameworks
DleseEditorRenderer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DleseEditorRenderer
dleseId - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
If full: DLESE ID of the record returned.
DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Creates a Lucene Document from a DLESE-IMS XML source file.
DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Create a DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
DleseLogManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.logging
Overall log manager.
DleseLogManager() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.logging.DleseLogManager
DLESEMetadataVocabTracker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
DLESE metadata vocabulary tracker (Id assignment, tracking of changes).
DLESEMetadataVocabTracker(MetadataVocab, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.DLESEMetadataVocabTracker
Constructor for the DLESEMetadataVocabTracker object
DleseStandardsDocument - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn
StandardsDocument for the ADN Framework.
DleseStandardsDocument(SchemaHelper, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Constructor for the DleseStandardsDocument object
DleseStandardsDocument(SchemaHelper, List) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Constructor for the DleseStandardsDocument object
DleseStandardsManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn
StandardsManager for the ADN Framework.
DleseStandardsManager(String, String, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsManager
Constructor for the DleseStandardsManager object
DleseStandardsManager(String, List, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsManager
Constructor for the DleseStandardsManager object
DleseStandardsNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn
Node in a hierarchical structure of content standards, determined by the colon-separated reperesentation of individual standards.
DleseStandardsNode(String, DleseStandardsNode, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Constructor for the DleseStandardsNode object given a ResultDoc instance
DleseSuggestionServiceHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn
CATServiceHelper that converts ASN standards to ADN representation and back for use with the ADN metadataFramework.
DleseSuggestionServiceHelper(SchemEditForm, CATHelperPlugin) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseSuggestionServiceHelper
Constructor for the DleseSuggestionServiceHelper object
DleseSuggestionServiceHelper(AsnToAdnMapper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseSuggestionServiceHelper
Constructor for the DleseSuggestionServiceHelper object
DleseXMLReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps
This class provides mapping between DLESE metadata values and the corresponding XML metadata record.
DleseXMLReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Default constructor is restricted to assure that a file directory is provided on object creation.
DleseXMLReader(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
DleseXMLReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
doAfterBody() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.tags.StoreBodyTag
Description of the Method
doc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
The Lucene Document that is being read.
doc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
doc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
doc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
doc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
doc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestionRecord
doc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
The JDOM document this record maps.
DocContentMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Utilities for comparing metadata records for content-based equality (rather than structural equality).
docMap - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
docMap - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
docMap - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.InsertTester
docMap - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestionRecord
DocMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
DocMap wraps a dom4j Document providing get and put methods for use with a Map-Backed Action form.
DocMap(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Constructor for the DocMap object
DocMap(Document, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Constructor for the DocMap object
DocOrderComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditActionErrors.DocOrderComparator
DocOrderComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaPathSorter.DocOrderComparator
DocOrderComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap.DocOrderComparator
DocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
An abstract bean for accessing the data stored in the Lucene Documents that are returned from a search.
DocReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document that was created by a DocWriter.
DocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Constructor that initializes an empty DocReader.
docReader - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
DocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
documentation - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
DocumentMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A Map for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document as field/value pairs.
DocumentMap(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Constructor for the DocumentMap object.
DocumentMap() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Constructor for the DocumentMap object.
DocumentPruner - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Prunes empty, non-schema-required elements and attributes from a Document.
DocWriter - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Abstract class for creating a typed Lucene Document.
doDelete(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
Handle DELETE requests.
doDelete(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
Handle DELETE requests.
doDeleteCollection(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to delete a collection from a DDS repository.
doDeleteRecord(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to delete a metadata record into a DDS repository.
doEndTag() - Method in class
Highlight keywords in the text of the tag's body
doEndTag() - Method in class
Description of the Method
doEndTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Description of the Method
doEndTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabGetOPMLTag
Description of the Method
doEndTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabGetResponseOPMLTag
Description of the Method
doEndTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSetResponseGroupTag
Description of the Method
doEndTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSetResponseValueTag
Description of the Method
doEndTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Description of the Method
doExportCollection(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DCSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
This filter gets every page request, and must decide how to handle each one.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
This filter gets every webservices request, and simply passes it on without authorizing.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
This filter gets every webservices request, and simply passes it on without authorizing.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.GzipFilter
Performs gzipping of the response content.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.JavaScriptWritelnFilter
Converts the http response into a JavaScript output if parameter rt=jsvar or rt=jswl.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLPostProcessingFilter
Performs XML post-processing and gzipping of the response.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLValidationFilter
Performs XML validation and gzipping of the HTTP response content.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class edu.colorado.bolt.cms.ValidateQuery
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
The standard required servlet method, just parses the request header for known parameters.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
Handle GET requests.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
Handle GET requests.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ActionServlet
The standard required servlet method, just parses the request header for known parameters.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriSpoofServlet
Look at the requested URI and translate it to dynamic (but hidden to client) request
doGetId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Requests an id from DCS getId web service.
doGetId(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DCSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to generate an id for a specified collection.
doGetRecord(HttpServletRequest, ActionMapping, int, RepositoryManager, RepositoryForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Handles the OAI GetRecord request.
doGetRecord(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to get a given record from the repository.
doGetRecord(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, JSHTMLForm_1_1, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to get a given record from the repository.
doGetStandard(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AsnServiceForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a GetStandards request.
doHarvest(String, String, String, Date, Date, String, boolean, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Performs the harvest.
doIdentify(HttpServletRequest, ActionMapping, int, RepositoryManager, RepositoryForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Handles the OAI Identify request.
doImport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
doInit(Document, ResultDoc, float, ResultDocConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Called by ResultDoc at search time to initialize a new instance of a DocReader.
doInit(String, Element, RendererHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Constructor for the Renderer object
doInit(String, Element, GlobalDef, RendererHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Constructor for the Renderer object in which the dataType to render is specified (rather than being determined by the schemaNode at xpath .
doInit(String, Element, GlobalDef, RendererHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
doListCollections(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to get a the available collections.
doListFields(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to get a list of the fields in the index.
doListMetadataFormats(HttpServletRequest, ActionMapping, int, RepositoryManager, RepositoryForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Handles the OAI ListMetadataFormats request.
doListRecordsOrIdentifiers(HttpServletRequest, ActionMapping, int, RepositoryManager, RepositoryForm, String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Handles the OAI ListRecords or ListIdentifiers requests.
doListSets(HttpServletRequest, ActionMapping, int, RepositoryManager, RepositoryForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Handles the OAI ListSets request.
doListStandards(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AsnServiceForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a ListStandards request.
doListTerms(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to get a list of terms for given field(s) in the index.
doListVocabEntries(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping, String) - Method in class
Handles a request to list a vocab and it's values including GradeRanges, Subjects, ResourceTypes and ContentStandards.
doListXmlFormats(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to get a the available XML formats.
dom4j2JavaBean(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Takes a dom4j Node that contains an XML serialized JavaBean and returns a JavaBean Object.
Dom4jNodeListComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Compares two dom4j nodes using an xPath.
Dom4jNodeListComparator(String, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jNodeListComparator
Constructor that allows setting the sort order by ascending or descending.
Dom4jNodeListComparator(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jNodeListComparator
Default constructor that sorts descending.
Dom4jTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
Dom4jUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Utility methods for working with dom4j Documents.
Dom4jUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
DOMAIN - Static variable in class
This TypedPrincipal represents the domain name or SID.
doneLoading() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Invoked when XML parsing completes
doneLoading() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Invoked when all OPML files have been loaded
doneLoading() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
When all vocabs are loaded, generate the Lucene queries, register all current UI labels into the database, and close any database connection
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class edu.colorado.bolt.cms.ValidateQuery
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Standard doPost method forwards to doGet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
Handle POST requests.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
Handle POST requests.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ActionServlet
Standard doPost method forwards to doGet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriSpoofServlet
Hand control off to doGet (to easily support both at once)
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
Standard doPost method forwards to doGet
doPut(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
Handle PUT requests.
doPut(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
Handle PUT requests.
doPutCollection(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to put a collection into a DDS repository.
doPutRecord(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Generate an ID and insert it in the recordXML before calling the PutRecord web service
doPutRecord(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
doPutRecord(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Assumes id is already placed in the xmlRecord.
doPutRecord(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DCSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to put a metadata record into the repository.
doPutRecord(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to put a metadata record into a DDS repository.
doQname(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
doRecommendCollection(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RecommenderForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
doRecommendResource(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RecommenderForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to put a metadata record into the repository.
doReloadSchema(SchemEditAdminForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionErrors, ActionErrors) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SchemEditAdminAction
Description of the Method
doRssSearch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSRSS20Form, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to perform a search over item-level records, returning a response in RSS 2.0 format.
doSearch(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
doSearch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to perform a search over all records using the Lucene Query Language.
doSearch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, JSHTMLForm_1_1, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to perform a search over all records using the Lucene Query Language.
doSend(String[], String, String, String) - Method in class
Sends email to the given address(es).
doSend(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Sends email to the given address.
doSendEmail(String[], String, String, String) - Method in class
Sends email to the given address(es).
doServiceInfo(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AsnServiceForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to get a the service information.
doServiceInfo(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to get a the service information.
doStartTag() - Method in class
Return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED for evaluation of body text
doStartTag() - Method in class
Return EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED for evaluation of body text
doStartTag() - Method in class
Description of the Method
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.tags.ReadFileTag
Read the file, spit it out
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Description of the Method
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabHiddenInputsTag
Render hidden inputs
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabSelectListTag
Description of the Method
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
Start tag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Render vocab as collapsable tree menu
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
Start tag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Description of the Method
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabGetOPMLTag
Set one of a potential list of response values
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabGetResponseOPMLTag
Get OPML subset defined by responses cached using MetadataVocabSetResponseTag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabHiddenInputsTag
Render hidden inputs
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSelectListTag
Description of the Method
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSetResponseGroupTag
Set one of a potential list of response values
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSetResponseValueTag
Set one of a potential list of response values
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
Start tag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTranslateValueTag
Start tag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Render vocab as collapsable tree menu
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabUiDisplayTag
Start tag
doStartTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
Start tag
doUpdateStatus(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DCSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to put a metadata record into the repository.
doUrlCheck(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DCSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
doUrlCheck(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to check the repository for the existence of a given URL.
doUserSearch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, DDSServicesForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to perform a search over item-level records using the User Query Language.
doUserSearch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager, JSHTMLForm_1_1, Map, ActionMapping) - Method in class
Handles a request to perform a search over item-level records using the User Query Language.
doValidateDir(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidationTester
doValidateFile(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidationTester
doValidateString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidationTester
get the xml as string from file at path and validate it as string
doWithDocument(Document) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.Callback
Callback method for processing Documents.
doWithDocument(Callback, String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Calls the callback function of cal for each document matching the terms in the given field
doWithDocument(Callback, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Calls the callback function of cal for each document matching the term in the given field
DownLoadedFile - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets
Utility to download a URL and provide information about it, such as it's contentType, contentLength, binary content, etc
DownLoadedFile(URL) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.DownLoadedFile
Constructor for the DownLoadedFile object
DpcErrors - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
Overall compendium of error codes for DLESE DPC software components.
DpcErrors() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
DRC_BOOST_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
dsFormats - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
dsTester() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
DUPLICATE_PATH - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
DUPLICATE_VOCAB - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
DupSim - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url
Class to hold results of searches for duplicate or similar URLs.
DupSim() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Constructor for the DupSim object
DupSim(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Constructor for the DupSim object
DupSim(ADNItemDocReader, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Constructor for the DupSim object
DupSim.DupSimComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url
Description of the Class
DupSimComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim.DupSimComparator
DupSimUrlChecker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url
Checks for duplicate and similar urls within a specific collection.
DupSimUrlChecker(String, String, ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSimUrlChecker
Constructor for the DupSimUrlChecker object, requiring ServletContext.
DYNAMIC_VALIDATION_FEATURE_ID - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Dynamic validation feature id (
DynaStandardsManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Manages a set of Standards Documents (e.g.
DynaStandardsManager(String, String, File, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.DynaStandardsManager
Constructor for the DynaStandardsManager object, which reads all files within (recursively) the specified "standardsDirectory".


EARLIEST_DATESTAMP - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
earliestDatestamp - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
EDIT_MODE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
editMeTag - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
EditorRenderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Renders JSP for metadata editing with controls for adding new elements or deleting optional elements as well as for collapsible elements.
EditorRenderer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorRenderer
editors - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
EditorViewerRenderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Renders JSP for viewing (rather than editing) XML documents in the MetaData Editor.
EditorViewerRenderer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewerRenderer
EditorViewRecord - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Supports creation of jsp to view (as opposed to edit) an entire MetaDataRecord within the metadata editor.
EditorViewRecord(MetaDataFramework) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewRecord
Constructor for the EditorViewRecord object
EditorViewRecord(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewRecord
Constructor for the Stand-alone DcsViewRecord object, meaning it is created from command line rather than via schemedit.
EditorViewRenderTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
edu.colorado.bolt.cms - package edu.colorado.bolt.cms
edu.ucsb.adl - package edu.ucsb.adl
element - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLRecord
element - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
element - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
element - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
element - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
ELEMENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
element - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
element - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
element - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
The JDOM XML element this node wraps.
ELEMENT_REF - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
ElementOrderComparator(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ElementsOrderer.ElementOrderComparator
Constructor for the ElementOrderComparator object
ElementsOrderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Orders instance doc elements based an "ordering" attribute.
ElementsOrderer.ElementOrderComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Comparator to order elements, using a specified "order" attribute.
elementToJsp(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Perform any modifications to the XML to create legal JSP.
email - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.Contact
Emailer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest
Formats and sends an email message notifying of a suggestion.
Emailer(String, SuggestHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.Emailer
Constructor for the Emailer object
embedDebugInfo(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Embed a debugging string in the provided element that can be viewed in HTML source.
embedDebugInfo(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
EMPTY_ARRAY - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
EMPTY_ARRAY - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
EMPTY_LIST - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
EMPTY_LIST - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
emptyRepeatingElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingNode
Render jsp element for adding a new repeating element that will be shown when there are no existing values for this field in the instance document.
enableSet(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Enables the given set of files for discovery.
encode(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
Encode an identifier or resumption token.
encode(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Encode a file name for file system compatibility.
encodeAnyTypeXpath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Replaces xpath having node name of "any" with a wild-card version that can actually access the any element (which is anonymous) in the XML Document.
encodeCharacterEntityReferences(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLTools
Encodes a regular String with caracter entity references, for example the ampersand character & becomes &.
encodeCharsInString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Substitutes escape chars for certain sensitive characthers that don't play well in file names or file paths.
ENCODED_FIELDS - Static variable in class
A list of all fields that are indexed in encoded form via SimpleLuceneIndex.encodeToTerm()
encodeFileName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Encodes a String so that it is suitable for use as a file name by encoding all non letter or digit chars such as "/" and ":" into escaped hex values of the form _HEX.
encodeId(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseUtils
encodeIndexId(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Given a "siblingPath" (xpath with no indexing on leaf node), create a javascript variable to use for indexed elements.
encodeIndexId(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RegExTester
encodeLatitude(double) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.adl.LuceneGeospatialQueryConverter
Encodes a latitude to a textual form that supports numeric ordering.
encodeLatitude(String) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.adl.LuceneGeospatialQueryConverter
Encodes a latitude to a textual form that supports numeric ordering.
encodeLongitude(double) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.adl.LuceneGeospatialQueryConverter
Encodes a longitude to a textual form that supports numeric ordering.
encodeLongitude(String) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.adl.LuceneGeospatialQueryConverter
Encodes a longitude to a textual form that supports numeric ordering.
encodePathIfAnyType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
encodeStringIntoHex(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Substitutes hex values for all characters EXCEPT digits, letters, and the chars shown below.
encodeToSearchTerm(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Encodes a String to a single term for searching over fields that have been indexed encoded.
encodeToSearchTerms(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Encodes a String to a String for searching over fields that have been indexed encoded.
encodeToString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.ContentUtils
encodeToString(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.ContentUtils
encodeToTerm(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Encodes a String to an appropriate format that can be indexed as a single term using a StandardAnalyzer.
encodeToTerm(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Encodes a String to an appropriate format that can be indexed as a single term using a StandardAnalyzer.
encodeToTerm(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Encodes a String to an appropriate format that can be indexed as a single term or terms using a StandardAnalyzer.
encodeToTerm(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Same as {org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex#encodeToTerm(String)}.
encodeToTerm(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Same as {org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex#encodeToTerm(String,boolean)}.
encodeXPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Converts indexed paths of the form ("foo[1]") to the form used in jsp pages ( "foo_1_")
endCDATA() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
endDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Invoked at the end of parsing.
endDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
endDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
endDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Invoked at the end of parsing.
endDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Invoked at the end of parsing.
endDTD() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Invoked upon closing tag of an XML element (not used here)
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Invoked upon closing tag of an XML element
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Invoked upon closing tag of an XML element
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Invoked upon closing tag of an XML element
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Invoked upon closing tag of an XML element
endElementDefinition(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) End element for definitions
endElementUI(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) End element for UIs
endEntity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
endPrefixMapping(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneStopWords
Keep a copy of the stop words here in case the Lucene package is not available
EngPathFrameworkPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin
CATService FrameworkPlugin providing information specific to the res_qual framework.
EngPathFrameworkPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.EngPathFrameworkPlugin
EnsureMinimalDocument - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Preprocesses instance documents to ensure required paths are present so even if the metadata framework changes, the older documents can still be edited.
entryElement - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
entrySet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Gets the Set of field/value entries for the Lucene Document.
entrySet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Gets the Set of field/value entries for the Lucene Document.
enumTester() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
EnvelopeWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets
EnvReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
Read environment variables from an application.
EnvReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.EnvReader
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader.RelatedResource
True if the two RelatedResource URLs and kind are the same.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Checks equality of two ScheduledHarvest objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Checks equality of two DirInfo objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexingSession
Checks equality of two CollectionIndexingSession objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Checks equality of two MetadataFormatInfo objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Checks equality of two SetInfo objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Compares the specified Object with this TypedPrincipal for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Define equality for HashMap
equals(DleseBean.Annotation) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Annotation
equals(DleseBean.Contributor) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Contributor
equals(DleseBean.GeoReference) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.GeoReference
equals(DleseBean.Relation) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Relation
equals(DleseBean.ResourceType) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.ResourceType
equals(DleseBean.TechnicalReq) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.TechnicalReq
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class edu.colorado.bolt.cms.ValidateQuery
error - Variable in class
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Handles errors.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester.ForgivingErrorHandler
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester.MyErrorHandler
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator.MyErrorHandler
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
error_code - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker.FileError
ERROR_CODE_BAD_ADDITIONAL_METADATA - Static variable in exception org.dlese.dpc.repository.PutCollectionException
ERROR_CODE_BAD_FORMAT_SPECIFIER - Static variable in exception org.dlese.dpc.repository.PutCollectionException
ERROR_CODE_BAD_KEY - Static variable in exception org.dlese.dpc.repository.PutCollectionException
ERROR_CODE_BAD_TITLE - Static variable in exception org.dlese.dpc.repository.PutCollectionException
ERROR_CODE_BADARGUMENT - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_BADARGUMENT - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_BADQUERY - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_BADVERB - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_BADVERB - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_COLLECTION_EXISTS_IN_ANOTHER_FORMAT - Static variable in exception org.dlese.dpc.repository.PutCollectionException
ERROR_CODE_IDDOESNOTEXIST - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_ILLEGAL_OPERATION - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.dlese.dpc.repository.PutCollectionException
ERROR_CODE_IO_ERROR - Static variable in exception org.dlese.dpc.repository.PutCollectionException
ERROR_CODE_NORECORDSMATCH - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_NOTAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_NOTAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class
ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_DISABLED - Static variable in class
errorDisplay(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Display vocab error as HTML
ErrorDocException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Exception that may be used to pass text and keywords to be written to the index by the ErrorFileIndexingWriter if an error occurs during indexing.
ErrorDocException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorDocException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
ErrorDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed by a ErrorFileIndexingWriter, which occurs when there is an error while indexing a given file.
ErrorDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Constructor for the ErrorDocReader object
ErrorDocReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a FileIndexingServiceWriter.
ErrorFileIndexingWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Writes a Lucene Document that represents an error that has occured in in indexing a File.
ErrorFileIndexingWriter(Throwable) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorFileIndexingWriter
Constructor for the ErrorFileIndexingWriter object
ErrorLog - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
ErrorLog() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.ErrorLog
ErrorLog.LogEntry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
ErrorManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity
ErrorManager() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.ErrorManager
errorMessage(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.HarvestMessageHandler
A serios error that occured during the harvest, preventing it from completing.
errorMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
A serios error that occured during the harvest, preventing it from completing.
errorMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.SimpleHarvestMessageHandler
A serios error that occured during the harvest, preventing it from completing.
errorMsg - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
errorMsg - Variable in class
errors - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceResolver.ResolverResults
Description of the Field
escape(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Escapes all Lucene QueryParser reserved characters with a preceeding \.
escape(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Escapes the Lucene QueryParser reserved characters with a preceeding \ except those included in preserveChars.
escapeQuotes(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.strings.StringUtil
Escape any single or double quotes within a string (usefull for strings that will be placed inside HTML inputs)
escapeQuotesSQL(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.strings.StringUtil
SQL strings use ' as delimeter, so inner quotes must be converted to ''
escapeUriSpaces(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Escape spaces in the given uriStr so that it may be accepted by URI constructor.
escapeWindowsPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Escapes a Windows directory path by removing the first colon so that it can be used as the end part of another directory path.
escapeXml(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLUtils
Escapes the characters in a String using XML entities.
EXAMPLE_ID - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
exampleID - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.SimpleQueryAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the DDS request by forwarding to the appropriate corresponding JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the DDS request by forwarding to the appropriate corresponding JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.HarvesterAdminAction
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.HarvestReportAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.OdlSearchAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.OaiPmhSearchAction
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Processes the OAI-PMH request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAdminAction
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.BatchOperationsAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionServicesAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateRecordAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAdminAction
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSBrowseAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSViewAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkAdminAction
Description of the Method
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkConfigAction
Place the name of the edited framework in the request before calling super.execute.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.RecordOperationsAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SchemEditAdminAction
Description of the Method
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SessionInfoAction
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SessionsAction
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StaticRecordAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StatusAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.UcasProxyAction
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.CollectionIntegrationAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.FileUploadAction
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.NDRAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.SIFReferenceAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the DDS web service request by forwarding to the appropriate corresponding JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the DDS web service request by forwarding to the appropriate corresponding JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the DDS web service request by forwarding to the appropriate corresponding JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the Web service request by forwarding to the appropriate corresponding JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the DDS web service request by forwarding to the appropriate corresponding JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the DDS web service request by forwarding to the appropriate corresponding JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Processes the JavaScript service request by forwarding to the appropriate corresponding JSP page for rendering.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestXMLAction
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.VocabAdminAction
Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.SchemaViewerAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
existingMetsDoc() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp.MetsTester
Demonstrates how values are inserted into an Existing Mets document.
expandAmpersands(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Expand expanded ampersands that are part of entities.
expandTabs(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
export(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util.RegistryExporter
Write a tab-delimited file containing a record for each standards document.
export() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SmartExportTester
EXPORT_COLLECTION - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
EXPORT_COLLECTION_VERB - Static variable in class
ExportingService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
Supports exporting of collections and portions of collections to disk.
ExportingService(ServletContext, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
Constructor for the ExportingService object
ExportingServiceException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
Indicates an error occured in the ExportingService occured.
ExportingServiceException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingServiceException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
ExportingServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingServiceException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
exportRecords(File, DcsSetInfo, String[], SessionBean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
Exports records from specified collection and having specified statuses to disk in a separate ExportThread.
exportRecords(File, DcsSetInfo, String[], SessionBean, ThreadedServiceObserver) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
Exports records from specified collection and having specified statuses to disk, notifying observer when ExportThread is completed.
exportRecords(List, File, ThreadedServiceObserver) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
Triggered by, writes specified records to a directory on disk and save report.
ExportReport - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
ExportReport(DcsSetInfo, String[]) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
ExportReport(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
exposeElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Opens the element at the given xpath, as well as each ancestor element.
exposeField(InputField) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Description of the Method
exposeNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Make a node visible in the editor.
ExtensionTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp
ExtensionTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp.ExtensionTester
extractDocumentation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.AttributeGroup
extractDocumentation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Find documentation within this type definition.
extractDocumentation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
extractMuiGroups() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Initialize each framework with information about which fields can be formatted using MUI Groups files.
ExtractorQueryParser - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser
A QueryParser for extracting terms and phrases from a given query.
ExtractorQueryParser(String, Analyzer, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.ExtractorQueryParser
Constructor for the ExtractorQueryParser object
extractSeparatePhrasesFromString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
extractStringsFromString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Extracts the words from a String that was created using the method IndexingTools.makeStringFromNodes(List nodes).


FALSE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class edu.colorado.bolt.cms.ValidateQuery
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Handles fatal errors.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester.ForgivingErrorHandler
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester.MyErrorHandler
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator.MyErrorHandler
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
FEDORA_MODEL_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
FEDORA_VIEW_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
FEED_EATER_AGENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
fetch(String, File, String) - Static method in class
Download all collections of repository and write to disk.
fid(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Appends a path into a string in such a way that lexicographic sorting gives the same results as a walk of the file hierarchy.
fid2path(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Converts an fid back to a file path.
field - Variable in class
field - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabResponseMap
field - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
FIELD_ALIASES - Static variable in class
A list of aliases that map user-typed field names to the field name that exists in the index.
FIELD_NS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
The News Opps NS
FIELD_NS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin
Name space prefix for dcs indexing fields
FieldExpansionQueryParser - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser
A QueryParser that modifies a user's query by expanding the fields that are searched, applying boosting, and applying Query mappings for the given virtual field/terms.
FieldFilesCheck - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Command line routine that checks fields files for well-formedness, and ensures that the xpaths associated with the field files exist within the given metadata framework.
FieldFilesCheck(URI, URI) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldFilesCheck
Constructor for the FieldFilesCheck object
FieldFilesChecker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks
Command line routine that checks fields files for well-formedness, and ensures that the xpaths associated with the field files exist within the given metadata framework.
FieldFilesChecker(File, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
Constructor for the FieldFilesChecker object, for a given framework (e.g., adn/0.6.50).
FieldFilesChecker.FileError - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks
FieldInfoMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Data structure mapping xpaths to FieldInfoReader instances.
FieldInfoMap() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Constructor for the FieldInfoMap object
FieldInfoMap(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Constructor for the FieldInfoMap object
FieldInfoReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Provides access to infomormation (beyond that expressed in the metadata schema) about a metadata field, such as cataloging best practices and definitions of controlled vocabulary.
FieldInfoReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Constructor for the FieldInfoReader object
FieldInfoReader(URI) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Constructor for the FieldInfoReader object
FieldInfoReader.OtherPractice - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Other practices have a header and a list of "practices".
FieldInfoWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Class to generate fields files for given framework.
FieldInfoWriter(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoWriter
Constructor for the FieldInfoWriter object
FieldMapEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldMapEntry
Constructor for the FieldMapEntry object
FieldNameList(List) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameList
Constructor for the FieldNameList object
FieldNameSet(LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameList) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameSet
FieldsFileTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Tester for FieldInfoMap
FieldsFileTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FieldsFileTester
Constructor for the FieldsFileTester object
fieldsFileUri - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker.FileError
FieldValidators - Class in org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts
Static methods used in the Struts validation framework that implement custom validation actions.
FieldValidators() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts.FieldValidators
FieldValuesList(Document, LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameList) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesList
Constructor for the FieldValuesList object
FieldValuesList() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesList
FieldValuesSet(LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesList) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesSet
FileCopy - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
FileCopy() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileCopy
fileCreated - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
FileError(int, URI) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker.FileError
Constructor for the FileError object
FileError(int, URI, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker.FileError
Constructor for the FileError object
fileExists() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Determine whether the file associated with this Document exists.
fileExists(String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Test for existence of file relative to the jsp page in which the function is called.
FileIndexingObserver - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.index
This interface is used by Objects wishing to determine when a background intexing process has completed and to perform additional processing at that time.
FileIndexingPlugin - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
This Interface provides a mechanism for adding custom fields to Lucene index Documents that are being created for a given file.
FileIndexingService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
Indexes files into a SimpleLuceneIndex and automatically updates the index whenever changes to the files are made.
FileIndexingService(SimpleLuceneIndex, long, String, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Indexes files to the given SimpleLuceneIndex, checking for changes in the files and reindexing them at the given update frequency.
FileIndexingService(SimpleLuceneIndex, long, boolean, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Indexes files to the given SimpleLuceneIndex, checking for changes in the files and reindexing them at the given update frequency.
FileIndexingServiceData - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
FileIndexingServiceData() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingServiceData
FileIndexingServiceDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
An abstract bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was created by a FileIndexingServiceWriter.
FileIndexingServiceDocReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document that was created by a DocWriter.
FileIndexingServiceDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Constructor that initializes an empty DocReader.
FileIndexingServiceException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.index
Indicates an error occured in the FileInexingService occured.
FileIndexingServiceException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingServiceException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
FileIndexingServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingServiceException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
FileIndexingServiceWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Abstract class for creating customized Lucene Documents for different file formats such as DLESE-IMS, ADN-item, ADN-collection, etc.
FileIndexingServiceWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
FileLogin - Class in
Login Module that authenticates against a password stored in a password file.
FileLogin() - Constructor for class
FileModDateComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
Compares two Files based on their modification date.
FileModDateComparator(int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileModDateComparator
Constructor that allows setting the sort order by newest or oldest first.
FileModDateComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileModDateComparator
Default constructor that sorts by newest first.
FileMoveTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
This class simulates saving, moving and deleting records from the records directory.
FileMoveTester(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileMoveTester
Constructor for the FileMoveTester object
FileMoveTester.MoveFilesThread - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
filename - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
fileName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker.FileError
Files - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
Contains methods for performing common operations on files and directories such as reading, moving, deleting and copying.
Files() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
FileUploadAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action
Struts Action to control the uploading of primary content into an NDR instance.
FileUploadAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.FileUploadAction
FileUploadForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form
FileUploadForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
filter - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocConfig
The Lucene serach Filter used
filterChildren(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Removes all elements of type elementName
filterChildren(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
FilterCore - Class in org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters
Abstract class that contains core methods common to Servlet Filters.
FilterCore() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.FilterCore
FINAL_STATUS_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
FINAL_STATUS_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RegExTester
FINAL_STATUS_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
FINAL_STATUS_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RegExTester
finalAndValid - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Description of the Field
finalize() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Override finalize to ensure resources are released...
finalize() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Perform finalization...
finalize() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Perform finalization...
finalize() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Perform finalization...
find() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findAgent() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findAgentById() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
FindAndReplace - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util.strings
Description of the Class
FindAndReplace() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.strings.FindAndReplace
findCollectionByHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
find collectionConfig having provided handle as its MetadataProviderHandle.
findCollectionMdpForMD() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findCollectionMetadata(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
findDeletedMetadataObjects(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Returns deleted metadata objects for specified metadataProvider.
findDeletedRecords() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findDupResources() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findDups(int, String, String, String) - Method in class
Returns an array of MmdRec representing ids in other collections that appear identical to the specified (collKey, id).
findFinalValidResources(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Retrieve list of metadata objects provided by specified metadataProvider whose metadata is valid and whose status is Final.
findMdById() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findMdByNCSRecordId() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findMdForResource() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findMdpBySetSpec() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findMdpForAgg() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
to find non-DLESE MDP, we have to start with an aggregator and then find the MDP that is aggregated by it.
findNCSApplicationAgents() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
findNsdlOrgAggregators() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Find the aggregators corresponding to collections
findOccurence(CompositorMember, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
findOccurrence(String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Find the occurrence containing the nth element of memberName.
findPCResource() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findPlace(XMLNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Finds the place where a new node should be inserted.
FindRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
Convenience method for constructing "find" NdrRequest.
FindRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.FindRequest
Constructor for the FindRequest object
FindRequest(NDRConstants.NDRObjectType) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.FindRequest
Constructor for the FindRequest to restrict hits to objects of specified type.
findResource(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Return the handle of the resource for the given url if one is found, null otherwise.
findResource(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Find a resource object for the provided url.
findResource() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
findResourceOld(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Finds the handle of the resource associated with provided url.
findResourceOLD() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
FindResourceRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
FindResourceRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.FindResourceRequest
FindResourceRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.FindResourceRequest
findVocabNode(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getVocabNode()
findVocabNode(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Description of the Method
findVocabNode(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Within a given system (system.interface.language), find the node that contains the given value for its 'name' attribute.
fireAbortIndexingEvent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Fire this event to indicate to watchers that they should abort indexing at the earliest point possible.
fireConfigureAndInitializeEvent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Fire this event to indicate to watchers that they update their configuration settings.
fireDataAddedEvent(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Construct the DataEvent object and invoke the appropriate method of all the listeners to this DataManager.
fireDataChangedEvent(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Construct the DataEvent object and invoke the appropriate method of all the listeners to this DataManager.
fireDataRemovedEvent(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Construct the DataEvent object and invoke the appropriate method of all the listeners to this DataManager.
fireIndexAllCollectionsEvent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
fireIndexCollectionEvent(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
fireIndexerReadyEvent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Fire this event to indicate to watchers that the indexer is ready to accept indexing calls.
fireUpdateCollectionsEvent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Fire this event to indicate to watchers that they should update their collections using CollectionIndexer.putCollection() and CollectionIndexer.deleteCollection().
firstPage - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
where to go when the user clicks "edit"
flush() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Write config document to disk and then force reread of values.
flush() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Writes config file to disk and re-initializes data structures based on config.
flush() - Method in class
Update DocMap with recent ActionPath and GuardedPaths, and then write it to disk.
flush() - Method in class
Write this User to disk and reset data structures so they will be reloaded from disk.
flush() - Method in class
Write user data to disk.
flushCache() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Write all cached DcsDataRecords to disk and then clear the cache
flushToDisk() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Write record to disk and then remove it from cashe so any xml processing (such as contracting ampersands) is picked up next time record is needed.
footnote - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
A special comment intended as the final comment in the XML file.
ForgivingErrorHandler() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester.ForgivingErrorHandler
format_transform_file - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter
FormatComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.FormatComparator
formatEncodedFields(String) - Static method in class
Encodes a query string such that each term that is part of a field that has been encoded in the index using SimpleLuceneIndex.encodeToTerm() is replaced with the encoded form for searching.
formatFieldsInQuery(String) - Static method in class
Formats the fields/terms in the query string by replacing the aliased field names and encoding terms that are in fields that have been indexed encoded.
formatIsConfigured(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexerFieldsConfig
Determine if the given xmlFormat or schema has a configuration.
formatOfRecords - Variable in class
formatQuery(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Encodes query strings beginning with "id:" or "url:" using SimpleLuceneIndex.encodeToTerm(java.lang.String).
formattedDate(Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Converts a Date object to String of form "yyyy-MM-dd".
formBeanName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
formBeanName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
formBeanName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Description of the Field
FormValidationTools - Class in
This class contains tools for validating form input from users.
FormValidationTools() - Constructor for class
forwardToCaller(HttpServletRequest, String, SessionBean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
General method to forward control to the appropriate page (Collections, Search or View) after completing an operation.
framework - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
framework - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionFileConverter
framework - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
framework - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
framework - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkTester
FrameworkAdminAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Controller for the ADN Editor
FrameworkAdminAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkAdminAction
FrameworkAdminForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling requests to support Schemaedit.
FrameworkAdminForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.FrameworkAdminForm
FrameworkConfigAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Controller for the DcsDataFramework editor.
FrameworkConfigAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkConfigAction
FrameworkConfigConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Converts old style DcsData records (that only mantained a single-entry) into history-aware records.
FrameworkConfigConverter(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter
FrameworkConfigConverter Constructor.
FrameworkConfigConverter.DirectoryFilter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
FrameworkConfigReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Extracts info to augment that of the Schema from a framework configuration file.
FrameworkConfigReader(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Create a FrameworkConfigReader.
FrameworkConfigTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
FrameworkConfigTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
Constructor for the FrameworkConfigTester object
frameworkName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
frameworkRegistry - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
FrameworkRegistry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
A map holding MetaDataFramework instances, and keyed by the short name (e.g., "adn") of each particular framework.
FrameworkRegistry() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Constructor for the FrameworkRegistry object
FrameworkRegistry(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
FrameworkRegistry constructure with ServletContext
FrameworkRegistry(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Constructor for the FrameworkRegistry object for specified configuration directory and docRoot (used for debugging - docRoot is normally calculated from servletContext).
FrameworkTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
FrameworkTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkTester
Constructor for the FrameworkTester object
freeRead() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.RWLock
freeWrite() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.RWLock
FROM - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The from argument
fromHexString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UtfTester
Convert a hex string to a byte array.
fuid(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Appends a path and date into a string in such a way that lexicographic sorting gives the same results as a walk of the file hierarchy.
fullDateFormat - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
* Formats and parses dates according to SchemEditUtils.fullDateFormatString.
fullDateFormatString - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
same as utcDateFormatString
FullDateFormatString - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
fullDateString(Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Converts a Date object into a string formatted with SchemEditUtils.fullDateFormat
FullNameComparator - Class in
Sort Users by fullName.
FullNameComparator() - Constructor for class


GeneralServletTools - Class in
This class contains utility methods useful in servlet-based applications.
GeneralServletTools() - Constructor for class
GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
GenericType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Wrapper for GenericType definitions (Element).
GenericType(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Constructor for the GenericType object
GenericType(String, Namespace) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Constructor for the GenericType object
GenericType(Element, String, Namespace, SchemaReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Constructor - accounting for location and schemaReader.
GeoReference() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.GeoReference
Constructor for the GeoReference object
GeoReference(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.GeoReference
Constructor for the GeoReference object
geoReference - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.GeoReference
geoReferences - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
geoStandards - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
get(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Retrieves a single data object.
get(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Retrieves a List of data objects.
get(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Retrieves a single data object.
get(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Retrieves a List of data objects.
get(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Retrieves a single data object.
get(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Retrieves a List of data objects.
get(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Retrieves a single data object, or null if none exists or unable to retrieve.
get(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Retrieves a List of data objects.
get(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Gets the text content of the given Lucene field as a String or null if the given field is not available or was not stored in the index.
get(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameList
Gets a field name String at the given position
get(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesList
Gets a field values String at the given position
get(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Gets the text content of the given Lucene field as a String or null if the given field is not available or was not stored in the index.
get(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocList
Get the ResultDoc at the given location.
get(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLRecord
get(String) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestionRecord
Get the value of the node specified by provided xpath.
get(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Given an encoded xpath, return the value of the referred to node
GET_ID_VERB - Static variable in class
get_Off() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditActionErrors
get_Off(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditActionErrors
GET_RECORD - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The GetRecord argument value
GET_RECORD_VERB - Static variable in class
The GetRecord request verb
GET_STANDARD_VERB - Static variable in class
The GetStandards request verb
getAbsoluteDrcBoostingQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Boost items in the DRC absolutely.
getAbsolutePath(String, ServletContext) - Static method in class
Gets the absolute path to a given file or directory.
getAbsolutePath(String, String) - Static method in class
Gets the absolute path to a given file or directory.
getAcceptableMembers(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
Returns the members that could be added to the specified instanceElement according to schema constraints.
getAcceptableMembers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.ChoiceGuard
Returns a list of element names representing the choices that can be legally made.
getAcceptsNewChoice(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the acceptsNewChoice attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getAcceptsNewSibling(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Determines whether the parent of the element corresponding to encodedPath can accept a new sibling of encodedPath.
getAcceptsNewSubstitionGroupMember(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the acceptsNewSubstitionGroupMember attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getAccessionDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the accession date as a String.
getAccessionDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the accession date for the item, or null if this item is not accessioned.
getAccessionDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Returns the accession date or null if this collection is not currently accessioned.
getAccessionDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the accession date, which is null (unknown).
getAccessionDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the accession date for the item, or null if this item is not accessioned.
getAccessionDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the accession date of this collection, or null if this collection is currently not accessioned.
getAccessionDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the accession date as a Java Date.
getAccessionedDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the accessionedDate attribute of the DleseBean object
getAccessionedDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the date the catalog record was created.
getAccessionStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the most recent accession status of the collection.
getAccessionStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the AccessionStatus for this record.
getAccessionStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the accession status of this record, for example 'accessioned'.
getAccessionStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the most recent accession status found in the XML record.
getAccessionStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the accession status of this record, for example 'accessioned'.
getAccessionStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the accession status of this record, for example 'accessioned'.
getAccessionStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordData
Gets the accessionStatus attribute of the RecordData object
getAccessionStatus(MmdRec[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the accession status of the given records or, if multiple resources get all statuses separated by spaces.
getAccessionStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the accession status of this Set.
getActionForm() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the actionForm attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getActionMappings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ActionServlet
getActionPath(String) - Method in class
Gets the actionPath attribute of the AccessManager object
getActionPaths() - Method in class
Gets the actionPaths attribute of the AccessManager object
getActionPaths() - Method in class
getActions() - Method in class
getAdd() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the add attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getAdd() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the add attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getAdditionalMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the additional metadata for this collection that was indicated in org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager.putRecord when the collection was created, or null.
getAdditionalMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the additional metadata for this collection that was indicated in org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager.putRecord when the collection was created inside an additionalMetadata element, or null.
getAdminEmail() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryInfoForm
Gets the adminEmail attribute of the RepositoryInfoForm object
getAdminEmail(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the adminEmail attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getAdminEmails() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the adminEmails attribute of the RepositoryForm object.
getAdminEmails() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the adminEmails attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getAdnDocReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the adnDocReader attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getAdnText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
Gets the adnText corresponding to asnId
getAdnText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnMappingStandard
getAgent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Gets the agent attribute of the ToolKit object
getAgent() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
getAgentHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy
Get the agent handle registered for this proxy object.
getAgentHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Get the NDR agentHandle for this connection object.
getAgentHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the handle of the NDR agent object for this collection.
getAgentHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the agentHandle attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getAggMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getAggregatedBy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the aggregatedBy attribute of the MetadataProviderReader object
getAggregator(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Gets the aggregator attribute of the NDRToolkit object
getAggregator() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
getAggregatorAgent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getAggregatorFor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AggregatorReader
Gets the aggregatorFor attribute of the AggregatorReader object
getAggregatorHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the handle of the NDR aggregator object for this collection.
getAggregatorHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the aggregatorHandle attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getAggregatorHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getAggregatorHandles() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Gets the aggregatorHandles attribute of the NdrUtils class
getAggregatorHandles(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Gets the aggregatorHandles attribute of the NdrUtils class
getAggregators() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AgentReader
Gets the aggregators that are related to this Agent via the aggregatorFor relationship.
getAllAssociatedCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the collection keys for all collections that are associated with this resource including collections that are not enabled.
getAllCatDocs() - Method in class
getAllDocs() - Method in class
Gets the suggestions attribute of the GetAllStandardsDocuments object
getAllDocsMap() - Method in class
Gets the suggestions attribute of the GetAllStandardsDocuments object
getAllFieldInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Gets all the FieldInfoReaders as a list.
getAllFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Return a list of formats for registered frameworks.
getAllIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets all the IDs associated with this resource, including this record's ID.
getAllIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets all the IDs associated with this resource, including this record's ID.
getAllItemResultDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the ItemDocReaders for all records that refer to this resource.
getAllLinks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
returns a String array of all the links in the html document.
getAllMmdRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the MmdRecs for all records that catalog this resouce, including myMmdRec.
getAllMmdRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the MmdRecs for all records associated with this resouce, including myMmdRec.
getAllMmdRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the MmdRecs for all records associated with this resouce, including myMmdRec.
getAllowDupDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the allowDupDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getAllowDupDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the allowDupDir attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getAllowSuggestions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
getAllRecordsInIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the ResultDocs for all records in the index, excluding records with errors, or null if none exist.
getAllResources() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Find ALL resources in the NDR
GetAllStandardsDocuments - Class in
GetAllStandardsDocuments() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the GetAllStandardsDocuments object
GetAllStandardsDocuments(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the GetAllStandardsDocuments object
getAllValues(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesList
Gets a field values String for the given field.
getAllVocabLayout() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Gets all the VocabLayouts as a list.
getAltText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the altText attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getAlttext() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription.Image
getAnalyzedTerms(String, String, Analyzer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Extracts all terms in any field from a Lucene query using the given Analyzer.
getAnalyzedTokens(String, String, Analyzer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Extracts all Tokens from a Lucene query using the given Analyzer.
getAnalyzer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Gets the Analyzer configured for the given field, or null if none exists.
getAnalyzer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the analyzer that has been configured for this index.
getAnalyzerOutput(String, String, Analyzer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Creates a StringBuffer to display the tokens created by a given analyzer.
getAncestor(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Gets the specified ancestor (using the levels param) of a given url (represented as a string).
getAncestor(URL, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Gets the ancestor of the given URL by calling getParent "level" times.
getAncestors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the ancestors attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getAncestors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the ancestors attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getAncestors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the ancestors attribute of the CommCoreStandardsNode object
getAncestors() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets a list of ancestors as StandardsNodes from this to stdDocument root;
getAncestors() - Method in class
Gets the ancestors attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object
getAncestors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Gets the ancestors attribute of the AsnStandard object
getAncestors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.RootAsnStandard
Gets the ancestors (an empty list) of the AsnNode object
getAncestors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.RootStandard
Gets the ancestors (an empty list) of the AsnNode object
getAncestors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Gets an ordered list of ancestors from root to this standard's parent
getAnnoCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item.
getAnnoCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item.
getAnnoFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the annotation formats that are associated with this item.
getAnnoFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the annotation formats that are associated with this item.
getAnnoFormatsFromResultDocs(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the annotation formats from the anno result docs.
getAnnoPathways() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the anno pathways that are associated with this record.
getAnnoPathways() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the anno pathways that are associated with this record.
getAnnoPathwaysFromResultDocs(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets all annotation pathways in the given set of DleseAnnoDocReaders, or null if none exist.
getAnnoRatings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a String array of all annotation star ratings for this item in numerical form from 1 to 5, or null if none.
getAnnoRatings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a String array of all annotation star ratings for this item in numerical form from 1 to 5, or null if none.
getAnnoStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the annotation statuses that are associated with this item.
getAnnoStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the annotation statuses that are associated with this item.
getAnnoStatusFromResultDocs(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the annoStatusFromReaders attribute of the RecordDataService object
getAnnotatedItem() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
getAnnotatedItemResultDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the ResultDoc of the item this annotates, or null if not available.
getAnnotationDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordData
Gets DocReaders for all annotation records that reference this resource, or null if none exist.
getAnnotationResultDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the ResultDocs for all annotations that refer to this resource.
getAnnotationResultDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the ResultDocs for all annotations that refer to this resource.
getAnnotationResultDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the ResultDocs for all annotations that refer to this resource.
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the annotations attribute of the DleseBean object
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of lifecycle contributors to a resource from the current record.
getAnnoTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the anno types that are associated with this record.
getAnnoTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the anno types that are associated with this record.
getAnnoTypesFromResultDocs(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets all annotation types in the given set of DleseAnnoDocReaders, or null if none exist.
getAnnouncements() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the announcements attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getAnnouncementUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the announcement Url.
getAnyTypeFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Gets the anyTypeFields attribute of the InputManager object
getAnyTypeMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
getAnyTypeValueOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the anyTypeValueOf attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getAppAgentIdentity() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
getAppAgentIdentityType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
getApplicationAgent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the applicationAgent attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getApplyByDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the applyByDate attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getArchiveDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the archiveDate attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getArchivedReport(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Gets the archivedReport attribute of the ThreadedService object
getArchivedReports() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the archivedReports attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getArchivedReports() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Gets the archivedReports attribute of the ThreadedService object
getAsfId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
Given adnText, return asnId
getAsfText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
Gets the asnText corresponding to asnId
getAsnDocByPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Gets the asnDocByPath attribute of the StandardsRegistry object
getAsnDocument(String) - Method in class
getAsnDocuments() - Method in class
getAsnId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocKey
getAsnId() - Method in class
Gets the asnId attribute of the CATStandard object
getAsnStandard(String, CATServiceHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
getAsnStandard() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the asnStandard attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getAsnStatement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
getAsnStatement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.RootAsnStandard
getAsociatedItemsDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordData
Gets DocReaders for all item-level records that refer to the same resource, or null if none exist.
getAssetNodes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Gets the assetNodes attribute of the NldrMetadataRecord object
getAssetNodes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.OsmRecordExporter
getAssignableStatusFlags() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Return a list of StatusFlag beans that describe the statuses that can be assigned to a record of this collection.
getAssignedByIdRelatedRecordsMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a Map of records that this item assignes a relationship to by ID, keyed by relationship type, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
getAssignedByUrlRelatedRecordsMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a Map of record ResultDoc arrays that this item assignes a relationship to by URL, keyed by relationship type, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
getAssignedRelatedIdsOfType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the record IDs for the items that this record assignes the given relationship to.
getAssignedRelatedUrlsOfType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the URLs for the items that this record assignes the given relationship to.
getAssignedRelationshipByIdTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the types of relationships that were asigned by this item by related ID, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
getAssignedRelationshipByUrlTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the types of relationships that were asigned by this item by related URL, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
getAssignedRelationshipsForItemsMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a Map of record IDs and the corresponding relationships they are assigned.
getAssignedRole(String) - Method in class
Return the role that has been explicitly assigned to the specified collection.
getAssociatedCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the collection keys for all enabled collections that are associated with this resource.
getAssociatedCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the collection keys for all enabled collections that are associated with this resource.
getAssociatedIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the IDs of records that refer to the same resource, not including this record's ID.
getAssociatedIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the IDs of records that refer to the same resource, not including this record's ID.
getAssociatedIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordData
Gets the associatedIDs for this record, records that catalog the same resource.
getAssociatedIDs(String, MmdRec[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the IDs for records that catalog the same resource, not including the ID that is given.
getAssociatedIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the IDs of records that refer to the same resource.
getAssociatedItemResultDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the ItemDocReaders for all associated items for this item (refer to same resource).
getAssociatedMmdRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the MmdRecs for records in other collections that catalog the same resource, not including myMmdRec.
getAssociatedMmdRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the MmdRecs for records in other collections that catalog the same resource.
getAssociatedMmdRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the MmdRecs for records in other collections that catalog the same resource.
getAssociatedMMDRecs(int, String, String, Query) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the associated MMD records for the given IDs, records that catalog the same resource, or null if none exist, using the given Query Object.
getAssociatedMMDRecs(int, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the associated MMD records for the given IDs, records that catalog the same resource, or null if none exist, using the local Query Object.
getAsyncJason() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the asyncJason attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getAttr(Object, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Based on attribute name, attempts to get the value of that attribute using a bean-style "gettter".
getAttr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the attr attribute of the SchemaNode object
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Gets an attribute Object from this FileIndexingService.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Gets an attribute that has been previously set using SimpleLuceneIndex.setAttribute(String,Object).
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets an attribute that has been previously set using SimpleLuceneIndex.setAttribute(String,Object).
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets an attribute from this SimpleLuceneIndex.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Gets an attribute Object from this DirInfo.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets an attribute Object from this SetInfo.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Retrieves a named attribute from the element of this node, if the attribute exists.
getAttributeFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Selects the InputFields corresponding to metadata Attributes.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
gets names of the attributes of the schema element (NOT the instance element!)
getAttributes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.AttributeGroup
getAttributesDn(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: Retrieves attributes of a single entry, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
getAttribution() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.TermAndDeftn
Gets the attribution attribute of the TermAndDeftn object
getAttrName(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapEntry
Returns the attribute name stored in the specified row of the attrs matrix.
getAttrNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapEntry
Returns a 1-dimensional array of the attribute names stored in the attrs matrix.
getAttrsRows() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapEntry
Returns the number of rows in the attrs matrix.
getAttrStrings(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapEntry
Returns a 1-dimensional array of the values associated with the specified row of the attrs matrix.
getAttrStrings(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapEntry
Returns a 1-dimensional array of the values associated with the specified attribute name.
getAudience() - Method in class
Gets the UI audience attribute of the VocabForm object
getAudienceBeneficiary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
The audience beneficiary.
getAudienceInstructionalGoal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
The audience instructionalGoal.
getAudiences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the audiences attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getAudiences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the audiences attribute of the DleseBean object
getAudiences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of intended audiences for a resource from the current record.
getAudienceTeachingMethod() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
The audience teachingMethod.
getAudienceToolFor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
The audience tool for.
getAudienceTypicalAgeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
The audience typical age range.
getAudioAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'audio' annotations for this resource.
getAudioAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'audio' annotations for this resource.
getAudioAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the audioAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getAuthentication(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Gets the authentication attribute of the AuthClient class
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Returns "National Science Education Standards (NSES)"
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Gets the author attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Resolves author from the asnDocument (which it gets from the StandardsDocument)
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Resolves author from the asnDocument (which it gets from the StandardsDocument)
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Gets the author attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
getAuthor() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsDocument
getAuthor() - Method in class
Gets the author attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
getAuthor() - Method in class
Resolves author from the asnDocument (which it gets from the StandardsDocument)
getAuthor() - Method in class
Gets the author attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getAuthor() - Method in class
Gets the author attribute of the CATStandard object
getAuthor() - Method in class
Gets the author attribute of the CATStandardDocument object
getAuthor(String) - Method in class
getAuthor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnAuthors
Returns a author for a given author purl (e.g.,
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the author attribute of the AsnDocument object
getAuthor(AsnAuthors) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the author attribute of the AsnDocument object
getAuthor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnHelper
Resolves provided authorPurl into human-relevant form
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Gets the author attribute of the AsnStandard object
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Gets the author attribute of the Standard object
getAuthor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the author attribute of the StdDocument object
getAuthority() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the authority attribute of the CollectionConfig object
getAuthority() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the authority attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getAuthority() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
getAuthorizedCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Get the keys of the collections the sessionUser is authorized to access.
getAuthorizedFor() - Method in class
Gets the role name for which this user is authorized
getAuthorizedFor() - Method in class
Gets the role name for which this user is authorized
getAuthorizedFor() - Method in class
Gets the role name for which this user is authorized
getAuthorizedFor() - Method in class
Gets the role name for which this user is authorized for
getAuthorizedFor() - Method in class
Gets the role name for which this user is authorized for
getAuthorizedSetInfo(String, List) - Static method in class
getAuthorizedSets(User, Roles.Role) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets the authorizedSets attribute of the RepositoryService object
getAuthorPurl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the authorPurl attribute of the AsnDocument object
getAutoFormDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the directory to which metadata editor pages are written.
getAuxinfo() - Method in class
Returns the additional error info
getAvailableDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Gets the availableDocs (avaliable ASN Standards Documents) attribute of the AsnStandardsManager object
getAvailableDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the availableDocs attribute of the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object
getAvailableDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the availableDocs attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getAvailableDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
getAvailableDocs() - Method in class
getAvailableFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the XML formats that are available for this item including those that are available through XMLConversionService.
getAvailableFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
getAvailableFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets all possible metadata formats that may be disiminated by this RepositoryManager.
getAvailableFormats(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets all possible metadata formats that are available for a given ID.
getAvailableFormats(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Gets the metadata format conversions that are available for the given format, including the given format.
getAvailableFormatsList(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets all possible metadata formats that are available for a given ID.
getAvailableFormatsList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets all possible metadata formats that may be disiminated by this RepositoryManager.
getAvailableSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
getAverageAnnoRating() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a String, or null if none.
getAverageAnnoRating() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a String, or null if none.
getAverageAnnoRatingFloat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a float, or -1 if none.
getAverageAnnoRatingFloat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a the average of all star ratings for this item as a float, or -1 if none.
getBackupOne() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the backupOne attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getBackupThree() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the backupThree attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getBackupTwo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the backupTwo attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getBadCharEntry(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.BadCharChecker
getBadCharMap1(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.BadCharTester
getBadCharMap2(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.BadCharTester
getBadChars1(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.BadCharTester
getBadChars2(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.BadCharTester
getBaseExportDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the baseExportDir attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getBaseLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Gets the baseLevel attribute of the RendererHelper object.
getBaseRenderLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the baseRenderLevel attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getBaseRenderLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the baseRenderLevel attribute of the MetaDataFramework object.
getBaseServiceUrl() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
getBaseStd() - Method in class
getBaseUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the baseUrl attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getBaseURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.HarvestInfoReader
Gets the baseURL attribute of the HarvestInfoReader object
getBaseURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the baseURL attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getBaseURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the baseURL attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getBaseURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
getBaseURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Inserts the BASE_URL for this OAI provider.
getBaseUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
getBatchJspDest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Path for writing component jsp pages.
getBatchJspDest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
getBatchJspDest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewRecord
Contruct a path for the component jsp pages
getBatchLocks(RecordList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getBenchmark() - Method in class
Gets the benchmark attribute of the CATStandard object
getBeneficiary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the beneficiary attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getBestPracticesLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the renderer attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getBestPracticesLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the bestPracticesLabel attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getBogusUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getBooleanInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Boolean input elements are rendered with a tag that implements an select input with options for true and false.
getBooleanQuery(String[], int, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a boolean query string for use in the standard Lucene query parser.
getBoostingValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the boosting values for fields used to boost search results.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the boundingBox attribute of the ADNFileIndexingWriter object
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Returns the value of boundingBox.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Return the geospatial BoundingBox footprint that represnets the resource being indexed, or null if none apply.
getBranchIsRequired(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
return true iff schemaHelper.isRequiredBranch returns TRUE
getBrandURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the brandURL attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getBrandURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription.Image
getBreadCrumbs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the breadCrumbs attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getBriefDate() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
Returns current time in yyyy-MM-dd format
getBrowserHandles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
getCachedRecIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Gets the cachedRecIndex attribute of the SearchHelper object
getCachedVocabValuesInOrder() - Method in class
Gets the cachedVocabValuesInOrder attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getCachedVocabValuesInOrder() - Method in class
Gets the cachedVocabValuesInOrder attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getCachedVocabValuesLastIndex() - Method in class
Gets the cachedVocabValuesLastIndex attribute of the HistogramForm object
getCacheValuesInOrder(String, String, Map) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Given a cache (Map) of vocab values, this method returns a list of those values in the order that they are defined in their groups file.
getCacheValuesInOrder(String, String, Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the cacheValuesInOrder attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getCacheValuesInOrder(String, String, Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Given a cache (Map) of vocab values, this method returns a list of those values in the order that they are defined in their groups file.
getCanAssignCollectionAccess() - Method in class
getCanDissiminateFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determine if XML for this item can be dissiminated in the requested format specified using the XMLDocReader.setRequestedXmlFormat(String), as available through XMLConversionService.
getCannedCMPath() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
getCanonicalHeader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Get the canonical header for this connection object.
getCanonicalNsdlDcDataStream() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Returns the NON_NATIVE data stream labeled simply as "nsdl_dc" with no version
getCanonicalNsdlDcItemRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Gets the "nsdl_dc" datastream as a dom4j.Document
getCatalogers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the catalogers attribute of the DleseBean object
getCatHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the catHelper attribute of the AbstractCATHelperPlugin object
getCatHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the catHelper attribute of the AdnFrameworkPlugin object
getCatHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Gets the catHelper attribute of the AsnCATPlugin object
getChangeDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the changeDate attribute of the most recent StatusEntry.
getChangeDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Gets the changeDate attribute of the StatusEntry object
getChangeDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the lastChangeDate (last status update) as a Date.
getCharEntityMap() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceResolver
Gets a mapping from HTML 4 character entity references to their numeric equivalents (see
getChild(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the child attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getChild(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the child attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getChild(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the child attribute of the CommCoreStandardsNode object
getChild(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the specified child of this Node
getChild(String) - Method in class
Gets the child attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object
getChild(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Gets the child node that lives at a specific index of this node's children array.
getChildAttributeValue(Element, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getChildElementAttribute(Element, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getChildElementCountOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the childElementCountOf attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getChildElementText(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getChildren() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Returns children as AsnStandard instances in same order as the XML Element defining this Standard
getChildren() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Returns children as Standard instances in same order as the XML Element defining this Standard
getChildren() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Returns (filtered) list of child elements
getChildren() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Gets the list of children belonging to this node.
getChildrenIDs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the childrenIDs attribute of the AsnStatement object
getChildrenOrder(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns a list of element names for the given path from the instanceDoc.
getChildToParentRelationship() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AggregatorReader
Gets the childToParentRelationship attribute of the AggregatorReader object
getChildToParentRelationship() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Gets the childToParentRelationship attribute of the GroupingObjectReader object
getChildToParentRelationship() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
getChoiceDeleteController(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Create a controller for deleting a repeating item.
getChoiceNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
getChoiceOptions(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the choiceOptions for the element specified by "encodedPath", adding indexing if the element is a multiChoice.
getChoicePaths(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
Gets the choicePaths attribute of the SchemaUtils class
getChoices() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Returns a list of choice elements if a choise compositor is found, and an empty list otherwise
getChoiceSelect() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeChoice
getCityStates() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets an array of city state strings for display.
getClfLogger(Level, boolean, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.DleseLogManager
Returns a ClfLogger.
getCMtype() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Gets the cMtype attribute of the CompositorMember object
getCollapseBean() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the collapseBean attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getCollapseExpand() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
getCollapseWidget() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorRenderer
Render open/close widget for this element.
getCollapsible() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the collapsible attribute of the LayoutNode object
getCollapsible() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the collapsible attribute of the VocabNode object
getCollectCollectionID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Returns the value of collectCollectionID.
getCollection() - Method in class
getCollection() - Method in class
Gets the collection attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the primary collection associated with this item, for example 'dcc'.
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexingSession
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Gets the collection attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the collection attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Gets the collection attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the collection attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Gets the collection attribute of the StatusForm object
getCollection(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Derives a collection key from a final status value string.
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the collection attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getCollection() - Method in class
getCollection() - Method in class
getCollection() - Method in class
Gets the collection attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getCollection() - Method in class
Gets the collection attribute of the RoleBean object
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getCollection(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the collection attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
Gets the collection attribute of the RemoteResultDoc object
getCollection() - Method in class
Gets the collection attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getCollection() - Method in class
getCollection() - Method in class
getCollectionAccessMap() - Method in class
getCollectionAgent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the collectionAgent attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getCollectionConfig(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Gets the collectionConfig attribute of the CollectionRegistry object
getCollectionConfig(String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Gets a CollectionConfig instance corresponding to the provided collection.
getCollectionConfig(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Gets the collectionConfig attribute of the RepositoryWriterPlugin object
getCollectionConfig(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the collectionConfig attribute of the SessionBean object
getCollectionConfig() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CollectionConfigTester
getCollectionConfigDir() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
getCollectionConfigFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
Gets the collectionConfigFile attribute of the CollectionImporter object
getCollectionConfigFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
Gets the collectionConfigFramework attribute of the CollectionImporter object
getCollectionConfigMod() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Gets the collectionConfigMod attribute of the CollectionRegistry object
getCollectionConfigMod() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getCollectionConfigPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
CollectionConfigPaths represent schema fields that hold default information that will be inserted in new records.
getCollectionDescription() - Method in class
Gets the collectionDescription attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getCollectionDir(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Get the directory in which dcs_data records are stored for the given collection and metadataFormat.
getCollectionDocReader() - Method in class
Gets the collectionDocReader attribute of the HistogramForm object
getCollectionFilter() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getCollectionFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionServicesAction
Gets the metaDataFramework attribute of the AbstractSchemEditAction object
getCollectionFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
Gets the metaDataFramework attribute of the AbstractSchemEditAction object
getCollectionFrameworkLoaded() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
getCollectionFromIndex(String, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
DEPRECIATED - use getCollectionOfIndexedRecord Returns the collection associated with an indexed record.
getCollectionHistory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
Gets the statusEntries element from the metadataProvider's dsc_data datastream, which reflect the collection's history, including status changes, imports and exports.
getCollectionId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the collectionId attribute of the MetadataProviderReader object (corresponding to the "setSpec" attribute of the collection's SetInfo object).
getCollectionId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
Determines a collectionId for the collection to be imported.
getCollectionIndexer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Gets the collectionIndexer attribute of the IndexingEvent object
getCollectionInfo(String) - Method in class
Gets the collectionInfo instance for the specified collection
getCollectionInfos() - Method in class
Gets the collectionInfos attribute of the RepositoryUtils object
getCollectionItemRecords(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets all item records for the specified collection by performing index query.
getCollectionKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the collection key associated with this record, for example 01.
getCollectionKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Gets the collectionKey attribute of the IndexingEvent object
getCollectionKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the collection attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getCollectionKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getCollectionKey() - Method in class
Gets the collectionKey attribute of the CollectionRoleBean object
getCollectionKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the collection key associated with this record, for example 01.
getCollectionKey() - Method in class
Returns the value of collection.
getCollectionKey() - Method in class
Gets the collectionKey attribute of the CollectionInfo object
getCollectionKeyFromDDS(String) - Method in class
getCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets all collection keys associated with this record, for example {01,02}.
getCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the collection keys associated with this record, for example {01,02}.
getCollectionKeys() - Method in class
Returns a List of collection keys (e.g., "dcc") defined in the repository.
getCollectionKeysFromResultDocs(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets all collection keys encoded by Vocab Mgr, for example {06, 08}, for the given records.
getCollectionLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the collection UI label from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'DLESE Community Collection (DCC)', or the short title from the collection record if the vocab manager is not available.
getCollectionLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the collectionLabels attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getCollectionLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the collectionLabels attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getCollectionLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the collectionLabels attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getCollectionLabelValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Generate list of collections for use by jsp tags.
getCollectionMetadataHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
getCollectionMetadataHandle(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
getCollectionMetadataItemId() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
getCollectionName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the collectionName attribute of the MetadataProviderReader object (corresponding to the "name" attribute of the collection's SetInfo object).
getCollectionName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getCollectionName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the collectionName attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getCollectionName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Gets the collectionName attribute of the StatusForm object
getCollectionName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReport
getCollectionName() - Method in class
Gets the collectionName attribute of the CollectionRoleBean object
getCollectionName(String) - Method in class
Returns the collection name associated with a collection key, or null if none found.
getCollectionOfIndexedRecord(String, RepositoryManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Returns the collection associated with an indexed record.
getCollectionOptions() - Method in class
getCollectionOptions() - Method in class
Gets the collectionOptions attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getCollectionPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getCollectionQueryTerm(String) - Static method in class
Gets the Lucene query string necessary to pull out records for a given collection.
getCollectionRecord(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Retrieves the CollectionRecord stored in the NDR for the given collection key.
getCollectionRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the collectionRecord (dlese_collect format) of the MetadataProviderReader object
getCollectionRecord(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
Gets the collectionRecord attribute of the CollectionXSLReader class
getCollectionRecordsLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the path for the directory of collect-level records the RepositoryManager is using, or empty string if none is configured.
getCollectionRecordsLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the path for the directory of collect-level records this RepositoryManager is using, or empty string if none is configured.
getCollectionRecordsLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the path for the directory of collect-level records the RepositoryManager is using, or empty string if none is configured.
getCollectionRegistry() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the collectionRegistry attribute of the SessionBean object
getCollectionResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AggregatorReader
Gets the collectionResource attribute of the AggregatorReader object
getCollectionRoles() - Method in class
getCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the collections attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getCollections() - Method in class
Gets the collections that are configured in the repository, sorted.
getCollections() - Method in class
Gets the collection attribute of the HistogramForm object
getCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the collections associated with this record as an array of Strings, for example {dcc,comet}.
getCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns unique collection keys for the item being indexed, separated by spaces.
getCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Returns unique collection keys for the item being indexed.
getCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the collections attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the collections attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getCollections() - Method in class
getCollections() - Method in class
getCollectionsBaseDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Grabs the base directory where collections metadata files are located, or null if not configured.
getCollectionsBaseDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Grabs the base directory where collections metadata files are located, or null if not configured.
getCollectionsQueryClause() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Return a query clause ORing together all the collections the current user is authorized to search over.
getCollectionsString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the collection this record is part of, as a string.
getCollectionsString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the collections associated with this record as a single String.
getCollectionStatuses() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the collectionStatus attribute of the DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter object
getCollectionsVocab() - Method in class
This is the OLD way, used by DDS v2.0
getCollectionTitle() - Method in class
Gets the collectionTitle attribute of the HistogramForm object
getCollectionTotal() - Method in class
Gets the collectionTotal attribute of the HistogramForm object
getCollectionType() - Method in class
getCollectionUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the collection URL or empty String if none is supplied.
getCollKey() - Method in class
Returns the collection key.
getComboOtherOption() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
provide values to use as constants in comboUnionInput processing
getComboSelectOptions(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the options for a comboSelect input element, which presents a list of options to the user but also allows input of arbitrary values.
getComboUnionInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
comboUnionInput allows user to select from enumerated list (supplied by schema) or enter in an arbitray value if desired.
getCommand() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
getCommand() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the command attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getCommand() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
getCommand() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
getCommand() - Method in class
getCommand() - Method in class
getCommand() - Method in class
Gets the command attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getCommand() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getCommandParent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
Gets the commandParent attribute of the InputXMLComponent object
getComment(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves a specific comment from the XML node identified by the key.
getComment(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Gets an identified comment from the element of this node, if it exists.
getComments() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Gets all the comments belonging to the element of this node.
getCommonDirs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the commonDirs attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getComparator(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the comparator attribute of the SetInfo class
getComparator(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
Gets the comparator attribute of the DcsSetInfo class
getComparator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
Gets the comparator attribute of the AdnStandard object
getComparator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Gets the comparator attribute of the DupSim object
getComparatorField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Sorting should now be done by supplying a Sort object at search time. Sorting on returned ResultDocs is less efficient and may cause OutOfMemory errors on large result sets.
getCompletedAdvice() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'advice' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedAdvice() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'advice' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedAdvice() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedAdvice attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedAnnoCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item with one or more status completed annotations.
getCompletedAnnoCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the annotataion collection keys, for example {06, 08}, for all collections that annotate this item with one or more status completed annotations.
getCompletedAnnoCollectionKeysFromResultDocs(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets a list of keys, for example {06, 04}, for each of the annotation collections that have at least one status completed record.
getCompletedAnnos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed annotations, regardless of type, for this resource.
getCompletedAnnos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed annotations, regardless of type, for this resource.
getCompletedAnnos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedAnnosOfType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of all completed annotataions for this item of the given type.
getCompletedAnnosOfType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of all completed annotataions for this item of the given type.
getCompletedAnnosOfType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets a list of all completed annotataions for this item of the given type.
getCompletedAnnotation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'annotation' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedAnnotation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'annotation' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedAnnotation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedAnnotation attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedAverageScores() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'average scores' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedAverageScores() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'average scores' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedAverageScores() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedAverageScores attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedBias() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'bias' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedBias() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'bias' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedBias() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedBias attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedChallengingSituations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'challenging situation' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedChallengingSituations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'challenging situation' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedChallengingSituations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedChallengingSituations attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedChange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'change' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedChange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'change' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedChange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedChange attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedComment() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'comment' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedComment() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'comment' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedComment() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedComment attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedEditorSummaries() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'editors summary' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedEditorSummaries() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'editors summary' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedEditorSummaries() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedEditorSummaries attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedEducationalStandard() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'educational standard' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedEducationalStandard() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'educational standard' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedEducationalStandard() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedEducationalStandard attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedExample() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'example' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedExample() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'example' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedExample() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedExample attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedExplanation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'explanation' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedExplanation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'explanation' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedExplanation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedExplanation attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedQuestion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'question' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedQuestion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'question' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedQuestion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedQuestion attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedReviews() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'review' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedReviews() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'review' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedReviews() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedReviews attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedSeeAlso() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'see also' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedSeeAlso() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'see also' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedSeeAlso() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedSeeAlso attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getCompletedTeachingTips() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'teaching tip' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedTeachingTips() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the completed type 'teaching tip' annotations for this resource.
getCompletedTeachingTips() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the completedTeachingTips attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getComplexContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the complexContent element of the ComplexType object.
getComplexTypeBox() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Creates a "box" (a decorated Div element) containing this element's id and display state.
getComplexTypeLabel(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorRenderer
Create a label with collapse widget (if this nodeIsExpandable is true for this node.
getComplexTypeLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getComplexTypeLabel(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getComplexTypeLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the complexTypeLabel attribute of the RendererImpl object
getComplexTypeLabel(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the complexTypeLabel attribute of the RendererImpl object
getComplexTypeLabel(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Gets the complexTypeLabel attribute of the ViewerRenderer object
getComplexTypes(GlobalDefMap) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.GlobalDefReporter
getComplexTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
getComponent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Gets the component of specified type ("property", "data", "relationship" from the InfoXML instance, if it exists.
getComponentJspHeader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
JSP code to insert at the top of component jsp files.
getComponentJspHeader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewRecord
getCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the compositor attribute of the ComplexType object.
getCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Gets the compositor attribute of the CompositorGuard object
getCompositor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the compositor attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getCompositor(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the compositor attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Returns the compositor associated with this SchemaNode's typeDef, or null if the typeDef does not have a Compositor.
getCompositorGuard(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CompositorTester
getCompositorType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the compositorType attribute of the ComplexType object
getCompressions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the optional compressionTag attribute of the RepositoryForm object.
getCompressions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the compressions attribute of the RepositoryManager object.
getConfig(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceManager
Gets the configuration for the specified xmlFormat (framework)
getConfigAttributes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the configuration attributes that were set when the writer was created.
getConfigDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the directory where the RepositoryManager config files reside.
getConfigDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Gets the directory in which framework config files are located.
getConfigDirLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the path to the RepositoryManager config directory.
getConfigFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
Gets the configFile attribute of the LoadMetadataVocabs object
getConfigFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
Gets the configFile attribute of the LoadMetadataVocabs object
getConfigReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the configReader attribute of the CollectionConfig object
getConfigReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the configReader attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getConfiguredCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Get a list of the collections currently configured.
getConfiguredDirectories() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Gets a HashMap of all directories that are configured in this FileIndexingService, keyed by absolute path.
getConfiguredFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a List of native file format Strings that are currently configured in this repository.
getConfiguredLoginModule(String) - Static method in class
Gets the the specified AppConfigurationEntry from the login configuration
getConfiguredLoginModules() - Static method in class
Gets the configuredLoginModules as list of loginModule class names
getConfiguredLoginModules(boolean) - Static method in class
Gets the configuredLoginModules as list of loginModule class names, optionally printing if "verbose" is true.
getConfiguredSetInfos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a HashMap of SetInfos (directories of files) that are currently configured in this repository keyed by their set spec, for example dcc.
getConfiguredSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a List of file set key Strings such as 'dcc' or 'comet' that are currently configured in this repository.
getConfirmForward(ActionMapping, CreateADNRecordForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateADNRecordAction
Gets the confirmForward attribute of the CreateADNRecordAction object
getConfirmForward(ActionMapping, CreateADNRecordForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateMastRecordAction
Gets the confirmForward attribute of the CreateMastRecordAction object
getConfirmForward(ActionMapping, CreateADNRecordForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateRecordAction
Gets the confirmForward attribute of the CreateRecordAction object
getConnection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Retrieve the URL for this connection.
getConnectionHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy
getConstraints() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Build a MetadataContraint instance from current CATServiceHelper attributes, including keywords, description, gradeRanges (when the corresponding "use" attributes return true).
getContact() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the contact contributor bean with that contains methods for accessing contributor information (Not implemented).
getContactID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Gets the contactID attribute of the PersonContributor object
getContacts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the contacts attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getContacts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
getContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the content of the item this record catalogs, or null if not available.
getContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns null.
getContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the content of the item this record catalogs, or null if not available.
getContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
getContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.DownLoadedFile
Gets the content attribute of the DownLoadedFile object
getContentFromXML(String) - Static method in class
Gets the content from XML by stripping all XML tags.
getContentFromXML(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Gets the content from XML by stripping all XML tags.
getContentLength() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.DownLoadedFile
Gets the contentLength attribute of the DownLoadedFile object
getContentLength() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Gets the contentLength attribute of the GenericResponseWrapper object
getContentModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the contentModel attribute of the ComplexType object
getContentStandardLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the content standard UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Change, constancy, and measurement', or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if the vocab manager is not available.
getContentStandards() - Method in class
Gets the contentStandards attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getContentStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the content standards for this record, for example 01, or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if no vocab manager is available.
getContentStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the contentStandards attribute of the ADNFileIndexingWriter object
getContentStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the contentStandards attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getContentType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the content type of the item this record catalogs, or null if not available.
getContentType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns null.
getContentType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the content type of the item this record catalogs, or null if not available.
getContentType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.DownLoadedFile
Gets the contentType attribute of the DownLoadedFile object
getContentType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Gets the contentType attribute of the GenericResponseWrapper object
getContentURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
getContextPath(ServletContext) - Static method in class
Returns the context path for the webapp, for example '/dds' or '/' for the root context.
getContextURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the contextURL attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getContextURL() - Method in class
Gets the contextURL attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getContextURL() - Method in class
Gets the contextURL attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getContextURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the contextURL attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getContextURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the contextURL attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getContextURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
getContextURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
Gets the contextURL attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
getContextURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the contextURL attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getContextURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the contextURL attribute of the DCSViewForm object
getContextURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the contextURL attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
getContextUrl(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Gets the URL that refers to the current server and servlet context, for example "" or "" or or "http://localhost:8080/context".
getConvertableFormatsQuery(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a query that limits a search to only those xml formats that can be converted to the format indicated.
getConvertedXml(String, String, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Converts XML from one format to another, saving and retrieving the converted content to and from a file cache.
getConvertedXml(String, String, File, XMLDocReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Converts XML from one format to another, saving and retrieving the converted content to and from a file cache.
getCoppa() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
getCopy(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Retrieves a copy of a single data object, sutable for modifying.
getCopy(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Retrieves a List of copied data objects, suitable for modifying.
getCopy(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Retrieves a copy of a single data object, sutable for modifying, or null if none exists or unable to retrieve.
getCopy(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Retrieves a List of copied data objects, suitable for modifying.
getCopyRecordPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
CopyRecordPaths represent schema fields that will be copied to new records during record copy operations.
getCopyright() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the copyright attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getCopyright() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the copyright attribute of the DleseBean object
getCopyright() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retreives the copright information of a resource from the current record.
getCost() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the collection's cost.
getCost() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the item's cost.
getCost() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the cost associated with this collection.
getCost() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the cost attribute of the DleseBean object
getCost() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the cost information of a resource from the current record.
getCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
getCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.CountMembersRequest
Gets the resultHandle attribute of the CountMembersRequest object
getCreated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the fedora-view:createdDate property of the NdrObject as a Date object
getCreated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
getCreated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Gets the created attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
getCreated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Gets the created attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
getCreated() - Method in class
Gets the created attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
getCreated() - Method in class
Gets the created attribute of the CATStandardDocument object
getCreated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocStatement
Gets the created attribute of the AsnDocStatement object
getCreated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the created attribute of the AsnDocument object
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the fedora-view:createdDate property of the NdrObject
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the createdDate attribute of the DleseBean object
getCreatedDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the date the catalog record was created.
getCreateForward(ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateADNRecordAction
Gets the createForward attribute of the CreateADNRecordAction object
getCreateForward(ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateMastRecordAction
Gets the createForward attribute of the CreateMastRecordAction object
getCreateForward(ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateRecordAction
Gets the createForward attribute of the CreateRecordAction object
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the created date as a String.
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the date this item was first created, or null if not available.
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns null.
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the date this item was first created, or null if not available.
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Gets the creation date for this CommentRecord.
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the creation date for this ResourceRecord.
getCreationDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the created date as a Java Date ADN XPath metaMetadata/dateInfo@created.
getCreator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the items creator's full name.
getCreator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the items creator's full name.
getCreator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the items creator's full name.
getCreatorEmailAlt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the creator's alternate email.
getCreatorEmailPrimary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the creator's primary email.
getCreatorLastName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the items creator's last name.
getCreatorLastName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the items creator's last name.
getCreatorLastName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the items creator's last name.
getCreators() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getCreators() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the creators attribute of the DleseBean object
getCrs() - Method in class
getCs() - Method in class
Gets the cs attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getCurrentAdminEmail() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the currentAdminEmail attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getCurrentAdminEmail() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the currentAdminEmail attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getCurrentCollectionStatus(Document) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the status of the collection based on the values in the collection-level record.
getCurrentDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the currentDescription attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getCurrentDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the currentDescription attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getCurrentDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the currentDoc attribute of the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object
getCurrentDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the currentDoc attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getCurrentDoc() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the currentDoc attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getCurrentEntry() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the current StatusEntry attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getCurrentPage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the currentPage attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getCurrentPageEncoded() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the currentPageEncoded attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getCurrentRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Id of the current record.
getCurrentRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
gets the Cached current record id
getCurrentRecIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Index of the current record in the result list.
getCurrentRecIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Return the index of the current record in the searchResults
getCurrentResult() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Gets the current record as a ResultDoc instance.
getCurrentSetDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the currentSetDescription attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getCurrentSetDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the currentSetDescription attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getCurrentSetDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the currentSetDirectory attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getCurrentSetDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the currentSetDirectory attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getCurrentSetFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the currentSetFormat attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getCurrentSetFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the currentSetFormat attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getCurrentSetName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the currentSetName attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getCurrentSetName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the currentSetName attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getCurrentSetSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the currentSetSpec attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getCurrentSetSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the currentSetSpec attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getCurrentSortWidget() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
getCurrentStdDocKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the currentStdDocKey attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getCurrentTree() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the currentTree attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getCurrentVersion(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Get the most recently loaded metadata format version number
getCurrentVersion(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Get the most recently loaded metadata format version number
getCurrentVersion(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the currentVersion attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getCurrentVocabGroup() - Method in class
Gets the currentVocabGroup attribute of the HistogramForm object
getCurrentVocabName() - Method in class
Gets the currentVocabName attribute of the HistogramForm object
getData() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXML
Gets the data component of the InputXML object.
getDatabaseURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
Gets the databaseURL attribute of the LoadMetadataVocabs object
getDataFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getDataList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataEvent
Listeners must retrieve the exact data associated with this specific event
getDataStream(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi.DataStreamWrapper
Get the metadata for this wrapper object.
getDataStream(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the dataStream of the NdrObjectReader for specified format.
getDataStream(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the dataStream matching the provided formatSpec, or null if requested stream is not present.
getDataStreams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi.DataStreamWrapper
getDataType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.AttributeGroup
Gets the dataType attribute of the AttributeGroup object
getDataType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getDataType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the dataType attribute of the ComplexType object
getDataType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the dataType attribute of the GenericType object
getDataType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalAttribute
Gets the dataType attribute of the GlobalAttribute object
getDataType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the dataType attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
getDataType() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Returns an integer contant that specifies whether this GlobalDef is Generic, Simple, Complex, Global or Built-in datatype.
getDataType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalElement
Gets the dataType attribute of the GlobalElement object
getDataType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ModelGroup
Gets the dataType attribute of the ModelGroup object
getDataType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Gets the dataType attribute of the SimpleType object
getDataTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the dataTypes attribute of the SuggestionServiceConfig object
getDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
As of annotation framework v1.0, this field no longer exists.
getDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm.DateLabelPair
getDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Return the changeDate attribute as a Date.
getDate() - Method in class
getDate() - Method in class
Gets the date attribute of the DateLabelPair object
getDate() - Method in class
getDate() - Method in class
Gets the date attribute of the DateLabelPair object
getDate() - Method in class
Gets the date attribute of the DateLabelPair object
getDate() - Method in class
Gets the date attribute of the DateLabelPair object
getDateCreatedPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the dateCreatedPath attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
As of annotation framework v1.0, this field no longer exists.
getDateFileWasIndexed() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the date this record was indexed.
getDateFileWasIndexedString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the date and time this record was indexed, as a String.
getDateFromDatestamp(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
Converts an ISO8601 UTC datestamp String of the form yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ or the short form yyyy-MM-dd to a Java Date.
getDateFromDatestamp(String, long) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
Converts an ISO8601 UTC datastamp String of the form yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ or the short form yyyy-MM-dd to a Java Date.
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileMoveTester
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.ExtractorQueryParser
Gets a datestamp of the current time formatted for display with logs and output.
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets a datestamp of the current time formatted for display with logs and output.
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocList
Gets a datestamp of the current time formatted for display with logs and output.
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a datestamp of the current time formatted for display with logs and output.
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.WebLogIndexingService
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NDRServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.HarvesterAdminAction
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDatestamp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the datestamp attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAdminAction
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordData
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAdminAction
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SessionInfoAction
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SessionsAction
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ActionServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionIndexingObserver
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryIndexingObserver
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RequestProcessor
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SetupServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestXMLAction
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestCommentServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestResourceServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.MemoryCheck
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.VocabAdminAction
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.FilterCore
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts.FieldValidators
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaViewerServlet
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Gets a datestamp of the current time formatted for display with logs and output.
getDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDatestampFromDate(Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
Gets an ISO8601 UTC datestamp string of the form yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ from a Date.
getDateString() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.UniqueValueChecker
Gets a formated date string for current time.
getDateString() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets the dateString attribute of the RepositoryService class
getDateString() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSimUrlChecker
Gets the dateString attribute of the DupSimUrlChecker class
getDateStrings() - Method in class
Gets the dateStrings attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getDateStringsForUI() - Method in class
Gets the dateStringsForUI attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getDayOfWeekString(int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Gets a String representation of the Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK field.
getDbString(String) - Method in class
Retrieves a single String from the DB.
getDbTable(String, String[], boolean) - Method in class
Retrieves a table from the DB: each array row represents one DB row, and each array column represents a DB column.
getDcsCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
Gets setInfo instances for each collection NOT registered with NDR
getDcsDataDir(RepositoryManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Gets the dcsDataDir attribute of the DcsDataManager object
getDcsDataDir(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Gets the dcsDataDir attribute of the DcsDataManager class
getDcsDataDocReader(DocReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Gets the dcsDataDocReader attribute of the JspFunctions class
getDcsDataRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
Gets the dcsDataRecord attribute of the ADNRecordForm object
getDcsDataRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the dcsDataRecord attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getDcsDataRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Gets the dcsDataRecord attribute of the StatusForm object
getDcsDataRecord(String, RepositoryManager) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Retrieve the DcsDataRecord correponding to the given record ID
getDcsDataRecord(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Gets a dcsDataRecord without specifying an id.
getDcsDataRecord(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Returns an empty dcsDataRecord corresponding to an indexed source record.
getDcsDataRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets the dcsDataRecord attribute of the RepositoryService object
getDcsDataRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Get DcsDataRecord for the given id via the DcsDataManager
getDcsField(String, DocReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Gets the dcsField attribute of the JspFunctions class
getDcsId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getDcsSetInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Gets the dcsSetInfo attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object
getDcsSetInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the dcsSetInfo attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getDcsSetInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
getDcsSetInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Gets the dcsSetInfo attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
getDcsSetInfo(String, RepositoryManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Gets the dcsSetInfo attribute of the SchemEditUtils class
getDcsSetInfo(String, List) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
pick a given DcsSetInfo from a list
getDcsStatusOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Gets the dcsStatusOptions attribute of the DcsDataManager object
getDcsXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getDebug() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Gets the debug attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest class
getDebug() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
getDebugLogger(int, int, int, Level, boolean, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.DleseLogManager
Returns a DebugLogger.
getDeDupedResultDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the de-duped ResultDocs for all records that refer to this resource from the dup items index, or null if this is not a duped record.
getDefaultAnalyzer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Gets the default Analyzer being used.
getDefaultDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the defaultDir attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getDefaultDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the defaultDoc attribute of the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object
getDefaultDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the defaultDoc attribute of the SuggestionServiceConfig object
getDefaultDocKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Gets the defaultDocKey attribute of the AsnStandardsManager object
getDefaultDocKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the defaultDocKey attribute of the SuggestionServiceConfig object
getDefaultNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the defaultNamespace attribute of the NamespaceRegistry object
getDefaultOrder() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.SortWidget
Gets the defaultOrder attribute of the SortWidget object.
getDefaultSearchField() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the name of the field that is searched by default if no field is indicated.
getDefaultSearchFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the names of the fields that are serched for terms that match a users query.
getDefDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the defDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getDefinition() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the definition attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getDefinition() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Returns null (here only to satisfy the interface)
getDefinition() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Returns null (here only to satisfy the interface)
getDefinition() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
A definition of the vocab choice (defined for vocabNode, not clear how relevant for standardsNode).
getDefinition() - Method in class
Returns null (here only to satisfy the interface)
getDefinition() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Gets the definition for this field.
getDefinition() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the definition attribute value of the LayoutNode object
getDefinition() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.TermAndDeftn
Gets the definition attribute of the TermAndDeftn object
getDefinition() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the definition attribute of the VocabNode object
getDefinition() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the definition attribute of the VocabNode object
getDefinition() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the vocab node definition
getDefinitionMiner() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the definitionMiner attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getDefIsBuiltin() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getDefIsEnumeration() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getDefIsUnion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getDefsOfType(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
getDeleteController(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getDeleteController(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the deleteController attribute of the RendererImpl object
getDeleteController(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Gets the deleteController attribute of the ViewerRenderer object
getDeleted() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Determine whether the status of this Document is deleted, indicated by a return value of "true".
getDeletedDoc(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Creates a Lucene Document equal to the exsiting FileIndexingService Document except the field "deleted" is to "true" and the field "modtime" has been set to the current time.
getDeletedDoc(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Creates a Lucene Document for the XML that is equal to the exsiting Document.
getDeletedDoc_OFF_2006_08_23(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Creates a Lucene Document from an existing CollectionFileIndexing Document by setting the field "deleted" to "true" and making the modtime equal to current time.
getDeletedDocsNotFromAnyDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the ResultDocs for all OAI status deleted records that did not come from any of the existing file directories configured in the RepositoryManager.
getDeletedDocsNotFromAnyDirectoryQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a Query that will return all OAI status deleted records that did not come from any of the existing file directories configured in the RepositoryManager.
getDeletedRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the deletedRecord attribute of the RepositoryForm object.
getDeletedRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the OAI-PMH deletedRecord support, which depends on whether deleted records are removed from the repository index or kept as status deleted.
getDeletedRecordHandles(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.DleseAsUseCaseHelper
Gets the handles of deleted metadata records for the specified collection.
getDeletedRecordSupport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the level of support for deleted records of the data provider, or null if not available.
getDeletedStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the deletedStatus attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getDeleteRecord() - Method in class
getDelocalizedDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Gets delocalized Document for this reader.
getDepartment() - Method in class
getDepartment() - Method in class
Gets the department attribute of the User object
getDerivationBase() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the derivationBase for derived ComplexTypes.
getDerivationType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the derivationType attribute of the ComplexType object
getDerivedCATEndGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the highest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATEndGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the highest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATEndGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the highest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATEndGrade() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the highest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATEndGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the highest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATEndGrade() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the highest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATStartGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the startGradeContraintOptionValue corresponsing to the lowest gradeRange selected in the current record.
getDerivedCATStartGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the lowest selected gradeRange vocab in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATStartGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the lowest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATStartGrade() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the lowest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATStartGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the lowest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCATStartGrade() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the gradeRangeOptionValue corresponding to the lowest selected gradeRange in the current instance document.
getDerivedCompositorType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the derivedCompositorType attribute of the ComplexType object
getDerivedContentModels(GlobalDefMap) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.GlobalDefReporter
getDerivedContentNodes(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
Gets the derivedContentNodes attribute of the SchemaUtils class
getDerivedGradeRange(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.NsdlGradeRangeHelper
Gets the gradeRange "extents" of a group of gradeRangeVocabs.
getDerivedModels(GlobalDefMap) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.GlobalDefReporter
getDerivedTextOnlyModels(GlobalDefMap) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.GlobalDefReporter
getDerivedTextOnlyNodes(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
Gets the derivedTextOnlyNodes attribute of the SchemaUtils class
getDerivedTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the content of the annotation itself, or empty if none.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the description of the collection.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the description for this item.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the description of the new-opps item.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the description for the item.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the description attribute of the ADNFileIndexingWriter object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
The description for the collection.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Gets the description attribute of the DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
The description for the collection.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the description attribute of the SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Returns the value of description.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Return a description for the document being indexed, or null if none applies.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NsdlDcReader
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.ServiceDescriptionReader
Gets the description attribute of the ServiceDescriptionReader object
getDescription(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the description attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the XML description.
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the description attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlag
Gets the description attribute of the StatusFlag object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the description attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getDescription() - Method in class
Gets the description attribute of the GuardedPath object
getDescription() - Method in class
Gets the description attribute of the GuardedPath object
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.CurriculumStructureReader
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LearningResourceReader
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LessonReader
getDescription() - Method in class
Gets the description attribute of the CATStandardDocument object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the description attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AAASBenchmark
Gets the text attribute of the AsnStandard object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the description attribute of the AsnDocument object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the description attribute of the AsnStatement object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.ColoradoBenchmark
Gets the description attribute of the ColoradoBenchmark object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.RootAsnStandard
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the description attribute of the StdDocument object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
Gets the description attribute of the StdElement object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the description attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the description attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Gets the description attribute of the CommentRecord object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Gets the description attribute of the ResourceRecord object
getDescription(OPMLTree.TreeNode, PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the description from HTTP request of SRC URL
getDescription(PageContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the description attribute of the VocabNode object
getDescription(PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the description attribute of the VocabNodeOPML object
getDescription(PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets a truncated (first two sentences or first 300 characters, whichever comes first) version of a vocab descrition
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the description attribute of the DleseBean object
getDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retreives the description of a resource from the current record.
getDescriptionHtml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the descriptionHtml attribute of the SetInfo object
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath attribute of the AbstractCATHelperPlugin object
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath attribute of the AdnFrameworkPlugin object
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath for the plugin's framework
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.EngPathFrameworkPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath attribute of the EngPathFrameworkPlugin object
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.MastFrameworkPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath of the mast framework
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.Msp2FrameworkPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath of the msp2 framework
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath attribute of the NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin object
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsItemFrameworkPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath attribute of the NcsItemFrameworkPlugin object
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.ResQualFrameworkPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath attribute of the ResQualFrameworkPlugin object
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreFrameworkPlugin
Gets the descriptionPath of the msp2 framework
getDescriptionPath() - Method in class
Gets the descriptionPath of the msp2 framework
getDescriptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the optional descriptions that relate to this repository.
getDescriptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the descriptions availalable for this repository.
getDescriptiveText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.ActivityReader
getDescriptiveText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentFormReader
getDescriptiveText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentReader
getDescriptiveText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentSubTestReader
getDescriptiveText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.CurriculumStructureReader
getDescriptiveText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LearningResourceReader
getDescriptiveText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LessonReader
getDescriptiveText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFDocReader
getDest() - Method in class
getDestCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Gets the destCollection attribute of the SuggestHelper object
getDestPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the destPath attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getDetails() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPluginException
getDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Gets the dir attribute of the DirInfo object
getDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the primary directory path configured for this set, or an empty String if none is configured.
getDirectory(String) - Method in class
Returns the directory containing the XML records of the given collection key, or null if none found.
getDirInfo(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the dirInfo attribute of the SetInfo object
getDirInfos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the dirInfos attribute of the SetInfo object
getDirMetadataFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Gets the dirMetadataFormat attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
getDirNickname() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Gets the dirNickname attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
getDirPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Gets the dirPath attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
getDirs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the dirs attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getDisabledSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the configured file sets that are currently disabled in this repository.
getDisabledSetsHashMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the configured sets that are currently disabled in this repository.
getDisabledSetsQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a Lucene Query for all disabled sets, or null if none.
getDiscoverableItemsQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the query string used to limit searches to only those ADN items-level records that should be displayed in discovery.
getDiscoverableOaiRecordsQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the query string used to limit searches to only those records, of any format (item, collection, anno, etc.), that should be accessable for OAI including 'enabled' deleted records.
getDiscoverableRecordsQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the query string used to limit searches to only those records, of any format (item, collection, anno, etc.), that should be accessable in discovery or via the web service.
getDiscussionURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the discussionURL attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
getDiscussionURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the discussionURL attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getDiscussionURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
optional node
getDiscussionURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the discussionURL attribute of the MetaDataFramework object.
getDisplayableAssociatedItemResultDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the ItemDocReaders for all associated items (refer to same resource) for this item that have an appropriate status for display in discovery.
getDisplayableItemResultDoc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the ResultDoc for the given item level metata record id but only if it should be displayed in discovery.
getDisplayableItemResultDocs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the item result docs for each of the ids listed regardless, returning only those that should be displayed in discovery.
getDisplayContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Determines what standards to display (SUGGESTED_CONTENT, STANDARDS_CONTENT, BOTH, ALL)
getDisplayContent() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Determines what standards to display (e.g., SUGGESTED_CONTENT, STANDARDS_CONTENT, BOTH, ALL)
getDisplayMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Determines whether standards are displayed as a heirarchical tree or flat list.
getDisplayMode() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Determines whether standards are displayed as a heirarchical tree or flat list.
getDisplaySchemaNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the displaySchemaNode attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getDisplayState() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Gets the displayState of the default element
getDisplayState(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Gets the displayState attribute of the specified element
getDisplayStatuses() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getDisplayText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnMappingStandard
walk the ancestor list, adding text from each
getDisplayText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AAASBenchmark
walk the ancestor list, adding text from each
getDisplayText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Walk the ancestor list, adding text from each node
getDisplayText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.RootAsnStandard
The textual content of this RootAsnStandard
getDisplayText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.RootStandard
The textual content of this RootStandard
getDisplayText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Walk the ancestor list, adding text from each node
getDisplayType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the displayType attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getDiv() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets the div attribute of the MdeNode object
getDiv(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets the div attribute of the MdeNode object
getDiv() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Gets a DIV element styled for the current level.
getDiv(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Gets a DIV element styled for a particular level.
getDiversities() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the diversities attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getDivider() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the divider attribute of the VocabNode object
getDivider() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the divider attribute of the VocabNode object
getDivider() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the divider attribute of the vocab node (for UI list dividing)
getDleseAnnoResultDocs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the DLESEAnno docs that annotate the given ids, or null if none.
getDleseStandardsDocument() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnMappingDocument
getDleseStandardsDocument() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.MappingUtils
getDleseStandardsDocument(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.MappingUtils
getDn() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapEntry
Returns the dn (distinguished name) associated with this entry.
getDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingServiceData
getDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestionRecord
Gets the doc attribute of the SuggestionRecord object
getDocContentMap(Document, MetaDataFramework) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.DocContentMap
Returns a representation of a metadata record that can be compared with another record to determine if there are differences in content.
getDocContentMap(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.DocContentMap
Returns a content map of the provided file, assuming it belongs to the MetaDataFramework of this DocContentMap instance.
getDocCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.TermDocCount
Gets the docCount attribute of the TermDocCount object
getDocCount() - Method in class
Number of documents (records) in the index in which the term resides in the given field(s).
getDocDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the absolute path of the directory that contained the File used to index the Document.
getDocGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorFileIndexingWriter
Gets the specifier associated with this group of files or null if no group association exists.
getDocGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the specifier associated with this group of files or null if no group association exists.
getDocGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the collection specifier, for example 'dcc', 'comet'.
getDocId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
getDocId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the docId attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getDocId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the docId attribute of the CommCoreStandardsNode object
getDocId() - Method in class
Gets the docId attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object
getDocIdSet(IndexReader) - Method in class
getDocInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Gets the docInfo for specified standards document
getDocInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Gets the docInfo for the current document
getDocInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Gets the docInfo attribute of the StandardsRegistry object
getDocInfos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Return the AsnDocInfo's for registered standards documents
getDocKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Gets the docKey attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
getDocKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
The standards document key set by the UI, enabling it to query for selected standards from a specific document.
getDocKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Gets the docKey attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
getDocKey() - Method in class
Gets the docKey attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
getDocKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
All the doc keys for which there are selected standards.
getDocMap() - Method in class
Gets the DocumentMap for the search result.
getDocMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Gets a DocumentMap of all field/values contained in the Lucene Document.
getDocMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets a DocumentMap of all field/values contained in the Lucene Document.
getDocMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the docMap attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getDocMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Gets the document attribute of the AbstractConfigReader object
getDocMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestionRecord
Gets the docMap attribute of the SuggestionRecord object
getDocOrderIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
getDocReader() - Method in class
Gets the result attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getDocReader() - Method in class
Gets the docReader attribute of the DDSViewCollectionForm object
getDocReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets the DocReader used to read the specific Document type that is returned in a search.
getDocReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the docReader attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getDocReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the result attribute of the DCSViewForm object
getDocReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Gets the docReader attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
getDocReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
Gets the result attribute of the StaticRecordForm object
getDocReader(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
convience method to retrieve the docReader given a record id
getDocReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
Gets the docReader attribute of the RemoteResultDoc object which supports display of RemoteResultDoc instances via JSP (see ADNItemDocReader).
getDocReader() - Method in class
Gets the DocReader for the first item in the results.
getDocRoot() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the docRoot attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getDocRoot() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
getDocsource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the absolute path of the file that was used to index the Document.
getDocsource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the path to the source file of the document used to create this index record.
getDocsource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the absolute path to the file, which is indexed under the 'docsource' field.
getDocsourceEncoded() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the absolute path of the file that was used to index the Document, encoded.
getDocsToRemove() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingServiceData
getDoctype() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets doctype associated with the Document, for example 'dlese_ims,' 'adn,' or 'html'.
getDoctype() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets the doctype for this ResultDoc.
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the docType attribute of the ADNFileIndexingWriter, which is 'adn.'
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the docType attribute of the DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter object
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the docType attribute of the DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter, which is 'dlesecollect.'
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Gets the docType attribute of the DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter, which is 'dlese_ims.'
getDocType() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DocWriter
Returns a unique document type key for this kind of document, corresponding to the format type.
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorFileIndexingWriter
Gets the docType, which is 'errordoc.'
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets a unique document type key for this kind of record, corresponding to the format type.
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
Gets doctype, which is "harvestlog".
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns a unique document type key for this kind of record, corresponding to the format type.
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the docType attribute of the NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter, which is 'ncs_collect.'
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Gets the docType attribute of the NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter, which is 'news_opps.'
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the xml format for this document, for example "oai_dc," "adn," "dlese_ims," or "dlese_anno".
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Gets doctype, which is "weblog".
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogWriter
Gets doctype, which is "weblog".
getDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the docType attribute of the DcsDataRecord, which is 'dcs_data'
getDoctype() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
Gets the doctype attribute of the RemoteResultDoc object (hardcoded to "adn")
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Gets the Lucene Document associated with this DocReader.
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets the Lucene Document associated with this ResultDoc.
getDocument(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the nth document in the index.
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the original "get" response for this reader object as a dom4j.Document instance.
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.ServiceDescriptionReader
Gets the document attribute of the ServiceDescriptionReader object
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Gets the localized Document for this reader.
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets Editable (localized and ampersand-expanded) Document for this record.
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.DocContentMap
Gets the document attribute of the DocContentMap object
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Gets the document attribute of the FieldInfoReader object
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
Gets the document attribute of the RemoteResultDoc object.
getDocument(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteSearcher
Gets the document attribute of the RemoteSearcher object
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.GetRecordResponse
Gets the document attribute of the GetRecordResponse object.
getDocument() - Method in class
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Gets the document attribute of the DocMap object
getDocumentation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the documentation attribute of the GenericType object
getDocumentation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
getDocumentation() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
getDocumentation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
getDocumentIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Gets the documentIdentifier attribute of the AsnStandard object
getDocumentIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Gets the documentIdentifier attribute of the Standard object
getDom4jDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the dom4j Document for use by sub-classes
getDone() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Gets the done attribute of the TaskProgress object
getDonts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Gets the donts attribute of the FieldInfoReader object
getDos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Gets the dos attribute of the FieldInfoReader object
getDoZipResult() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Determine if the harvested files should be zipped
getDrcBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the boosting factor used to rank items in the DRC.
getDrcBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the boosting factor used to rank items in the DRC.
getDrcBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the boosting factor used to rank items in the DRC.
getDrcBoostingQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Boost items in the DRC.
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDs() - Static method in class
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getDueDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the dueDate attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getDuplicate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Gets the duplicate attribute of the ValidatorResults object
getDuplicateId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Gets the duplicateId attribute of the ErrorDocReader object
getDuplicateIdSourceFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Gets the duplicateIdSourceFile attribute of the ErrorDocReader object
getDuplicateIdSourceFilePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Gets the duplicateIdSourceFilePath attribute of the ErrorDocReader object
getDuplicateUrlRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getDuplicateUrlRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the duplicateUrlRecs attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getDupRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the dupRecord attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getDupRecordId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the dupRecordId attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getDups() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getDups() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the dups attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getDups(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets the dups attribute of the RepositoryService object
getDups() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSimUrlChecker
Returns a list records in "collection" that contain either a PrimaryURL or MirrorURL that is a dupliate of the provided url.
getDupUsername() - Method in class
getDupValues(String, XMLDocReader, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.UniqueValueChecker
Returns a list of RecordIds in a that contain a value equal to provided referenceValue at the provided xpath
getEarliestDatestamp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the earliestDatestamp attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getEarliestDatestamp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the earliestDatestamp attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getEastCoord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.BoundingBox
Gets the eastCoord attribute of the BoundingBox object
getEditableDocument(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets a localized Document (with ampersands expanded) that is suitable for editing.
getEditableDocument(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets a localized Document (with ampersands expanded) that is suitable for editing.
getEditableDocument(String, MetaDataFramework) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Returns the localized dom4j.Document from the given uri after checking that the schemaLocation declared by the document at uri corresponds with the schemaLocation known to the MetaDataFramework parameter.
getEditableXml(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Gets the editableXml attribute of the SchemEditUtils class
getEditMeTag(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewerRenderer
Gets the editMeTag attribute of the EditorViewerRenderer object
getEditMeTag(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Gets the editMeTag attribute of the ViewerRenderer object
getEditMeTag(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
creates a jsp tag (st:dcsViewEditMeLabel) that renders a label as a link that will open the metadata editor to this field.
getEditor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Gets the editor attribute for batch status change.
getEditor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Gets the editor attribute of the StatusEntry object
getEditorConfig() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the current editor configuration (frames, noframes).
getEditorMapping(ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Determines the appropriate editor mapping depending on whether the editor is configured to use a frame-based display.
getEditorMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the editorMode attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object (Stand-alone or DCS).
getEditors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
return the list of Editors for the currently selected collection; we don't use "selectedCollection" but rather getSelectedSet().getSetSpec() because the former does not seem to be properly initialized after system restart?
getEditors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getEditRec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
editRec parameter is used by handleMoveRecord to specify whether control is forwarded back to editor.
getEditRec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
editRec parameter is used by handleMoveRecord to specify whether control is forwarded back to editor.
getEditRec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
editRec parameter is used by handleMoveRecord to specify whether control is forwarded back to editor.
getEditRecordForward(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.RecordOperationsAction
Redirect to the metadata editor loaded with specified record.
getEditRecordLink() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the editRecordLink attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getEditRecordLink() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
Gets the editRecordLink attribute of the ADNRecordForm object
getElapsedTimeSimple(long) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Return a string representation of the elapsed time since an event date (which is represented as "clicks" since "the epoch").
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
build up the label Element
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
build up the label Element
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
build up the label Element
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Returns clone of the entryElement attribute of the StatusEntry object.
getElement() - Method in class
getElement() - Method in class
Gets the element attribute of the CATStandardDocument object
getElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets a single Element satisfying given XPath.
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Gets the element attribute of the Compositor object
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Gets the element attribute of the CompositorMember object
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the element attribute of the GenericType object
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the element attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
getElement() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Gets the element attribute of the GlobalDef object
getElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Retrieves the element of this node.
getElementAsXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getElementAsXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the elementAsXml attribute of the GenericType object
getElementAsXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
getElementAsXml() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
getElementFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Selects the InputFields corresponding to metadata Elements.
getElementId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getElementName() - Method in class
getElementPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getElements(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
get all Elements satisfying the given xpath
getElementText(Element, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
getElementText(Element, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionCmp
getElementText(Element, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionIntegrator
getElementText(Element, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getElementText(Element, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsData
getElementText(Element, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getElementText(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
getElementText(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Return formatted contents for given Element, inserting hyperlink when "link" and "url" attributes are present
getElementText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
return the Text of a Element satisfying the given XPath.
getEmail() - Method in class
getEmail() - Method in class
Return the from address.
getEmail() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the email attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getEmail() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Gets the email attribute of the CommentRecord object
getEmailAlt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Gets the emailAlt attribute of the PersonContributor object
getEmailFrom() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Gets the emailFrom attribute of the SuggestHelper object
getEmailPrimary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Gets the emailPrimary attribute of the PersonContributor object
getEmailPrimary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the emailPrimary attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getEmailPrimary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Gets the emailPrimary attribute of the ResourceRecord object
getEmailTo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Gets the emailTo attribute of the SuggestHelper object
getEmptyQuery(RepositoryManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
Return a query object that will find no records.
getEmtpyMDPHandles() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Gets List of handles for MetadataProviders having no items.
getEmtpyMDPHandles() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
getEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the enabled status String [true | false].
getEnabledDisabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the enabledDisabled attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getEnabledSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the configured sets (directories of files) that are currently enabled in this repository.
getEnabledSetsHashMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the configured sets that are currently enabled in this repository.
getEnabledSetsQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the configured sets that are currently enabled in this repository as a String suitable for use in s Lucene query, or an empty string if no sets are enabled.
getEnd() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the ending index for the records that will be displayed.
getEnd() - Method in class
Gets the ending index for the records that will be displayed.
getEnd() - Method in class
Gets the ending index for the records that will be displayed.
getEnd() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the ending index for the records that will be displayed.
getEnd() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the ending index for the records that will be displayed.
getEnd() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the ending index for the records that will be displayed.
getEnd() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the ending index for the records that will be displayed.
getEndDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the end time as a Date, or null.
getEndGrade(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
Gets the endGrade attribute of the AsnToAdnMapper object
getEndGrade(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Gets the endGrade of the given gradeRange vocab value.
getEndGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Return an integer representing the highest gradeLevel contained in the provided gradeRangeVocab values, or -1 if none are provided
getEndGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.NsdlGradeRangeHelper
Return an integer representing the highest gradeLevel contained in the provided gradeRangeVocab values, or -1 if none are provided
getEndGrade() - Method in class
Gets the endGrade attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getEndGradeLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Gets the endGradeLevel attribute of the AsnStandard object
getEndGradeLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the endGradeLevel attribute of the AsnStatement object
getEndGradeLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
getEndTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the endTime attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getEndTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Gets the endTime when the havest completed either because of an error or at the end of a successful harvest.
getEndTimeLong() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the end time as a long, or -1 if not available.
getEntityErrorFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Gets the entityErrorFields managed by this InputManager
getEntityErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
returns a list of entity errors found in the value for this InputField
getEntityErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Gets the entityErrors attribute of the SchemEditValidator object
getEntries() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.ErrorLog
getEntries() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReport
getEntries() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getEntries() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.Log
getEntry(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReport
getEntryKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
getEntryList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Returns List of managed suggestions records.
getEntryList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReport
getEntryType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the entryType attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getEnumeratedValues(Document, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
Gets the enumeratedValues of the element of doc at xpath.
getEnumerationBaseType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Returns the typeDef for the base enumeration type, or null if this SimpleType is not an enumeration
getEnumerationOptions(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the possible values and labels (defined by the an EnumerationType representing a controlled vocab) that an element may assume.
getEnumerationOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getEnumerationOptions(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the enumerationOptions attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getEnumerationPaths(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the enumerationPaths of a Document given an xpath to a member.
getEnumerationValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the enumerationValues attribute of the GenericType object
getEnumerationValues(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the enumerationValues attribute of the GenericType object
getEnumerationValues(GlobalDef, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the enumerationValues that are specified by the typeName.
getEnumerationValues(String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the enumerationValues attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getEnumerationValuesOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the curently assigned values for the given xpath in the current Document.
getEnvVars() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.EnvReader
Gets the envVars attribute of the EnvReader class
getError() - Method in class
Gets the error attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getError() - Method in class
Gets the error attribute of the DDSViewCollectionForm object
getError() - Method in class
Gets the error attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getError() - Method in class
Gets the error attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
Get the error from the InfoXML object.
getError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
getError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Gets the error attribute of the TaskProgress object
getErrorCode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIError
Gets the errorCode attribute of the OAIError object
getErrorCode() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.repository.OAIErrorException
Gets the errorCode attribute of the OAIErrorException object
getErrorCode() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.repository.PutCollectionException
getErrorCode() - Method in class
Gets the errorCode attribute of the object
getErrorCode() - Method in class
Gets the errorCode attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getErrorDocType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Gets the errorDocType attribute, which defaults to 'generic'.
getErrorDocType() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorDocException
getErrorList() - Method in class
Gets the errorList attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getErrorList() - Method in class
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceException
Gets an error message describing the unresolvable reference, prividing the reference, the reason why it can't be resolved, and the position within the text of the reference.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Gets the errorMessage attribute of the SubmitNewsOppsForm object
getErrorMsg() - Method in class
Gets the errorMsg attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getErrorMsg() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Gets the error message.
getErrorMsg() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
getErrorMsg(Element) - Method in class
Gets the errorMsg attribute of the CATWebService object
getErrorMsg(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
Gets the errorMsg attribute of the MetaExtractService object
getErrorMsg() - Method in class
Gets the errorMsg attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getErrorMsg() - Method in class
Gets the errorMsg attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getErrorMsg() - Method in class
Gets the errorMsg attribute of the RecommenderForm object
getErrorMsg() - Method in class
Returns the value of errorMsg.
getErrorMsg() - Method in class
Gets the error message or null if there was no error
getErrorMsg() - Method in class
Gets the errorMsg attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getErrorMsg() - Method in class
Gets the errorMsg attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getErrorMsg() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Gets the errorMsg attribute of the CharArrayWrapper object
getErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Iff OAI errors exist, returns the error tag(s) appropriate for the given response, otherwise returns an empty string.
getErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getErrors(String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.ErrorManager
getErrors() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Get the list of any errors that have occured
getErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the errors attribute of the MetadataUIManager object
getErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the errors attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Gets a human-readable validation error report if errors were found in the XML, otherwise returns an empty StringBuffer.
getErrorStrings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the errors identified by the ID mapper for this records.
getErrorTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the errors types (codes) identified by the ID mapper for this records.
getEventData() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryEvent
Gets the eventData attribute of the RepositoryEvent object
getEventNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets all event names as text.
getEventStartDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the eventStartDate attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getEventStopDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the eventStopDate attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getExampleFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
getExampleId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
getExampleId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the exampleId attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getExampleID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Get an example ID that might be disiminated from this repository.
getExampleID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Get an example ID that might be disiminated from this repository.
getExampleId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the exampleId attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getExampleID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
Gets the exampleID attribute of the IDGenerator object
getExampleId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
getExamples() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Gets the examples attribute of the FieldInfoReader object
getException() - Method in class
Gets the Exception if one occured, or null if none.
getExceptionName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Gets the name of the Exception that was thrown to when the error occured.
getExcludedDirs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the excludedDirs attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getExcludedDirsNotInRepository() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the Excluded Dirs that are defined for the set but that do not exist in the repository.
getExcludedQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the excludedQuery attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getExcludedTerms() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the excludedTerms attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getExistingCollectionIndexingSession(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Gets the existingCollectionIndexingSession attribute of the CollectionIndexer object
getExitPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
The exit path determines where control is returned to when the user is done with the admin interface.
getExpandedMemberNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.All
not currently called.
getExpandedSearchQuery(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a Query for the given Lucene query String that is expanded using the default search fields, boosting fields and virtual search field mappings that are configured in this RepositoryManager.
getExportBaseDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the exportBaseDir attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getExportBaseDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
Gets the exportBaseDir attribute of the ExportingService object
getExportDir() - Method in class
Gets the exportDir attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getExportDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the exportDirectory attribute of the CollectionConfig object
getExportDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the name attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getExportingMessages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DataStoreTester
getExportingSession() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
SessionId of the session currently preforming an export operation
getExportingSet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
the DcsSetInfo object for set currently being exported
getExportingSetInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
Gets the exportingSetInfo attribute of the ExportingService object
getExportReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the exportReport attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getExportReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
Gets the exportReport attribute of the ExportingService object
getExportVersion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocStatement
Gets the exportVersion attribute of the AsnDocStatement object
getExportXml(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.OsmRecordExporter
getExtensionBase() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the name of the extension base type for complex types that derive by extension.
getExtensionElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the extensionElement ComplexType object
getExtensionRootType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Recursively traverse the derived Model definitions until a base type definition is found that is not derived from another (via an extension or a restriction).
getExtensionType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the extensionType attribute of the ComplexType object
getExtractedTerms() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.ExtractorQueryParser
Gets the terms extracted from the given field after calling the parse method.
getFailedBatchLocks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
List of ids to records that could not be locked during getBatchLocks.
getFailedRecordList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Records that failed batch op
getFakeInfoStream() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Gets the fakeInfoStream attribute of the InfoStream class
getFakeServiceDescription() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Gets the fakeServiceDescription attribute of the ServiceDescription class
getFeedbackStandards() - Method in class
Gets the feedbackStandards attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getField() - Method in class
gets the vocabulary field attribute of the VocabActionForm object
getField() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Gets the field attribute of the DupSim object
getFieldAnalyzers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexerFieldsConfig
Gets a Map of field/analyzer pairs where keys are field or schema names and values are the corresponding Analyzer class names as Strings for the custom fields that are defined in this configuration.
getFieldContent(String[], String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the vocab encoded keys for the given values, separated by the '+' symbol.
getFieldContent(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the encoded vocab key for the given content.
getFieldContent(String[], String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the vocab encoded keys for the given values as a String Array.
getFieldContent(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the encoded vocab key for the given content.
getFieldContent(String, String[], String, MetadataVocab) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabUtils
Gets the vocab encoded keys for the given values, separated by the '+' symbol.
getFieldContent(String, String, String, MetadataVocab) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabUtils
Gets the encoded vocab key for the given content.
getFieldId() - Method in class
Gets the field encoded ID of the current vocabulary
getFieldId(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the field ID from the field name, for example 'gradeRange' will return 'gr'.
getFieldId() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the fieldId attribute of the VocabNode object
getFieldId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the fieldId attribute of the VocabNode object
getFieldId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Each vocab term has a field and a value.
getFieldInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Returns a FieldInfoReader for the specified path.
getFieldInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
returns the FieldInfoReader for the given xpath, or null if one does not exist
getFieldInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the FieldInfo for the given xpath
getFieldInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Gets the fieldInfo for given xpath.
getFieldInfoMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the fieldInfoMap attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getFieldInfoMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Create a FieldInfoMap containing information about each fieldInfo path specified in the config file.
getFieldInfoMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the fieldInfoMap attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getFieldInfoReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the fieldInfoReader attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getFieldLabel() - Method in class
Gets the UI label of the current vocabulary
getFieldList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameList
getFieldName(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the field ID, for example 'gr', for a given vocab, for example 'gradeRange'.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.SortWidget
Gets the fieldName attribute of the SortWidget object
getFieldName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Gets the leaf of the xpath attribute for the InputField object.
getFieldNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Gets the names of all fields in the document as Strings.
getFieldQuery(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.ExtractorQueryParser
Gets the fieldQuery attribute of the ExtractorQueryParser object
getFieldQuery(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.FieldExpansionQueryParser
Gets the fieldQuery attribute of the FieldExpansionQueryParser object
getFields() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
getFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a list of all fields in the index listed alphabetically.
getFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.TermDocCount
Gets the fields attribute of the TermDocCount object
getFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Gets all the fields (xpaths) having FieldInfoReaders
getFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Gets all the fields (xpaths) having VocabLayouts
getFields() - Method in class
Gets a list of the fields in which the terms reside.
getFieldsFileUri(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Gets an absolute URI be resolving a baseUri (pointing to the groups-list file) and a relativePath.
getFieldsFileUri(URI, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.NewFieldInfoMap
Gets an absolute URI be resolving a baseUri (pointing to the fields-list file) and a relativePath.
getFieldsUsedForBoosting() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the names of the index fields that are used to boost records that match a users query.
getFieldSystemId(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getTranslatedField()
getFieldSystemId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the encoded field Id of the given metadata field
getFieldSystemId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the encoded field Id of the given metadata field
getFieldType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
getFieldValueIdPairExists(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Does a vocabulary definition exist for the given encoded field/value Ids?
getFieldValueIdPairExists(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Does a vocabulary definition exist for the given encoded FIELD + VALUE IDs?
getFieldValueIdPairExists(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Does a vocabulary definition exist for the given encoded field/value Ids?
getFieldValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Gets the values for all fields in the document as Map.Entry Objects.
getFieldValueSystemId(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getTranslatedValue()
getFieldValueSystemId(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the encoded value Id of the given metadata field/value pair
getFieldValueSystemId(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the encoded value Id of the given metadata field/value pair
getFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the File that was used to index the Document.
getFileContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the full content of the file as a String.
getFileCreated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocStatement
Gets the fileCreated attribute of the AsnDocStatement object
getFileCreated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the fileCreated attribute of the AsnDocument object
getFileCreated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the fileCreated attribute of the StdDocument object
getFileExists() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Determine whether the file associated with this Document exists, indicated by a return value of "true".
getFileForId(MmdRec) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the fileForId attribute of the RecordDataService object
getFileFromIndex(String, RepositoryManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Returns the file associated with an id in an index.
getFileIndexingPlugin() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the FileIndexingPlugin that has been set for use during indexing, or null if none.
getFileIndexingService() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the fileIndexingService attribute of the FileIndexingServiceWriter object
getFileIndexingService() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the fileIndexingService attribute.
getFileLoginEnabled() - Method in class
getFileName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the name of the File that was used to index the Document.
getFileName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.DownLoadedFile
Gets the fileName attribute of the DownLoadedFile object
getFileName() - Method in class
Returns the file name of the record's XML file.
getFilename() - Method in class
Returns the metadata XML file name
getFilenameOfFieldPath(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Physical filename of the OPML that loaded the given vocabulary field XPath
getFilePathForId(MmdRec) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the filePathForId attribute of the RecordDataService object
getFileSeparatorCh() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Gets the String used to separate files in the native file system.
getFileSeparatorStr() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Gets the char used to separate files in the native file system.
getFileToEdit(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemaHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionConfigAction
Gets the fileToEdit attribute of the CollectionConfigAction object
getFileToEdit(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemaHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkConfigAction
getFileToEdit(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemaHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Gets the fileToEdit attribute of the StandAloneSchemEditAction object
getFinalStatusFlag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the finalStatusFlag for this collection.
getFinalStatusFlag(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Gets the finalStatusFlag attribute of the StatusFlags class
getFinalStatusFlag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
getFinalStatusFlags() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Gets a list of the finalStatusFlags defined by each collection.
getFinalStatusLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the finalStatusLabel (display string) for this collection.
getFinalStatusLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the finalStatusLabel attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getFinalStatusLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Gets the finalStatusLabel attribute of the CollectionRegistry object
getFinalStatusLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the finalStatusLabel attribute of the SessionBean object
getFinalStatusValue() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Convenience method to retrieve the FinalStatusFlagValue for this collection from StatusFlags.
getFinalStatusValue(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Creates a final status value string based on given collection key.
getFinder() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Obtains a Finder instance
getFirstAccessionDate() - Method in class
Returns the date this record was first accessioned.
getFirstChild() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the firstChild attribute of the GenericType object
getFirstHighlightIndex() - Method in class
Gets the firstHighlightIndex attribute of the KeywordsHighlight object--when keyword highlighting is performed, firstHighlightIndex is loaded with the index of the first occurrence of a keyword within the given string.
getFirstID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
Gets the firstID attribute of the IDGenerator object
getFirstname() - Method in class
getFirstName() - Method in class
Gets the firstName attribute of the User object
getFirstPage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Gets the firstPage attribute of the PageList object
getFirstTextValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Returns the string value of the field with the given name if any exist in this document, or null.
getFootnote() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Getter method for the XML footnote comment.
getForceValidation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the forceValidation attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the format of the annotation, which is one of 'audio', 'graphical', 'text', or 'video'.
getFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Gets the format attribute of the DirInfo object
getFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the metadata format of the files in the primary directory configured for this set, or an empty String if none is configured.
getFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Get the metadata format of the framework containing this field.
getFormat() - Method in class
getFormatConfig(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexerFieldsConfig
Gets the configuration Document for a given xmlFormat or schema.
getFormatLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the formatLabels attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getFormatLabels() - Method in class
Gets the formatLabels attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getFormatLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the formatLabels attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getFormatLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the formatLabels attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getFormatLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the formatLabels attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getFormatName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.ActivityReader
getFormatName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentFormReader
getFormatName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentReader
getFormatName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentSubTestReader
getFormatName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.CurriculumStructureReader
getFormatName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LearningResourceReader
getFormatName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LessonReader
getFormatName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFDocReader
getFormatOfRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the format of the records in this collection, for example 'adn'.
getFormatOfRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the format of the records in this collection.
getFormatOfRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Gets the formatOfRecords attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object
getFormatOfRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the formatOfRecords attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the formats attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getFormats() - Method in class
Gets all possible metadata formats that may be disiminated by the RepositoryManager.
getFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi.DataStreamWrapper
getFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Returns the data stream formats as a Set.
getFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the formats attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the formats attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the formats attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets all possible metadata formats that may be disiminated by the RepositoryManager.
getFormatsThatCanBeConvertedToFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets all formats that can be converted to the given Format.
getFormatsThatCanBeConvertedToFormats(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets all formats that can be converted to the given Formats.
getFormBeanName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Gets the formBeanName attribute of the RendererHelper object
getFormName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentFormReader
getForwardName() - Method in class
Gets the name of the page to forward to, which is one of 'simple.query' or ''.
getForwardPage(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
Gets the forwardPage attribute of the UrlMappings object
getForwardPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
getForwardUrl() - Method in class
Gets the forwardUrl attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the framework attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
Gets the framework attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Gets the framework attribute of the RendererHelper object
getFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the metadata framework of this DcsDataRecord
getFramework(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Gets the framework for the specified xmlFormat
getFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the framework attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkTester
getFramework(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
getFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the globalDef attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getFrameworkConfigDir() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
getFrameworkConfigFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
getFrameworkConfigReader(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
Gets the frameworkConfigReader attribute of the TesterUtils class
getFrameworkConfigReader(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
Gets the frameworkConfigReader attribute of the TesterUtils class
getFrameworkName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the frameworkName attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
getFrameworkName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the frameworkName attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getFrameworkName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the globalDef attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getFrameworkPlugin() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the frameworkPlugin attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getFrameworks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getFrameworks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.FrameworkAdminForm
Description of the Field
getFrameworks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the frameworks attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getFrom() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the from attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getFromDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the from Date used for this harvest, or null if none was used.
getFromDatestamp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the from datestamp of the form yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ used for this harvest, or null if none was used.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToBriefMetaFormatConverter
Converts from the ADN format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToLocalizedFormatConverter
Converts from the ADN format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToNSDLDCFormatConverter
Converts from the ADN format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToOAIDCFormatConverter
Converts from the ADN format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESEAnnoToLocalizedFormatConverter
Converts from the DLESE Anno format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESECollectToLocalizedFormatConverter
Converts from the DLESE Collect format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
Converts from the libarary_dc format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_COLLECTToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
Converts from the ADN format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
Converts from the ncs_item format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NewsOppsToLocalizedFormatConverter
Converts from the news_opps format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter
Converts from the ncs_item format.
getFromFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleXMLFormatConverter
This converter can convert from any format.
getFromFormat() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDocumentFormatConverter
The metadataPrefix of the format from which this XMLFormatConverter converts, for example "dlese_ims," "adn" or "oai_dc".
getFromFormat() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLFormatConverter
The metadataPrefix of the format from which this XMLFormatConverter converts, for example "dlese_ims," "adn" or "oai_dc".
getFullContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the full content of the file that was used to index the Document.
getFullContentEncodedAs(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the full content of the file that was used to index the Document, returned in the given character encoding, for example UTF-8.
getFullDate() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
returns current time in "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'" format
getFullName(String, UserManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Gets the fullName attribute of the JspFunctions class
getFullName() - Method in class
Returns full name (lastname, firstname) of Beans's user attribute (or the username if fullname can't be computed).
getFullname() - Method in class
getFullName() - Method in class
Gets the fullName attribute of the User object
getFullText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the fullText attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getFullText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the concatenated text of this standard and its ancestors, prepended with a gradeRange indicator
getFullText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the concatenated text of this standard and its ancestors, prepended with a gradeRange indicator
getFullText() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the fullText attribute of the StandardsNode object
getFullText() - Method in class
Gets the concatenated text of this standard and its ancestors, prepended with a gradeRange indicator
getFullTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the full title of the collection from the XML record.
getFullTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Returns the full title for the collection.
getFullTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the fullTitle attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getFullXmlAttributeContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Gets the full content of each Attribute in the XML.
getFullXmlElementContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Gets the full content of each Element in the XML.
getGeographyStds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the geographyStds attribute of the DleseBean object
getGeographyStds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of geography standards defined for the current resource.
getGeoReferences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the geoReferences attribute of the DleseBean object
getGeoReferences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of georeferences for a resource from the current record.
getGeospatialQuery(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Generates a geospatial bounding box Lucene Query from the necessary parameteres in an http request, which are geoPredicate, geoBBNorth, geoBBWest, geoBBEast, geoBBSouth.
getGlobalDef() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the globalDef attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getGlobalDef(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
getGlobalDef(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets a globalDef from the default namespace of the globalDefMap.
getGlobalDef(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets a globalDef from the globalDefMap.
getGlobalDef(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
Return globalDef from the globalDefMap after resolving the given typeName into a baseName and namespace.
getGlobalDefFromXPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Finds a globalDef object for a given xpath.
getGlobalDefMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Gets the globalDefMap attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
getGlobalDefMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the globalDefMap attribute of the SchemaHelper object.
getGlobalDefs(String, GlobalDefMap) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.GlobalDefReporter
getGr() - Method in class
Gets the gr attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getGradeLevelOptionValue(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Convert the provided CAT API gradeLevel to the corresponding option value
getGradeLevels() - Method in class
Gets the gradeLevels attribute of the CATStandard object
getGradeOptionRangeValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Gets the gradeOptionRangeValue attribute of the GradeRangeHelper object
getGradeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the gradeRange attribute of the ADNFileIndexingWriter object
getGradeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
getGradeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
GradeRange for this standard (the first field of the ":"-delimited id)
getGradeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the gradeRange attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getGradeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the gradeRange attribute of the CommCoreStandardsNode object
getGradeRange() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the gradeRange attribute of the StandardsNode object
getGradeRange() - Method in class
Gets the gradeRange attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object
getGradeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
getGradeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the gradeRange attribute of the AsnStatement object as a String of the form, "<startGradeLevel>-<endGradeLevel>".
getGradeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
getGradeRangeChoices() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Grabs the collection keys from the DPC keys schema.
getGradeRangeChoicesSystemKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the gradeRangeChoicesSystemKeys attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getGradeRangeHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeHelper attribute of the AsnCATPlugin object
getGradeRangeItem(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Gets the gradeRangeItem for the provided vocab value
getGradeRangeLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
Gets the label (for UI purposes) of a gradeRange value.
getGradeRangeLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the grade range UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Primary (K-2)', or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if the vocab manager is not available.
getGradeRangeOptionLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Gets the label (for UI purposes) of a gradeRange vocab value.
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeOptions attribute of the AbstractCATHelperPlugin object
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRanges options corresponding to the grades searchable in the ADN framework service.
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Gets the gradeRanges corresponding to the grades searchable in the CAT service (and which can be specified in the control box).
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.EngPathFrameworkPlugin
Gets the GradeRanges corresponding to the grades searchable in the Suggestion service (and which can be specified in the control box).
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.MastFrameworkPlugin
Gets the GradeRanges corresponding to the grades searchable in the Suggestion service (and which can be specified in the control box).
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRanges corresponding to the grades searchable in the Suggestion service (and which can be specified in the control box).
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsItemFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRanges corresponding to the grades searchable in the Suggestion service (and which can be specified in the control box).
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
Gets the gradeRangeOptions for this framework
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the gradeRanges corresponding to the grades searchable in the current framework
getGradeRangeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Create a LabelValueBean array holding the gradeRangeChoices and Labels
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath attribute of the DleseSuggestionServiceHelper object
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.EngPathFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath attribute of the NcsItemSuggestionServiceHelper object
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.MastFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath of the mast framework
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.Msp2FrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath of the msp2 framework
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath attribute of the NcsAnnoSuggestionServiceHelper object
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsItemFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath attribute of the NcsItemSuggestionServiceHelper object
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.ResQualFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath attribute of the NcsItemSuggestionServiceHelper object
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreFrameworkPlugin
Gets the gradeRangePath of the msp2 framework
getGradeRangePath() - Method in class
Gets the gradeRangePath of the msp2 framework
getGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the GradeRanges associated with this collection, encoded by the vocab manager if it's available.
getGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the grade ranges for this record, for example 07, or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if no vocab manager is available.
getGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the gradeRanges for this collection.
getGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
Returns unordered set of registered gradeRanges represented as controlled DLESE vocab (e.g., "DLESE:Primary elementary") corresponding to the grades represented by ASF standards, namely, K-12.
getGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Returns unordered set of GradeRangeVocab values
getGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the gradeRanges for this item (as vocab keys)
getGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the gradeRanges attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
we want to collect all the gradeRange Values and return them as an Array
getGradeRangesDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets a displayable version of the selected gradeRanges
getGradeRangesDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
return a pretty-printed list of gradeRanges as a string
getGradeRangesKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the gradeRangesKeys attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getGranularity() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the granularity attribute of the RepositoryForm object.
getGranularity() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the granularity attribute of the RepositoryManager object.
getGraphicalAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'graphical' annotations for this resource.
getGraphicalAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'graphical' annotations for this resource.
getGraphicalAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the graphicalAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getGroupLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the groupLevel attribute of the LayoutNode object, which specifies the depth of this LayoutNode within the VocabLayout tree.
getGroupLevel() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the groupLevel attribute of the VocabNode object
getGroupLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the groupLevel attribute of the VocabNode object
getGroupLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the groupLevel attribute of the VocabNode object
getGuardedExitPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the pathArg attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getGuardedPath(String) - Method in class
Gets the guardedPath attribute of the AccessManager object
getGuardedPaths() - Method in class
Gets the guardedPaths attribute of the AccessManager object
getGuardedPaths() - Method in class
getHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
Get the handle for the return object.
getHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the handle attribute of the NdrObjectReader object.
getHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Gets the handle attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest object
getHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
getHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
getHandleList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
getHandleList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
Gets the handle attribute of the NdrResponseReader object
getHarvestAll() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the harvestAll attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getHarvestDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the harvestDir attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getHarvestDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Gets the harvestDir attribute of the ScheduledHarvestManager object
getHarvestDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the harvestDir attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getHarvestDuration() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the harvest duration for display, or null if not available.
getHarvestDurationLong() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the harvest duration as a long, or -1 if not avialble.
getHarvestedDataDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the harvestedDataDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getHarvestedDirBaseURLPath(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
Creates an appropriate directory path where harvested file(s) are saved similar to wget paths based on the URI.
getHarvestedDirPath(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
Creates an appropriate directory path where harvested file(s) are saved based on the baseURL, format and set.
getHarvestedRecordsDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Gets the harvestedRecordsDir attribute of the Harvester object
getHarvesterStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the harvesterStatus attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getHarvesterStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the harvesterStatus attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getHarvestInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the serviceDescription attribute of the MetadataProviderReader object
getHarvestInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
Gets the harvestInfo attribute of the NSDLCollectionReader object
getHarvestingInterval() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the harvestingInterval attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getHarvestStartDate(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Gets the date and time to begin the harvest by parsing a String in 24 hour time format such as 12:24 or 23:15.
getHarvestUid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
The UID of an individual harvest that was performed.
getHarvestUid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Returns a unique ID for this harvest.
getHarvestUidLong() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the harvestUidLong attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getHasAssignedRelations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether this item assigns one or more relationships by ID or URL.
getHasChallengingLearningContexts() - Method in class
Gets the hasChallengingLearningContexts attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getHasChildren(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the hasChildren attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getHasCollectionSpecified() - Method in class
Gets the hasCollectionSpecified attribute of the HistogramForm object
getHasCompletedAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the hasCompletedAnno attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getHasCompletedAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the hasCompletedAnno attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getHasCompletedAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the hasCompletedAnno attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getHasDrcReviews() - Method in class
Gets the hasDrcReviews attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getHasError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
getHasError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getHash() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the hash attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getHash() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
getHasIdeasForUse() - Method in class
Gets the hasIdeasForUse attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getHasInProgressAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
getHasInProgressAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
getHasInProgressAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
getHasMenuItemSelected() - Method in class
Gets whether one or more itmes in a menu is selected.
getHasOaiSetConfigured(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determines whether the given OAI set is configured in this repository.
getHasOaiSetsConfigured() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determines whether one or more OAI sets are configured for this repository.
getHasOtherReviews() - Method in class
Gets the hasOtherReviews attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getHasRelatedResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type.
getHasRelatedResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns true if the item has one or more related resource, false otherwise.
getHasRelatedResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns false (not implemented).
getHasRelatedResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns true if the item has one or more related resource, false otherwise.
getHasRelatedResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Returns true if the item has one or more related resource, false otherwise.
getHasRelations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether this item has one or more relations.
getHasReviews() - Method in class
Gets the hasReviews attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getHasSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the hasSubList attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getHasSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the hasSubList attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getHasSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the hasSubList attribute of the CommCoreStandardsNode object
getHasSubList() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the hasSubList attribute of the StandardsNode object
getHasSubList() - Method in class
Gets the hasSubList attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object
getHasSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the hasSubList attribute of the LayoutNode object
getHasSubList() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the hasSubList attribute of the VocabNode object
getHasSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the hasSubList attribute of the VocabNode object
getHasSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the hasSubList attribute of the VocabNode object
getHasSubtotalsGreaterThanZero() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Gets the hasSubtotalsGreaterThanZero attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
getHasSyncError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Returns "true" if there are any sync errors (errors occuring when writing to an external repository, such as the NDR).
getHasTeachingTips() - Method in class
Gets the teachingTips attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getHasViewableReview(int) - Method in class
Gets the hasViewableReview attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getHeadElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getHeadElementName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
getHeader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader.OtherPractice
Gets the header attribute of the OtherPractice object
getHeaderText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.ActivityReader
getHeaderText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentFormReader
getHeaderText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentReader
getHeaderText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentSubTestReader
getHeaderText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.CurriculumStructureReader
getHeaderText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LearningResourceReader
getHeaderText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LessonReader
getHeaderText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFDocReader
getHeaderText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
returns all the text in the html page which is contained within header tags (which includes
getHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Get a header value for the given key.
getHeadless() - Method in class
Headless means display collection info without surrounding HTML (banners, footers, etc).
getHeight() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription.Image
getHelperClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the helperClass attribute of the SuggestionServiceConfig object
getHistogramQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Gets the histogramQuery attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
getHits() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
getHits() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Returns the records as a list of ResultDocs
getHits(int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Returns a list of recordDocs for the specified range.
getHits() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Returns all the searchResults
getHits(int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Returns a range of searchResults
getHomePage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Gets the homePage attribute of the PageList object
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
Gets the id attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader.RelatedResource
Gets the id attribute of the RelatedResource object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the id for this record, for example 'DLESE-000-000-000-001'.
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the record ID for this SetInfo.
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the id attribute of the CollectionConfig object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
optional node
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the id attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Gets the id of the default element.
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Record
Gets the id attribute of the Record object
getId(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Record
Gets the id attribute of the Record class
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the id of this session.
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the id attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Gets the id attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the id attribute of the StandardsNode object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Gets the id attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the id attribute of the StandardsNode object
getId() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the id attribute of the StandardsNode object
getId() - Method in class
Gets the id attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
getId() - Method in class
Gets the id attribute of the StandardsNode object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report.ReportEntry
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Gets the id attribute of the DupSim object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.TermAndDeftn
Gets the id attribute of the TermAndDeftn object
getId() - Method in class
Gets the id attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getId() - Method in class
Gets the identifier attribute of the CATStandardDocument object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
gets the ID of the item
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
Gets the id attribute of the RemoteResultDoc object (identifying the resource within DDS)
getId() - Method in class
Gets the id attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
Gets the id attribute of the DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm object
getId() - Method in class
Returns the record id.
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the id attribute of the AsnStatement object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
Gets the id attribute of the StdElement object
getId(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.DLESEMetadataVocabTracker
Does the current fieldId/value pair already exist in the database? If so, return the Id, if not, return "" (empty string).
getId(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTracker
Does the current fieldId/value pair already exist in the database? If so, return the Id, if not, return "" (empty string).
getId() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the id attribute of the VocabNode object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the id attribute of the VocabNode object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the encoded system Id (indexed & used in search queries)
getID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the iD attribute of the DleseBean object
getID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the record ID from XML file.
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Gets the id attribute of the NldrMetadataRecord object
getId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.OsmRecordExporter
getIdCompare() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
This is needed because Struts <logic:equal> compares strings that look like numbers without regard to leading 0s, and our ID convention causes matches between '05' and '005' to return true (they are "equal").
getIdEncoded() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the id for this record as encoded for unique searching and inexing.
getIdentifiedErrors(MmdRec[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets all errors identified by the ID mapper service for the given records, or null if none exist.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AgentReader
Gets the identifier attribute of the AgentReader object
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NsdlDcReader
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the identifier used in OAI requests.
getIdentifier() - Method in class
Gets the identifier attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getIdentifier() - Method in class
Gets the identifier attribute of the CATStandard object
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the identifier attribute of the AsnDocument object (the full ASN Purl id)
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the identifier attribute of the StdDocument object
getIdentifiers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the list of asn IDs defined by the AsnDocument object
getIdentifiers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the lisf of asn IDs defined by the StdDocument object
getIdentifierType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AgentReader
Returns one of "HOST", "URL", "OTHER", depending on what form of id is present in the object.
getIdFilesPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
getIdFromCATStandard(CATStandard) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseSuggestionServiceHelper
Returns the AdnText corresponding to the provided standard's identifier (via the standardsMapper instance).
getIdFromCATStandard(CATStandard) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the idFromCATStandard attribute of the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object
getIdFromCATStandard(CATStandard) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the idFromCATStandard attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getIdFromCATStandard(CATStandard) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
getIdFromCATStandard(CATStandard) - Method in class
getIDFromFilename(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileCopy
getIDFromFilename(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileCopy
getIDFromFilename(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Gets a record ID from its file name.
getIDFromFilename(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Gets a record ID from its file name.
getIDGenerator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the iDGenerator attribute of the CollectionConfig object
getIDGenerator(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Obtain IDGenerator instance for specified collection (which must be registered).
getIdList(String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Build a list of record ids from the results of a query for specified collection and statuses.
getIdMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getIdMapperErrorLabels() - Method in class
Gets the idMapperErrorLabels, as strings.
getIdMapperErrorLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the idMapperErrorLabels, as strings.
getIdMapperErrors() - Method in class
Gets the idMapperErrors that are in the index, as integer strings.
getIdMapperErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the idMapperErrors that are in the index, as integer strings.
getIdMapperExclusionFilePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the path to an XML file the defines IDs that the IDMapper service should exclude from its list of duplicates.
getIdMapperQueryObject() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
getIdPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the idPath attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getIdPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the idPrefix attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getIdPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the idPrefix for this collection.
getIdPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
optional node
getIdPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
getIdPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
Gets the idPrefix attribute of the IDGenerator object
getIdPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
getIDs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Retrieves a String [] of all IDs that exist in this SerializedDataManager.
getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Returns the value of ids.
getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Returns the ids for the item being indexed.
getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Returns the keys for the registered collections.
getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
Returns unordered set containing all registered asnIds;
getIdSearchTitle() - Method in class
Gets the idSearchTitle attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getIdSearchUrl() - Method in class
Gets the idSearchUrl attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getIdsEncoded() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Returns unique IDs for the item being indexed encoded for indexing.
getIdsInMultipleRecords() - Method in class
Gets a list of encoded IDs for index field 'id' that show being in more than one record in the index.
getIdsOfRecordsWithAssignedRelationships() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a List of all IDs for records that this item assignes relationships for by ID or URL.
getIDsSorted() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Retrieves a String [] of all IDs that exists in this SerializedDataManager sorted lexagraphically.
getImage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.SortWidget
Gets the image attribute of the SortWidget object
getImage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
getImageHeight() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the imageHeight attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getImageWidth() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the imageWidth attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getImgAlts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
returns a String containing all the text within the alt attribute of all the img tags in the html document
getImportPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
Gets the importPaths attribute of the SchemaReader object
getInactiveIntervalRemaining() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the inactiveIntervalRemaining attribute of the SessionBean object
getInactiveItemHandles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the handles of the inactive metadata objects of the MetadataProviderReader object
getInactiveMemberCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Gets the number of inactive Members of the GroupingObjectReader object
getInactiveMemberHandles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Gets the handles of the inactive metadata objects of the GroupingObjectReader object
getIncludedDirs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the includedDirs attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getIncludedDirsNotInRepository() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the includedDirs that are defined for the set but that do not exist in the repository.
getIncludedFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the includedFormat attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getIncludedFormatNotAvailable() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
True if the repository does not have the included format configured.
getIncludedQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the includedQuery attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getIncludedTerms() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the includedTerms attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getIncludePaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
Returns a list of the paths that are declared as "include"s for the given Document
getIndex() - Method in class
Gets the index attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Gets the index that was searched over to produce the resulting hit.
getIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets the index that was searched over.
getIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the index used by this XML File Indexer
getIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the index used by this RecordData service to retrieve data.
getIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the index attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getIndex(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Returns the index, if any, for the leaf of the given path.
getIndexedAccessionStatuses() - Method in class
Gets the indexedAccessionStatuses attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getIndexedAccessionStatuses() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a list of all accession statusus in the index.
getIndexedAccessionStatuses() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the indexedAccessionStatuses attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getIndexedContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the full text of the content that was indexed.
getIndexedFormats() - Method in class
Gets all formats that exist natively in the index.
getIndexedFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets all formats that exist natively in the index.
getIndexedFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets all formats that exist natively in the index.
getIndexedFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getIndexedFormatsLabels() - Method in class
Gets all formats that exist natively in the index.
getIndexedFormatsLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets all formats that exist natively in the index.
getIndexedIdMapperErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a list of all ID mapper errors that have been indexed.
getIndexedParamName(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Creates a parameterName with an index for use in processing multivalue fields, which in the request, have several values for a given path.
getIndexedSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the sets that are in the index.
getIndexingDaysOfWeek() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the days of the week the indexer will run, as a String.
getIndexingDaysOfWeek() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Gets the days of the week the indexer will run as an array of Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK fields, or null to indicate all days of the week.
getIndexingDaysOfWeek() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the days of the week the indexer will run as an array of Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK fields, or null to indicate all days of the week.
getIndexingErrorDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the ResultDocs for those records that had errors and could not be indexed, or null if none exist.
getIndexingMessages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Gets the last 10 indexing status messages.
getIndexingMessages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Gets the indexing status messages.
getIndexingMessages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the indexingMessages attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getIndexingStartDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the date and time the indexer is/was scheduled to start, for example 'Dec 2, 2003 1:35 AM MST'.
getIndexingStartDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the date and time the indexer is/was scheduled to start, for example 'Dec 2, 2003 1:35 AM MST'.
getIndexingStartTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Gets the indexingStartTime Date, representing the time of day the indexer will run, or null if no indexing cron is being used.
getIndexingStartTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the date the indexer scheduled to start.
getIndexingTimeOfDay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the time of day the indexer isscheduled to start, for example '1:35 AM MST'.
getIndexingTimeOfDay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the time of day the indexer isscheduled to start, for example '1:35 AM MST'.
getIndexingWriter(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory
Gets the XML indexingWriter appropriate for indexing the given xml format.
getIndexingWriterClass(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory
returns a FileIndexing Class that can be instantiated
getIndexLastModified() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getIndexLastModifiedCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the version number of the last time the repository index was modified by adding, deleting or changing an item.
getIndexLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the ablsolute path to the directory where the index resides.
getIndexOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Returns the index of the specified id, or -1 if it is not managed by this RecordList
getIndexOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
gets the index in the searchResults for the record having provided id.
getIndexOfItem(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Gets the indexOfItem attribute of the ReaderStack object
getIndexOfMember(CompositorMember) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Gets the indexOfMember attribute of the Compositor object
getIndexOfMember(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Gets the indexOfMember attribute of the Compositor object
getIndexOnValidation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Gets the indexOnValidation attribute of the ThreadedService object
getIndexToUse() - Method in class
Gets the indexToUse attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getIndexVersion() - Method in class
Gets the index version, which can be useful to determine if a service response cache needs to be updated.
getIndexVersion() - Method in class
Returns version of the index at the time the request was made.
getInfoLink(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Gets the "link" value that goes into the nsdl_dc_info stream for metadata records
getInfoLink() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
NOTE: this does not work for metadata: no metadatadata is found that is metadataFor 2200/NSDL_Recommended_Resources_Collection
getInformation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the information attribute of the DleseBean object
getInformation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the additional information from the footnote comment of the current record.
getInfoStream() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
getInitErrorMsg() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Gets a message describing the initialization error or empty string if no error occured.
getInitialFieldCollapse(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Return configured value for initialFieldCollapse for this xpath
getInitialFieldCollapsePaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
Return a list of xpaths for which an initialFieldCollapse state has been specified"
getInlineTypeName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Gets the inlineTypeName attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
getInProgressAnnosOfFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets all in-progress annotations for this item that have the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.
getInProgressAnnosOfFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets all in-progress annotations for this item that have the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.
getInProgressAnnosOfStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets all in-progress annotations for this item that have the given status.
getInputElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeAny
getInputElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets a rendered inputElement for this node from the Renderer instance.
getInputElement(String, SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getInputElement(String, SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the inputElement attribute of the RendererImpl object
getInputElement(String, SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Gets the inputElement attribute of the ViewerRenderer object
getInputField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Gets the inputField for the given param
getInputFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Get the InputField instances managed by this InputManager
getInputHelperElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Creates the JSP element to render an input helper for the specified path
getInputHelperFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
getInputHelperFile(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Returns the configured inputHelper value for the provided xpath (inputHelper value is relative to the /editor/input_helper directory in the deployed app
getInputHelperPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
getInputManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the inputManager attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getInputManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Gets the inputManager attribute of the SchemEditValidator object
getInputStream(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.TimedURLConnection
Gets an InputStream for the given URL, timing out if the remote server does not respond within the given number of milliseconds.
getInputStream(URL, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.TimedURLConnection
Gets an InputStream for the given URL, timing out if the remote server does not respond within the given number of milliseconds.
getInputStream(URL, String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.TimedURLConnection
Gets an InputStream for the given URL, timing out if the remote server does not respond within the given number of milliseconds.
getInputValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Gets the inputValue attribute of the SuggestXMLForm object
getInputValues(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Gets the inputValues attribute of the SuggestXMLForm object
getInputXML() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Gets the inputXML attribute of the NdrRequest object, which stores the commands for this request.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.MimeTypes
Gets the instance attribute of the MimeTypes class
getInstance(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.Contact
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets the instance attribute of the AccessManager class, but only if AccessManager has already been instantiated.
getInstance(File, List) - Static method in class
Return a singleton instance of the AccessManager class.
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance(String) - Static method in class
All calls to this method must supply the same "pwdPath" argument.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets the instance attribute of the PasswordHelper class
getInstance() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdManager
Gets singleton SIFRefIdManager instance.
getInstance(SchemEditForm) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the instance attribute of the CATServiceHelper class
getInstance() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Gets the singleton StandardsRegistry instance
getInstance() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnAuthors
Gets the AsnAuthor instance
getInstance() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnHelper
getInstance() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnTopics
Gets the AsnTopic instance
getInstance(Compositor, Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Gets the instance attribute of the CompositorGuard class
getInstanceDocNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets a Node from the instanceDocument
getInstanceDocNodes(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the instanceDocNodes attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getInstanceDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the document attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getInstanceDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the instanceDocument attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getInstanceNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
InstanceNames are the instance-qualified names of the members that that cannot be further split into subCompositors.
getInstanceNamespaces() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
getInstanceQualifiedName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Gets the instanceQualifiedName attribute of the CompositorMember object
getInstanceQualifiedName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
getInstanceSchemaNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets the schema namespace (associated with "") for the root schema for the metadata framework for this Renderer.
getInstDept() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Gets the instDept attribute of the PersonContributor object
getInstitution() - Method in class
getInstitution() - Method in class
Gets the institution attribute of the User object
getInstName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Gets the instName attribute of the PersonContributor object
getInstName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the instName attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getInstName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the instName attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getInstName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Gets the instName attribute of the CommentRecord object
getInstName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Gets the instName attribute of the ResourceRecord object
getInstructionalGoal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the instructionalGoal attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getIntAtPath(Node, String) - Method in class
Gets the integer value of the node located at relativePath from given baseElement.
getIntervalGranularity() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the intervalGranularity attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getIntervalGranularityLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the intervalGranularityLabel attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getInvalidRecCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getIp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the ip attribute of the SessionBean object
getIsActionMapping() - Method in class
Returns true if this GuardedPath is aligned with a single actionMapping
getIsAdminUser() - Method in class
Returns true of this user is an admin
getIsBinary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.DownLoadedFile
Gets the isBinary attribute of the DownLoadedFile object
getIsChoiceMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
getIsCompleted() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Determines whether the annotation status is 'completed'.
getIsComplexType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getIsDefinitionEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
True if the set definition has nothing set.
getIsDrcReview(int) - Method in class
Gets the isDrcReview attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getIsDrcReviewInProgress() - Method in class
Gets the isDrcReviewInProgress attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getIsEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Gets the isEmpty attribute of the RecordList object
getIsEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Convienence caller of isEmpty for jsp pages.
getIsEmptySearch() - Method in class
If no keyword entered and no vocabs have been selected, return "true", otherwise return "false"
getIsEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Determines whether this collection is currently enabled for viewing.
getIsError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
getIsExporting() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the isExporting attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getIsFinal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Returns true if the ncs:status property of the Metadata object (which is only present if this object is managed by the NCS) is NCS_FINAL_STATUS.
getIsFinalStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
getIsInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Determines whether the annotation status is 'in progress'.
getIsInvalid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report.ReportEntry
getIsLastInSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the isLastInSubList attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getIsLastInSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the isLastInSubList attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getIsLastInSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the isLastInSubList attribute of the CommCoreStandardsNode object
getIsLastInSubList() - Method in class
Gets the isLastInSubList attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object
getIsLastInSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Returns true if this LayoutNode is the last in its list.
getIsLastInSublist() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Gets the isLastInSublist attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
getIsLastInSubList() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the isLastInSubList attribute of the VocabNode object
getIsLastInSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the isLastInSubList attribute of the VocabNode object
getIsLastInSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the isLastInSublist attribute of the VocabNode object
getIsLeafNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the isLeafNode attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getIsLeafNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the isLeafNode attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getIsLeafNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the isLeafNode attribute of the CommCoreStandardsNode object
getIsLeafNode() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the isLeafNode attribute of the StandardsNode object
getIsLeafNode() - Method in class
Gets the isLeafNode attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object
getIsLoaded(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Returns true if the framework for provided xmlFormat is currently loaded in this FrameworkRegistry
getIsMyCollectionDisabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether my collection is 'disabled'.
getIsMyCollectionEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether my collection is 'enabled'.
getIsOaiPmhEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets whether OAI-PMH ListRecords and ListIdentifiers functionality is enabled for this repository.
getIsOpen() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Gets the isOpen attribute of the default element
getIsPartOfDRC(int) - Method in class
Is the resource in the DRC?
getIsPartOfDrc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
True if the annotation that is part of the DRC, false otherwise.
getIsProcessing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
Gets the isProcessing attribute of the SyncService object
getIsProcessing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.MonitoredTask
Gets the isProcessing attribute of the MonitoredTask object
getIsProcessing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Gets the isProcessing attribute of the ThreadedService object
getIsRetired() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Determines whether the annotation status is 'retired'.
getIsSelected(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabInputState
Is the given field/value pair selected currently? (for Struts .isSelected access)
getIsSimpleType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getIsSyncing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
getIsTermConfiguredForField(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Determines whether the given virtual term is configured for the given field.
getIsValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Returns true if the ncs:isValid property of the Metadata object, which is defined only if this object is managed by the NCS, is "true", and false otherwise.
getIsValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
Gets the isValid attribute of the DcsDataDocReader object
getIsValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the isValid attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getIsValidating() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the isValidating attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getIsValidityUnknown() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Returns true
getIsVocabTermAvailable() - Method in class
True if there is a vocab entry for this field/value, false if not.
getIsZipPresent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the isZipPresent attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getItem(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Finds a particular Item from the items list
getItemAt(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Gets the itemAt attribute of the ReaderStack object
getItemcount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getItemDocReader() - Method in class
Gets the itemDocReader attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getItemFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Gets the registered formats that are "item" frameworks (e.g., "adn", "dlese_anno", as opposed to frameworks used internally (e.g., "dcs_data") by the system.
getItemHandles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the metadata object handles for the MetadataProviderReader object
getItemId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the ID of the item this annotates.
getItemId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Gets the nsdl:itemId property of the Metadata object
getItemID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the itemID attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getItemID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Gets the itemID attribute of the CommentRecord object
getItemIndexerConfigDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Get the directory where the repository ItemIndexer configs are located.
getItemRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Gets the native datastream as a dom4j.Document (using the nativeDataStream attribute of this reader).
getItemRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Gets the metadata record as a dom4j.Document, converting from recordXml if it is provided, or obtaining from the index (via docReader) otherwise.
getItemRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.GetRecordResponse
Gets the itemRecord attribute of the GetRecordResponse class.
getItemRecordMap(String) - Method in class
Gets a mapping of recordIds to itemRecords (as Documents) for the specified collection
getItemRecordMap(CollectionInfo, int, int) - Method in class
Returns an itemRecordMap for the specified collection, startOffset and batchSize
getItemRecordProps(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
Gets the itemRecordProps attribute of the SuggestCommentHelper object
getItemRecords(MetadataProviderReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.DleseAsUseCaseHelper
Gets the itemRecords for a given collection starting from the MetadataProvider.
getItemRecords(String) - Method in class
Returns the itemRecords of the specified collection as dom4j.Documents
getItemRecords(CollectionInfo, int, int) - Method in class
Gets a batch of itemRecords
getItemResultDoc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the ResultDoc for the given item-level metata record id regardless of the records status, or null if none exists.
getItemResultDocs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the item result docs for each of the ids listed regardless of their status.
getItems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
List of record ids returned by the last query.
getItems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Returns a list of Item instances - one for each element in the choice ReaderStack
getItemText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
The text of the standard as defined by ASN source document.
getItemText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
The text of the standard as defined by ASN source document.
getItemText() - Method in class
The text of the standard as defined by ASN source document.
getItemText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
Gets the text attribute of the StdElement object
getItemTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the itemTitle attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getItemUris() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Gets the itemUris attribute of the ReaderStack object
getItemURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the itemURL attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getIteration(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingNode
Creates a repeatIteration element and attaches it to the parent.
getJson() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.UcasProxyForm
getJson() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
getJspDest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Path for writing master jsp files.
getJspDest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
getJspDest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewRecord
Contruct a path for the single jsp page, in the case of single-page jsp, or the page that integrates the component jsp pages, in the case of batch-rendered frameworks.
getJurisdiction() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocStatement
getKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the collection key used to identify the items in the collection this record refers to.
getKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldMapEntry
Gets the key attribute of the FieldMapEntry object
getKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the collection key used to identify the items in the collection this record refers to.
getKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
getKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Gets the key (e.g., "NSES.Science.1995.D10001D0") corresponding to provided Asn Identifier (i.e, purl) for that Standards Doc.
getKeyFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
getKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceManager
Gets the xml_formats corresponding to the configured frameworks
getKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Gets the keys attribute of the StandardsRegistry object
getKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves a list the keys contained in the map.
getKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Method to retrieve the list of names used to identify desired values.
getKeys(short) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Method to retrieve the list of names used to identify desired values of a particular type.
getKeys() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLMap
Method to retrieve the list of names used to identify desired values.
getKeySet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Gets the keySet attribute of the FieldInfoMap object
getKeySet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Gets the keySet attribute of the VocabLayoutMap object
getKeywordFieldNames() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorDocException
Gets the names of the fields to be indexed as keywords.
getKeywordFieldValue(String) - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorDocException
Gets the value of the field to be indexed as a keyword.
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the keywordPath attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the keywordPath attribute of the DleseSuggestionServiceHelper object
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Gets the keywordPath for the plugin's framework
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.EngPathFrameworkPlugin
Gets the keywordPath attribute of the NcsItemSuggestionServiceHelper object
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.MastFrameworkPlugin
Gets the keywordPath of the mast framework
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.Msp2FrameworkPlugin
Gets the keywordPath of the msp2 framework
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin
Gets the keywordPath attribute of the NcsAnnoSuggestionServiceHelper object
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsItemFrameworkPlugin
Gets the keywordPath attribute of the NcsItemSuggestionServiceHelper object
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.ResQualFrameworkPlugin
Gets the keywordPath attribute of the NcsItemSuggestionServiceHelper object
getKeywordPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreFrameworkPlugin
Gets the keywordPath of the msp2 framework
getKeywordPath() - Method in class
Gets the keywordPath of the msp2 framework
getKeywords() - Method in class
Gets the keywords attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the keywords as an array of Strings.
getKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the keywords as a sorted array.
getKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the keywords attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the item's keywords sorted and separated by the '+' symbol.
getKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the keywords associated with this collection.
getKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the items keywords.
getKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the item's keywords sorted and separated by the '+' symbol.
getKeywords() - Method in class
Gets the keywords attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the keywords attribute of the DleseBean object
getKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Gets the keywords attribute of the DleseXMLReader object
getKeywordsDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the keywords a comma separated list terminated with a period suitable for display to users.
getKeywordsDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the keywords as a sorted comma separated list terminated with a period suitable for display to users.
getKeywordsTruncated() - Method in class
Gets the user keywords, truncated for feedback display
getKeywordWeighting() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
getKind() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader.RelatedResource
Gets the relation attribute of the RelatedResource object
getKy() - Method in class
Gets the collections that have been selected by the user in the UI.
getKy() - Method in class
Gets the ky attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm.DateLabelPair
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlag
Gets the label attribute of the StatusFlag object
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.SortWidget
Gets the label attribute of the SortWidget object
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Returns name attribute - used for label/value objects in jsp.
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets node's itemText with a gradeRange attached to leaf nodes.
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper.GradeRangeItem
Gets the label attribute of the GradeRangeItem object
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets node's itemText with a gradeRange attached to leaf nodes.
getLabel() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the label attribute of the StandardsNode object
getLabel() - Method in class
Gets node's itemText with a gradeRange attached to leaf nodes.
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Returns the text attribute value if present, and the "name" attribute valueotherwise.
getLabel() - Method in class
getLabel() - Method in class
Gets the label attribute of the DateLabelPair object
getLabel() - Method in class
getLabel() - Method in class
Gets the label attribute of the DateLabelPair object
getLabel() - Method in class
Gets the label attribute of the DateLabelPair object
getLabel() - Method in class
Gets the label attribute of the DateLabelPair object
getLabel() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the label attribute of the VocabNode object
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the label attribute of the VocabNode object
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the user interface label
getLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Gets the label attribute of the CompositorMember object
getLabelAbbrev() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the labelAbbrev attribute of the VocabNode object
getLabelAbbrev() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the labelAbbrev attribute of the VocabNode object
getLabelAbbrev() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the abbreviated user interface label
getLabelText(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Label text is indexed if siblingPath and indexId provided, otherwise based on xpath
getLabelText(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SIFEditorRenderer
Removes namespace prefix from label text
getLanguage() - Method in class
Gets the UI language attribute of the VocabForm object
getLanguageInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the languageSelectInput attribute of the RendererImpl object
getLargestTotal() - Method in class
Gets the largestTotal attribute of the HistogramForm object
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the lastAccessedTime attribute of the session as a Date.
getLastEditor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
Gets the title of the new-opps item.
getLastEditor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the lastEditor attribute of the DcsDataRecord object, reflecting the last time the metadata was changed.
getLastEditorWidget() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
getLastError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
getLastHarvestTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the lastHarvestTime attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getLastID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
Returns the last ID Generated
getLastMetaModDate() - Method in class
Returns the date this record was last changed.
getLastMod() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Record
Gets the lastMod attribute of the Record object
getLastModDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Record
Gets the lastModDate attribute of the Record object
getLastModified() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the File modification time of the File used to index the Document.
getLastModified() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the fedora-view:lastModifiedDate property of the NdrObject as a Date object
getLastModified() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Record
Gets the lastModified attribute of the Record object
getLastModified() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Gets the lastModified attribute of the ResourceRecord object
getLastModifiedAsUTC() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the file modification date in UTC format for the given record.
getLastModifiedCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the version number of the last time the index was modified by adding, deleting or changing a document.
getLastModifiedDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Returns the time that the object denoted by this oid was last modified.
getLastModifiedDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Returns the time that the object denoted by this oid was last modified.
getLastModifiedDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the fedora-view:lastModifiedDate property of the NdrObject as a string
getLastModifiedString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets a String representataion of the File modification time of the File used to index the Document.
getLastModTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Record
Gets the lastModTime attribute of the Record object
getLastname() - Method in class
getLastName() - Method in class
Gets the lastName attribute of the User object
getLastOneTimeHarvest() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the lastOneTimeHarvest attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getLastRunHarvest() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the lastRunHarvest attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getLastSyncDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the lastSyncDate attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getLastSyncDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the lastSyncDateDate attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getLastSyncTime() - Method in class
Gets the lastSyncTime attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getLastSyncTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Gets the lastSyncTime attribute of the FileIndexingService object
getLastTouchDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
Gets the eventStartDate attribute of the DcsDataDocReader object
getLastTouchDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the lastTouchDate attribute of the DcsDataRecord object, reflecting the last time the metadata was changed.
getLastTouchDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the lastTouchDateDate attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getLastTouchDateWidget() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
getLayoutNodes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
Gets the top-level layoutNodes VocabLayout tree
getLazyDocMap() - Method in class
Gets the LazyDocumentMap for the search result.
getLazyDocMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Gets a LazyDocumentMap of all field/values contained in the Lucene Document.
getLazyDocMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets a LazyDocumentMap of all field/values contained in the Lucene Document.
getLdapUserInfo() - Method in class
getLdapUserInfo(String, String) - Static method in class
Searches an LDAP directory and returns results in the form of a dom4j.Document.
getLeaf() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
Gets the last segment of the text attribute.
getLeaf(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Returns the name of the element refered to by the given xpath, which is the leaf, stripped of "\@" in the case of attribute paths).
getLeafMember(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Gets the leafMember attribute of the Compositor object
getLeafMemberNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Recursively expand the compositor elements to resolve each into one or more membersNames - returning a list collecting all possible member Names that this compositor could contain.
getLeafMembers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Recursively traverses the element Compositor's elements, collecting CompositorMembers for the leaf elements (those members that can no longer be expanded.
getLegalEnumerationValuesOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the legal values an enumeration (controlled vocab defined in schema) can assume.
getLength() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the length of iterations to loop over the results array.
getLength() - Method in class
Gets the length of iterations to loop over the results array.
getLength() - Method in class
Gets the length of iterations to loop over the results array.
getLength() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the length of iterations to loop over the results array.
getLength() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the length of iterations to loop over the results array.
getLength() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the length of iterations to loop over the results array.
getLength() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the length of iterations to loop over the results array.
getLevel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the level attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the level attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the level attribute of the CommCoreStandardsNode object
getLevel() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the level attribute of the StandardsNode object
getLevel() - Method in class
Gets the level attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object
getLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Gets the level attribute of the AsnStandard object
getLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.RootAsnStandard
Gets the level attribute of the RootAsnStandard object
getLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.RootStandard
Gets the level attribute of the RootStandard object
getLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Gets the level attribute of the Standard object
getLevelMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Debugging method maps standards to their "level" (the number of colon-delimited fields in the vocabItem's textual representation.
getLevels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
Gets the levels attribute of the AdnStandard object
getLexicalDateString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Converts a date String of the form YYYY-mm-dd, YYYY-mm, YYYY or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ to a searchable Lucene (v2.x) lexical date String of the form 'yyyyMMddHHmmss', or null if unable to parse the date String.
getLibraryTotal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Gets the libraryTotal attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
getLifecycleContributors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of lifecycle contributors to a resource from the current record.
getLikeChildren(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
getLineage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets a list containing the text of this node and it's ancestors
getLineage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets a list containing the text of this node and it's ancestors
getLineage() - Method in class
Gets a list containing the text of this node and it's ancestors
getLinkTitles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
returns a String containing all the text within the title attribute of all the links in the html document
getList() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the list attribute of the VocabNode object
getList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the list attribute of the VocabNode object
getList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the vocab node sub-list
getListAttributes(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns the desired attributes for each "DLESElistMember" attribute value from a list, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
getListAttributes(String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns the desired attributes for each "DLESElistMember" attribute value from a list, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
getListCollectionsCacheKey() - Method in class
Gets the key used for caching the ListCollections response in the application scope.
getListCollectionsCacheKey() - Method in class
Gets the key used for caching the ListCollections response in the application scope.
getListMembers(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as full dn's (distinguished names), using a the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
getListMembers(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as full dn's (distinguished names), using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
getListMembersDn(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level: Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as full dn's (distinguished names); returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list.
getListNames(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as uids (not full dn's); returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list.
getListNames(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns all the "DLESElistMember" attribute values from a list, as uids (not full dn's); returns null if no DLESElistMembers in the list.
getListSetsConfigXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the OAI sets configuration XML for this repository, used to generate the ListSets OAI response.
getLoaderFeedback() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.form.VocabAdminForm
Gets the loaderFeedback attribute of the VocabAdminForm object
getLoadErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Gets the loadErrors attribute of the FrameworkRegistry object
getLoadWarnings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Gets the loadWarnings attribute of the FrameworkRegistry object
getLocalizedRecordXml() - Method in class
Gets the localizedRecordXml attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getLocalizedRecordXml() - Method in class
Gets the localizedRecordXml attribute of the RecommenderForm object
getLocalizedRecordXml() - Method in class
Gets the localizedRecordXml attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getLocalizedRecordXml() - Method in class
Gets the localizedRecordXml attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getLocalizedSchemaXML(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Gets the localizedSchemaXML attribute of the JspFunctions class
getLocalizedXmlDocument(URI) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Returns a localized xmlDocument for the given uri.
getLocalizingTransformer() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Gets the localizingTransformer attribute of the Dom4jUtils class
getLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the location attribute of the GenericType object
getLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the location attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
getLocation() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Returns string representation of URI to the schema file in which this GlobalDef is defined.
getLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
getLocationOfFiles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the location of the files for this collection on the server.
getLocations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the locations, which are two character state or country codes, for example 'CO'.
getLock(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Gets an internal read/write lock for a given object in the this SerializedDataManager.
getLock(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Locks a record for this session through a call to SessionRegistry.getLock(String, String).
getLock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Gets the lock attribute of the SessionRegistry object.
getLockedRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getLockedRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SessionsForm
getLockedRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the records locked by this session.
getLockedRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Gets the lockedRecords attribute of the SessionRegistry object, which stores all locked records and the sessions that owns the lock.
getLogDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the logDate attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getLoginModuleName() - Method in class
Debuggin utility so login modules can print their name
getLogMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the logMessage attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getLongFromDatestamp(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
Converts an ISO8601 UTC datastamp String of the form yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ to a long.
getLongFromDatestamp(String, long) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
Converts an ISO8601 UTC datastamp String of the form yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ to a long.
getLuceneDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the Lucene Document that this Writer is building.
getLuceneOperator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the Lucene boolean operator that is currently being used for searches.
getLuceneQuery(File, QueryParser) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.XMLQueryParser
Gets the Lucene Query representation for the given XML Query.
getLuceneQuery(URL, QueryParser) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.XMLQueryParser
Gets the Lucene Query representation for the given XML Query.
getLuceneQuery(String, QueryParser) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.XMLQueryParser
Gets the Lucene Query representation for the given XML Query.
getLuceneQuery(Element, QueryParser) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.XMLQueryParser
Gets the Lucene Query representation for the given XML Query starting at the Query element.
getLuceneVersion() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets /the version of Lucene.
getMailServer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Gets the mailServer attribute of the SuggestHelper object
getManagableUsers() - Method in class
getManagableUsers() - Method in class
Gets the managableUsers attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getManagableUsers(User, List, UserManager) - Static method in class
getManagableUsers(User, List, UserManager, Comparator) - Static method in class
getManagedUsers(User, List, UserManager) - Static method in class
getManagedUsers(User, List, UserManager, Comparator) - Static method in class
build a list of users who are managed by the current sessionUser.
getMapping() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList.Page
Gets the mapping attribute of the Page object
getMappingInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.CollectionIntegrationForm
getMappingInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getMappings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getMappingsManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.CollectionIntegrationForm
getMasterAgent() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
getMasterCollection() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
getMasterCollectionConfig() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
getMasterComponentPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
getMasterComponentPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewRecord
getMasterJspHeader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
JSP code to insert at the top of master jsp files.
getMasterJspHeader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
getMasterJspHeader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewRecord
getMasterStatusLabelMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Gets the masterStatusLabelMap attribute of the CollectionRegistry object
getMasterStatusList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Returns a list of all status flags defined by all registered collections.
getMatch(String) - Method in class
getMatchers() - Method in class
getMatchKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
Gets the matchKey attribute of the AdnStandard object
getMatchKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the matchKey attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getMatchKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnMappingStandard
getMAX_DIRS() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the mAX_DIRS attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getMaxGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRange
Gets the maxGrade attribute of the GradeRange object
getMaxInstanceElements() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Return the maximum leaf nodes this member could have.
getMaxInstanceElements() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
return the maximum leaf nodes this member could have
getMaxLen(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Gets the maxLen attribute of the RendererHelper object
getMaxNodes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Gets the maxNodes attribute of the DleseStandardsDocument object
getMaxNodes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Gets the maxNodes attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
getMaxNodes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Gets the maxNodes attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
getMaxNodes() - Method in class
Gets the maxNodes attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
getMaxOccurs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Gets the maxOccurs attribute of the Compositor object
getMaxOccurs(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Utility to extract the maxOccurs attribute of the given element and returns an int equivalent.
getMaxOccurs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
getMaxRecordsToList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
getMaxResults() - Method in class
Gets the maxResults attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getMaxRole() - Method in class
Gets the maxRole attribute of the User object
getMDP() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
getMdpHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AggregatorReader
Gets the mdpHandle attribute of the AggregatorReader object
getMdpHandleMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
Gets Map associating a setSpec with the corresponding mdpHandle
getMDPHandles() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Gets all MetadataProvider handles associated with the DleseAgent
getMDPHandles(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Gets the handles for all MetadataProvider objects associated with the aggent associated with specified agentHandle (which defaults to the dleseAgent).
getMember(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Finds a particular Member from the members list
getMemberAt(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Gets the memberAt attribute of the Compositor object
getMemberCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Gets the number of visible metadata records of the GroupingObjectReader object
getMemberCountOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Returns number of elements in the Document matching a given xpath
getMemberHandles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Gets the metadata object handles for the GroupingObjectReader object
getMemberNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Returns the instanceNames of the child members of this Compositor
getMembers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Returns a list of Member instances - one for each element in the choice compositor
getMembersOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the membersOf attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getMenuItemsMap() - Method in class
Gets a Map of all items in the smart link menus, keyed by their menu and item number of the form slm0-0, where slm0 is the ID for the menu and 0 is the ID for the item in that menu.
getMenuLabelsMap() - Method in class
Gets a Map of the smart link menu labels, for example 'My custom menu', keyed by the menu number, for example 'slm0'.
getMenuNamesInOrder() - Method in class
getMenuPositions() - Method in class
Gets a Map of the menu positions keyed by menu name, for example'My custom menu'.
getMenus() - Method in class
Gets a Map of all smart link menus keyed by menu name, for example 'My custom menu', with values containing Lists of the items in the given menu.
getMessage() - Method in class
Gets the message attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the message attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIError
Gets the message attribute of the OAIError object
getMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Gets the message attribute of the ProviderAdminForm object
getMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the message attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the message attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getMessage() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPluginException
getMessage(int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
Returns the message associated with the specified id.
getMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
Gets the message attribute of the LoadMetadataVocabs object
getMessage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
Gets the message attribute of the LoadMetadataVocabs object
getMessages() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Return stored messages
getMessages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the messages attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getMessages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the messages attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getMeta(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi.DataStreamWrapper
getMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the metadata attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getMetadata() - Method in class
Gets the metadata attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getMetadata() - Method in class
Gets the metadata attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the metadata attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the metadata attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the metadata attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the metadata attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getMetadata() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
getMetadataFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the metadataFormats attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getMetadataForRelationsToAdd(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NSDLCollectionWriter
Gets the metadataForRelationsToAdd attribute of the NSDLCollectionWriter object.
getMetaDataFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Gets the metaDataFramework attribute of the record being edited.
getMetaDataFramework(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
Gets the MetaDataFramework from the frameworkRegistry for the specified xmlFormat.
getMetaDataFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StatusAction
Gets the metaDataFramework attribute of the StatusAction object
getMetaDataFramework(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Gets the metaDataFramework attribute of the MetadataWriter object
getMetaDataFramework(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.WorkFlowServices
Gets the metaDataFramework attribute of the WorkFlowServices object
getMetadataGroupsLoaderFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the metadataGroupsLoaderFile attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getMetadataGroupsLoaderFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getMetadataHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReportEntry
getMetadataHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getMetadataNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Gets the metadataNamespace attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
getMetadataNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Gets the metadataNamespace attribute of the MetadataFormatInfo object
getMetadataNamespace(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the metadata namespace for the given metadataPrefix (XML format).
getMetadataNamespaces() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the metadata namespacess keyed by metadataPrefix.
getMetadataNamespaces() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a Map of metadata namespaces for all metadataPrefixes (XML formats) in the repository, or null if none exist.
getMetadataObjects() - Method in class
getMetadataPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the metadata previx (format) of the file associated with this reader, for example 'dlese_ims' or 'adn'.
getMetadataPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the metadataPrefix attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getMetadataPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the metadataPrefix attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getMetadataPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Gets the metadataPrefix attribute of the MetadataFormatInfo object
getMetadataPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
getMetadataPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the metadataPrefix attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getMetadataProvider(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.DleseAsUseCaseHelper
Gets a metadataProviderReader given a collection key.
getMetadataProvider(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Gets the metadataProvider stored in the NDR associated with given collection key.
getMetadataProvider(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Obtain a MetadataProvider object for provided handle
getMetadataProviderAgent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getMetadataProviderFor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the metadataProviderFor attribute (an agent handle) of the MetadataProviderReader object
getMetadataProviderHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the handle of this collections metadataProvider object in the NDR.
getMetadataProviderHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the metadataProviderHandle attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getMetadataProviderHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the ndrHandle attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getMetadataProviderHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getMetadataProviders() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AgentReader
Gets the metadataProviders that are related to this Agent via the metadataProviderFor relationship.
getMetadataReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Gets the metadataReader attribute of the MetadataWriter object
getMetadataReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NSDLCollectionWriter
Gets the metadataReader attribute of the NSDLCollectionWriter object
getMetadataRecordsLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the path for the directory of metadata records the RepositoryManager is using, or empty string if none is configured.
getMetadataRecordsLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the path for the directory of metadata records this RepositoryManager is using, or empty string if none is configured.
getMetadataRecordsLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the path for the directory of metadata records the RepositoryManager is using, or empty string if none is configured.
getMetadataSchema() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Gets the metadataSchema attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
getMetadataSchemaURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the metadata schema URL for the given metadataPrefix (XML format).
getMetadataSchemaURLs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the metadata schema URLs keyed by metadataPrefix.
getMetadataSchemaURLs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a Map of metadata schema URLs for all metadataPrefixes (XML formats) in the repository, or null if none exist.
getMetadataVocab() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the metadataVocab manager, or null if one is not available
getMetadataVocabAudience() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the metadataVocabAudience attribute of the XMLDocReader object
getMetadataVocabAudienceDefault() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the metadataVocabAudienceDefault attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getMetadataVocabInstance(String, String, ServletContext, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
Loads an instance of a MetadataVocab object and sets it as a servlet context attribute.
getMetadataVocabInstance(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
Gets the metadataVocabInstance attribute of the LoadMetadataOPML class
getMetadataVocabLanguage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the metadataVocabLanguage attribute of the XMLDocReader object
getMetadataVocabLanguageDefault() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the metadataVocabLanguageDefault attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getMetaFormatOfField(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the metadata format associated with the given field identifier (either encoded ID or PATH)
getMetaFormatOfField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the metaFormatOfField attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getMetaFormatOfField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the metaFormatOfField attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getMetametadataContributors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of metadata contributors for a resource from the current record.
getMetaMetadataFile(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DDSItemMetaMetadataIndexingPlugin
Gets the meta-metadata file associated with the given metadata file.
getMetaNameOfId(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getTranslatedValue()
getMetaNameOfId(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getTranslatedValue OR getTranslatedField
getMetaNameOfId(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the metadata value or field name of the given encoded field and value Ids.
getMetastyle() - Method in class
Returns the metadata format: for example, MS_ADN.
getMetastyleString() - Method in class
Returns a string representing the metadata style, for example, "adn".
getMetaTagContentByName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
returns the content of the Meta tag whose name equals mname.
getMethod() - Method in class
Gets the method attribute of the CATWebService object
getMethod() - Method in class
getMethod() - Method in class
returns "getStandards"
getMethod() - Method in class
getMethod() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
getMimeType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.MimeTypes
Gets the mimeType for the provided filename.
getMimeType(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.MimeTypes
Gets the mimeType associated with the provided file (based on the file's name).
getMinGrade() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRange
Gets the minGrade attribute of the GradeRange object
getMinimalDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Create a miminal instance document that is used as the starting point for a new document.
getMinimalRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
getMinimalRecordPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
MinimalRecordPaths represent fields that are required for new records.
getMinimalTree() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the minimalTree attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getMinOccurs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Gets the minOccurs attribute of the Compositor object
getMinOccurs(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Extract the minOccurs attribute of the given element and returns an int equivalent.
getMinOccurs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
GetMirrorsTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
GetMirrorsTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.GetMirrorsTester
getMirrorUrls(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Extracts mirrorUrl values from an adn record
getMirrorUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
getMismatches() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getMismatches() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getMissingAssociatedItemIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the missingAssociatedItemIds for associated items that are not in the index.
getMmdDupesInOtherCollections() - Method in class
Gets the IDMapper Mmd records for dupulicate resources in other collections, or null.
getMmdDupesInSameCollection() - Method in class
Gets the IDMapper Mmd records for dupulicate resources in the same as this resource collection, or null.
getMmdRec() - Method in class
Gets the IDMapper Mmd record for this ADN resource, otherwise null.
getMmdRec(String, String, Query) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the ID mapper record for the given ID using the given Query Object.
getMmdRec(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the ID mapper record for the given ID using the local Query Object.
getMmdRec(String, String) - Method in class
Returns the MmdRec specified, or null if none found.
getMmdRecsDupsOther() - Method in class
Gets the mmdRecsDupsOther attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getMmdRecsDupsSame() - Method in class
Gets the mmdRecsDupsSame attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets the mode attribute of the MdeNode object - used for Debugging
getModelGroups(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
Gets the modelGroups attribute of the SchemaUtils class
getMsg() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.ErrorLog.LogEntry
getMsg() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Gets the msg attribute of the TaskProgress object
getMsg() - Method in class
Returns the additional error description
getMsgBody(SuggestForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentEmailer
Gets the msgBody attribute of the CommentEmailer object
getMsgBody(SuggestForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.Emailer
Gets the body of the the notification email message.
getMsgBody(SuggestForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceEmailer
Gets the msgBody attribute of the ResourceEmailer object
getMsgSubject() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentEmailer
Gets the msgSubject attribute of the CommentEmailer object
getMsgSubject() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.Emailer
Gets the subject line of the the notification email message.
getMsgSubject() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceEmailer
Gets the msgSubject attribute of the ResourceEmailer object
getMsgType() - Method in class
Returns the message type: see org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
getMuiFormattable(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Returns true if a MUI groups file exists for the provided path
getMuiGroups() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the muiGroups attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getMultiAccessionDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the accession date for this muti-doc, as a date String, which is the date the resource first appeared in the library among all records that catalog it.
getMultiAccessionDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the accession date for this multi-doc as a Java Date, which is the date the resource first appeared in the library among all records that catalog it.
getMultiAccessionStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the the concatinated accession statuses of all associated records for this item.
getMultiBoxInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DleseEditorRenderer
Renders a multibox input (a set of of checkboxes) as an Element using one of several methods of rendering a multiBoxInput, depending on what information is available for the current element.
getMultiBoxInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getMultiBoxInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Renders a MultiBoxInput (a set of checkboxes) for the current element.
getMultiBoxLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorRenderer
Create label for a mulitBoxLabel element that will collapse the mulitBox input.
getMultiBoxLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the multiBoxLabel attribute of the RendererImpl object
getMultiContentStandardLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the content standard UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog this resource, for example 'Change, constancy, and measurement', or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if the vocab manager is not available.
getMultiContentStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the content standards for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 01, or 'NSES:K-4:Unifying Concepts and Processes Standards:Change, constancy, and measurement' if no vocab manager is available.
getMultiDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the concatinated descriptions of all associated records for this item.
getMultiDisplayableRelatedResources() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a List of RelatedResource Objects for each related resource from each of the records that catalog this resource that have an appropriate status for display in discovery, or null if none.
getMultiDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
getMultiDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the multiDoc lucene Document for this item, or the single doc, if none available.
getMultiDocBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the boosting factor used to rank resources that have multiple records.
getMultiDocBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the boosting factor used to rank resources that are referenced by more than one record.
getMultiDocBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the boosting factor used to rank resources that have multiple records.
getMultiDocBoostingQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Boost items that have multiple records associated with them.
getMultiElementTexts(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
get the values of all elements matching an XPath
getMultiGradeRangeLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the grade range UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 'Primary (K-2)', or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if the vocab manager is not available.
getMultiGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the grade ranges for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 07, or 'DLESE:Primary elementary' if no vocab manager is available.
getMultiGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the multiGradeRanges attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getMultiHasRelatedResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type from any records that catalogs this resource.
getMultiIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the the concatinated IDs of all associated records for this item.
getMultiKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the keywords for all associated records as a sorted array.
getMultiRecordStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the value 'true' or 'false' depending on whether this item does or does not have multiple records associated with it.
getMultiRelatedResourceByIdDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the multiRelatedResourceByIdDocs attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getMultiRelatedResourceIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the IDs of all related resources that were cataloged by ID from all records that catalog this resource, or null if none were present.
getMultiRelatedResources() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a List of RelatedResource Objects for each related resource from each of the records that catalog this resource, or null if none.
getMultiRelatedResourceUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the URLs of all related resources that were cataloged by URL from all records that catalog this resource, or null if none were present
getMultiResourceTypeLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the resource type UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 'Classroom activity', or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically.
getMultiResourceTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the resource types for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 0c, or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if no vocab manager is available.
getMultiResourceTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the multiResourceTypes attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getMultiSelectInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Renders a multiSelect input (a set of of checkboxes) as an Element.
getMultiSelectInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Renders a multiSelect input (a set of of checkboxes) as an Element.
getMultiSubjectLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the subject UI labels from the vocab manager for this record and all others that catalog the same resource, for example 'Biology', or 'DLESE:Biology' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically.
getMultiSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the subjects for this item and all additional items associated via the ID mapper.
getMultiSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the multiSubjects attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getMultiTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the concatinated title of all associated records for this item.
getMultiValueFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Selects the InputFields corresponding to metadata fields that allow for multiple values.
getMultiWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the Whats New date for the multi-record as a String, which is the whats new date for this resource across all records that catalog it.
getMultiWhatsNewDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the Whats New date for the multi-record (if it exists) as a Date, which is the whats new date for this resource across all records that catalog it.
getMultiWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the Whats New type for the multi-record (if it exists), which is one of 'itemnew,' 'itemannocomplete,' 'itemannoinprogress,' 'annocomplete,' 'annoinprogress,' 'drcannocomplete,' 'drcannoinprogress,' 'collection'.
getMyAnnoResultDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Gets the annotations for this record, null or zero length if none available.
getMyAnnoResultDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the annotations for this record, null or zero length if none available.
getMyCollectionDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the collection doc for the collection in which this record is a part.
getMyCollectionDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the DLESECollectionDocReader for the collection in which this item is a part, or null if not available.
getMyCollectionsRecordId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the ID of collection record in which this item belongs.
getMyFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
getMyMmdRec() - Method in class
Gets the myMmdRec attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getMyMmdRec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the MmdRec for this record only.
getMyMmdRec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the MmdRec for this record only.
getMyMmdRec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the MmdRec for this record only.
getMySes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the mySes attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getN() - Method in class
Gets the n attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getN() - Method in class
Gets the n attribute of the RecommenderForm object
getN() - Method in class
Gets the n attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getN() - Method in class
Gets the n attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm.ParamPair
Gets the parameter name.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the parameter name.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the parameter name.
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm.ParamPair
Gets the parameter name.
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm.ParamPair
Gets the parameter name.
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the name attribute of the SetInfo object
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm.ParamPair
Gets the parameter name.
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.ErrorLog.LogEntry
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the name attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the name attribute of the MetaDataFramework.
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList.Page
Gets the name attribute of the Page object, defaulting to mapping attribute if name is not defined.
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryEvent
Gets the name attribute of the RepositoryEvent object
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Return the name for this TypedPrincipal.
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentReader
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentSubTestReader
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LearningResourceReader
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the name attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Get the name of the field this file documents.
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Returns the vocab attribute value.
getName() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the name attribute of the VocabNode object
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the name attribute of the VocabNode object
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the Metadata name
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Returns string representation of the Compositor's type (e.g., "compositor", "sequence", "all").
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the name attribute of the GenericType object
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the name attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
getName() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Returns the dataType name for this GlobalDef (e.g., "union.dateType", "stringTextType", etc).
getName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Retrieves the name of the element of this node.
getNamedDefaultNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Returns a namespace having a non-empty prefix and the same URI as the defaultNameSpace (if one exists).
getNamedSchemaPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the namedSchemaPath attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getNamedSchemaPathXpath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the namedSchemaPath attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getNamedXPath(String, String, FrameworkRegistry) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Returns the xpath for the provided named schema path (pathName) as configured for the specified framework (xmlFormat).
getNameEncoded() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the name attribute of the SetInfo object, encoded for use in a URL.
getNameFirst() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Gets the nameFirst attribute of the PersonContributor object
getNameFirst() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the nameFirst attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getNameFirst() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the nameFirst attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getNameFirst() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Gets the nameFirst attribute of the CommentRecord object
getNameFirst() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Gets the nameFirst attribute of the ResourceRecord object
getNameFromPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the vocab field name by clipping from the end of a full xpath
getNameLast() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Gets the nameLast attribute of the PersonContributor object
getNameLast() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the nameLast attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getNameLast() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the nameLast attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getNameLast() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Gets the nameLast attribute of the CommentRecord object
getNameLast() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Gets the nameLast attribute of the ResourceRecord object
getNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Return the formats of the registered frameworks, excluding "dlese_collect"
getNamespace(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the namespace attribute of the GenericType object
getNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the namespace attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
getNamespace() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
getNamespace(Document) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the namespace attribute of the NamespaceRegistry class
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the namespaceContext attribute of the NamespaceRegistry object
getNamespaceEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the namespaceEnabled attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getNamespaceEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.StructureWalker
Gets the namespaceEnabled attribute of the StructureWalker object
getNamespaceForPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Search the stack (moving from local to more global SchemaReaders) for the namespace belonging to the given prefix.
getNamespaceIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryInfoForm
Gets the namespaceIdentifier attribute of the RepositoryInfoForm object
getNameSpaceInfo(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
Calculates the nameSpaceInfo attribute for item records.
getNameSpaceInfo(Document, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Gets the nameSpaceInfo associated with the root element of a Document.
getNamespacePrefix(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the namespacePrefix attribute of the NamespaceRegistry class
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Gets the namespaces attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Utility returns all Namespaces as a Collection.
getNamespaces() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
getNameTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Gets the nameTitle attribute of the PersonContributor object
getNativeDataStream(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the native dataStream of the NdrObject for the specified native "format".
getNativeDataStream(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the navite dataStream of the NdrObject for specified format and version.
getNativeFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the nativeFormat of the file associated with this reader, for example 'dlese_ims' or 'adn'.
getNativeFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AggregatorReader
Gets the nativeFormat for the ITEM-level metadata of this collection.
getNativeFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the nativeFormat for the ITEM-level metadata of this collection.
getNcsAgent() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
getNcsAgentHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.CollectionIntegrationForm
getNcsAgentHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
getNcsCollect() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
Gets the ncsCollect attribute of the NSDLCollectionReader object
getNCSCollectionConfig() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NSDLCollectionWriter
Returns the collection_config data_stream from the collection MDP if possible.
getNCSCollectionID(NSDLCollectionReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
Extracts the NCS collection id from a NSDLCollectionReader instance.
getNCSCollectionID(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
Finds the collection id for the provided collection resource url.
getNCSCollectionID(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
Finds the collection id for the provided collection resource url.
getNCSCollectionIDs() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
getNCSCollectionIDs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
Gets the IDS of the Collections of the NCS
getNCSCollectionNativeFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NSDLCollectionWriter
For Collections whose items are managed by this NCS instance, we can find the itemFormat by inspecting the "collection_config" stream of the Collection MetadataProvider object.
getNCSCollectionRecordIDs() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
Gets a list of collection ids from the NCSL Collections collection.
getNCSCollectionRecordIDs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
Gets a list of record ids from the NCSL Collections collection.
getNcsCollectionRecords() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
Gets the ncsCollectionRecords attribute of the CollectionXSLReader class
getNcsItemStream(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.CollectionAdopter
Gets the ncsItemStream attribute of the CollectionAdopter object
getNCSRecord(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
Gets an NCSCollectReader instance for a given resourceUrl.
getNCSRecord(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
Returns NCSCollectReader instance for NCS Collect record having provided id.
getNCSRecord(URL) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
Gets an NCSCollectReader instance for a given resourceUrl.
getNCSRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
Returns NCSCollectReader instance for NCS Collect record having provided id.
getNCSRecordByTitle(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
Gets the nCSRecordByTitle attribute of the NSDLCollectionUtils class
getNCSRecordByTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
Gets the nCSRecordByTitle attribute of the NCSWebServiceClient object
getNcsResourceUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getNcsTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getNdrAccess() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Instantiates a Client instance, configures the client properties to enable it to authenticate with the NDR, and finally obtains access from the client.
getNdrApiBaseUrl() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
getNdrApiBaseUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
getNdrApiUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.CollectionIntegrationForm
getNdrCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
Gets list of setInfo instances for each collection registered with NDR
getNDRConnection(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Creates connection and adds payload in the form of inputXML parameter.
getNDRConnection(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SignedNdrRequest
Creates connection and adds payload in the form of inputXML parameter.
getNDRConnection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Instantiates and initializes an NDRConnection for communicating with the NDR server.
getNdrHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
getNdrHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
getNdrHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the ndrHandle attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getNdrInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the ndrInfo attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getNdrNormalizedStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
getNdrOaiLink() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the ndrOaiLink for this collection, which is the "itemId" of Collection Metadata records stored in the NDR, and which is inserted in the InfoStream of item-level metadata records when they are written to the NDR.
getNdrOaiLink() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the ndrOaiLink attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getNDRObjectDoc(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Performs a "get" request on the NDR with the provided object handle and returns the result as a dom4j.Document.
getNDRObjectDoc(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Retrieves the provided "handleUrl" (a complete URL including ndrApi and a handle to a specific object) as a dom4j.Document.
getNdrResourceUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getNdrResponseType(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
getNdrResponseType() - Method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.NDRObjectType
getNdrServer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
getNdrServer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the ndrServer attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getNdrServer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getNdrSyncError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the ndrHandle attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getNdrTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getNewCollectionIndexingSession(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Gets the newCollectionIndexingSession attribute of the CollectionIndexer object
getNewElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Creates a "miminalElement" (one that contains only required elements) from the instanceDocument.
getNewRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
Gets the newRecId attribute of the SIFReferenceForm object
getNewRole() - Method in class
getNewRole() - Method in class
Gets the newRole attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getNewTree() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the newTree attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getNextId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
getNextID(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Convenience method to obtain a new record ID from specified collection (which must exist)
getNextLockKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Gets the nextLockKey attribute of the SerializedDataManager object
getNextResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the next set of results.
getNextResultsUrl() - Method in class
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the next set of results.
getNextResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the next set of results.
getNextResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the next set of results.
getNextResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the next set of results.
getNextResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the next set of results.
getNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets a single Node satisfying give XPath.
getNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
Gets a single Node satisfying give XPath.
getNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Gets a single Node satisfying give XPath.
getNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
Gets the node attribute of the NameSpaceXMLDocReader object
getNode(Node, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Returns a node of the current record, or null if the node does not exist.
getNodeExists(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the nodeExists attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getNodeExistsWithContent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
return true if the node exists and it is not empty
getNodeExistsWithRequiredAttribute(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Return true if the node specified by key exists in the instance document and it has a required attribute in the instance document.
getNodeHasValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Return TRUE if this node has a value.
getNodeId(OPMLTree.TreeNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the nodeId attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getNodeIsEmpty(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the nodeIsEmpty attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getNodeIsExpandable(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Returns true of the node designated by key can be expanded.
getNodeIsMissingValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Determines if a text node in the VIEW UI (as opposed to the editor) of a record is missing a value, so it can be highlighted accordingly.
getNodeList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Returns a flat list containing all DleseStandardsNodes in the standardsTree.
getNodeList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Returns a flat list containing all AsnStandardsNodes in the standardsTree.
getNodeList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Returns a flat list containing all StandardsNodes in the standardsTree.
getNodeList() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsDocument
Returns a flat list containing all DleseStandardsNodes in the standardsTree.
getNodeList() - Method in class
Returns a flat list containing all StandardsNodes in the standardsTree.
getNodeList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
Returns all layout nodes calculated by flattening the hierarchy of layoutNodes into a list.
getNodeName(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Returns the name of the node referred to by the (possibly jsp-encoded) xpath, stripped of indexing information.
getNodes(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Get all Nodes satisfying the given xpath.
getNodes(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
Get all Nodes satisfying the given xpath.
getNodes(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Get all Nodes satisfying the given xpath.
getNodes(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
Gets the nodes attribute of the NameSpaceXMLDocReader object
getNodes(Node, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getNodeText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Return the Text of a Node satisfying the given XPath.
getNodeText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
return the Text of a Node satisfying the given XPath.
getNodeText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
return the Text of a Node satisfying the given XPath.
getNodeText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getNodeType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the nodeType attribute of the SchemaNode object (corresponding to the type of XML node this schemaNode wraps).
getNoDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the noDisplay attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getNoDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the noDisplay attribute of the StandardsNode object
getNoDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the noDisplay attribute of the StandardsNode object
getNoDisplay() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the noDisplay attribute of the StandardsNode object
getNoDisplay() - Method in class
Gets the noDisplay attribute of the StandardsNode object
getNoDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the noDisplay attribute of the LayoutNode object, suppresses display of this LayoutNode.
getNoDisplay() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the noDisplay attribute of the VocabNode object
getNoDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the noDisplay attribute of the VocabNode object
getNoDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the noDisplay attribute of the vocab node (for UI suppression)
getNoDisplayOriginal() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the noDisplayOriginal attribute of the VocabNode object
getNoDisplayOriginal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the noDisplayOriginal attribute of the VocabNode object
getNoDisplayOriginal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the noDisplayOriginal attribute of the VocabNode object
getNonEmpyStringOrNull(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Returns null if the string is null or empty, or the original string otherwise.
getNonNcsCollectionRecords(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
Gets the nonNcsCollectionRecords attribute of the CollectionXSLReader class
getNonPaigingParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets all the parameters that existed in the request other than those used for paiging.
getNonPaigingParams() - Method in class
Gets all the parameters that existed in the request other than those used for paiging.
getNonPaigingParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets all the parameters that existed in the request other than those used for paiging.
getNonPaigingParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets all the parameters that existed in the request other than those used for paiging.
getNonPaigingParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets all the parameters that existed in the request other than those used for paiging.
getNonPaigingParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets all the parameters that existed in the request other than those used for paiging.
getNormalizedXPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Returns an xpath containing no indexing for the element corresponding to this InputField.
getNorthCoord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.BoundingBox
Gets the northCoord attribute of the BoundingBox object
getNotes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Gets the notes attribute of the WebLogReader object
getNrqParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets all request parameters except the refined query Rq parameter.
getNrqParams() - Method in class
Gets all request parameters except the refined query Rq parameter.
getNrqParams() - Method in class
Gets all request parameters except the refined query Rq parameter.
getNrqParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets all request parameters except the refined query Rq parameter.
getNrqParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets all request parameters except the refined query Rq parameter.
getNrqParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets all request parameters except the refined query Rq parameter.
getNsContext() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Returns a namespace context instance, containing namespaces occuring in NDR objects, that is used in xpath operations.
getNsdlDc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
Gets the nsdlDc attribute of the NSDLCollectionReader object
getNsdlDcInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
Gets the nsdlDcInfo attribute of the NSDLCollectionReader object
getNsdlDcReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
Gets the nsdlDcReader attribute of the NSDLCollectionReader object
getNsdlDublinCoreXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the content in NSDL Dublin Core XML format, or empty String if not available.
getNsdlItemId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the nsdlItemId attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getNSforPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the namespace corresponding to the specified prefix
getNSforUri(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the Namespace for provided URI.
getNsKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
Method to retrieve the list of names used to identify desired values.
getNSMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.HarvestInfoReader
Gets the nSMap attribute of the HarvestInfoReader object
getNSMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NsdlDcReader
getNSMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.ServiceDescriptionReader
Gets the nSMap attribute of the ServiceDescriptionReader object
getNsMap(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
getNsValues(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
Retrieves GlobalDefs associated with specified Namespace.
getNumAnnoRatings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a String.
getNumAnnoRatings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a String.
getNumAnnoRatingsInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a int.
getNumAnnoRatingsInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a the total number of star ratings for this item as a int.
getNumAudioAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the numAudioAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumAudioAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the numAudioAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumAudioAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the numAudioAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumColumns() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the number of columns required to render the sublist of which this LayoutNode is a member.
getNumCompletedAnnos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the numCompletedAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumCompletedAnnos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the numCompletedAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumCompletedAnnos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the numCompletedAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumDeleted() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the number of items deleted for this collection.
getNumDeleted() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
getNumDeletedDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the number of records that have a status of deleted in the OAI repository.
getNumDeletedDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the total number of OAI status deleted records.
getNumDeletedDocsNotFromAnyDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the total number of all OAI status deleted records that did not come from any of the existing file directories configured in the RepositoryManager.
getNumDeletedInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the number of items deleted for this collection.
getNumDeletedRecordsInSet(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the number of deleted records that are in the given OAI, or -1 if no such set is configured.
getNumDiscoverableADNResources() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the number of descrete ADN item-level resources that have been indexed and are currently discoverable.
getNumDiscoverableResources() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the number of descrete resources of any format (adn, dlese_anno, news_opps, etc) that have been indexed and are currently discoverable.
getNumDocs(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the number of documents that match the given query.
getNumDocs(Query) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the number of documents that match the given query.
getNumDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the total number of documents in the index.
getNumDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
getNumDone() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
Gets the numDone attribute of the DcsSetInfo object
getNumDoneInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
Gets the numFiles attribute of the SetInfo object
getNumExported() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
getNumFiles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Return the number of files in this DataManager as reported by the file system.
getNumFiles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the number of files for this collection.
getNumFiles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the number of files for this collection.
getNumFilesInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the numFiles attribute of the SetInfo object
getNumFinalAndNotValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
getNumGoodRecords() - Method in class
getNumGraphicalAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the numGraphicalAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumGraphicalAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the numGraphicalAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumGraphicalAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the numGraphicalAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumHarvestedLast() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the numHarvestedLast attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getNumHarvestedRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the numHarvestedRecords attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getNumHarvestedRecordsInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the numHarvestedRecordsInt attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getNumHits() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Gets the number of searchResult items
getNumIdentifiersResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the numIdentifiersResults attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getNumIdentifiersResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the numIdentifiersResults per resumptionToken to be returned in OAI ListIdentifiers requests.
getNumIdentifiersResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the numIdentifiersResults attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getNumIndexed() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the number of items indexed for this collection.
getNumIndexed() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the number of items indexed for this collection.
getNumIndexedInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the number of items indexed for this collection.
getNumIndexingErrors() - Method in class
Gets the lastIndexModifiedTime attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getNumIndexingErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the number of indexing errors that were found for this collection.
getNumIndexingErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the number of indexing errors that are present.
getNumIndexingErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the number of records that had indexing errors.
getNumIndexingErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the number of indexing errors that were found for this collection.
getNumIndexingErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the number of indexing errors that are present.
getNumIndexingErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the number of indexing errors that are present.
getNumIndexingErrorsInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the number of indexing errors that were found for this collection.
getNumInProgressAnnos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the numInProgressAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumInProgressAnnos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the numInProgressAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumInProgressAnnos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the numInProgressAnnos attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumInstances() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the numInstances attribute of the ADNFileIndexingWriter class
getNumInstances() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the numInstances attribute of the DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter class
getNumInstances() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the numInstances attribute of the DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter class
getNumMenuItems(String) - Method in class
Gets the number of items in the smart link menu by the given name.
getNumNonDeletedDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the number of records that have a status NOT deleted in the OAI repository.
getNumNonDeletedDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the total number of records that are not OAI status deleted.
getNumNotExported() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
getNumNotValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
getNumOtherSelected() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Gets the number of selected standards that are NOT from the current document
getNumPagingRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the numPagingRecords attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getNumPagingRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
getNumRecordCollections() - Method in class
Gets the numRecordCollections attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getNumRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Get the number of records in this SerializedDataManager.
getNumRecords() - Method in class
Gets the numRecords attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getNumRecords(RepositoryManager) - Static method in class
Gets the number of records that have been indexed inclucing adn, collection, anno and other metadata types regardless of status.
getNumRecords(RepositoryManager) - Static method in class
Gets the number of records that have been indexed inclucing adn, collection, anno and other metadata types regardless of status.
getNumRecordsForStatusNotification() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.HarvestMessageHandler
Gets the number of records the Harveser should harvest between sending statusMessage notifications to this HarvestMessageHandler.
getNumRecordsForStatusNotification() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
Gets the number of records the Harveser should harvest between sending statusMessage notifications to this HarvestMessageHandler.
getNumRecordsForStatusNotification() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.SimpleHarvestMessageHandler
Gets the number of records the Harveser should harvest between sending statusMessage notifications to this HarvestMessageHandler.
getNumRecordsHarvested() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Gets the current number of records that have been harvested by this harvester.
getNumRecordsInIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the number of records in the index, excluding records with errors.
getNumRecordsInSet(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the number of records that are in the given OAI set excluding deletions, or -1 if no such set is configured.
getNumRecordsResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the numRecordsResults attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getNumRecordsResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the numRecordsResults per resumptionToken to be returned in OAI ListRecords requests.
getNumRecordsResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the numRecordsResults attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getNumRecordsToAdd() - Method in class
Gets the numRecordsToAdd attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getNumRecordsToAdd() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Gets the numRecordsToAdd attribute of the FileIndexingService object
getNumRecordsToDelete() - Method in class
Gets the numRecordsToDelete attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getNumRecordsToDelete() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Gets the numRecordsToDelete attribute of the FileIndexingService object
getNumRecordsToReplace() - Method in class
Gets the numRecordsToReplace attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getNumRecordsToReplace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Gets the numRecordsToReplace attribute of the FileIndexingService object
getNumResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the numResults attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getNumResults() - Method in class
Gets the numResults attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getNumResults() - Method in class
Gets the numResults attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getNumResults() - Method in class
Gets the numResults attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getNumResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the numResults attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getNumResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the numResults attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getNumResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the numResults attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getNumResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the numResults attribute of the DCSViewForm object
getNumResults() - Method in class
Gets the number of matching results.
getNumResults() - Method in class
Gets the number of matching results.
getNumResults() - Method in class
Gets the number of matching results.
getNumResults() - Method in class
Gets the number of matching results.
getNumResults() - Method in class
Gets the number of matching results.
getNumResumptionTokens() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the numResumptionTokens attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getNumResumptionTokensInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the numResumptionTokensInt attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getNumResumptionTokensIssued() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Gets the number of resumption tokens that have currently been issued by the data provider.
getNumSecsToTimeout() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Returns the number of seconds left until this session times out.
getNumSelected() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Gets the numSelected attribute of the SelectedStandardsBean object
getNumSelected(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Gets the numSelected attribute of the SelectedStandardsBean object
getNumSelectedStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the numSelectedStandards attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getNumSelectedStandards() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the numSelectedStandards attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getNumSyncErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
getNumTerms() - Method in class
Gets the numTerms attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getNumTermsConfiguredForField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Gets the number of virtual terms configured for a given virtual field.
getNumTextAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the numTextAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumTextAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the numTextAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumTextAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the numTextAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getNumToExport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
getNumusers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.RWLock
getNumValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
getNumValidationErrors() - Method in class
getNumVideoAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the number of video format annotations in progress for this item.
getNumVideoAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the number of video format annotations in progress for this item.
getNumWorking() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
Gets the numWorking attribute of the DcsSetInfo object
getNumWorkingInt() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
Gets the numFiles attribute of the SetInfo object
getOaiBaseUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the oaiBaseUrl attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getOaiDatestamp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the oaiDatestamp in UTC format for the given record.
getOaiDublinCoreXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the content in OAI Dublin Core XML format, or empty String if not available.
getOaiErrorCode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the OAI error code that was returned by the data provider, for example 'noRecordsMatch', or null if not applicable.
getOAIErrorCode() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIErrorException
Gets the oAIErrorCode attribute of the OAIErrorException object
getOAIErrorMessage() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIErrorException
Gets the oAIErrorMessage attribute of the OAIErrorException object
getOaiFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
getOaiFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Gets the formats that are available to oai services, which are the itemFrameworks plus "dlese_collect"
getOaiIdPfx() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Gets the oaiIdPfx attribute of the ProviderBean object
getOaiIdPfx() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the oaiIdPfx attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getOaiIdPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the OAI Identifier Format's scheme and namespace-identifier prefix, for example ''.
getOaiIngest() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getOaiLastModifiedString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a String representataion of the oai datestamp in readable format.
getOaiModtime(File, Document) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the oaiModtime for the given File or Document, set to 3 minutes in the future to account for any delay in indexing updates.
getOaiQueryResults(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the results from a standard OAI-PMH ListIdentifiers or ListRecords query or an ODL search request.
getOAIRequestTag(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Get the request tag that is required in all responses to an OAI request.
getOaiSetQuery(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the Lucene Query for the given setSpec, or null if none exists.
getOaiSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the OAI SetSpecs for this repository, or null if none.
getOaiSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the OAI sets associated with this record as an ArrayList of Strings, for example 'dcc' or null.
getOaiSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the OAI sets configured in this repository.
getOaiSetsForId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the OAI sets associated with this record ID as a List of Strings, for example 'mySet' or null.
getOaiVisibility() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the oaiVisibility attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getObjectDn(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: Retrieves a serialized Java Object, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
getObjectMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getObjectType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the objectType property of the NdrObject.
getObjectType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Gets the objectType attribute of the NdrRequest object
getOccurrences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.AllGuard
Returns a list of occurrence instances that can be used to determine whether an instance document element satisfies the occurrence constraints of the schema.
getOccurrences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.ChoiceGuard
Returns a list of occurrence instances that can be used to determine whether an instance document element satisfies the occurrence constraints of the schema.
getOccurrences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Returns a list of occurrence instances that can be used to determine whether an instance document element satisfies the occurrence constraints of the schema.
getOccurrences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.SequenceGuard
Gets the occurrences attribute of the SequenceGuard object
getOccurrencesCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Gets the occurrencesCount attribute of the CompositorGuard object
getOccurrencesCount(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Gets the occurrencesCount attribute of the ChoiceGuard object
getOdlQueryResults(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the results of an OAI-PMH ListRecords or ListIdentifiers request or an OLD search.
getOffset() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the offset into the results array to begin iterating.
getOffset() - Method in class
Gets the offset into the results array to begin iterating.
getOffset() - Method in class
Gets the offset into the results array to begin iterating.
getOffset() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the offset into the results array to begin iterating.
getOffset() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the offset into the results array to begin iterating.
getOffset() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the offset into the results array to begin iterating.
getOffset() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the offset into the results array to begin iterating.
getOperator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the boolean operator that is currently being used for searches.
getOperatorString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the boolean operator that is currently being used for searches as a String (AND or OR).
getOPML(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the OPML for a given format/version/audience/language
getOPML(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the OPML for a given format/audience/language, using the current or most recently loaded version
getOPML(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the OPML for a given format/version/audience/language without the XML declaration tag
getOPML(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the OPML for a given format/audience/language, using the current or most recently loaded version without the XML declaration tag
getOPML(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the OPML for a given format/version/audience/language
getOPML(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the OPML for a given format/audience/language using the current or most recently loaded version
getOPML(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the OPML for a given format/version/audience/language without the XML declaration tag
getOPML(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the OPML for a given format/audience/language using the current or most recently loaded version without the XML declaration tag
getOPML(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the OPML for a given format/version/audience/language
getOPML(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the oPML attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getOPML(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the oPML attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getOPML(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the oPML attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getOption(String, boolean) - Method in class
Get a boolean option from the module's options.
getOption(String, int) - Method in class
Get a numeric option from the module's options.
getOption(String, String) - Method in class
Get a String option from the module's options.
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the fields besides url, description and graderanges that a particular framework wants to control via the CAT UI.
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the optionalCatUIFields attribute of the AdnFrameworkPlugin object
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Specifies the fields besides url, description and gradeRanges that a particular framework wants to control via the CAT UI.
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.EngPathFrameworkPlugin
Gets the optionalCatUIFields attribute of the EngPathFrameworkPlugin object
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.MastFrameworkPlugin
Gets the optionalCatUIFields attribute of the MastFrameworkPlugin object
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.Msp2FrameworkPlugin
Gets the optionalCatUIFields attribute of the Msp2FrameworkPlugin object
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin
Gets the optionalCatUIFields attribute of the NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin object
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsItemFrameworkPlugin
Gets the optionalCatUIFields attribute of the NcsItemFrameworkPlugin object
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.ResQualFrameworkPlugin
Gets the optionalCatUIFields attribute of the ResQualFrameworkPlugin object
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
Gets a list specifying what optional fields (e.g., "subject", "keyword") is exported by this framework.
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets a list specifying what optional fields (e.g., "subject", "keyword") is exported by this framework.
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreFrameworkPlugin
Gets the optionalCatUIFields attribute of the CommCoreFrameworkPlugin object
getOptionalCatUIFields() - Method in class
Gets the optionalCatUIFields attribute of the TeachersDomainFrameworkPlugin object
getOptionalItemControl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getOptionalItemControl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Creates an optionalItemControl Element that allows user to add or delete an optional Element to/from the instance document
getOptionalItemControl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
View pages do not have conrols!
getOrder() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.SortWidget
Specifies the sort order for this wid
getOrganizationEmail() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the oraganization email.
getOrganizationInstDepartment() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the oraganizations institution department name.
getOrganizationInstName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the oraganizations institution name.
getOriginalWords() - Method in class
Gets the originalWords attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getOtherOrder() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.SortWidget
Gets the otherOrder attribute of the SortWidget object
getOtherPractices() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Get the list of otherPractices specified by this fields file.
getOtherSelectedStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the otherSelectedStandards attribute of the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object
getOtherSelectedStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Gets the selected standards that are not in the active standards document (which is determined by currentDocKey.
getOtherSelectedStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the otherSelectedStandards attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getOtherTechnicalInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the otherTechnicalInfo attribute of the DleseBean object
getOtherTechnicalInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Gets the otherTechnicalInfo attribute of the DleseXMLReader object
getPageList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the pageList attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
getPageList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the pageList attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getPageList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the pageList attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getPageList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the pageList attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getPages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Gets the pages attribute of the PageList object
getPageTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the pageTitle attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getPagingLinks() - Method in class
Gets the pagingLinks attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getPaigingParam() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
the current result page.
getPaigingParam(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
getPaigingParam() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Compute the start record index of the page on which the current record (recIndex) will be found.
getPaigingParam(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Compute the start record index of the page on which the specified record will be found.
getParamName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Returns the request parameter name for this field.
getParamValue(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Gets the paramValue attribute of the UrlHelper class
getParent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the parent attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getParent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the parent attribute of the AsnStandardsNode object
getParent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the parent attribute of the CommCoreStandardsNode object
getParent() - Method in class
Gets the parent attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object
getParent(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Gets the parent attribute of the UrlHelper class
getParent(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Gets the parent attribute of the UrlHelper class
getParent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the parent (LayoutNode) of the LayoutNode object
getParent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Returns the ComplexType instance in which this Compositor is defined.
getParent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
getParent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Retrieve the node's parent node, which is null if this node wraps the root element.
getParentCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Gets the parentCompositor attribute of the CompositorMember object
getParentCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.InlineCompositor
getParentCompositorGuard() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Gets the parentCompositorGuard attribute of the CompositorMember object
getParentCompositorMaxOccurs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Get the "maxOccurs" value of this SchemaNode's parent compositor.
getParentId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
getParentId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the parentId attribute of the AsnStatement object
getParentId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
Gets the parentId attribute of the StdElement object
getParentNodeExists(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the parentNodeExists attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getParentSchemaNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the parent of the SchemaNode associated with a given xpath
getParentSchemaNode(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the parent of a SchemaNode
getParentStandard() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Gets the parentStandard attribute of the AsnStandard object
getParentStandard() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Gets the parentStandard attribute of the Standard object
getParentXPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Gets the parentXPath attribute of the XPathUtils class
getParseError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.AnyTypeInputField
getPartOfDRC() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets part of DRC status [true or false].
getPartOfDRC() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the part-of-DRC status (true or false).
getPartOfDRC() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets whether the collection is part of the DRC [true|false].
getPass() - Method in class
getPass2() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class
Return the password.
getPassword(String) - Method in class
Gets the password for supplied username.
getPasswordFile() - Static method in class
Gets the passwordFile attribute of the AuthUtils class
getPasswordOptional() - Method in class
getPasswordRequired() - Method in class
getPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.UserInfo
Gets the xpath for the specified property in the metadata record
getPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Record
Gets the path attribute of the Record object
getPath() - Method in class
Gets the path attribute of the ActionPath object
getPath() - Method in class
Gets the path attribute of the GuardedPath object
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Get the xpath to the field this file documents.
getPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
Gets the path of the element to be rendered using VocabLayout
getPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the path attribute of the AsnDocument object
getPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the path attribute of the StdDocument object
getPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the path attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getPath(Node) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.StructureWalker
get the XPath to this element relative to the given context currently, this method will print an XPath that is of the form /itemRecord/educational/....
getPath(Attribute) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.StructureWalker
Gets the path attribute of the StructureWalker object
getPath(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.StructureWalker
Gets the path attribute of the StructureWalker object
getPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Returns the path which maps this node's element location in the JDOM tree hierarchy.
getPathArg() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the pathArg attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getPathByName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
Gets a SchemaPath for specified pathName.
getPathByPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
Gets a SchemaPath for specified xpath.
getPathItem(URL, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
return the nth path item, empty string if nth item does not exist
getPathItem(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Gets the pathItem attribute of the UrlHelper class
getPathItems(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Returns the segments of a url path split around the path separator ("/")
getPathLen(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Returns the length of the path component (URL.getPath()) of a url.
getPathLen(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Returns the length of the path component of a url represented as a string
getPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdMap
Gets List of paths that accept SIF Object Refs.
getPathway() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the annotation pathway, for example 'CRS (Community Review System)'.
getPathwayUrl() - Method in class
Gets the pathwayUrl attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getPattern1(String) - Static method in class
returns null if the path cannot be converted into a pattern
getPatterns() - Method in class
getPatternsList() - Static method in class
getPayload() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
A human readable representation of the XMLInput payload of the request.
getPercentComplete() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Percentage of task completed
getPersonInstDepartment() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the persons institution department name.
getPersonInstName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the persons institution name.
getPlaceNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets all place names as text.
getPluginClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the pluginClass that supplies framework-specific informations, like xpaths, to the suggestionService.
getPluginName() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPluginException
getPlugins() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriter
Gets the registered RepositoryWriterPlugins
getPolicyType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the policyType attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getPolicyUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the policyUrl attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getPopup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
getPostDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the postDate attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getPractices() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader.OtherPractice
Gets the practices attribute of the OtherPractice object
getPreamble() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.ActivityReader
getPref(String) - Method in class
Gets the pref attribute of the User object
getPrefixforNS(Namespace) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the prefix for given namespace object, but uses the LOCAL namespace (obtained by the provided namespace's uri) so that the prefix returned is correct within the local context.
getPrefixforUri(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the prefix corresponding to the provided uri after finding that uri's namespace.
getPrefixMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the prefixMap attribute of the NamespaceRegistry object
getPrefMap() - Method in class
Gets the roleMap attribute of the User object
getPreserveGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the preserveGradeRanges attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getPrettyTypeElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the prettyTypeElement attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getPrevId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
getPreviousPage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the previousPage attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getPreviousRecordDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the previous Document that currently resides in the index for the given resource, or null if none was previously present.
getPrevResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the previous set of results.
getPrevResultsUrl() - Method in class
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the previous set of results.
getPrevResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the previous set of results.
getPrevResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the previous set of results.
getPrevResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the previous set of results.
getPrevResultsUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the previous set of results.
getPrimaryContent() - Method in class
Gets the primaryContent attribute of the MmdRec object and returns it after cleaning up the illegal character sequences "0x000d" and "0x0009"
getPrimaryContentType() - Method in class
Gets the primaryContentType attribute of the MmdRec object
getPrimaryId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Returns the unique primary record ID for the item being indexed.
getPrimaryRequestedCollectionKey() - Method in class
Gets the primaryResultDocCollectionId attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getPrimaryResultDoc() - Method in class
Gets the primaryResultDocReader attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getPrimaryResultDocId() - Method in class
Gets the primaryResultDocId attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getPrimaryUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getPriorStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the priorStatus attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getPrivateKeyFile() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
getPrivateKeyObject() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Get the private key for this connection.
getProcessingTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the progress attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
getProgressReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Reports the current progress as a JSON string
getPrompts(String, MetaDataFramework) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Gets the prompts defined in the fieldFile for the current xpath and framework.
getPrompts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Gets the prompts for this field.
getProp(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr.PropertiesManager
Retrieves the property value from this object's property file.
getProp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getProp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the attr attribute of the SchemaNode object
getProp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaProps
getPropAsBoolean(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr.PropertiesManager
Same as the PropertiesManager.getProp(String,String) method only it returns it's parameter as a boolean.
getPropAsInt(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr.PropertiesManager
Same as the PropertiesManager.getProp(String,String) method only it returns it's parameter as an integer.
getProperties() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXML
Gets the properties component of the InputXML object.
getPropertiesMap(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Gets the Map from a String in the Java properties format of the form property=value one per line.
getPropertiesResourceBundle(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Gets a ResourceBundle from a properties file that is in a Jar file or class path within this application's runtime environment.
getProperty(String, Properties, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns the desired property value; throws an LdapException if not found.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the specified property of the NdrObjectReader object (returning the first if more than one property is present).
getProperty(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.EnvReader
Gets the property attribute of the EnvReader class
getPropertyValues(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets a list of values for the specified property
getProps() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the protocolVersion attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the protocolVersion attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getProviderBaseUrl(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the Base URL that refers to the current OAI provider, for example "http://host:8080/my_oai_context/provider".
getProviderStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the providerStatus attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getProviderStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the status of the OAI data provider.
getProxyResponse() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
Get result of async call to NDR.
getQ() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the query string entered by the user.
getQ() - Method in class
Gets the query string entered by the user.
getQ() - Method in class
Gets the query string entered by the user.
getQ() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the query string entered by the user.
getQ() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the query string entered by the user.
getQ() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the query string entered by the user.
getQe() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the query string entered by the user, encoded for use in a URL string.
getQe() - Method in class
Gets the query string entered by the user, encoded for use in a URL string.
getQe() - Method in class
Gets the query string entered by the user, encoded for use in a URL string.
getQe() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the query string entered by the user, encoded for use in a URL string.
getQe() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the query string entered by the user, encoded for use in a URL string.
getQe() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the query string entered by the user, encoded for use in a URL string.
getQe() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the query string entered by the user, encoded for use in a URL string.
getQName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getQName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the qName attribute of the NamespaceRegistry object
getQualifiedAttributeName(String, Element, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets the qualifiedAttributeName attribute of the Renderer object.
getQualifiedElementName(String, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets the qualifiedName attribute of the Renderer object
getQualifiedInstanceName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
schemaReader is unavailable, so we return a bogus prefix
getQualifiedInstanceName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets a qualified name using the prefix for namespace as defined at the INSTANCE level.
getQualifiedInstanceName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
use prefix for namespace as defined at the instance level.
getQualifiedInstanceName() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
use prefix for namespace as defined at the instance level.
getQualifiedName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getQualifiedName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Gets the qualifiedName attribute of the CompositorMember object
getQualifiedName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the qualifiedName attribute of the GenericType object
getQualifiedName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
getQualifiedName() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
getQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Gets the query that was used in the search.
getQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets the query that was used in the search.
getQuery(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Gets the Lucene Query that is defined for the given virtual field/term pair, or null if none avaialable.
getQuery() - Method in class
Gets the query attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getQueryArgs(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Gets the queryArgs attribute of the UrlHelper class
getQueryParser() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a new instance of the QueryParser used by this SimpleLuceneIndex that uses it's Analyzers, defaultField and boolean operator settings.
getQueryParser(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a new instance of the QueryParser used by this SimpleLuceneIndex that uses it's Analyzers and boolean operator settings, allowing one to specify the default search field.
getQueryStatusMap(SessionBean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
Create a mapping from unique status labels to a list of all the status values that have that label.
getQueryString(String, QueryParser) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.XMLQueryParser
Gets the Lucene query String representation for the given XML Query.
getQueryString(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Gets the Lucene Query as a String for the given virtual field and term, or null if not avaialable.
getQueryString(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Gets the query string supplied in the request, for example "q=ocean&s=0&n=10".
getQueryUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Returns the url (decoded to preserve query string) that will reproduce the last query preformed on the search page.
getRandomAlphaString(int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.TestTools
Generate a random alpha string of the given length
getRandomAlphaString(int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Generates a random alpha string of the given length.
getRandomCharsString(int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.TestTools
Generate a random string containing extended chars of the given length
getRandomCharsString(int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Generates a random string containing extended chars of the given length
getRandomIntBetween(int, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.TestTools
Generate a random integer >= low and < high
getRandomIntBetween(int, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Generates a random integer greater-than or equal to low and less-than high.
getRating() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the star rating as a number from 1 to 5 or empty if none assigned.
getRe() - Method in class
Gets the re attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getRead() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.RWLock
getReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the IndexReader.
getReader(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFDocReader
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets the readerClass attribute of the ResultDoc object
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "ItemDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the fully qualified name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, for example "org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "DleseCollectionDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "ItemDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DocWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, for example "org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorFileIndexingWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "ErrorDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the fully qualified name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, for example "org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "HarvestLogReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Gets the fully qualified name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, for example "org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "XMLDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "NewsOppsDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "WebLogEntryReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogWriter
Gets the name of the concrete DocReader class that is used to read this type of Document, which is "WebLogReader".
getReaderClass() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
Gets the readerClass attribute of the RemoteResultDoc object
getReaderForPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Traverse the stack to find a SchemaReader that defines a namespace for the given prefix.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the String 'DleseAnnoDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the String 'DleseCollectionDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Gets a String describing the reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Gets the String 'ErrorDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets a String describing the reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the String 'ItemDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the String 'NewsOppsDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.SimpleDocReader
Gets a String describing the reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.SimpleFileIndexingServiceDocReader
Gets the String 'ItemDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Gets a String describing the reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the String 'XmlDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
Gets the String 'DcsDataDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
getReaderType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the String 'ItemDocReader,' which is the key that describes this reader type.
getReaderUri(SchemaReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Gets the readerUri attribute of the ReaderStack class
getReadOnlyElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the readOnlyElement attribute of the RendererImpl object
getReadOnlyPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
Returns lists of xpaths instances representing fields configured as "readOnly".
getRebuildOnStart() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the rebuildOnStart attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object.
getRebuildOnStart() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the rebuildOnStart attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getRecCheckDate() - Method in class
Returns the date this record was last checked by the idmapper.
getRecentMDPHandles(Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Gets handles of MetadataProvider Objects in the NDR that have been modified since specified threshold date.
getRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the recId attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
Gets the recId attribute of the ADNRecordForm object
getRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Gets the recId attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
getRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the recId attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Gets the recId attribute of the StatusForm object
getRecId(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Gets the recId attribute of the RecordList object
getRecId(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Gets the id of the result at specifiec index of search results.
getRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the recId attribute of the SessionBean object, which keeps track of the record the user has last edited so that particular record can be highlighted in lists of records.
getRecId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
Gets the recId attribute of the SIFReferenceForm object
getRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the record attribute of the RepositoryForm object used in the OAI GetRecord request.
getRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a single record from the repository by ID.
getRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteSearcher
Gets the record attribute of the RemoteSearcher object
getRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Submits a request to the GetRecord DDS Web Service and returns response as a Document.
getRecord(String, String, String, Map, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Performs a GetRecord request from a DDSWS repository.
getRecordCollection(int) - Method in class
Gets the recordCollection attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getRecordCollections() - Method in class
Gets the recordCollection attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getRecordCount() - Method in class
getRecordCreationDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
getRecordCreationtDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the recordCreationtDate attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getRecordCreator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
getRecordDataService() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the recordDataService used by this XML File Indexer
getRecordDataService() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the recordDataService attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getRecordDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the value of the description field of the current metadata record, concatenating multiple description field values in the case where the description field is repeating.
getRecordDescription() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
Gets the recordDescription for the current record
getRecordDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the value of the description field of the current metadata record
getRecordFilename() - Method in class
Gets the recordFilename attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getRecordFormat(String, RepositoryManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets the recordFormat attribute of the RepositoryService class
getRecordFormat() - Method in class
Gets the recordFormat attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getRecordFormat() - Method in class
Gets the recordFormat attribute of the RecommenderForm object
getRecordFormat() - Method in class
Gets the recordFormat attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getRecordFormat() - Method in class
Gets the recordFormat attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getRecordGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Returns the gradeRange vocab values currently selected in the record
getRecordGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the recordGradeRange vocab values from the instance document (i.e., the selected gradeRange vocab values)
getRecordGradeRanges() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
Gets the recordGradeRanges for the current record
getRecordGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the gradeRanges assigned for the current record
getRecordId() - Method in class
getRecordId() - Method in class
Gets the resourceId attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getRecordId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Gets the ncs:recordId property of the Metadata object, which is defined only if this object is managed by the NCS.
getRecordId() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.MetaDataWrapperException
getRecordID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the recordID attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getRecordIds() - Method in class
Gets the recordIds attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getRecordIds(int) - Method in class
Gets the recordIds attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getRecordIDs(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
Gets a list of record ids from the specified collection.
getRecordIdWidget() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
getRecordKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the keyword values currently defined in the record.
getRecordKeywords() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
Gets the recordKeywords for the current record
getRecordKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the value of the description field of the current metadata record
getRecordList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Gets the records to be operated on in the batch operation
getRecordOai(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a single record from the repository by ID, restricted to those records that are avaiable/discoverable for OAI.
GetRecordResponse - Class in org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient
GetRecordResponse class wraps the response from the GetRecord Web Service (version 1.0)
GetRecordResponse(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.GetRecordResponse
Constructor for the GetRecordResponse object
getRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the records attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Provides access to current set of search results, which is updated by DCSQueryAction, but needed by other actions that need to operate over the results (e.g., BatchOperationsAction).
getRecordsDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionConfigAction
Gets the recordsDir attribute of the CollectionConfigAction object
getRecordsDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the recordsDir attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
getRecordsDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the location of metadata records for a StandAlone Editor.
getRecordsDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkConfigAction
getRecordsDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Gets the recordsDir attribute of the StandAloneSchemEditAction object
getRecordsDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the recordsDir attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getRecordsDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the recordsDir attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getRecordsPath() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
getRecordSubjects(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the recordSubjects from the current instance doc using the supplied subjectPaths.
getRecordSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the recordSubjects from the current instance doc using the subjectPath defined in the concrete plugin instance.
getRecordSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.Msp2FrameworkPlugin
Gets the collected recordSubjects defined under three xpaths.
getRecordSubjects() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
Gets the recordSubjects for the current record
getRecordSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the recordSubjects attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getRecordSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreFrameworkPlugin
Gets the collected recordSubjects defined under three xpaths.
getRecordSubjects() - Method in class
Gets the collected recordSubjects defined under three xpaths.
getRecordUrl(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Extracts the URL from the provided record using the "urlPath" configured SchemaPath for this framework.
getRecordUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the recordUrl specified in the instance document (via the SchemEditForm).
getRecordUrl() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the url of the instance document
getRecordViewPage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Returns relative path to the jsp frag page containing the record view for the format of the result record.
getRecordXml() - Method in class
getRecordXml() - Method in class
Gets the recordXml attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getRecordXml() - Method in class
Gets the recordXml attribute of the RecommenderForm object
getRecordXml() - Method in class
Gets the recordXml attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getRecordXml() - Method in class
Gets the recordXml attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getRecursiveNodes(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
Gets the recursiveNodes attribute of the SchemaUtils class
getReferenceCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.UrlValidator
Gets the referenceCollection attribute of the UrlValidator object
getReferer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Gets the referer attribute of the StatusForm object
getReferer() - Method in class
getRefId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFDocReader
getRefIdMap(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdManager
Gets the refIdMap for the specified SIF Framework.
getRefTypeSelectId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getRejectedDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Gets the rejectedDocs attribute of the StandardsRegistry object
getRelatedIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Gets the ids of related records.
getRelatedIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the ids of related records.
getRelatedIdsMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Gets the ids of related records.
getRelatedIdsMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the ids of related records.
getRelatedIdsOfType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the record IDs for the documents with the given relationship to this item, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
getRelatedRecordsMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a Map of records that are related to this item, keyed by relationship type, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
getRelatedResourceByIdDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the relatedResourceByIdDocs attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getRelatedResourceIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the IDs of all related resources that were cataloged by ID, or null if none were present
getRelatedResourceIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the IDs of related resources that are cataloged by ID, or null if none are present
getRelatedResourceIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the IDs of related resources that are cataloged by ID, or null if none are present
getRelatedResourceIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the IDs of related resources that are cataloged by ID, or null if none are present
getRelatedResourceUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the URLs of all related resources that were cataloged by URL, or null if none were present
getRelatedResourceUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Returns the URLs of related resources that are cataloged by URL, or null if none are present
getRelatedResourceUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the URLs of related resources that are cataloged by URL, or null if none are present
getRelatedResourceUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the URLs of related resources that are cataloged by URL, or null if none are present
getRelatedUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Gets the urls of related records.
getRelatedUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the urls of related records.
getRelatedUrlsMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Gets the urls of related records.
getRelatedUrlsMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the urls of related records.
getRelations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the relations attribute of the DleseBean object
getRelations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of lifecycle contributors to a resource from the current record.
getRelationship(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the FIRST relationship (there may be more) with specified name, which is assumed to be in "nsdl" namespace if no prefix is present.
getRelationships() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXML
Gets the relationships component of the InputXML object
getRelationshipTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the types of relationships that were indexed for this item, for example 'isAnnotatedBy'.
getRelationshipValues(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets all the relationships for the specified name.
getRelDisplayed() - Method in class
Gets the relDisplayed attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getRemoteHost() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Gets the IP address of the requesting remote host.
getRemoteHostName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Gets the fully qualified domain name the requesting IP.
getRemoteRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Obtain a record via Web Service.
getRemoveInvalidRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the removeInvalidRecords attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getRemoveInvalidRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the removeInvalidRecords attribute, which is true|false.
getRemoveInvalidRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the removeInvalidRecords attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getRemoveNamespacesXSL() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLUtils
Gets an XSL style sheet that removes all namespaces from an XML document.
getRenderedField(Label, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Renders a Labelled input field (for a Simple or Built-in schema dataType.
getRenderedField(String, Element, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getRenderedField(String, Label, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the renderedField attribute of the RendererImpl object
getRenderedField(String, Element, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Renders a Labelled input field (for a Simple or Built-in schema dataType.
getRenderedField(String, Label, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Gets the labelledInputField attribute of the ViewerRenderer object
getRenderedField_1(String, Label, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Formats the label and value for the current node.
getRenderedField_2(String, Label, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Gets the labelledInputField_2 attribute of the ViewerRenderer object
getRenderedNoInputField(Label) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Displaying labels for elements that have no input field
getRenderedNoInputField(Label, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
getRenderedNoInputField(Label, Element, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Creates Element for displaying labels, action controllers and collapseWidgets for elements that have no input field.
getRenderer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the renderer attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
getRenderer(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Renderer factory returns a Renderer instance for the schemaNode at xpath.
getRenderer(String, Element, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Renderer factory returns a Renderer instance for the schemaNode at xpath, possibly with a "proxy dataType" (if provided) that will override the dataType associated with the schemaNode.
getRenderer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the renderer attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getRenderer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the renderer that will create the editor for records of this framework.
getRendererClassName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Gets the rendererClassName attribute of the AutoForm object
getRendererClassName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
getRendererClassName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewRecord
Gets the rendererClassName attribute of the EditorViewRecord object
getRendererClassName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Gets the rendererClassName attribute of the RendererHelper object
getRenderers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the AutoForm renderers to populate choices in select object.
getRendererTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsManager
Gets the rendererTag attribute of the DleseStandardsManager object
getRendererTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Gets the rendererTag attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
getRendererTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Gets the rendererTag attribute of the AsnStandardsManager object
getRendererTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Gets the rendererTag attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
getRendererTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsManager
Gets the rendererTag attribute of the CommCoreStandardsManager object
getRendererTag() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsManager
The name of the JSP tag that will render the standards hierarchy
getRendererTag() - Method in class
Gets the rendererTag attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
getRendererTag() - Method in class
Gets the rendererTag attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsManager object
getRenderMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getRenderMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
getRepeatComplexSingletonControl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Produces "new item" controller that is attached to the field label of a repeating element, and appears only when there are NO children.
getRepeatingComplexSingletonChildName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the qualified element name of the repeatingComplexSingleton child of the node specified by the provided path, or an empty string if such a child does not exist.
getRepeatingComplexSingletonChildPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Finds the xpath to a repeating child element if the current node contains one.
getRepeatingContent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingAnyType
Renders the contents of this node, which are in turn rendered inside an iteration element.
getRepeatingContent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingComplexType
Renders the contents of this node, which are in turn rendered inside an iteration element.
getRepeatingContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedContentModel
Renders the contents of this node, which are in turn rendered inside an iteration element.
getRepeatingContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel
Renders the contents of this node, which are in turn rendered inside an iteration element.
getRepeatingContent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSimpleType
Renders the contents of this node, which are in turn rendered inside an iteration element.
getRepeatingContent(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSubstitutionGroup
Renders the contents of this node, which are in turn rendered inside an iteration element.
getRepeatingContentBox(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingNode
Create a "box" for the contents of each repitition of this node, which is filled by the subclasses which build upon this method.
getRepeatingFieldsToPrune() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Cache of repeating values that stores repeating elements which may have empty values after the form is submitted.
getRepeatingMembersOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets a list of all nodes for a given xpath, PLUS a bogus node that supports addition of a new member in the JSP form.
getReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
getReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidationReport
getReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getReportFunction() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getReportFunctions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getReportTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the reportTitle attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getReportTitle() - Method in class
Gets the reportTitle attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getReportTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the reportTitle attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getReportTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the reportTitle attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getReportTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the reportTitle attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getReportTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the reportTitle attribute of the DCSViewForm object
getRepositoryDataDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Get the directory where the repository persistent data and certain configs resides, including the collections configs, specified by the init param repositoryData.
getRepositoryDataDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Get the directory where the repository persistent data and certain configs resides, including the collections configs, specified by the init param repositoryData.
getRepositoryDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryInfoForm
Gets the repositoryDescription attribute of the RepositoryInfoForm object
getRepositoryIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the repositoryIdentifier attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getRepositoryIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the repositoryIdentifier attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getRepositoryIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the repositoryIdentifier for this provider, for example ''.
getRepositoryIdentifier() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the repositoryIdentifier attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getRepositoryManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Gets the RepositoryManager associated with this DocReader or null if not available.
getRepositoryName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the repositoryName attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getRepositoryName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the repositoryName attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getRepositoryName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the repositoryName attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getRepositoryName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryInfoForm
Gets the repositoryName attribute of the RepositoryInfoForm object
getRepositoryName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the repositoryName attribute of the RepositoryManager object
getRepositoryNameEscaped() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
RepositoryName with quotes escaped for use in JavaScript literals.
getRepositoryServiceClient() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Gets the repositoryServiceClient attribute of the SuggestHelper object, used to place suggestions in a DCS instance.
getRepositoryWriter() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets the repositoryWriter attribute of the RepositoryService object
GetRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
GetRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.GetRequest
GetRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.GetRequest
getRequest() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
get the last request for this session - NOT currently used
getRequestAgent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Gets the requestAgent attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest object
getRequestDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Gets the requestDate attribute of the WebLogReader object
getRequestedFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the requestedFormat attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getRequestedXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Same as XMLDocReader.getRequestedXmlFormat() except returns the non-localized XML if no format was specified.
getRequestedXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets XML in the format that was previously specified using the XMLDocReader.setRequestedXmlFormat(String) method, or the localized native format if none was specified.
getRequestString() - Method in class
Gets the full request that was made to the service.
getRequestURI(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Returns the part of this request's URL from the protocol name up to the query string in the first line of the HTTP request.
getRequestUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Gets the requestUrl attribute of the WebLogReader object
getRequestUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
getRequestUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Gets the requestUrl attribute of the WebServiceClient object
getRequestURL(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Reconstructs the URL the client used to make the request, even if the page has been forwarded for example via struts (
getRequiredContextAttributeValue(String, ActionErrors) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
Gets the requiredContextAttributeValue attribute of the DCSAction object
getRequiredMultiSelectControl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Create "choose" controller for the case where an empty requiredMultiSelect node is closed.
getRequiredRole() - Method in class
getResource(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Gets the resource instance from the NDR for the provided resource handle
getResourceHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReportEntry
getResourceHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
getResourceHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Obtain a resource handle from the NDR for the provided resourceURL.
getResourceResultLinkRedirectURL() - Method in class
Gets the resourceResultLinkRedirectURL attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getResourceResultLinkRedirectURL() - Method in class
Gets the resourceResultLinkRedirectURL attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getResourceTitle() - Method in class
Gets the resourceTitle attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getResourceTypeLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the resource type UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Classroom activity', or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the resource types for this record, for example 0c, or 'DLESE:Learning materials:Classroom activity' if no vocab manager is available.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the resourceTypes attribute of the ADNFileIndexingWriter object
getResourceTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the resourceTypes attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getResourceTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the resourceTypes attribute of the DleseBean object
getResourceTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of learning resource types for a resource from the current record.
getResourceUrl() - Method in class
Gets the resourceUrl attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getResourceUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
Gets the resourceUrl attribute of the NSDLCollectionReader object
getResourceUrl(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Get and validate the URL using the urlPath configured for this framework (NOTE: url path must be configured for the framework of the record to be written).
getResourceURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the resourceURL attribute of the DleseBean object
getResourceURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the URL of the reource this record catalogs.
getResponse() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
Get the raw response string InfoXML from the server.
getResponse() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
getResponse(CATRequestConstraints) - Method in class
Submit a request to the CAT service and return the response as a Document
getResponse(Map) - Method in class
Gets the response attribute of the CATWebService object
getResponse(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
Submit a request to the CAT service and return the response as a Document
getResponseDate() - Method in class
Gets the response date String.
getResponseDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
retreives the contents of the requestUrl field as a Document
getResponseDoc(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Static version of getResponseDoc.
getResponseDocument() - Method in class
Gets the service response.
getResponseError(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Searches the response string for error elements and returns the contents of the error if one is found.
getResponseError(Document) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Gets the responseError attribute of the WebServiceClient class
getResponseOPML(PageContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the re-ordered/grouped/labeled tree of metadata values from the cache created by setResponseGroup()
getResponseOPML(PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the re-ordered/grouped/labeled OPML tree of metadata values from the cache created by setResponseGroup()
getResponseOPML(PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the responseGroup attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getResponseStr() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Submits a Web Service and returns the result as a string.
getResponsibleParty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the responsibleParty contributor bean with that contains methods for accessing contributor information.
getRestrictionBase() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the name of the restriction base type for complex types that derive by restriction.
getRestrictionElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the restrictionElement ComplexType object.
getRestrictionRootType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the restrictionRootType attribute of the ComplexType object
getRestrictionType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the restrictionType attribute of the ComplexType object
getResult() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the result attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getResult() - Method in class
Gets the result attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getResult() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the result attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getResult() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the result attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getResult() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the result attribute of the DCSViewForm object
getResult() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
Gets the result attribute of the StaticRecordForm object
getResultBuffer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Returns a reference to a character buffer containing the results of the stemming process.
getResultCode() - Method in class
Returns the value of resultCode.
getResultData() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
getResultDoc() - Method in class
Gets the resultDoc attribute of the DDSViewCollectionForm object
getResultDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the resultDoc attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getResultDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Gets the resultDoc attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
getResultDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the resultDoc attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getResultDoc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Gets the ResultDoc given a record id via the index.
getResultDoc(String, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Gets the resultDoc for a particular record by searching the index.
getResultDoc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Gets the ResultDoc for given record id from the index, returning null if a result is not found.
getResultHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.FindRequest
Gets the first handle (of potentially many) found.
getResultHandle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.FindResourceRequest
getResultHandles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.FindRequest
Gets the resultHandle attribute of the ListMembersRequest object
getResultHandles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ListMembersRequest
Gets the resultHandle attribute of the ListMembersRequest object
getResultIndex() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Get the index of the current result within the results.
getResultLength() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Returns the length of the word resulting from the stemming process.
getResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
getResults() - Method in class
Gets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
getResults() - Method in class
Gets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
getResults() - Method in class
Gets the results attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getResults() - Method in class
Gets the search results.
getResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
getResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
getResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the results attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
getResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Returns the current searchResults, doing a fresh search and sort if the index has changed since the searchResults were calculated.
getResults() - Method in class
Gets the results attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getResults() - Method in class
Gets the results attribute of the RecommenderForm object
getResults() - Method in class
Gets the results attribute of the DDSRSS20Form object
getResults() - Method in class
Gets the results attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getResults() - Method in class
Gets the results attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getResultsLength() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the total number of results that should be returned to the harvester.
getResultsList() - Method in class
Gets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex as a List (compatible with c:forEach iteration)
getResultsOffset() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the array index offset for the result set that should be returned to the harvester.
getResultsPerPage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
A string representation of the numPagingRecords attribute
getResultsPerPageOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the resultsPerPageOptions attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getResumptionToken() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the resumptionToken that should be returned with the results.
getReviewProcess() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the collection's review process statement.
getReviewProcess() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the collection's review process statement.
getReviewProcessUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the URL to the collection's review process statement.
getReviewProcessUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the URL to the collection's review process statement.
getRole() - Method in class
getRole(ActionMapping) - Static method in class
Helper method to extract a single role from a roleStr (like the one returned from ActionMapping.getRoles()) that in principle could return mulitiple values.
getRole() - Method in class
Gets the role attribute of the GuardedPath object
getRole() - Method in class
Gets the role attribute of the UserRoleBean object
getRole() - Method in class
getRole() - Method in class
getRole() - Method in class
getRole() - Method in class
Gets the role attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getRole() - Method in class
Gets the role attribute of the RoleBean object
getRole() - Method in class
Gets the role attribute of the CollectionRoleBean object
getRole(String) - Method in class
Gets the effective role for this collection, meaning if there is no explicit role assigned, use the default.
getRole(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
getRole() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the role attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getRole() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
There may be more than one contributor element.
getRoleForPath(String) - Method in class
Gets the roleForPath attribute of the AccessManager object
getRoleManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the roleManager attribute of the SessionBean object
getRoleMap() - Method in class
Gets the roleMap attribute of the User object
getRoleOptions() - Method in class
getRoleOptions() - Method in class
getRoleOptions() - Method in class
Gets the roleOptions attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getRoles() - Method in class
Gets the roles attribute of the AccessManager object
getRoles(Roles.Role) - Method in class
Gets the roles attribute of the AccessManager object
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in class
Gets the roles attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getRoleValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the roleValues attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getRoot() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Gets the root attribute of the RendererHelper object
getRoot() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Returns the root node of the current record.
getRootCloseTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the rootCloseTag attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getRootDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Gets the rootDoc attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
getRootElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getRootElementName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the rootElementName attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getRootElementName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the rootElementName attribute of the MetaDataFramework.
getRootElementName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the rootElementName attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getRootNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
getRootNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Gets the rootNode attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
getRootNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Gets the rootNode attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
getRootNode() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsDocument
Gets the rootNode attribute of the StandardsDocument object
getRootNode() - Method in class
Gets the rootNode attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
getRootOpenTag() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the rootOpenTag attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getRootStandard() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the rootStandard attribute of the AsnDocument object
getRootStandard() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the rootStandard attribute of the StdDocument object
getRootStandardNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the rootStandardNode attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getRootStandardNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Gets the rootStandardNode attribute of the CommCoreServiceHelper object
getRootStandardNode() - Method in class
Gets the rootStandardNode attribute of the TeachersDomainServiceHelper object
getRq() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
getRq() - Method in class
Gets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
getRq() - Method in class
Gets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
getRq() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
getRq() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
getRq() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
getRunAtTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the time of day to begin the regular harvests in 24 hour time, for example 23:15.
getRunAtTimeDisplay() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the time of day this scheduled harvest is set to run, for display, for example 1:00 PM.
getS() - Method in class
Gets the s attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getS() - Method in class
Gets the s attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getS() - Method in class
Gets the s attribute of the RecommenderForm object
getS() - Method in class
Gets the s attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getS() - Method in class
Gets the s attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getSampleRecordFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the sampleRecordFile attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
getSatisfyingRoles(Roles.Role) - Static method in class
getSatisfyingRoles(RolesTest.Role) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
getSavedContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the savedContent attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getSc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
getSc() - Method in class
Gets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
getSc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
getSc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
getSc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
getScheduledHarvest(Long) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Gets the scheduledHarvest, or null if none exists.
getScheduledHarvests() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the scheduledHarvests attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getScheduledHarvests() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Gets all scheduledHarvests in this this manager.
getSchema() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Gets the schema attribute of the MetadataFormatInfo object
getSchema(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaRegistry
getSchemaHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the schemaHelper attribute of the SchemEditForm object.
getSchemaHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Gets the schemaHelper attribute of the RendererHelper object
getSchemaHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Gets the schemaHelper attribute of the InputManager object
getSchemaHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the schemaHelper attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getSchemaHelper(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.MappingUtils
getSchemaHelper(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.NameSpaceTester
Description of the Method
getSchemaHelper(URI) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
getSchemaHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
Gets the schemaHelper attribute of the SuggestAction object
getSchemaHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Gets the schemaHelper attribute of the SuggestHelper object
getSchemaHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the schemaHelper attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getSchemaInstanceNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
The schemaInstanceNamespace is used to introduce "xsi:type", "xsi:nil", "xsi:schemaLocation", and "xsi:noNamespaceSchmaLocation" attributes in instance documents.
getSchemaLocation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the rootURI attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getSchemaNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Gets the schema namespace (associated with "") for the root schema for the metadata framework for this Renderer.
getSchemaNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the schemaNamespace attribute of the NamespaceRegistry object
getSchemaNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
getSchemaNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Gets the SchemaNode associated with this InputField.
getSchemaNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Gets the schemaNode corresponding to the xpath contained in the provided paramName.
getSchemaNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the schemaNode attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getSchemaNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets a schemaNode from the schemaNodeMap.
getSchemaNodeIsAttribute() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getSchemaNodeIsElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getSchemaNodeIsRequired() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getSchemaNodeMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the schemaNodeMap attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getSchemaNodeName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getSchemaNSPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Gets the prefix of the schemaNamespace as defined by the root schema for the metadata framework for this Renderer.
getSchemaNSPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
getSchemaPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaRegistry
getSchemaPathMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the schemaPathMap attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getSchemaPathMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the schemaPathMap for this framework.
getSchemaPathMapNew() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Not currently used - designed for future "pathSpec" which will be more flexible in specifying path-specific attributes and behaviours.
getSchemaPathsByValueType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
Returns list of SchemaPath instances having specified valueType.
getSchemaPathsByValueTypes(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
Returns list of SchemaPath instances whose valueType is contained in the given list of pathTypes.
getSchemaProps() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the schemaProps attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getSchemaReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getSchemaReader(URI) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Gets the schemaReader attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
getSchemaReader(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Gets the schemaReader attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
getSchemaReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the schemaReader attribute of the GenericType object
getSchemaReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
getSchemaReader() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
getSchemaRootElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Gets the schemaRootElement attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
getSchemaURI() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the schemaURI attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
getSchemaURI() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the schemaURI attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getSchemaURI() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the schemaFile attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getSchemaUri(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
getSchemaURI() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Gets the schemaURI attribute of the DefinitionMiner object
getScienceStds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the scienceStds attribute of the DleseBean object
getScienceStds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of intended audiences for a resource from the current record.
getScopeUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the url to the collection's scope statement.
getScopeUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the URL to the collection's scope statement.
getScore() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Gets the Lucene score for the Document, or -1 if none available.
getScore() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Gets the score assigned to this ResultDoc by the Lucene engine.
getScparams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the selected collection(s) parameter to be inserted in the URL that gets the next set of results.
getScparams() - Method in class
Gets the selected collection(s) parameter to be inserted in the URL that gets the next set of results.
getScparams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the selected collection(s) parameter to be inserted in the URL that gets the next set of results.
getScparams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the selected collection(s) parameter to be inserted in the URL that gets the next set of results.
getScparams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the selected collection(s) parameter to be inserted in the URL that gets the next set of results.
getScs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the collections that have been selected by the user in the UI.
getScs() - Method in class
Gets the collections that have been selected by the user in the UI.
getScs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the collections that have been selected by the user in the UI.
getScs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the collections that have been selected by the user in the UI.
getScs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the collections that have been selected by the user in the UI.
getScs() - Method in class
Gets the scs attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getSearchHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getSearchMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the searchMode attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getSearchParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
A string representation (http request's query parameters) of the last search performed by the user.
getSearchServiceClient() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
Gets the searchServiceClient attribute of the SuggestCommentHelper object
getSearchString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getSearchType() - Method in class
Gets the searchType attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getSelectableStatusFlags() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Returns a list of StatusFlags defined by this collection that can be selected for searching.
getselectedAccessionStatuses() - Method in class
getselectedAccessionStatuses() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
getSelectedCATEndGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Compute a end Grade value based on currently selected CAT grade Level controls
getSelectedCATEndGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Compute a CAT API value for the endGrade (highest grade level) of the selected grade ranges.
getSelectedCATEndGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Returns the lesser of the selected gradeLevel constraints selected in the CAT UI (as an integer).
getSelectedCATEndGrade(String[]) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
getSelectedCATStartGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Compute a startGrade value based on currently selected CAT grade Level controls
getSelectedCATStartGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Compute a CAT API value for the startGrade (lowest grade level) of the selected grade ranges.
getSelectedCATStartGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Returns the greater of the selected gradeLevel constraints selected in the CAT UI (as an integer).
getSelectedCATStartGrade(String[]) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
getSelectedFrameworks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getSelectedGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the GradeRanges curently selected in the CAT UI.
getSelectedIdMapperErrors() - Method in class
Gets the selectedIdMapperErrors attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getSelectedIdMapperErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the selectedIdMapperErrors attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getSelectedKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the keywords currently selected in the service controls.
getSelectedStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Retrieves a list of selected standards that can be fed into the "moreLikeThis" method.
getSelectedStandards(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Retrieves a list of selected standards from the provided instance document that can be fed into the "moreLikeThis" method.
getSelectedStandards() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the standards that are selected in the instanceDoc
getSelectedStandardsBean() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the selectedStandardsBean attribute of the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object
getSelectedType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getSelectInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DleseEditorRenderer
If there is a vocabLayout (groups file) for this xpath, use it to layout the element.
getSelectInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the selectInput attribute of the RendererImpl object
getSelectionParamsQueryString(HttpServletRequest, DCSQueryForm, RepositoryManager, SessionBean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
Gets the selectionParamsQueryString attribute of the DCSQueryAction class
getSelectOptions(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the selectOptions for the given xpath from the Schema.
getSelectOptions(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the selectOptions attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getSelSetSpecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the OAI SetSpecs that have been selected by the user in the UI.
getSelStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the selStatus attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getServer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Get the server for this object.
getServerUrl(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Gets the URL that refers to the current server (scheme, hostname and port), for example "" or "http://host:8080" or "http://localhost:8080".
getServiceDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Gets the serviceDescription attribute of the GroupingObjectReader object
getServiceDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
getServiceIsActive() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the serviceIsActive attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getServiceIsActive() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the serviceIsActive attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getServiceName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the serviceName attribute of the DleseAnnoDocReader object
getServiceName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the serviceName attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getServiceReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Gets the serviceReport attribute of the ThreadedService object
getServiceRequestMade() - Method in exception
Gets the serviceRequestMade attribute of the DDSServiceErrorResponseException object
getServiceResponseCode() - Method in exception
Gets the serviceResponseCode.
getServiceResponseMessage() - Method in exception
Gets the serviceResponseMessage attribute of the DDSServiceErrorResponseException object
getServicesSubmissionError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Gets the servicesSubmissionError attribute of the SuggestXMLForm object
getServletContext() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ServletContextFileIndexingPlugin
Gets the ServletContext for use during the indexing process.
getServletContext() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the servletContext attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getServletContext() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.ServletContextRepositoryWriterPlugin
Gets the ServletContext for use during the indexing process.
getServletContextAttribute(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Gets the requiredContextAttributeValue attribute of the MetadataWriterPlugin object
getServletContextAttributeNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the AttributeNames defined in the servlet Context.
getSes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the ses (Selected Editors) attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
getSession() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the session attribute of the SessionBean object
getSession(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Returns active session corresponding to given Id.
getSessionAttributeNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the sessionAttributeNames of this session.
getSessionAttributes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets a Map of attributes used in a single indexing session.
getSessionBean(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
Gets the sessionBean using the supplied request ojbect
getSessionBean(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Return the SessionBean associated with the HttpSession for the provided request.
getSessionBeans() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getSessionBeans() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SessionsForm
getSessionBeans() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Returns a list of all active SessionBean instances.
getSessionId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexingSession
getSessionId() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Gets the sessionId attribute of the ThreadedService object
getSessionRegistry() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the Global SessionRegistry from the servlet context,
getSessionUser(SessionBean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
Gets the sessionUser from the supplied SessionBean object.
getSessionUser(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
Gets the sessionUser using the supplied Request.
getSessionUserName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
Returns the userName of the current sessionUser (as determined from the supplied Request object) or the UNKNOWN_EDITOR value if a user is not found.
getSet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the set if one was specified, or empty String.
getSet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the primary set (collection) associated with this item, for example dcc.
getSet() - Method in class
getSetDefinitionsForm(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.OAISetsXMLConfigManager
Reads the ListSets config XML to extract the set definition for a given set into a SetDefinitionsForm bean.
getSetDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the setDescription attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getSetInfo(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the SetInfo (directory of files) at the give index, suitable for reading but not modifying.
getSetInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the SetInfo (directory of files) by the given set key, for example 'dcc'.
getSetInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the setInfo attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getSetInfo(RepositoryManager) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the setInfo for this collection from the RepositoryManager.
getSetInfo(String, RepositoryManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Gets the setInfo attribute of the SchemEditUtils class
getSetInfoCopy(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the setInfo at the give index, safe for modifying.
getSetInfos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the setInfos sorted by name, or null if none available.
getSetInfos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the SetInfos (directories of files) that are currently configured in the repository.
getSetInfos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Update the list of sets.
getSetInfosCopy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a copy of the SetInfos (directories of files) that are currently configured in the repository.
getSetInfosHashMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the SetInfos (directories of files) that are currently configured in the repository as a HashMap keyed by
getSetLabel(SetInfo) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Gets the setLabel attribute of the JspFunctions class
getSetMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getSetName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the setName attribute of the MetadataProviderReader object
getSetName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the setName attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the sets (collections) associated with this record as an array of Strings, for example dcc, which is not the same as the OAI sets.
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.HarvestInfoReader
Gets the sets attribute of the HarvestInfoReader object
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the sets configured in the RepositoryManager.
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the sets attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Gets the sets attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the sets configured in the RepositoryManager.
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
Gets the sets configured in the RepositoryManager.
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Gets the sets attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the sets attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getSets() - Method in class
Gets the sets configured in the RepositoryManager.
getSets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets a List of SetInfo objects that provide information about the collections known to RepositoryManager.
getSetSearchKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a list of all search keys used to search for sets.
getSetSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Gets the setSpec attribute of the MetadataProviderReader object
getSetSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the setSpec attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getSetSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the setSpec attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getSetSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the setSpec attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getSetSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the setSpec attribute of the SetInfo object
getSetSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the setSpec attribute of the DcsDataRecord object (used to cache the setSpec of collections written to the NDR.
getSetSpecHtml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the setSpecHtml attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getSetSpecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the setSpecs attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getSetStatusModifiedTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the time the sets configuation status was last modified (enabled, disabled, added, deleted).
getSetString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the collections associated with this record as a single String.
getSetURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Gets the setURL attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
getSfmts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the sfmts attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getSfmts() - Method in class
Gets the selected formats.
getSfmts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the sfmts attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
getSfmts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the sfmts attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
getSfmts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the selected formats.
getShare() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Gets the share attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
getShare() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Gets the share attribute of the CommentRecord object
getShBaseURL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shBaseURL attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShDontZipFiles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Returns the value of shDontZipFiles.
getShEnabledDisabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shEnabledDisabled attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShEnabledDisabledList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shEnabledDisabledList attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShHarvestDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shHarvestDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShHarvestedDataDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shHarvestedDataDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShHarvestingInterval() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shHarvestingInterval attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShIntervalGranularity() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shIntervalGranularity attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShIntervalGranularityLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shIntervalGranularityLabel attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShIntervalGranularityList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shIntervalGranularityList attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShIntervalGranularityListLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shIntervalGranularityListLabels attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShMetadataPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shMetadataPrefix attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShortTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the short title of the collection directly from the XML record.
getShortTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Returns the short title for the collection.
getShortTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the shortTitle attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getShowAdvanced() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
getShowAnonymousSessions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SessionsForm
getShowNSPrefixInLabels() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the showNSPrefixInLabels attribute of the RendererImpl class
getShowNumChanged() - Method in class
Gets the showNumChanged attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getShowQueryOptions() - Method in class
Gets the showQueryOptions attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getShowQueryOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the showQueryOptions attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getShowVocabErrors() - Method in class
Gets the showVocabErrors attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getShowVocabMessages() - Method in class
Gets the showVocabUpdates attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getShRepositoryName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shRepositoryName attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShRunAtTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the runAtTime attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShSet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shSet attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShSetSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shSetSpec attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getShUid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the shUid attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getSiblingCount(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
finds the like-named siblings of the node specified by xpath.
getSiblingXPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Gets the siblingPath (that matches all like-named nodes of the parent Element) of a given xpath.
getSifmts() - Method in class
Gets the selected indexed formats.
getSifTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getSignedHeader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Get the signed header ( canonical + x-nsdl-auth ).
getSimilarMirrorUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Gets the similarMirrorUrls attribute of the ValidatorResults object
getSimilarPrimaryUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Gets the similarPrimaryUrls attribute of the ValidatorResults object
getSimilarUrlPath(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Use wild cards to make a url that will retrieve all "ancestors" of the given url up to the specified level.
getSimilarUrlRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getSimilarUrlRecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the similarUrlRecs attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getSimpleContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the simpleContent attribute of the ComplexType object
getSimpleContentType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the base extension type of the simpleContent element of the ComplexType.
getSimpleDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getSimpleDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.WebLogIndexingService
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getSimpleDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getSimpleDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getSimpleDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getSimpleDateStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts.FieldValidators
Return a string for the current time and date, sutiable for display in log files and output to standout:
getSimpleEnumerationValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Gets the enumerationValues attribute of the SimpleType object
getSimpleTypeLabel(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorRenderer
Gets the simpleTypeLabel attribute of the EditorRenderer object
getSimpleTypeLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getSimpleTypeLabel(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
getSimpleTypeLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the simpleTypeLabel attribute of the RendererImpl object
getSimpleTypeLabel(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the simpleTypeLabel attribute of the RendererImpl object
getSimpleTypeLabel(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Gets the simpleTypeLabel attribute of the ViewerRenderer object
getSimpleTypes(GlobalDefMap) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.GlobalDefReporter
getSimpleTypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
getSims() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getSims() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the sims attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getSims(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets the sims attribute of the RepositoryService object
getSims() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSimUrlChecker
Returns a list of DupSim instances that represent records in "collection" that contain either a PrimaryURL or MirrorURL similar to the provided url.
getSingleAttribute(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Retrieves values for a single attribute of a single entry, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
getSingleAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Retrieves values for a single attribute of a single entry, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
getSingleAttributeDn(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: Returns the values associated with a single attribute of a single entry, or null if no values exist.
getSize() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Gets the size attribute of the RecordList object
getSmartCheckBox() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
getSmartLinkParameterNames() - Method in class
Gets the names of the parameters used to refer to the all current smart links, for example slm0, slm1, etc.
getSortField() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the sortField attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getSortSetsBy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the sortSetsBy attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getSortSetsBy() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the sortSetsBy attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getSortSetsBy() - Method in class
Gets the sortSetsBy attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getSortSpec() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
Gets the sortSpec attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getSortWidgetParams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets all the parameters that existed in the request other than those used for paiging or sorting.
getSortWidgets() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
The sortField of the widgets must be indexed! The sortWidgets key must match the sortField for each widget.
getSource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Gets the source attribute of the AbstractConfigReader object
getSource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the source attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getSource() - Method in class
Gets the file for this user object
getSource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
getSource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
getSource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Returns URI (as String) of the source file for this FieldInfoReader
getSource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
Gets the source attribute of the VocabLayout object
getSourceDir() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the sourceDir that holds the file being indexed.
getSourceFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the sourceFile that is being indexed.
getSourcePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Gets the sourcePath attribute of the AbstractConfigReader object
getSouthCoord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.BoundingBox
Gets the southCoord attribute of the BoundingBox object
getSpecifiedById() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader.RelatedResource
Gets the specifiedById attribute of the RelatedResource object
getSplit(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
Gets the specified segment of the colon-delimited text field.
getSplitBySet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the splitBySet attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getSponsors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the sponsors attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getSrcs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the ses (Selected Creators) attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
getSss() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the sss (selectedStatuses) attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
getSss() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the sss (selectedStatuses) attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
getStackTrace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Gets the stack trace that was indicated to when the error occured.
getStaleMDPHandles(Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Gets List of MDP handles that have not been modified since provided threshold Date.
getStandard(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Get a StandardNode by id
getStandard(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Get a StandardNode by id
getStandard(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Get a StandardNode by id
getStandard(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsDocument
Get a StandardNode by id
getStandard(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
getStandard(String) - Method in class
Get a StandardNode by id
GetStandard - Class in
GetStandard() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the GetStandard object
GetStandard(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the GetStandard object supplying username, password and baseUrl
getStandard() - Method in class
getStandard(String, String) - Method in class
getStandard(String) - Method in class
getStandard(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the AsnStandard having provicded id
getStandard(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Gets the standard attribute of the CommCoreServiceHelper object
getStandard(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Gets the standard attribute of the CommCoreServiceHelper object
getStandard(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the Standard having provicded id
getStandardById() - Method in class
Returns the std corresponding to this.stdId from the standards document containing this.standard.
getStandardDocuments() - Method in class
Gets the standardDocuments attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object by creating a comma-delimited string joining the items in the standardDocuments list
getStandards() - Method in class
getStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets all standards contained in this AsnDocument
getStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets all standards contained in this StdDocument
getStandardsAtLevel(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the standards at the specified level of the standards hierarchy of the AsnDocument object
getStandardsAtLevel(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the standards at the specified level of the standards hierarchy of the StdDocument object
getStandardsDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.DynaStandardsManager
Gets the standardsDirectory attribute of the DynaStandardsManager object
getStandardsDirectory() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the standardsDirectory attribute of the SuggestionServiceConfig object, which designates a directory containing standards files.
getStandardsDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsManager
getStandardsDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseSuggestionServiceHelper
getStandardsDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the current standardsDocument if one has been assigned, or fetches the "defaultDoc" from the StandardsRegistry.
getStandardsDocument(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Gets the standardsTree for the standards doc specified by provided key.
getStandardsDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the standardsDocument from which suggestions are requested and received.
getStandardsDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Gets the standardsDocument attribute of the CommCoreServiceHelper object
getStandardsDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsManager
Gets the standardsDocument attribute of the CommCoreStandardsManager object
getStandardsDocument(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Gets the standardsTree associated with the provided key
getStandardsDocument() - Method in class
Gets the standardsDocument attribute of the TeachersDomainServiceHelper object
getStandardsDocument() - Method in class
Gets the standardsDocument attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsManager object
getStandardsDocumentForDocId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Gets the standardsTree corresponding to the ASN Document having the ASN identifier (purl)
getStandardsFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the standardsFile attribute of the SuggestionServiceConfig object
getStandardsFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseSuggestionServiceHelper
getStandardsFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the standardsFormat attribute of the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object (hardcoded to "asn").
getStandardsFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the standardsFormat attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getStandardsFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Gets the standardsFormat attribute of the CommCoreServiceHelper object
getStandardsFormat() - Method in class
Gets the standardsFormat attribute of the TeachersDomainServiceHelper object
getStandardsList() - Method in class
getStandardsManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the standardsManager attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getStandardsManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseSuggestionServiceHelper
getStandardsManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the standardsManager attribute of the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object
getStandardsManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the standardsManager attribute of the ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper object
getStandardsManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the standardsManager attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getStandardsManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Gets the standardsManager attribute of the CommCoreServiceHelper object
getStandardsManager() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the standardsManager attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getStandardsManager() - Method in class
Gets the standardsManager attribute of the TeachersDomainServiceHelper object
getStandardsMapper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseSuggestionServiceHelper
getStandardsNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Gets the standardsNode having the provided AsnID
getStandardsNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
Gets the standardsNode attribute of the TreeCache object
getStandardsNodeOLD(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
Gets the standardsNode attribute of the TreeCache object
getStandardsNodes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets a list of all standardsNodes in the current StandardsDocument in standards document order.
getStandardSourceType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the standardSourceType attribute of the SuggestionServiceConfig object
getStandardsRegistry() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Gets the standardsRegistry attribute of the AsnStandardsManager object
getStart() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the starting index for the records that will be displayed.
getStart() - Method in class
Gets the starting index for the records that will be displayed.
getStart() - Method in class
Gets the starting index for the records that will be displayed.
getStart() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Gets the starting index for the records that will be displayed.
getStart() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Gets the starting index for the records that will be displayed.
getStart() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the starting index for the records that will be displayed.
getStart() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Gets the starting index for the records that will be displayed.
getStartDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the start time as a Date, or null.
getStartGrade(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
Gets the startGrade attribute of the AsnToAdnMapper object
getStartGrade(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
* Gets the startGrade of the given gradeRange vocab value.
getStartGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Return an integer representing the lowest gradeLevel contained in the provided gradeRangeVocab values, or -1 if none are provided
getStartGrade(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.NsdlGradeRangeHelper
Return an integer representing the lowest gradeLevel contained in the provided gradeRangeVocab values, or -1 if none are provided
getStartGrade() - Method in class
Gets the startGrade attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getStartGradeLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Gets the startGradeLevel attribute of the AsnStandard object
getStartGradeLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the startGradeLevel attribute of the AsnStatement object
getStartGradeLevel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
getStartTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the startTime attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getStartTime() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Gets the startTime when the harvest began, or 0 if it has not begun yet.
getStartTimeLong() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the start time as a long, or -1 if not available.
getState(String) - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.ObjectState
getState() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Gets the fedora-model:state property of the NdrObject
getState() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabInputState
Gets the part of the query string associated with the user's vocab selections.
getStateFeedback() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabInputState
Gets a string (placed after "Your selections" in V3.x of the DDS) representing the user's selected vocab criteria.
getStateMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Gets the stateMap attribute of the CollapseBean object
getStaticSimpleValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Displays the value of the element at specified xpath
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the status attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the status of the annotation, which is one of 'completed', 'in progress' or 'retired'.
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Gets the ncs:status property of the Metadata object, which is defined only if this object is managed by the NCS
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Gets the status attribute for batch status change
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the status attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Gets the dcsStatus attribute of the StatusForm object
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
Gets the status attribute of the DcsDataDocReader object
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the status attribute of the most recent StatusEntry.
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Gets the status attribute of the StatusEntry object
getStatus() - Method in class
Returns the record status: for example, STATUS_ACCESSIONED_DISCOVERABLE.
getStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Gets the status attribute of the CharArrayWrapper object
getStatusComment() - Method in class
Gets the statusComment attribute of the DDSManageCollectionsForm object
getStatusEntry(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the statusEntry corresponding to provided changeDate
getStatusEntry() - Method in class
getStatuses() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
return the list of Statuses for the currently selected collection; we don't use "selectedCollection" but rather getSelectedSet().getSetSpec() because the former does not seem to be properly initialized after system restart?
getStatuses() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getStatuses() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getStatuses() - Method in class
Gets the statuses attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getStatuses() - Method in class
getStatusFlagLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Return the status flag label (the readable version) for the given status flag value (which must be decoded if it is a final status flag).
getStatusFlags() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
A list of StatusFlag beans, each of contain status and description attributes.
getStatusFlags() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Gets the dcsStatusFlags attribute of the StatusForm object
getStatusFlags() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Get sorted list of statusFlags defined in this collection for use in jsp, where we need the StatusFlag object, not just the label.
getStatusLabel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the readable representation of this record's status.
getStatusLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
getStatusLabel(String, String, SessionBean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Gets the statusLabel for the specified collection, converting rawLabel to it's human-readable form if it is a "finalStatus".
getStatusLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the statusLabels attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
getStatusLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Returns a sorted list of StatusFlag labels defined by this collection.
getStatusLabels() - Method in class
Gets the statusLabels attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getStatusLabels() - Method in class
getStatusMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
The StatusMap holds mappings from the StatusFlag values defined by this collection to their corresponding StatusFlag instances.
getStatusMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the statusMap attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getStatusMessages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Gets the statusMessages attribute of the ThreadedService object
getStatusNote() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Geets the statusNote attribute for batch status change.
getStatusNote() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Gets the dcsStatusNote attribute of the StatusForm object
getStatusNote() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
Gets the description of the new-opps item.
getStatusNote() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the statusNote attribute of the most recent StatusEntry.
getStatusNote() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Gets the statusNote attribute of the StatusEntry object
getStatusOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the statusOptions attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getStatusQuery(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditServlet
Build a query that finds all items with having the given statusValue as their statusLabel
getStatusString() - Method in class
Returns a string representing the record status, for example, "accessioneddiscoverable".
getStatusWidget() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
getStd(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Gets the std attribute of the AsnStandard object
getStd(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Gets the std attribute of the Standard object
getStdDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
getStdDocument(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Gets the stdDocument attribute of the CommCoreServiceHelper object
getStdDocuments() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
Gets the stdDocuments attribute of the CommCoreServiceHelper object
getStdId() - Method in class
getStem(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Gets the stem of the given english word.
getStemmingBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the boosting factor used to rank items with matching stemmed terms.
getStemmingBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
As of 12/2004, stemming behavior is controlled by properties set in the RepositoryManager config.
getStemmingBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the boosting factor used to rank items with matching stemmed terms.
getStemmingEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Indicates whether stemming support is enabled.
getStemmingEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Indicates whether stemming support is enabled.
getStems() - Method in class
Gets the stems attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getStems(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Gets the stems of the given english words.
getStopWordMap() - Static method in class
Gets the stopWordMap attribute of the DDSQueryAction class
getStringValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves text content from the XML node identified by the key.
getSu() - Method in class
Gets the su attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getSubCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Returns this Member's inline compositor (Choice, Sequence, All) if there is one.
getSubElementResource(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the subElementResource attribute of the AsnStatement object
getSubElementResource(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the value of the resource attribute for the named subelement.
getSubElementText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the subElementText attribute of the AsnStatement object
getSubElementText(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the textual content of the named subelement of provided element.
getSubElementText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
getSubElementText(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
Gets the subElementText attribute of the StdElement object
getSubElementText(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
getSubElementText(Element, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
Gets the textual content of the named subelement of provided element.
getSubject() - Method in interface
getSubject() - Method in class
Gets the subject attribute of the SchemEditAuth object
getSubject() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Gets the subject attribute of the AsnStatement object
getSubjectLabels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the subject UI labels from the vocab manager for this record, for example 'Biology', or 'DLESE:Biology' if the vocab manager is not available, sorted alphabetically.
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Gets the subjectPath attribute of the AbstractCATHelperPlugin object
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnFrameworkPlugin
Gets the subjectPath attribute of the AdnFrameworkPlugin object
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Gets the subjectPath for the plugin's framework
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.EngPathFrameworkPlugin
Gets the subjectPath attribute of the EngPathFrameworkPlugin object
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.MastFrameworkPlugin
Gets the subjectPath of the mast framework
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.Msp2FrameworkPlugin
Gets the subjectPath of the msp2 framework
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin
Gets the subjectPath attribute of the NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin object
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsItemFrameworkPlugin
Gets the subjectPath attribute of the NcsItemFrameworkPlugin object
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.ResQualFrameworkPlugin
Gets the subjectPath attribute of the ResQualFrameworkPlugin object
getSubjectPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreFrameworkPlugin
Gets the subjectPath of the msp2 framework
getSubjectPath() - Method in class
Gets the subjectPath of the msp2 framework
getSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the subjects associated with this collection, encoded by the vocab manager if it's available.
getSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the subjects for this record, for example 03, or 'DLESE:Biology' if no vocab manager is available.
getSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the subjects attribute of the ADNFileIndexingWriter object
getSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the subjects for this collection.
getSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the subjects attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the subjects attribute of the DleseBean object
getSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of subjects specified for a resource from the current record.
getSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the subList attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets a list of AsnStandardsNode that have this node as a parent.
getSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets a list of CommCoreStandardsNode that have this node as a parent.
getSubList() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets a list of StandardsNodes that have this node as a parent.
getSubList() - Method in class
Gets a list of TeachersDomainStandardsNode that have this node as a parent.
getSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the subList attribute of the LayoutNode object
getSubList() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the subList attribute of the VocabNode object
getSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Struts equivalent of getList()--JPSs work by iterating over ArrayLists (Collections)
getSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Struts equivalent of getList()--JPSs work by iterating over ArrayLists (Collections)
getSubOccurrenceCount(CompositorMember, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Gets the subOccurrenceCount attribute of the CompositorGuard object
getSubstitionGroupMembers(GlobalElement) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Return a list of CompositoMembers made from the substitionGroup for the given headElement.
getSubstitionGroupNames(GlobalElement) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Expands a headElement (a GlobaElement having a substitutionGroup) into the instanceQualified names of it's substitutionGroup members.
getSubstitutionElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
getSubstitutionGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalElement
getSubstitutionGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
getSubstitutionGroupMemberCountOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the substitutionGroupMemberCountOf attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getSubstitutionGroupMemberNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Gets the instanceQualifiedNames of the substitutionGroupMembers, if this Member is a headElement.
getSubstitutionGroupMembers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getSubstitutionGroupMembers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
If this CompositorMember represents a HeadElement (a globalElement having a substitutionGroup, then return the substitutionGroup as a list of GlobalElements.
getSubstitutionGroupMembersOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Select all substitutionGroup elements by building up complex selection xpath ORing together the xpaths for the substitutionGroup members
getSubStitutionGroupMembersOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SGTester
select all substitutionGroup elements by building up complex xpath ORing together the xpaths for the individual members
getSubstitutionGroupNewItemControl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSubstitutionGroup
getSubstitutionGroupOptions(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Given the path to a schemaNode that isHeadElement(), return an array of LabelValueBean objects representing, the substitutionGroup, where both the label and the value are the group memebers qualifiedName
getSubstitutionGroupOptions(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SGTester
given the path to a schemaNode that hasSubstitutionGroup(), return an array of LabelValueBean objects representing, the substitutionGroup, where both the label and the value are the group memebers qualifiedName
getSuggestedStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the suggested Standards represented in ADN format.
getSuggestedStandards() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the suggested Standards represented in ADN format.
getSuggestHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
Gets the suggestHelper attribute of the SuggestAction object
getSuggestHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
Gets the SuggestCommentHelper attribute of the SuggestCommentAction object
getSuggestHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
Gets the suggestResourceHelper attribute of the SuggestResourceAction object
getSuggestions(CATRequestConstraints) - Method in class
getSuggestions(CATRequestConstraints) - Method in class
Gets the suggestions attribute of the SuggestStandards object
getSuggestions(String, Map) - Method in class
getSuggestionsAllowed() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
getSuggestionServiceHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the suggestionServiceHelper attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getSummary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportReport
getSummary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getSummary() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidationReport
getSupportedGranularity() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the date granularity supported by the data provider, or null if not available.
getSyncMessage() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPluginException
getSyncReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
Gets results of a Sync operation
getSyncReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
Gets the syncReport attribute of the SyncService object
getSyncService() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
getSyncService() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getSystem() - Method in class
Gets the system attribute of the VocabCachingActionForm object
getTag() - Method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy.Service
getTag() - Method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.NDRObjectType
getTag() - Method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.Service
getTargetNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the targetNamespace attribute of the NamespaceRegistry object
getTargetNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the targetNamespace attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getTargetNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the targetNamespaceUri attribute of the NamespaceRegistry object
getTaskProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.MonitoredTask
getTeachingMethod() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the teachingMethod attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getTechnicalFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Gets the technicalFormats attribute of the DleseXMLReader object
getTechnicalReqs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the technicalReqs attribute of the DleseBean object
getTechnicalReqs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of technical requirements for a resource from the current record.
getTemporalCoverageNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets all temporal coverage names as text.
getTerm() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.TermAndDeftn
Gets the term attribute of the TermAndDeftn object
getTermAndDeftns(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Gets a List of TermAndDeftn instances for specified term (usually there is only one item in the list)
getTermAndDocCounts(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a Map of all terms that are in the index under the given fields.
getTermCount() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.TermDocCount
Gets the termCount attribute of the TermDocCount object
getTermCount() - Method in class
Number of times the term appears in the given field(s).
getTermCountFields() - Method in class
Gets the termCountFields attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getTermCountMap() - Method in class
Gets the termCountMap attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
getTermCounts(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a Map of all terms that are in the index under the given field.
getTermCounts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a Map of all terms that are in the index.
getTermCounts(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a Map of all terms that are in the index under the given fields.
getTermFrequency(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
getTermFrequency(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
getTermFrequency(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the termFrequency across all fields in the index
getTermFrequency(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets the termFrequency of terms in the given field.
getTermList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Gets a sorted list of vocab Terms defined by this field.
getTermLists() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
getTermLists() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a Map of Lists that contain the terms for each field in the index.
getTerms(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a list of all terms that are in the index under the given field name.
getTerms() - Method in class
Returns a Map of TermData Objects, keyed by term String.
getTermSelectOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Build an array of terms (represented as LabelValueBean instances) to be used in a html select object.
getTermsInfoForFields(String[]) - Method in class
Get terms data for one or more fields in a DDS repository index.
getTermsOfUse() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the termsOfUse attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getTermsOfUseURI() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the termsOfUseURI attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getTermStringFromStringArray(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the appropriate terms from a string array of metadata fields.
getTestPatterns() - Static method in class
getText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
getText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
Gets the text attribute of the AdnStandard object, that is the entire string used to define this vocab item.
getText() - Method in class
Gets the text attribute of the CATStandard object
getTextAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'text' annotations for this resource.
getTextAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'text' annotations for this resource.
getTextAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the textAnnosInProgress attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getTextAreaInput(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the textAreaInput attribute of the RendererImpl object
getTextAreaInput(String, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the textAreaInput attribute of the RendererImpl object
getTextAtPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Gets the textAtPath attribute of the NldrMetadataRecord object
getTextFieldNames() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorDocException
Gets the names of the fields to be indexed as text.
getTextFieldValue(String) - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorDocException
Gets the value of the field to be indexed as text.
getTextInput(String, SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DleseEditorRenderer
Render configured paths as textArea inputs instead of regular text inputs.
getTextInput(String, SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the textInput attribute of the RendererImpl object
getTextInput(String, SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ResQualEditorRenderer
Render configured paths as textArea inputs instead of regular text inputs.
getTextInput(String, SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SIFEditorRenderer
Renders a textInput element using the sifRefId tag, which supports hooks to the SIF Object finder and creators to aid user in suppling a sifRefId (Reference ID to existing SIF object).
getTimedURL(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Uses a TimedURLConnection to get the repsonse from the web service (the request is a URL), which is returned as a String.
getTimedXmlDocument(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
gets the contents of a URL via WebServiceClient.getTimedURL(URL) and then parses the contents into a dom4j Document, which is returned
getTimeOutSecs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
getTimeSinceCreation() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the timeSinceCreation attribute of the session as a formatted string.
getTimeSinceLastAccessed() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the timeSinceLastAccessed of the session as a formated String for use in jsp.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
getTimeStamp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
getTimeStamp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the title of the annotation.
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets the title of the collection, for example 'DLESE Community Collection (DCC)', as indicated by the the vocab manager.
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the title of the item.
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader.RelatedResource
Gets the title attribute of the RelatedResource object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the title of the new-opps item.
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the title of the item.
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the title attribute of the ADNFileIndexingWriter object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the full title
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Gets the title attribute of the DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Returns the title for the collection.
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the title attribute of the SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Returns the value of title.
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Return a title for the document being indexed, or null if none applies.
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
Gets the title attribute of the NSDLCollectionReader object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NsdlDcReader
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.ServiceDescriptionReader
Gets the title attribute of the ServiceDescriptionReader object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the title attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription.Image
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.ActivityReader
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.CurriculumStructureReader
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LessonReader
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Gets the title attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Gets the title attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
getTitle() - Method in class
Gets the title attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
getTitle() - Method in class
Gets the title attribute of the CATStandardDocument object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the title attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocStatement
Gets the title attribute of the AsnDocStatement object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the title attribute of the AsnDocument object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the title attribute of the StdDocument object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the title attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Gets the title attribute of the CommentRecord object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Gets the title attribute of the ResourceRecord object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the title attribute of the DleseBean object
getTitle() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retreives the resource title from the current record.
getTitleBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the titleBoostFactor attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getTitleBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
As of 12/2004, boosting behavior is controlled by properties set in the RepositoryManager config.
getTitleBoostFactor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the titleBoostFactor attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getTitleText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
returns the title of the HTML page , i.e.
getTmpArg() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the tmpArg attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getTmpDir() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToBriefMetaFormatConverter
Converts to the BrifeMeta format.
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToLocalizedFormatConverter
Converts to the adn-localized format
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToNSDLDCFormatConverter
Converts to the nsdl_dc format.
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToOAIDCFormatConverter
Converts to the oai_dc format.
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESEAnnoToLocalizedFormatConverter
Converts to the dlese_anno-localized format
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESECollectToLocalizedFormatConverter
Converts to the dlese_collect-localized format
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
Converts to the nsdl_dc format
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
Converts to the nsdl_dc format.
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NewsOppsToLocalizedFormatConverter
Converts to the news_opps-localized format
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_COLLECTFormatConverter
Converts from the ADN format.
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter
Converts to the nsdl_dc format.
getToFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleXMLFormatConverter
This converter can convert to any format.
getToFormat() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDocumentFormatConverter
The metadataPrefix of the format to which this XMLFormatConverter converts, for example "dlese_ims," "adn" or "oai_dc".
getToFormat() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLFormatConverter
The metadataPrefix of the format to which this XMLFormatConverter converts, for example "dlese_ims," "adn" or "oai_dc".
getTokens(String) - Static method in class
Splits a string into tokens around ','
getTokens(String, String) - Static method in class
Splits a string into tokens around the provided delimiter
getTomcatDir() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
getToolFor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the toolFor attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getToolHelp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Attempts to return a metadata vocab field definition for the input string assuming it is an xpath.
getToolHelp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Attempts to return a metadata vocab field definition for the input string assuming it is an xpath.
getToolHelp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Attempts to return a metadata vocab field definition for the input string assuming it is an xpath.
getToolKit() - Method in class
getTopic() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Returns "Science"
getTopic() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
getTopic() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Gets the topic attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
getTopic() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Resolves topic for this asnDocument asnDocument (which it gets from the StandardsDocument)
getTopic() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Gets the topic attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
getTopic() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsDocument
getTopic() - Method in class
Gets the topic attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
getTopic() - Method in class
Gets the topic attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
getTopic() - Method in class
Gets the topic attribute of the CATStandard object
getTopic() - Method in class
Gets the topic attribute of the CATStandardDocument object
getTopic(String) - Method in class
getTopic() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the topic attribute of the AsnDocument object
getTopic(AsnTopics) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the topic attribute of the AsnDocument object
getTopic(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnHelper
Resolves provided topicPurl into human-relevant form.
getTopic() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Gets the topic attribute of the AsnStandard object
getTopic(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnTopics
Returns a topic for a given topic purl (e.g.,
getTopic() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Gets the topic attribute of the Standard object
getTopic() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the topic attribute of the StdDocument object
getTopicMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnTopics
Returns a mapping from topic purl to topic label
getTopicPurl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the topicPurl attribute of the AsnDocument object
getTopics() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Gets the topics attribute of the NewsOppsDocReader object
getTopLevelAbbrevLabelOf(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the topLevelAbbrevLabelOf attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getTopLevelAbbrevLabelOf(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the topLevelAbbrevLabelOf attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getTopLevelAbbrevLabelOf(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the topLevelAbbrevLabelOf attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getTos() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Gets the tos attribute of the ReaderStack object
getTotal() - Method in class
Gets the total attribute of the HistogramForm object
getTotal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Gets the total attribute of the TaskProgress object
getTotalNumResources() - Method in class
Gets the total number of resources that are currently discoverable.
getTotalNumTerms() - Method in class
Returns the total number of terms found in the given field(s).
getTransformer(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Gets a Transformer used to transform XML using a given XSL stylesheet.
getTransformer(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Gets a specific Transformer, used to transform XML using a given XSL stylesheet.
getTransformerFromXSLString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Gets a Transformer used to transform XML using a given XSL stylesheet.
getTranslatedField(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the translated FIELD NAME/ID of the given FIELD NAME/ID
getTranslatedField(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the translated FIELD NAME/ID of the given FIELD NAME/ID
getTranslatedField(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the translated FIELD NAME/ID of the given FIELD NAME/ID
getTranslatedField(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the translated FIELD NAME/ID of the given FIELD NAME/ID using the current or most recently loaded metadata format version number
getTranslatedField(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the translated FIELD NAME/ID of the given FIELD+VALUE NAMEs/IDs
getTranslatedField(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the translatedField attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getTranslatedFieldPath(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the translated FIELD XPATH of the given FIELD NAME/ID
getTranslatedFieldPath(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the translated FIELD XPATH of the given FIELD NAME/ID
getTranslatedFieldPath(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the translated FIELD XPATH of the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS
getTranslatedFieldPath(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the translated FIELD XPATH of the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS using the current or most recently loaded metadata format version number
getTranslatedFieldPath(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the translatedFieldPath attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getTranslatedFieldPath(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the translatedFieldPath attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getTranslatedValue(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the translated VALUE NAME/ID of the given FIELD+VALUE NAMEs/IDs
getTranslatedValue(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the translated VALUE NAME/ID of the given FIELD+VALUE NAMEs/IDs
getTranslatedValue(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the translated VALUE NAME/ID of the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS
getTranslatedValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the translated VALUE NAME/ID of the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS using the current or most recently loaded metadata format version number
getTranslatedValue(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the translated VALUE NAME/ID of the given FIELD NAME/ID
getTranslatedValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the translatedValue attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getTree(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
Get the StandardsTree specified by provided key.
getTrustedWsIps() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the trustedWsIps attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getTrustedWsIps() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets a Comma-separated String of IP address regular expressions that are trusted for access to non-discoverable items through the web service.
getTrustedWsIps() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getTrustedWsIpsArray() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets an array of IP address regular expressions that are trusted for access to non-discoverable items through the web service.
getTupleMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the tupleMap for this collection.
getTupleMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the tupleMap attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getTupleValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Get the value of the named tuple.
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the type of annotation, for example 'Review', 'Comment', 'Educational standard', etc.
getType() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.Contributor
Gets the type attribute of the Contributor object
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.OrganizationContributor
Gets the type, which is 'organization'.
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Gets the type, which is 'person'.
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Gets the event type.
getType() - Method in class
Return the type for this TypedPrincipal.
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Gets the type attribute of the DupSim object
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the type attribute of the LayoutNode object
getType(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
Returns the id associated with the specified message.
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.All
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Returns an integer contant that specifies whether this Compositor is Sequence, Choice, All.
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.InlineCompositor
Returns an integer contant that specifies whether this InlineCompositor is Sequence, Choice, All.
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Sequence
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the type attribute of the GenericType object
getType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the type attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
getType() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Returns string representation of the Global Def's dataType (e.g., "simpleType", "complexType", etc).
getTypeByName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
Gets a XSDatatype class used to validate a value against a datatype declared or defined in an XML Schema.
getTypeByNameOLD(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
getTypeDef() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
getTypeElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the typeElement attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getTypeList(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdMap
Gets a list of SIF Types accepted by the field at specified path.
getTypeName() - Method in class
Return the name of the type for this TypedPrincipal.
getTypeName() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the typeName attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getTypeOptions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
getTypes(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdMap
Gets comma-separated string containing SIF types accepted by element at given path.
getTypicalAgeRange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the typicalAgeRange attribute of the ItemDocReader object
getUid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
The UID of the scheduled harvest.
getUid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the uid attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getUid(String) - Method in class
get the Uid from the provided dn (Distinguished Name);
getUid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
getUid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the unique part of the ASN purl id
getUid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the uid attribute of the StdDocument object
getUidLong() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the uidLong attribute of the HarvestLogReader object
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD NAME/ID
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the non-abbreviated UI label associated with the given FIELD NAME/ID
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD NAME/ID, using the current or most recently loaded metadata format version number
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the uiFieldLabel attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD NAME/ID
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the non-abbreviated UI label associated with the given FIELD NAME/ID
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD NAME/ID, using the current or most recently loaded metadata format version number
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the uiFieldLabel attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD NAME/ID
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the non-abbreviated UI label associated with the given FIELD NAME/ID
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD NAME/ID, using the current or most recently loaded metadata format version number
getUiFieldLabel(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the uiFieldLabel attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getUiLabelFromVocabId(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the UI label corresponding to the given vocab value IDs and field ID.
getUiLabelFromVocabName(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the UI label corresponding to the given vocab value name from the XML and field name.
getUiLabelOf(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getUiValueLabel()
getUiLabelOf(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getUiValueLabel()
getUiLabelOf(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the UI label of the given metadata field/value pair
getUiLabelOf(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the uiLabelOf attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getUiLabelOf(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the UI label of the given metadata field/value pair
getUiLabelOf(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the full (non-abbreviated) UI label of the given metadata field/value pair
getUiLabelOfFieldId(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getUiFieldLabel()
getUiLabelOfFieldId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the uiLabelOfFieldId attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getUiLabelOfFieldId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the uiLabelOfFieldId attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getUiLabelOfSystemIds(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getUiValueLabel()
getUiLabelOfSystemIds(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by getUiValueLabel()
getUiLabelOfSystemIds(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the UI label of the given encoded field/value Id pair
getUiLabelOfSystemIds(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the full (non-abbreviated) UI label of the given encoded field/value Id pair
getUiLabelOfSystemIds(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the UI label of the given encoded field/value Id pair
getUiLabelOfSystemIds(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the full (non-abbreviated) UI label of the given encoded field/value Id pair
getUiLabelsFromVocabIds(String, String[], String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the UI labels corresponding to the given vocab value IDs and field ID.
getUiValueDisplay(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the "display" attribute value for the given field/value vocab
getUiValueDisplay(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the "display" attribute value for the given field/value vocab using the CURRENT metadata framework version
getUiValueDisplay(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the "display" attribute value for the given field/value vocab
getUiValueDisplay(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the "display" attribute value for the given field/value vocab using the CURRENT metadata framework version
getUiValueDisplay(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the "display" attribute value for the given field/value vocab
getUiValueDisplay(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the "display" attribute value for the given field/value vocab using the CURRENT metadata framework version
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the non-abbreviated UI label associated with the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS, using the current or most recently loaded metadata format version number
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the uiValueLabel attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the non-abbreviated UI label associated with the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS, using the current or most recently loaded metadata format version number
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the uiValueLabel attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the non-abbreviated UI label associated with the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the UI label associated with the given FIELD+VALUE NAMES/IDS, using the current or most recently loaded metadata format version number
getUiValueLabel(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the uiValueLabel attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getUninitializedFrameworks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.FrameworkAdminForm
getUnionMembers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
getUnionMemberTypeDefs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Get a list of the type definitions for the members of a union type
getUnionMemberTypeNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Gets the unionMemberTypes attribute of the SimpleType object
getUnionMemberTypesAsString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Gets the unionMemberTypesAsString attribute of the SimpleType object
getUniqueID() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.TestTools
getUniqueID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Gets the nsdl:uniqueID property of the Metadata object.
getUniqueID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the unique ID for this SetInfo.
getUniqueID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
Overide method from SetInfo
getUniqueId() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Gets the uniqueId attribute of the SchemEditUtils class
getUniqueID() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Gets a global system unique ID.
getUniqueIDLong() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the unique ID for this SetInfo.
getUniqueLock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
A version of getLock that only allows a single record to be locked by a single session at a time
getUniqueUrlPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the uniqueUrlPath attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getUnloadedFrameworks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
getUnloadedFrameworks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.FrameworkAdminForm
getUnloadedFrameworks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Returns a list of xmlFormats corresponding to framework config files that are present in the framework config directory, but are not currently loaded in the FrameworkRegistry object
getUntil() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the until attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getUntilDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the until Date used for this harvest, or null if none was used.
getUntilDatestamp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the until datestamp of the form yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ used for this harvest, or null if none was used.
getUpdateFrequency() - Method in class
Gets the updateFrequency attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getUpdateFrequency() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Gets the updateFrequency attribute of the FileIndexingService object
getUpdateFrequency() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the frequency by which the index is updated to reflect changes that occur in the metadata files.
getUpdateFrequency() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the interval by which the index is updated to check for changes in the meatdata files, in minutes.
getUpdateFrequency() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the frequency by which the index is updated to reflect changes that occur in the metadata files.
getUriRef(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Gets the uriRef attribute of the SchemEditUtils class
getUriRef(URI) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Gets the uriRef attribute of the SchemEditUtils class
getUriRef(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Gets the uriRef attribute of the SchemEditUtils class
getUriRef(URI, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Given a string representation of a uri, returns either a File or URL instance.
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
Gets the url containing the content of the annotation, or empty if none.
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the URL for this resource.
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader.RelatedResource
Gets the url attribute of the RelatedResource object
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
The primary URL, which for news opps is the same as NewsOppsDocReader.getAnnouncementUrl().
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the url for the item.
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the url attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the url attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getUrl() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the url attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Gets the url attribute of the DupSim object
getUrl(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Converts a string into a URL instance, returning null in the case of a malformedUrl
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the url attribute of the
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
Gets the url attribute of the RemoteResultDoc object, which pionts to the resource on the web.
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
Returns the url itself
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the url attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Gets the url attribute of the ResourceRecord object
GetURL - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
URL is a utility class for retreiving the contents of a given URL as a string
GetURL() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.GetURL
getURL(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.GetURL
Gets the url as a string
getUrl(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.GetURL
Gets the url attribute of the GetURL class
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.GetURL
Gets the url attribute of the GetURL class
getUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.OsmRecordExporter
getUrlEncoded() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the URL for this resource.
getUrllabel() - Method in class
Returns the url type: "primary-url", etc.
getUrlLastModifiedTime(URL, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.TimedURLConnection
Gets the last modified time of the URL, timing out if the remote server does not respond within the given number of milliseconds.
getUrlMapping(String) - Static method in class
getUrlMirrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the mirror URLs encoded as terms, if any.
getUrlPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the urlPath attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getUrlPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Returns normalized xpaths specified in framework configuration as "url paths".
getUrlPatternMatchers() - Method in class
getUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the url(s) from the ADN record(s).
getUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
getUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the URL to the collection.
getUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Gets the url attribute of the DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter object
getUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the URL to the collection.
getUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
getUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the urls attribute of the SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter object
getUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Returns the value of urls.
getUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Return the URL(s) to the resource being indexed, or null if none apply.
getURLs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Gets the uRLs attribute of the DleseBean object
getURLs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of subjects specified for a resource from the current record.
getUrlSchemaPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Get the url schema paths for this framework configuration.
getUrlTruncated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets the URL for this resource, truncated if it is very long
getUrlTruncated() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the URL for this resource, truncated if it is very long
getUrlValidator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.SuggestResourceHelper
getUseDescription() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Specifies whether user has chosen to constrain suggestion service using current value of description field in the current metadata record.
getUsedMemory() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.MemoryCheck
Gets the current amount of memory being used by this app, in bytes.
getUsedMemoryInMegs() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.MemoryCheck
Gets the current amount of memory being used by this app, in megabytes.
getUseGradeRanges() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Specifies whether user has chosen to constrain suggestion service using current value of gradeRange checkboxes in the suggestion service interface.
getUseKeywords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Specifies whether user has chosen to constrain suggestion service using current value of keywords box in the suggestion service interface.
getUser() - Method in class
Gets the user attribute of the UserRoleBean object
getUser() - Method in class
Gets the user attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getUser(String) - Method in class
Gets the User instance having supplied username, or null if user cannot be found.
getUser() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
getUserAttributes(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Retrieves attributes of a single entry, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
getUserAttributes(String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Retrieves attributes of a single entry, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
getUserDisplayNames() - Method in class
getUserDisplayNames() - Method in class
Return a listing of users including username and fullNames.
getUserHasAdminRole() - Method in class
getUserInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
getUserInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the userInfo been for this framework, which specifies xpaths that can be populated with attributes from the SessionUser object, such as name, institution, and email.
getUsername() - Method in class
getUsername() - Method in class
Return the username.
getUsername() - Method in class
getUsername() - Method in class
Gets the username attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getUsername() - Method in class
Return the username.
getUserObject(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Retrieves a serialized Java Object, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
getUserObjectAttributes(String, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Deprecated: Retrieves the attributes associated with a serialized Java Object, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
getUserProvidedKey() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
getUserRoleMap() - Method in class
Gets the userRoleMap attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getUserRoleMap(User, User) - Method in class
Gets the userRoleMap attribute of the UserManagerAction object
getUserRoleMap(Collection, User) - Method in class
Create a mapping from username to List of CollectionRoleBeans, which are sorted by collection.
getUserRoles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
getUserRoles(String) - Method in class
Create a representation of the user's roleMap, only using collection NAMES for the key, and a RoleBean (collection, role) for the map's values.
getUsers() - Method in class
getUsers() - Method in class
getUsers() - Method in class
Gets the users attribute of the UserManagerForm object
getUsers() - Method in class
Returns a list of all user instances managed by this UserManager.
getUsers(Roles.Role) - Method in class
Returns all users having role equal to or below maxRole.
getUserSessionBeans(User) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
getUseSubjects() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Specifies whether user has chosen to constrain suggestion service using current value of keywords box in the suggestion service interface.
getUtcCreateTimestamp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns the UTC (GMT) time of creation for a given entry.
getUtcDates() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
A list of UTC dates in the past in the following order: one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year.
getUtcDates() - Method in class
A list of UTC dates in the past in the following order: one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year.
getUtcDates() - Method in class
A list of UTC dates in the past in the following order: one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year.
getUtcDates() - Method in class
A list of UTC dates in the past in the following order: one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year.
getUtcDates() - Method in class
A list of UTC dates in the past in the following order: one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year.
getUtcDates() - Method in class
A list of UTC dates in the past in the following order: one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year.
getUtcModifyTimestamp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns the UTC (GMT) time of last modification for a given entry.
getUtcTime() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Gets the utcTime attribute of the SchemEditUtils class
getUtcTime(Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Gets the utcTime attribute of the SchemEditUtils class
getVal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm.ParamPair
Gets the parameter value.
getVal() - Method in class
Gets the parameter value.
getVal() - Method in class
Gets the parameter value.
getVal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm.ParamPair
Gets the parameter value.
getVal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm.ParamPair
Gets the parameter value.
getVal() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm.ParamPair
Gets the parameter value.
getValidatedUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getValidatedUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the validatedUrl attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getValidateRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Gets the validateRecords attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
getValidateRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the validateRecords attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getValidateRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the getValidateRecords attribute, which is true|false.
getValidateRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the validateRecords attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getValidatingSession() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the validatingSession attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getValidatingType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the validatingTypeName attribute of the SchemaNode object.
getValidationMessage(String, ServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.RecordValidationFilter
Performs XML post-processing and gzipping of the response.
getValidationMessage(String, ServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLPostProcessingFilter
Validate the provided xml and return a validation message.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the validationReport for this document, or null if no validationReport was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets a report detailing any errors found in the validation of the data, or null if no error was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets a report detailing any errors found in the validation of the data, or null if no error was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets a report detailing any errors found in the XML validation of the collection record, or null if no error was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Gets a report detailing any errors found in the validation of the data, or null if no error was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets a report detailing any errors found in the validation of the file, or null if no error was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Gets a report detailing any errors found in the validation of the data, or null if no error was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets a report detailing any errors found in the XML validation of the collection record, or null if no error was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Gets a report detailing any errors found in the XML validation of the news-opps record, or null if no error was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets a report detailing any errors found in the validation of the data, or null if no error was found.
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Gets the validationReport attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the validationReport attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report.ReportEntry
Format the validation report for browser display
getValidationReport() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidatingService
Gets the validationReport attribute of the ValidatingService object
getValidationReportElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the validationReportElement attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
getValidator(ActionForm, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Gets the validator attribute of the AbstractSchemEditAction object
getValidator(ActionForm, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionConfigAction
Gets the validator attribute of the CollectionConfigAction object
getValidator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the validator attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getValidatorResults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Gets the validatorResults attribute of the SuggestForm object
getValidCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Grabs the collection keys from the DPC keys schema.
getValidCollectionKeys() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Grabs the collection keys from the DPC keys schema.
getValidMetadataFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Grabs the valid metadata formats from the DPC schema.
getValidMetadataFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Grabs the valid metadata formats from the DPC schema.
getValue() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldMapEntry
Gets the value attribute of the FieldMapEntry object
getValue() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlag
Gets the value attribute of the StatusFlag object
getValue() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Gets the value entered in the metadata editor for this field.
getValue() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Returns fullText attribute - used for label/value objects in jsp
getValue() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper.GradeRangeItem
Gets the value attribute of the GradeRangeItem object
getValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Annotation
Gets the value attribute of the Annotation object
getValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Contributor
Gets the value attribute of the Contributor object
getValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.GeoReference
Gets the value attribute of the GeoReference object
getValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Relation
Gets the value attribute of the Relation object
getValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.ResourceType
Gets the value attribute of the ResourceType object
getValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.TechnicalReq
Gets the value attribute of the TechnicalReq object
getValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Getter method to retrieve a specific metadata value.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
Accessor method for retrieving a specific named GlobalDef.
getValue(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
getValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
getValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Accessor method for retrieving a specific named GlobalDef.
getValue(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLMap
Accessor method for retrieving a specific named value.
getValue() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Retrieves the textual content of the element of this node.
getValueAtPath(Node, String) - Method in class
Gets the textual value of the node located at relativePath from given baseElement.
getValueAtPath(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
getValueElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.AnyTypeInputField
getValueId(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the value ID from the field name and value name, for example 'key', 'dcc' will return '09'.
getValueOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the valueOf attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getValueOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Gets the valueOf attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
getValueOrNull(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Gets the valueOrNull attribute of the MetadataWriter object
getValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Annotation
Gets the values attribute of the Annotation object
getValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Contributor
Gets the values attribute of the Contributor object
getValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.GeoReference
Gets the values attribute of the GeoReference object
getValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Relation
Gets the values attribute of the Relation object
getValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.ResourceType
Gets the values attribute of the ResourceType object
getValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.TechnicalReq
Gets the values attribute of the TechnicalReq object
getValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Retrieves the list of metadata values held in the map.
getValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
getValues() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Method to retrieve the list of values stored in this map.
getValues() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLMap
Method to retrieve the list of values stored in this map.
getVerb() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Gets the verb attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest object
getVerbose() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Gets the verbose attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest class
getVersion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the version attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getVersion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the version attribute of the SuggestionServiceConfig object
getVersion() - Method in class
Gets the version attribute of the CATStandardDocument object
getVersion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Gets the version attribute of the AsnDocument object
getVersion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Gets the version attribute of the StdDocument object
getVersion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the version attribute of the SchemaHelper object
getVideoAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'video' annotations for this resource.
getVideoAnnosInProgress() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a list of DleseAnnoDocReaders containing each of the in-progress type 'video' annotations for this resource.
getView() - Method in class
view indicates which flavor of UI display is rendered (RSS for example)
getViewBaseUrl() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Gets the baseUrl of the DCS instance in which suggestions are put.
getViewNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Returns TRUE if node is Required OR has a value (i.e., satisfies the "nodeExistsWithContent" predicate).
getVirtualFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Gets the virtual fields that are defined.
getVirtualSearchFieldMapper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the VirtualSearchFieldMapper that defines the virtual field/term definitions for this RepositoryManager.
getVirtualTerms(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Gets the virtual terms that are defined for the given field, or null.
getVisibility(String) - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.OAIVisibilty
getVld() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets the vld attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
getVocab() - Method in class
Gets the vocab attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getVocab() - Method in class
Gets the vocab attribute of the VocabActionForm object
getVocab() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the vocab attribute of the RecordDataService object
getVocab() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the vocab attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getVocab() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper.GradeRangeItem
Gets the vocab attribute of the GradeRangeItem object
getVocab() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteSearcher
Gets the vocab attribute of the RemoteSearcher object
getVocab() - Method in class
Gets the vocab attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getVocab() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Gets the vocab attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
getVocabCacheFeedbackString() - Method in class
Gets the vocabCacheFeedbackString attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
getVocabCheckbox(String, String, String, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Returns a SINGLE HTML CHECKBOX input of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabCheckbox(String, String, String, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Returns a SINGLE HTML CHECKBOX input of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabCheckbox(String, String, String, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Returns a SINGLE HTML CHECKBOX input of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabCheckboxes(String, String, int, String, boolean, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Returns an HTML TABLE of CHECKBOX inputs of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabCheckboxes(String, String, int, String, boolean, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Returns an HTML TABLE of CHECKBOX inputs of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabCheckboxes(String, String, int, String, boolean, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Returns an HTML TABLE of CHECKBOX inputs of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabErrors() - Method in class
Gets the vocabErrors attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getVocabFieldIds() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the vocabFieldIds attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getVocabFieldIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the vocabFieldIds attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getVocabFieldIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the vocabFieldIds attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getVocabFieldPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the vocabFieldPaths attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getVocabHiddenInputs(String, String, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Generates HTML HIDDEN inputs of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabHiddenInputs(String, String, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Generates HTML HIDDEN inputs of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabHiddenInputs(String, String, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Generates HTML HIDDEN inputs of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabInputState() - Method in class
Gets the vocabInputState attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
getVocabInputState() - Method in class
Gets the vocab attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getVocabLabel() - Method in class
Gets the vocabLabel attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getVocabLayout() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Get VocabLayout instance for the current vocabField.
getVocabLayout(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
getVocabLayoutNodes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Get top-level vocabLayoutNodes for the current vocabField.
getVocabLayouts() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the vocabLayouts attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getVocabLayoutURI() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the vocabLayoutURI attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getVocabList() - Method in class
Gets the vocabList attribute of the HistogramForm object
getVocabList(String) - Method in class
Gets the vocabList attribute of the VocabActionForm object
getVocabList() - Method in class
Gets the vocabList attribute of the VocabActionForm object
getVocabList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets a list of VocabNodes under the current value of "vocabField".
getVocabMessages() - Method in class
Gets the vocabMessage attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
getVocabNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Gets the vocabNode attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
getVocabNode(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets a VocabNode for the given field/value pair
getVocabNode(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets a VocabNode for the given field/value pair
getVocabNode(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the vocabNode attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getVocabNode(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the vocabNode attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getVocabNodes(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the vocabNodes attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getVocabNodes(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the vocabNodes attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getVocabNodes(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the vocabNodes attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getVocabNodes(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the vocabNodes attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getVocabNodes(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the vocabNodes attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getVocabNodes(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the vocabNodes attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
getVocabNodes(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the vocabNodes attribute of the MetadataVocab object
getVocabNodes(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the vocabNodes attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getVocabNodes(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the vocabNodes attribute of the MetadataVocabTermsGroups object
getVocabParamsQueryString(HttpServletRequest, MetadataVocab, HashMap) - Static method in class
Gets a query that limits a search to vocab-managed fields such as gradeRange (gr), resourceType (re), subject (su), contentStandard (cs) and collection (ky).
getVocabSelectList(String, String, int, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Returns an HTML SELECT list of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabSelectList(String, String, int, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Returns an HTML SELECT list of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabSelectList(String, String, int, MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Returns an HTML SELECT list of the specified part of the vocabulary.
getVocabSystemInterfaces() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Gets the set of interfaces defined in this instance of the vocabs
getVocabSystemInterfaces() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Gets the vocabSystemInterfaces attribute of the MetadataUIManager object
getVocabSystemInterfaces() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the set of UI system interfaces (i.e., "dds.descr.en-us") that this vocabulary is defined for
getVocabTerm() - Method in class
Gets the current vocabulary term as a VocabNode, or if unavailable, an untranslated vocabulary term as a VocabNode, which simply echos the vocab ID in the id, name, label and labelabbrev fields.
getVocabTerms() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Gets the TermAndDeftn instances defined for this field.
getVocabTextFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
Gets the vocabTextFile attribute of the LoadMetadataVocabs object
getVocabTotalBarPercent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Gets the vocabTotalBar attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
getVocabTreeMenu(String, String, String, PageContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Generates an absolutely-positioned JavaScript Tree Menu (collapsable flyout hierarchy) of the specified part of the vocabulary
getVocabTreeMenu(String, String, String, PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Generates a Javascript Tree Menu (collapsable hierarchy) of the specified part of the vocabulary
getVocabTreeMenu(String, String, String, PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Generates a Javascript Tree Menu (collapsable hierarchy) of the specified part of the vocabulary
getW3CXmlDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a org.w3c.dom.Document for this record.
getWarnings() - Method in class
Returns an array of MmdWarning for messages generated during the most recent Idmapper run.
getWarnings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Gets a human-readable validation warning report if warnings were found in the XML, otherwise returns an empty StringBuffer.
getWarnR() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the warnR attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
getWebServiceClient() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteSearcher
Gets the webServiceClient attribute of the RemoteSearcher object
getWebServiceClient() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.SearchServiceClient
Gets the webServiceClient attribute of the SearchServiceClient object
getWestCoord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.BoundingBox
Gets the westCoord attribute of the BoundingBox object
getWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the Whats New date as a String.
getWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Returns the the first available of item/statusOf@date, service/date@modified or service/date@created.
getWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Returns the date used to determine "What's new" in the library.
getWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns the date used to determine "What's new" in the library, which is null (unknown).
getWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns the date used to determine "What's new" in the library, which is the item's accession date.
getWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Returns the date used to determine "What's new" in the library.
getWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Returns the date used to determine "What's new" in the library, which is the post date.
getWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Returns the date used to determine "What's new" in the library, which is null (unknown).
getWhatsNewDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Returns the date used to determine "What's new" in the library, or null if none is available.
getWhatsNewDateDate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the Whats New date as a Date.
getWhatsNewDateFilter(String, String) - Static method in class
Gets the whatsNewDateFilter attribute of the DDSQueryAction class
getWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the Whats New type, which is one of 'itemnew,' 'itemannocomplete,' 'itemannoinprogress,' 'annocomplete,' 'annoinprogress,' 'drcannocomplete,' 'drcannoinprogress,' 'collection'.
getWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Returns 'annocomplete,' 'annoinprogress,' 'drcannocomplete,' or 'drcannoinprogress'.
getWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Returns 'collection'.
getWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Returns null (unknown).
getWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Returns 'itemnew' or 'itemannoinprogress' or 'itemannocomplete' whichever came most recelntly.
getWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Returns 'collection'.
getWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Returns 'newsopps'.
getWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Returns null (unknown).
getWhatsNewType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Returns the type of category for "What's new" in the library, or null if none is available.
getWholeText() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
returns the text of the whole html document, stripped of all the HTML tags.
getWidth() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription.Image
getWnfrom() - Method in class
Gets the wnfrom attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
getWorkingRenderer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the workingRenderer attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getWorkingSchemaURI() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the workingSchemaURI attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
getWorkingSchemaURI() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the workingSchemaURI attribute (pointing to the location of the last successfully loaded schema) of the MetaDataFramework object.
getWrap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the wrap attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
getWrap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the wrap attribute of the StandardsNode object
getWrap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the wrap attribute of the StandardsNode object
getWrap() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the wrap attribute of the StandardsNode object
getWrap() - Method in class
Gets the wrap attribute of the StandardsNode object
getWrap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Gets the wrap attribute of the LayoutNode object, used to create a new column in the display.
getWrap() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Gets the wrap attribute of the VocabNode object
getWrap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Gets the wrap attribute of the VocabNode object
getWrap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Gets the wrap attribute of the vocab node (for UI table column wrapping)
getWritableDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the writableDocument attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
getWritableRecord(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Converts a editable Document into an xml record that can be written to disk.
getWritableRecordXml(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the writableRecordXml attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getWrite() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.RWLock
getWriter() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Replace the normal writer with a writer that ouputs our char[].
getWriteRequest(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Returns NdrRequest to write metadata to NDR, either as a new metadata object or by updating an existing object.
getXFormFilesAndIndex(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
getXFormFilesAndIndex(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_COLLECTToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
getXFormFilesAndIndex(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
getXFormFilesAndIndex(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_COLLECTFormatConverter
getXFormFilesAndIndex(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter
Gets the xFormFilesAndIndex attribute of the NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter object
getXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the full XML for this record in it's native format.
getXml() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Gets the xml attribute of the NldrMetadataRecord object
getXmlBoolean(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Retrieves a single boolean from an XML document.
getXMLConversionService() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Gets the XMLConversionService used by this RepositoryManager, or null if none available.
getXMLDeclaration() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Gets the xMLDeclaration attribute of the RepositoryForm object
getXmlDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets a dom4j XML Document for this record.
getXMLDocReader(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets the xMLDocReader attribute of the RepositoryService object
getXMLDocReader(String, RepositoryManager) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Gets the XMLDocReader associated with an id
getXmlDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Gets the localized Dom4j Document for this XML instance.
getXmlDocument(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Load an XML file into a dom4j Document.
getXmlDocument(File, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Load an XML file into a dom4j Document using the given character encoding.
getXmlDocument(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Load XML into a dom4j Document.
getXmlDocument(URL, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Load XML into a dom4j Document, specifying a max time to wait for resopnse.
getXmlDocument(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Load XML into a dom4j Document, specifying a max time to wait for resopnse.
getXmlDocument(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Load XML into a dom4j Document.
getXmlDocumentLocalized(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Load XML into a dom4j Document and localize the XML by removing all namespaces from it.
getXmlDocumentPostData(URL, String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Post data to a URL and load the response XML into a dom4j Document, specifying a max time to wait for resopnse.
getXmlElements(int, int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Returns all Elements in an XML document that match the specified partial xpath.
getXmlError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Gets the xmlError attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
getXmlError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Gets the xmlError attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
getXmlField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Returns the first occurance of the field that matches the specified partial xpath, or a an empty String if not found.
getXmlFields(int, int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Returns all strings in an XML document that match the specified partial xpath.
getXmlFields(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Returns all strings in an XML document that match the specified partial xpath, or a zero-length array if none were found.
getXmlFormat() - Method in class
getXmlFormat(String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets XML in the given format.
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the AbstractSchemEditAction object, which identifies the MetaDataFramework of the record being edited.
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionConfigAction
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the CollectionConfigAction object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateADNRecordAction
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the CreateADNRecordAction object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateMastRecordAction
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the CreateMastRecordAction object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateRecordAction
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the CreateRecordAction object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the DCSSchemEditAction object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the SchemEditForm object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkConfigAction
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the StandAloneSchemEditAction object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Gets the format (e.g., "adn") of the metadata framework for this Renderer.
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the CollectionConfig object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.ActivityReader
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentFormReader
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentReader
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentSubTestReader
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.CurriculumStructureReader
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LearningResourceReader
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LessonReader
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFDocReader
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdMap
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the SIFRefIdMap object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsManager
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Gets the xpath attribute of the AsnStandardsManager object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsManager
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the CommCoreStandardsManager object
getXmlFormat() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsManager
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the StandardsManager object
getXmlFormat() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsManager object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the DupSim object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class
getXmlFormat() - Method in class
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
Gets the xmlFormat attribute of the SuggestCommentHelper object
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.SuggestResourceHelper
getXmlFormat() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Gets the native framework of the suggestionRecords produced by this Suggestor.
getXmlFormats() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdManager
Returns list of supported SIF xmlFormats.
getXmlFormats() - Method in class
Gets the xmlFormats attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
getXmlFormats() - Method in class
getXmlFormats() - Method in class
Gets the xmlFormats attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
getXmlFormats() - Method in class
Gets the xmlFormats attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
getXmlIndexer() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the XMLIndexer for use by sub-classes
getXmlIndexerFieldsConfig() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Gets the XMLIndexerFieldsConfig to use for XML indexing, or null if none available.
getXmlInt(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Retrieves a single int from an XML document.
getXmlLocalized() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the native format in a localized form if available, otherwise returns the native format stripped of XML and DTD declarations.
getXmlNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Gets the xmlNode attribute of the NldrMetadataRecord object
getXmlRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Gets the xmlRecord attribute of the SubmitNewsOppsForm object
getXmlString(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Retrieves a single String from an XML document.
getXmlStripped() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Gets the full XML for this record in it's native format, with no XML or DTD declaration.
getXmlStripped() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Gets the xml stripped of the XML declaration and DTD declaration.
getXMLWriter() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Gets an XMLWriter object
getXPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Converts the provided xpath string into an XPath instance using the nsContext (see getNsContext)
getXpath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the xpath of the Node to be rendered.
getXPath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Gets the xPath attribute of the InputField object.
getXpath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsManager
Gets the xpath attribute of the DleseStandardsManager object
getXpath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Gets the xpath attribute of the AsnStandardsManager object
getXpath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Gets the xpath of the metadata element containing the managedStandards
getXpath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsManager
Gets the xpath attribute of the CommCoreStandardsManager object
getXpath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Gets the xpath attribute of the SuggestionServiceConfig object
getXpath() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsManager
Gets the xpath attribute of the StandardsManager object
getXpath() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Gets the xpath of the metadata element containing the managedStandards
getXpath() - Method in class
Gets the xpath attribute of the TeachersDomainStandardsManager object
getXpath() - Method in class
Returns the xpath within the metadata XML file
getXPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
Gets the xPath attribute of the NameSpaceXMLDocReader object
getXpath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the xpath for this SchemaNode in the context of the SchemaHelper.instanceDocument.
getXPathFieldsPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Returns the value of xPathFieldsPrefix, or null if none.
getXSDataType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Get a named XSDatatype object used to validate input.
getXSDatatypeManager() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the xsdDatatypeManager attribute of the SchemaHelper object.
getXsdPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
getXsdPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
The xsdPrefix is the prefix (e.g., "xsd") used to refer to the Schema Datatype namespace (htp:/
getXsdPrefix() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
getZipFilePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Gets the path to the zip file for this harvest, or null if none was saved.
getZipLatest() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Gets the zipLatest attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
GLOBAL_DECLARATION - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
GLOBAL_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
GlobalAttribute - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Wrapper for global attribute definitions in an XML Schema, which are defined as an immediate child of the schema element.
GlobalAttribute(Element, String, Namespace, SchemaReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalAttribute
Constructor for the GlobalAttribute object
GlobalDeclaration - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Wrapper for global delclarations in an XML Schema, which are defined as an immediate child of the schema element.
GlobalDeclaration(Element, String, Namespace, SchemaReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Constructor for the GlobalDeclaration object
GlobalDef - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Interface for classes encapsulating XML Schema Elements, such as Elements, Attributes, and Type Definitions.
globalDefMap - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SimpleSchemaHelperTester
GlobalDefMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Stores GlobalDef instances, which are wrappers for important elements of an XML Schema, including Simple and ComplexType definitions, Goup definitions, and Global Element and Global Attribute declarations
GlobalDefMap() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
GlobalDefReporter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action
GlobalDefReporter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.GlobalDefReporter
GlobalElement - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Wrapper for global element definitions in an XML Schema, which are defined as an immediate child of the schema element.
GlobalElement(Element, String, Namespace, SchemaReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalElement
Constructor for the GlobalElement object
GradeRange - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Bean to store the min and max grade levels associated with a controlled vocab expressing a grade range.
GradeRange(int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRange
Constructor for the GradeRangeItem object
GradeRange(int, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRange
Constructor for the GradeRangeItem object
GradeRangeHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Helper to translate between controlled vocabs for cataloging grade levels in a particular framework and the numerical grade ranges implied by the vocabs.
GradeRangeHelper() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
Constructor for the GradeRangeHelper read from file at specified path
GradeRangeHelper.GradeRangeItem - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Utility class to associate a gradeRange vocab value with a label suitable for UI, and a range of gradeLevels (min and max)
gradeRangeHelperInit() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
Initialize a gradeRangeHelper instance for the gradeRange Vocab values of a specific framework.
gradeRangeHelperInit() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.EngPathFrameworkPlugin
NOTE: the schema simply defines these values, and the groups file does not offer any alternative screen names.
gradeRangeHelperInit() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.MastFrameworkPlugin
NOTE: values below come from vocabLayoutFile ( - There are no values defined in schema!
gradeRangeHelperInit() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin
Initialize a gradeRangeHelper instance for the ncs_item gradeRange Vocab values
gradeRangeHelperInit() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsItemFrameworkPlugin
Initialize a gradeRangeHelper instance for the ncs_item gradeRange Vocab values
grantAggAuthority() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
grantMdpAuthority() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
granularity - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
GRANULARITY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
GrItemComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.NsdlGradeRangeHelper.GrItemComparator
GROUP - Static variable in class
This TypedPrincipal represents a group name or SID.
group - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Description of the Field
GROUP_REF - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
GroupingObjectReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Base class for MetadataProvider and Aggregator Readers with support for listing members, authorization, and service descriptions.
GroupingObjectReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Constructor for the GroupingObjectReader object at the specified NDR handle.
GroupingObjectReader(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Constructor for the GroupingObjectReader object
GroupingObjectReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Constructor for the GroupingObjectReader object for the provided Document representing a NDR "get" call for a MetadataProvider object.
GroupingObjectReader(Document, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Constructor for the GroupingObjectReader object
groupType - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabList
GuardedPath - Class in
Wrapper for ActionMapping
GuardedPath() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the GuardedPath object
GuardedPath(String) - Constructor for class
GuardedPath(UrlPatternMatcher) - Constructor for class
GUEST_ROLE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
GzipFilter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters
Performs gzipping of the response content.
GzipFilter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.GzipFilter


handle - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
handle - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
handle(Callback[]) - Method in class
handleBatchCopyMove(HttpServletRequest, BatchOperationsForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.BatchOperationsAction
Description of the Method
handleBatchDelete(HttpServletRequest, BatchOperationsForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.BatchOperationsAction
Control interaction with user to delete a set of records.
handleBatchMove(HttpServletRequest, BatchOperationsForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.BatchOperationsAction
Control interaction with user to move a set of records to a selected destination collection.
handleBatchStatus(HttpServletRequest, BatchOperationsForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.BatchOperationsAction
Control interaction with user to accomplish a Batch Status update.
handleCancelCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
handleCancelCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
handleCancelCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
handleCancelRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Cancels editing of current metadata record.
handleCancelRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
handleCancelRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
handleChangeIdRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemaHelper, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
handleCopyRecord(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.RecordOperationsAction
Description of the Method
handleCreateObject(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.SIFReferenceAction
Create a SIF Record and prepare to insert into target record open in metadata editor.
handleDeleteElement(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
A hook for extensions of AbstractSchemEditAction to handle misc unanticipated requests.
handleDeleteElement(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Wrap handleDeleteElement so we can update suggestion service helper in the case that the standards field has been deleted.
handleDoneCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
Validate information supplied by user, return to edit form if there are errors, or display confirmation page if there are no errors.
handleDoneCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
handleDoneCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
handleEditCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
Populate SuggestionForm, and forward user to edit-form.
handleEditCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
handleEditCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
handleEditRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Loads a record into the MetaDataEditor
handleEditRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
handleEditRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
handleErrorCodes(HttpServletResponse, CharArrayWrapper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.FilterCore
Handles http errors (not yet implemented).
handleEvent(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryEventListener
Invoked when a repositoryEvent has occured.
handleEvent(RepositoryEvent) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryEventListenerInterface
Invoked when a repository action has taken place.
handleEvent(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.SmileEventListener
Handle a RepositoryEvent - in this case we only respond to "moveRecord" events
handleExitCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
handleGuardedExit(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Check to see if the document has been modified in editor.
handleList - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
handleMetadataSearchRequest(ActionMapping, SimpleQueryForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.SimpleQueryAction
Handle a request to search over metadata collections and forwared to the appropriate jsp page to render the response.
handleMetadataSearchRequest(ActionMapping, DDSAdminQueryForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager) - Method in class
Handle a request to search over metadata collections and forwared to the appropriate jsp page to render the response.
handleMetadataSearchRequest(ActionMapping, DDSQueryForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager) - Method in class
Handle a request to search over metadata collections and forwared to the appropriate jsp page to render the response.
handleMetadataSearchRequest(ActionMapping, SimpleQueryForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.OdlSearchAction
Handle a request to search over metadata collections and forwared to the appropriate jsp page to render the response.
handleMetadataSearchRequest(SessionBean, ActionMapping, DCSQueryForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
Handle a request to search over metadata collections and forwared to the appropriate jsp page to render the response.
handleMissingCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Handle the case where the request contains a command that is not processed by this Class by calling the "handleMissingCommand" method of a subclass.
handleMissingCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Requests without a command are an error for the DCSSchemEditAction class
handleMissingCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkConfigAction
handleMissingCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Requests without a command forward control to the home page for this framework.
handleMissingLockException(MissingLockException, ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
handleNewRecord(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.RecordOperationsAction
handleNewRecordRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
handleNewRecordRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Placeholder method to overide that of AbstractSchemEditAction.
handleNewRecordRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
handleOtherCommands(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
A hook for extensions of AbstractSchemEditAction to handle misc unanticipated requests.
handleOtherCommands(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionConfigAction
handle commands specific to this controller, call the superclasses handleOtherCommands method if a command is not recognized
handleOtherCommands(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Handles requests containing a "command" parameter that was not handled in the superclass.
handleOtherCommands(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
handleOtherCommands(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
handleOtherCommands(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
handleRecordStatusEditing(ActionMapping, DDSManageCollectionsForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, RepositoryManager) - Method in class
Handle a request to search over metadata collections and forwared to the appropriate jsp page to render the response.
handleSaveRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
handleSaveRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionConfigAction
Write the saved config file to disk, and update NDR if this collection is registered with the NDR.
handleSaveRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
handleSaveRequest(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
handleStaleData(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
Return user to suggestor front page and show message explaining that they were apparently trying to edit or submit data from a cancelled form
handleSubmit(CreateADNRecordForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateRecordAction
handleSubmitCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
Attempt to write the suggestion to a DCS instance, forward user to confirmation page.
handleSubmitCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
handleSubmitCommand(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
handleTimedOutGuardedExit(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
handleWebLogSearchRequest(ActionMapping, SimpleQueryForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.SimpleQueryAction
Handle a request to search over web logs and forwared to the appropriate jsp page to render the response.
handleWebLogSearchRequest(ActionMapping, DDSAdminQueryForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Handle a request to search over web logs and forwared to the appropriate jsp page to render the response.
handleWebLogSearchRequest(ActionMapping, SimpleQueryForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.OdlSearchAction
Handle a request to search over web logs and forwared to the appropriate jsp page to render the response.
harvest(String, String, String, Date, Date, String, boolean, HarvestMessageHandler, OAIChangeListener, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Harvest the given provider, saving the resulting metadata to file or returning the results as an array of Strings.
HARVEST_IN_PROGRESS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
HarvestAPITests - Class in org.dlese.dpc.junit
HarvestAPITests() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.junit.HarvestAPITests
HARVESTED_DATA_DIR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Keys
Description of the Field
Harvester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
Harvests metadata from an OAI data provider, saving the results to file or returning the raw XML as an array of Strings.
Harvester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Creates a Harvester that uses no HarvestMessageHandler or OAIChangeListener.
Harvester(HarvestMessageHandler, OAIChangeListener, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Creates a Harvester that uses the given HarvestMessageHandler.
HARVESTER_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Keys
HARVESTER_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
HarvesterAdminAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action
Action controller that handles administration of the Harvester.
HarvesterAdminAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.HarvesterAdminAction
HarvesterAdminForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form
Presentation bean used by the Harvester action controller and jsp pages.
HarvesterAdminForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Constructor for the HarvesterAdminForm Bean object
HarvestInfoReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Reads HarvestInfoReaders as a dom4j.Document and provides access to components.
HarvestInfoReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.HarvestInfoReader
Constructor for the HarvestInfoReader object
HarvestInfoReader(URL) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.HarvestInfoReader
Constructor for the HarvestInfoReader object
HarvestLogReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that logs a single OAI harvest.
HarvestLogReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Constructor for the HarvestLogReader object
HarvestLogReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a DocWriter.
HarvestLogWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Writes a Lucene Document that holds information about a harvest.
HarvestLogWriter(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
Constructor for the HarvestLogWriter object
HarvestMessageHandler - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
Interface that recieves status messages about the progress of an OAI harvest as it occurs.
harvestNow(Long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Harvests the given ScheduledHarvest immediately, if not already running.
HarvestReportAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action
A Struts Action for displaying harvest log reports that are stored in a SimpleLuceneIndex.
HarvestReportAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.HarvestReportAction
HarvestReportForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form
A Struts ActionForm for displaying harvest log reports that are stored in a SimpleLuceneIndex.
HarvestReportForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Constructor for the HarvestReportForm object
HarvestReportForm.ParamPair - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form
Holds paramter, value pairs.
hasAnnotations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether this item has annotations.
hasAnnotations() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether this item has annotations.
hasAnyTypeMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
hasBadChar(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Checks given string for characters outside the range of ASCII values
hasChild(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
hasChild(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Gets the specified child of this Node
hasChild(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Gets the specified child of this Node
hasChild(String) - Method in class
Gets the specified child of this Node
hasChildren(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Return true if the specified node is an Element and has either a sub-element, or an attribute (even if they are empty), OR content.
hasChoiceCompositor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
hasChoiceCompositor(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the Node's type definition specifies a choice compositor
hasChoiceCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
hasCollection(String, String) - Method in class
Determines whether the given collection is in this DDS repository.
hasCollectionRole(User, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Returns true if user has specified permission for specified collectino
hasCollectionSpecified - Variable in class
hasCompletedAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether this item has at least one completed annotation.
hasCompletedAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether this item has at least one completed annotation.
hasCompletedAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Determines whether this item has at least one completed annotation.
hasCompletedAnnoOfType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether this item has a completed annotataion of the given type, for example 'Review', 'Comment', 'Educational standard', etc.
hasCompletedAnnoOfType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether this item has a completed annotataion of the given type, for example 'Review', 'Comment', 'Educational standard', etc.
hasCompletedAnnoOfType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Determines whether this item has a completed annotataion of the given type.
hasComplexContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Tests for presence of a simpleContent element
hasCompositor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the schemaNode for the specified path has a compositor.
hasCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
hasConfig(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceManager
Returns true if the specified framework is configured.
hasDirectory(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Determines whether this directory is the same as the given directory.
hasDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Method
hasDRCAnnotation(ResultDocList) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Return true if there is an annotation present that is part of the DRC.
hasDRCItem(ResultDocList) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Return true if there is an item present that is part of the DRC as determined by the items collection.
hasDuplicate() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Returns true if a duplcate url (either primary or mirror) has been found.
hasEntityErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
hasEntityErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Predicate to identify if the input contains entities that could not be resolved.
hasErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
Determine if the InfoXML is an error response.
hasErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Determines whether there has been at least one error generated for this request.
hasErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester.MyErrorHandler
Determines whether the parser found any validation errors.
hasErrors(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.ErrorManager
hasErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator.MyErrorHandler
Determines whether the parser found any validation errors.
hasErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
Determines whether the parser found any validation errors.
hasErrors() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Determines whether the parser found any validation errors.
hasFieldInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Description of the Method
hasFieldInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Returns true if there is a FieldInfoReader present for the specified xpath.
hashCode() - Method in class
Return a hash code for this TypedPrincipal.
hasInlineCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
hasInProgressAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
hasInProgressAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
hasInProgressAnno() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress.
hasInProgressAnnoOfFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress of the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.
hasInProgressAnnoOfFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress of the given format, which is one of 'text', 'audio', 'graphical', or 'video'.
hasInProgressAnnoOfStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Determines whether the item has an annotation in progress with the given status.
hasInputHelper(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Returns true if the provided path is configured with an inputHelper
hasMember(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
hasMetaTagName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
returns true if the html document contains a Meta tag with a name equal to mname , otherwise returns false e.g.
hasMuiGroupInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Return if there is Mui Grouping Information available for this field.
hasMultiRelatedResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type from any records that catalogs this resource.
hasMultiSelect(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
multiselect iff isComplex hasSequenceCompositor containing a single multiSelect element
hasNdrSyncError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataDocReader
hasNext() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection.VocabUiLabelsIterator
True if more items availble
hasOptionalMultiSelect(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Test a JSP-encoded pathArg for whether it refers to an element that satisfies the SchemaHelper.hasOptionalMultiSelect(SchemaNode) predicate.
hasOptionalMultiSelect(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if this element is optional and contains only a single multiSelect element.
hasParseError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.AnyTypeInputField
hasPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdMap
Returns true if the specified path accepts SIF Object References.
hasRecord(String, String) - Method in class
Determines whether the given record is in this DDS repository.
hasRelatedResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether this item has one or more related resources of any type.
hasRepeatingComplexSingleton(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the node at the provided path contains a Single, Complex element with maxOccurs of more than 1.
hasRepeatingComplexSingletonChild() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Returns true if the current node contains a single repeating child element that is not an enumeration.
hasRequiredMultiSelect(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
hasRole(User, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
hasRole(String) - Method in class
hasRole(String, String) - Method in class
Returns true if this User has a role statisfying provided Role in the specified collection.
hasRole(Roles.Role) - Method in class
Returns true if this User has a role statisfying provided Role in any collection.
hasRole(Roles.Role, String) - Method in class
Returns true if this User has at least the specified role in the specified collection
hasSchemaNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Filters request parameters holding field data from other request parameters.
hasSchemaReader(URI) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
hasSequenceCompositor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
hasSequenceCompositor(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the Node's type definition specifies a sequence compositor
hasSequenceCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
hasSequenceCompositorEXPERIMENTAL() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
hasSequenceCompositorSIMPLE() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
hasSimilarUrls() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Description of the Method
hasSimpleContent() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Tests for presence of a simpleContent element
hasSubCompositor() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Description of the Method
hasSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Does this LayoutNode have children
hasSubstitutionGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalElement
hasSubtotalsGreaterThanZero(ArrayList) - Method in class
Description of the Method
hasSubtotalsGreaterThanZero() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
If this node is a sub-header, does it contain sub-nodes that have a total number of resources > 0?
hasSyncError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Returns true if this DcsDataRecord has a sync error
hasValue(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Does the given field/value pair exist in this MetadataVocab instance?
hasValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Does the given field/value pair (in the CURRENT version of the given framework) exist in this MetadataVocab instance?
hasValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabResponseMap
Has the specified value been cached in the response?
hasValueTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
test for whether a node has a value
hasVocabLayout(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
hasVocabLayout(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Returns true if there is a VocabLayout present for the specified xpath.
hasWarnings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester.MyErrorHandler
Determines whether the parser found any validation warnings.
hasWarnings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator.MyErrorHandler
Determines whether the parser found any validation warnings.
hasWarnings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
Determines whether the parser found any validation warnings.
hasWarnings() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Determines whether the parser found any validation warnings.
hasXmlFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdManager
Returns true of specified xmlFormat is configured.
header - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader.OtherPractice
Description of the Field
helper - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.Emailer
Hexception - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
Indicates an error occured during a harvest.
Hexception(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Hexception
Constructor for the Hexception object
highlight(String, boolean) - Method in class
Given any string of text, return the text with all keywords highlighted.
HistogramAction - Class in
Implementation of Action that handles display of library histograms
HistogramAction() - Constructor for class
HistogramForm - Class in
A Struts Form bean for handling DDS histogram requests
HistogramForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the HistogramForm object
histogramIndexModified - Static variable in class
HistogramVocabNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Wrapper for a plain VocabNode that ties to a Lucene index for generating vocab-based totals
HistogramVocabNode(VocabNode, HistogramForm, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Constructor for the HistogramVocabNode object
homePage - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Description of the Field
host - Static variable in class
HotActionMapping - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts
Subclass of ActionMapping that allows roles to be set (by default they are frozen).
HotActionMapping() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts.HotActionMapping
Construct a new instance of this class with the desired default form bean scope.
htmlEncode(String) - Static method in class
Convert a plain text string into HTML.
HTMLParser - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
The HTMLParser class contains methods which allow an HTML document to be parsed.
HTMLParser(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
Constructor of an HTMLParser object
HTMLParser(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLParser
Constructor of an HTMLParser object
HTMLTools - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
This class holds a number of handy static methods for use in HTML and XML processing.
HTMLTools() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLTools


id - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
id - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
id - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
ID - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAICodes
id_path - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.OsmRecordExporter
IdComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean.IdComparator
IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The identifier argument
identifier - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
IDENTIFY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The Identify argument value
identity - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
IDGenerator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Class repsonsible for generating unique IDs for a particular collection.
IDGenerator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
Constructor for the IDGenerator object
IDGenerator(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
IDGenerator(String, String, Collection) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
Constructor for the IDGenerator object
IdleTimeComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean.IdleTimeComparator
Idmap - Class in
Id mapper main interface.
IDMAP_ACCESSION_DATE_MISSING - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_BAD_XML_FILE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_CHANGE_FILENAME - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_CHANGE_MMD - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_CHANGE_PRIMARY_URL - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_CHANGE_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_CONNECT_REFUSED - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_DUP - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_DUP_ID - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_EMAIL_SYNTAX - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_FTP_LOGIN - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_FTP_MISC - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_HTTP_HEADER - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_HTTP_RESPONSE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_HTTP_STATUSLINE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_ID_SYNTAX - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_MIRROR_DIFFERS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_MISC - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_MISSING_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_MULT_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_NEW_XML_FILE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_NEWS_ARCHIVE_DATE_NOPARSE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_NEWS_PAST_ARCHIVE_DATE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_NO_SERVICE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_NO_XML_FILE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_OK - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_PERM_REDIRECT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_REDIRECT_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_SEVERE_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_SITE_CONTENT_CHANGED - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_UNKNOWN_HOST - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_URL_SYNTAX - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_VITALITY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_XML_FILE_NAME_CHANGED - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IDMAP_XML_FILE_REAPPEARED - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
IdmapException - Exception in
Simply wraps Exception.
IdmapException(String) - Constructor for exception
idToPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseUtils
Converts an ID like that generated by org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils#pathToId to an xpath that will identify the xml element associated with the id.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Reports any whitespace that is ignored because it falls outside of the DTD or schema definition--usefull for re-generating the file with indents intact.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Reports any whitespace that is ignored because it falls outside of the DTD or schema definition--usefull for re-generating the file with indents intact, though.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Reports any whitespace that is ignored because it falls outside of the DTD or schema definition--usefull for re-generating the file with indents intact, though.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Reports any whitespace that is ignored because it falls outside of the DTD or schema definition--usefull for re-generating the file with indents intact.
ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Reports any whitespace that is ignored because it falls outside of the DTD or schema definition--usefull for re-generating the file with indents intact.
ILLEGAL_PATH - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
im - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Image(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription.Image
Constructor for the Image object
Image(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription.Image
importCollection(String, boolean) - Method in class
IMPORTED_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Description of the Field
IMPORTED_STATUS_FLAG - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Description of the Field
importURL(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.TimedURLConnection
Imports the content of a given URL into a String using the default character encoding, timing out if the remote server does not respond within the given number of milliseconds.
importURL(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.TimedURLConnection
Imports the content of a given URL into a String using the given character encoding timing out if the remote server does not respond within the given number of milliseconds.
importURL(String, String, String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.TimedURLConnection
Imports the content of a given URL into a String using the given character encoding, using POST data if indicated or GET, timing out if the remote server does not respond within the given number of milliseconds.
index - Variable in class
index - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocConfig
The index being used
index - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
index - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
index - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter
indexAnnotatedRecord(DocMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Reindexes the annotated item record of an annotation record so the annotated item record is linked to its annotation.
indexChanged(LuceneIndexChangedEvent) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndexChangeListener
Invoked when a Lucene index has been changed.
indexCollection(String, FileIndexingObserver, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Instructs the repository to index all of the files for the given set/collection.
indexCollections(String) - Method in class
Index a collection or all collections.
indexedFormats - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
indexedRecordIsStale(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
indexedRecordIsStale(File, XMLDocReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Test to see if record has been modified outside of DCS.
INDEXER_READY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Indicates the index is ready to recieve indexing actions.
indexFields(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Indexes the contents of the XML, adding fields to the Lucene Document that is supplied.
indexFile(File, FileIndexingPlugin) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Indexes a single file.
indexFiles(boolean, FileIndexingObserver) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Updates the index to reflect the files in the directories this service is monitoring, with the option to run the update in the background.
indexFiles(boolean, File, FileIndexingObserver) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Updates the index to reflect the files in the directory indicated, which must have been previously added to this FileIndexingService using FileIndexingService.addDirectory(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class, java.util.HashMap, org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingPlugin, int).
indexFiles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.WebLogIndexingService
indexFiles(FileIndexingObserver, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Instructs the repository to index all of it's files.
indexFullContentInDefaultAndStems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Default and stems fields handled here, so do not index full content.
indexFullContentInDefaultAndStems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Default and stems fields handled here, so do not index full content.
indexFullContentInDefaultAndStems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Default and stems fields handled here, so do not index full content.
indexFullContentInDefaultAndStems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Default and stems fields handled here, so do not index full content.
indexFullContentInDefaultAndStems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Place the entire XML content into the default and stems search field.
indexFullContentInDefaultAndStems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Default and stems fields handled here, so do not index full content.
indexFullContentInDefaultAndStems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Place the entire XML content into the default and stems search field.
indexFullContentInDefaultAndStems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Return true to have the full XML content indexed in the 'default' and 'stems' fields, false if handled by the sub-class.
INDEXING_ABORTED - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Indicates that indexing was aborted by request
INDEXING_COMPLETED_ABORTED - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingObserver
Indicates that indexing was aborted by request
INDEXING_COMPLETED_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingObserver
Indicates that one or more of the indexing directories does not exist
INDEXING_COMPLETED_DIR_READ_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingObserver
Indicates a read error on one or more of the directories
INDEXING_COMPLETED_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingObserver
Indicates that indexing completed with a severe error
INDEXING_COMPLETED_ITEM_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingObserver
Indicates that indexing completed successfully, but one or more item was indexed with errors
INDEXING_COMPLETED_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingObserver
Indicates that indexing completed normally
INDEXING_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Indicates that indexing directory does not exist
INDEXING_DIR_READ_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Indicates a read error on the directory
INDEXING_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Indicates that indexing completed with a severe error
INDEXING_ITEM_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Indicates that indexing completed successfully, but one or more item was indexed with errors
INDEXING_SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Indicates that indexing completed normally
indexingActionRequested(IndexingEvent) - Method in class
Perform indexing when requested
indexingActionRequested(IndexingEvent) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.ItemIndexer
Indicates a request has been made for an indexing action to take place.
indexingCompleted(int, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingObserver
This method is called when the indexing is complete.
indexingCompleted(int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleFileIndexingObserver
Outputs a message when indexing is complete.
indexingCompleted(int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionIndexingObserver
Called when indexing is complete.
indexingCompleted(int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryIndexingObserver
Called when indexing is complete.
IndexingEvent - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing
An event that describes an indexing action that has been requested.
IndexingEvent(int, String, CollectionIndexer) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Constructor for the IndexingEvent object
IndexingEvent(int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Constructor for the IndexingEvent object
IndexingHarvestMsgHandler - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
A HarvestMessageHandler that writes harvest status messages to a SimpleLuceneIndex.
IndexingHarvestMsgHandler(SimpleLuceneIndex, String, String, String, String, int, File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
Constructor for the HarvestMsgHandler object
IndexingManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing
Manages indexing processes from external sources to RepositoryManager that implement the IndexingEventHandler Interface.
IndexingManager(RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Constructor for the IndexingManager object -- refactor to be a factory...
IndexingTools - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Tools to aid in indexing.
IndexingTools() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
IndexInitializationException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.index
Indicates that a DataManager was asked to handle an object of data that it does not understand.
IndexInitializationException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.index.IndexInitializationException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
IndexInitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.index.IndexInitializationException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
indexItemRecords(MetadataProviderReader, String, String) - Method in class
Gets the itemRecords for a given collection starting from the MetadataProvider.
indexJavaBeanFields(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Indexes Java Bean XML that was encoded with the java.beans.XMLEncoder class, using the bean properties as field names.
indexOnValidation - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
indexWebLogFile(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.WebLogIndexingService
indexXpathFields(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Indexes the content of each element and attribute in the source XML as individual search fields, using the xPath to the element or attribute as the field name.
info - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.Contact
information - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
InfoStream - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
See for documentation of the InfoStream in MetadataObjects.
InfoStream() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Constructor for the InfoStream object
InfoStream(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Constructor for the InfoStream object
InfoStream(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
infoStream - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
InfoXML - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
This class represents the abstraction of the return data from the NDR.
InfoXML(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InfoXML
Constructs the infoXML abstraction based on the input given.
infoXML - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class
The standard HttpServlet init method, called only when the servlet is first loaded.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
An init method that may be used by concrete classes to initialize variables and resources as needed.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ErrorDocReader
Init method does nothing.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.HarvestLogReader
Init method does nothing.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Initializes the ItemDocReader at search time.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.SimpleDocReader
Init method does nothing.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.SimpleFileIndexingServiceDocReader
Init method does nothing.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Init method does nothing.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Initialized a new XMLDocReader at search time.
init(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
This method is called prior to processing and may be used to for any necessary set-up.
init(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Performs the necessary init functions (nothing done).
init(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorFileIndexingWriter
Does nothing.
init(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
This method is called prior to processing and may be used to for any necessary set-up.
init(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
Initialize the subclasses and record data service data.
init(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Nothing needed
init(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Nothing needed.
init(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
This method is called prior to processing and may be used to for any necessary set-up.
init(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
This method is called prior to processing and may be used to for any necessary set-up.
init(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
Convenience method to assign values to the three values required for signed request to NDR.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NDRServlet
Make sure the repository exists and there is a master collection record before the repository manager is initilized in the DDSServlet.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
Init method called by the web application server upon startup
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
Init method called by the web application server upon startup
init(RepositoryManager) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Initialize the RecordDataService.
init(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Init method initializes the data for serving.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ActionServlet
init(String, Element, RendererHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Initialize Renderer attributes
init(Collection) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
Sets the count attribute of the IDGenerator object.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBeanInitializer
Initializes visiblity of elements in the metadata editor.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.RecordValidationFilter
Init is called once at application start-up.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Description of the Method
init(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Initialize required values and services for the MetadataWriter.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionReaper
Make sure the repository, baseTrashDir and collections directories exist.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriter
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditServlet
Description of the Method
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class
Sets SessionRegistry attribute from servletContext.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SetupServlet
Make sure the repository exists and there is a master collection record before the repository manager is initilized in the DDSServlet.
init(CATServiceHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
init(AsnDocument) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Initialize the AsnStandardsDocument by populating the standardsMap and tree
init(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Initialize the AsnStandardsManager by populating the standardsMap and tree from the provided AsnDocument file.
init(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.DynaStandardsManager
Initialize the standardsRegistry and availableDocs attributes for this Manager.
init(CATServiceHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin
initialize the NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin object so that the suggestion service is deactivated.
init(CATServiceHelper) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATHelperPlugin
Initialize the plugin with a CATServiceHelper instance
init(CATServiceHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreFrameworkPlugin
init(StdDocument) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Initialize the CommCoreStandardsDocument by populating the standardsMap and tree
init(CATServiceHelper) - Method in class
init(StdDocument) - Method in class
Initialize the TeachersDomainLexicon by populating the standardsMap and tree
init(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Initialize with total items to be processed
init(int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Initialize with total items to be processed and a message that is part of progress reports
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Read a listing of URIs Fields files from directoryUri and then loads each of the listed files as FieldInfoReader objects, which are stored in a map.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
Parse the Document obtained from the vocabLayout source.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Read a listing of URIs Fields files from directoryUri and then loads each of the listed files as VocabLayout objects, which are stored in a map.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.NewFieldInfoMap
Read a listing of URIs Fields files from directoryUri and then loads each of the listed files as FieldInfoReader objects, which are stored in a map.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.OldFieldInfoMap
Read a listing of URIs Fields files from directoryUri and then loads each of the listed files as FieldInfoReader objects, which are stored in a map.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class
Intialize the StandardsSuggestionService and place it in the ServletContext where it can be found by the Rest Service Clases.
init(String, String, String, FrameworkRegistry) - Method in class
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServlet
Intialize the StandardsSuggestionService and place it in the ServletContext where it can be found by the Rest Service Clases.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestCommentServlet
Initialize the SuggestCommentServlet
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestResourceServlet
Initialize the SuggestResourceServlet
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriSpoofServlet
Initialize the servlet
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
The standard HttpServlet init method, called only when the servlet is first loaded.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.GzipFilter
Init is called once at application start-up.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.JavaScriptWritelnFilter
Init is called once at application start-up.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLPostProcessingFilter
Init is called once at application start-up.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLValidationFilter
Init is called once at application start-up.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Method
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Creates XMLRecord and intializes local map.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Initialize this compositor with occurance information and instantiate compositor members
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
Should initialize members as required.
init() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Should initialize members as required.
init(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaProps
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaViewerServlet
init() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLMap
Should initialize members as required.
initAnnosByType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Method
initDataStreams() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Builds a map containing entries for each datastream format in this object, but does not populate the values of the map until necessary.
initialFieldCollapse - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler, Map, Map) - Method in class
Module initialization.
initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler, Map, Map) - Method in class
initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler, Map, Map) - Method in class
Initialize this login module using password file obtained from login config
initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler, Map, Map) - Method in class
Initialize Ldap client using props file specified in the login config file
initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler, Map, Map) - Method in class
Intialize the UcasLogin using the propsFile obtained from the login config.
initialized - Static variable in class
initializeFromContext(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
Processes the specified HTTP request and creates the corresponding HTTP response by forwarding to a JSP that will create it.
initializeIDGenerator(CollectionConfig, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
initializeIDGenerators(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Initialize the IDGenerator for each collection in the index so that the next ID to be assigned will increment the last assigned ID for that collection.
initializeSuggestor(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
initializeSuggestor(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
initializeSuggestor(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
initIdMapper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Initializes the local Query Object.
initItem(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Initialize the XML map, MmdRecs and other data prior to processing
initItem(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Initialize the XML map prior to processing
initItem(File, Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
This method is called prior to processing and may be used to for any necessary set-up.
initProp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Sets TransformerFactory to a XSL 1.0 version so the localizers don't complain.
initSuggestionServiceHelper(SchemEditForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Initializes the suggestionServiceHelper for this framework, or returns
inline - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
InlineCompositor - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
InlineCompositor class specifies methods for accessing and validating the "members" of a InlineCompositor Element (i.e., All, Sequence and Choice), as well as the acceptsNewMember method.
InlineCompositor(ComplexType, Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.InlineCompositor
InlineCompositor(ComplexType, Element, Compositor) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.InlineCompositor
inProgressAnnosByStatus - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
InputField - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Helper for translating between http request parameters and metadata elements.
InputField(String, String, SchemaNode, String, InputManager) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
InputField constructor.
inputHelper - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
inputHelperFile - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
InputManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Aids metadata editor in processing of requests, and more specifically in processing (incl.
InputManager(HttpServletRequest, MetaDataFramework) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Constructor for the InputManager object
InputXML - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
Class representing the payload for most NdrRequests.
InputXML(NDRConstants.NDRObjectType) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXML
Constructor for the InputXML object for the specified NDR object type.
inputXML - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
inputXML - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SignedNdrRequest
InputXMLComponent - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
Wrapper for the three main components of the InputXML Object (Data, Properties, and Relationships).
InputXMLComponent(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
Constructor for the InputXMLComponent object of specified type ("relationship"
insertDisplaySetup(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Creates element representing a mousable field label that will open or close its contents.
insertElement(Element, Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Insert the given element into parent using targetPath for placement information (insertion point is immediatlely following the node identified by targetPath).
insertHtmlComment(Element, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Insert an HTML comment into the html source.
insertRepeatingDisplaySetup(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingNode
Creates JSP to set the *id* for a particular node, and then to determine the display_state of that node from the collapseBean and assign it to a javascript variable.
InsertTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Description of the Class
InsertTester(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.InsertTester
insertToList(List, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Simple insertion sort for building a sorted list of Strings.
insertToList(List, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Simple insertion routine for constructing an ordered list of Objects
instanceDocument - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
instanceDocument - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.StructureWalker
The instance document created by Structure Walker
instanceMembers - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Description of the Field
instanceNamespaces - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
instantiateStandardsDocument(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Create a AsnStandardsDocument by reading the standards file indicated by provided key.
IntegrationUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Reads spreadsheet data (xml file created from spreadsheet) with data supplied by NSDL but augmented from NCS Collect records, with the purpose of determining overlaps and gaps between the collection management info in both models.
IntegrationUtils(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.IntegrationUtils
Constructor for the Collection object
IntegrationUtils(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.IntegrationUtils
IntegrityChecker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks
Same purpose as IntegrityChecker, but works over files in the framework-project, rather than the MUI.
IntegrityChecker(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.IntegrityChecker
This class In this class we are given the path to the frameworks.xml file, within a frameworks-project directory.
IntegrityChecker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity
Command line routine that checks fields files for well-formedness, and ensures that the xpaths associated with the field files exist within the given metadata framework.
IntegrityChecker(URL, File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.IntegrityChecker
interfce - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Description of the Field
InvalidIndexException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.index
Indicates that a DataManager was asked to handle an object of data that it does not understand.
InvalidIndexException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.index.InvalidIndexException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
InvalidIndexException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.index.InvalidIndexException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
InvalidLockException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
Indicates that a DataManager was asked to change an object of data but the requester does not have the appropriate lock.
InvalidLockException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.InvalidLockException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
InvalidLockException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.InvalidLockException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
isAbstract() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the abstract attribute of the ComplexType object
isAbstract() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalElement
isAbstract() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
isActive() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Reports whether this TaskProgress' task is processing.
isAdminUser() - Method in class
Returns true of this user is an admin
isAlive() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Tests to see if the server, adminDn, and adminPswd specified in the properties file are actually working.
isAnyType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Gets the anyType attribute of the InputField object
isAnyType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
isAnyType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
isAnyType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
isAnyType() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
isAnyTypeElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
isAttribute() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Returns true if this field represents an attribute (as opposed to an element).
isAttribute() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the attribute attribute of the SchemaNode object
isAttributeGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the attributeGroup attribute of the GenericType object
isAttributeGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
isAttributeGroup() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
isAttributePath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Returns true if the xpath refers to an attribute.
isAuthorized(String, SessionBean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Gets the authorized attribute of the JspFunctions class
isAuthorized(String, SessionBean, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Gets the authorized attribute of the JspFunctions class
isAuthorized(String, SessionBean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
isAuthorized(String, SessionBean, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
isAuthorized(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
isAuthorized(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the authorized attribute of the SessionBean object
isAuthorized(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the authorized attribute of the SessionBean object
isAuthorizedCollection(Roles.Role, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
isAuthorizedSet(String, User, Roles.Role) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Returns true if the specified user is authorized for the specified collection (set).
isAuthorizedToChange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AgentReader
Returns true if the configured NCS_AGENT is authorized to change this agent.
isAuthorizedToChange() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Returns true if the configured NCS_AGENT is authorized to change this object
isAuthorizedToChange(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.GroupingObjectReader
Returns true if specified agent is authorized to change this object.
isAuthorizedToChangeAgg() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
isAuthorizedToChangeMdp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
isBuiltIn() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
isBuiltIn() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the builtIn attribute of the GenericType object
isBuiltIn() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the builtIn attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
isBuiltIn() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Gets the builtIn attribute of the GlobalDef object
isBuiltIn(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
isChoiceElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the choiceElement attribute of the SchemaHelper object
isChoiceElement(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Return true if this element is a member of a choice compositor.
isCollectionConfigured(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Gets the collectionConfigured attribute of the CollectionIndexer object
isComboUnionType(GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the comboUnionType attribute of the SchemaHelper object
isComboUnionType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
comboUnion types are enumerations with one additional member of either "xsd:string" or "stringTextType".
isComplexType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
isComplexType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the complexType attribute of the GenericType object
isComplexType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the complexType attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
isComplexType() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Gets the complexType attribute of the GlobalDef object
isCompositorMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
isCompositorSingleton() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Returns true if this SchemaNode is the only child of a compositor
isConnectionOK() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Determine if the server for this connection is responding and operational.
isDeleted() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Determine whether the status of this Document is deleted.
isDerivedContentModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Returns true if this complexType defines a derived content model (i.e., it has a "complexContent" element as first child.
isDerivedContentModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
isDerivedModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
isDerivedTextOnlyModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Returns true if this complexType defines a derived text only model (i.e., it has a "simpleContent" element as first child.
isDerivedTextOnlyModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
isDerivedType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
Gets the derivedType attribute of the ComplexType object
isDirectoryConfigured(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Determines whether the given directory is configured for indexing.
isDirectoryConfigured(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determines whether the given directory is configured in the repository.
isDisplayMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets the displayMode attribute of the MdeNode object (KEEP)
isDisplayMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
isDisplayMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Returns true if we are in display mode (not editing)
isDocDirty(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Check to see if the document has been modified in editor.
isDup() - Method in class
Gets the dup attribute of the CatchDup object
isDuplicateIdPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
isDuplicateIdPrefix(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
isEditMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets the editMode attribute of the MdeNode object
isEditMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
isEditMode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Returns true if we are editing field contents (as opposed to simply viewing them).
isElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Returns true if this field represents an element (as opposed to an attribute).
isElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the element attribute of the SchemaNode object
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Determines whether there are no fields in this Document.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Determines whether there are no fields in this Document.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.ErrorLog
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.AnyTypeInputField
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Gets the empty attribute of the RecordList object
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Returns true if there are no searchResults
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Gets the empty attribute of the Dom4jUtils class
isEmpty(Element, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
isEmpty returns true if neither the element, or any children recursively, have textual content or have a non-empty attribute.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Annotation
Gets the empty attribute of the Annotation object
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Contributor
Gets the empty attribute of the Contributor object
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.GeoReference
Gets the empty attribute of the GeoReference object
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Relation
Gets the empty attribute of the Relation object
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.ResourceType
Gets the empty attribute of the ResourceType object
isEmpty() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.TechnicalReq
Gets the empty attribute of the TechnicalReq object
isEmpty(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Returns true if an element (recursively) has no textual content, no children, and no attributes with values.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Gets the enabled status boolean [true | false].
isEnumeration() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Gets the enumeration attribute of the SimpleType object
isEnumerationType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the enumerationType attribute of the GenericType object
isEnumerationType(GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the given typeDef represents an eumeration datatype
isEnumerationType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the typeName corresponds to datatype that represents an enumeration.
isError() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
isExpandableTest - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
isFinalStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Returns true if this record has "Final" status.
isFinalStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
isFinalStatusValue(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Determines whether the given string is a final status value, and therefore provides a means of identifying "final status flags"
isFinalStatusValue(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
isFull() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
Gets the full attribute of the TreeCache object
isGlobalAttribute() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
isGlobalAttribute() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the globalAttribute attribute of the GenericType object
isGlobalAttribute() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
isGlobalAttribute() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
isGlobalDeclaration() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
isGlobalDeclaration() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the globalDeclaration attribute of the GenericType object
isGlobalDeclaration() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the GlobalDeclaration attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
isGlobalDeclaration() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Gets the globalElement attribute of the GlobalDef object
isGlobalElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
isGlobalElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the globalElement attribute of the GenericType object
isGlobalElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
isGlobalElement() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
isGzipSupported(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.FilterCore
Determines whether the client that made the request can accept a gzip response.
isHeadElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
Is this member a headElement (having a substitutionGroup that specifies element names that can be subsituted for this member.
isHeadElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalElement
isHeadElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
A "headElement" has a substitutionGroup of elements that may be substituted for it.
isIdInRepository(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determines whether the given ID is in the repository.
isIdMapperDisabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Gets the idMapperDisabled attribute of the RecordDataService object
isIndexing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Determins whether indexing is in progress.
isIndexing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Indicates whether the index is currently being updated or modified.
isIndexing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determins whether indexing is in progress.
isInitialized() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Gets the initialized attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
isInline() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Is this definition explicitly named or is in an "inline" definition (i.e., not explicitly named).
isLastInSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Gets the lastInSubList attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
isLastInSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Returns true if this StandardsNode is the last of its siblings
isLastInSubList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Returns true if this StandardsNode is the last of its siblings
isLastInSubList() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsNode
Gets the isLastInSubList attribute of the StandardsNode object
isLastInSubList() - Method in class
Returns true if this StandardsNode is the last of its siblings
isLastInSublist() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Gets the lastInSublist attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
isLastRequiredRepeatingElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Guards against deletion of the last required element, causing a new empty element to be automatically inserted after the last one is deleted.
isLeaf() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Returns true if the AsnStandard object is a leaf
isLeaf() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Returns true if the Standard object is a leaf
isLeaf() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Tests whether this node wraps a leaf element, which is useful for knowing how to add content.
isLegalExportDest(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
Gets the legalExportDest attribute of the ExportingService object
isLegalKey(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionServicesAction
Check the given string for occurrance of characters outside the standard "word characters" ([a-zA-Z_0-9]), excluding space, hyphen and underscores.
isLocked(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Determine whether a given object is locked.
isLocked(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Determine whether a given object is locked.
isLocked(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Determine whether a given object is locked by another user.
isLocked(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Returns true if there is a lock for the given record.
isMakingDeletedDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
True if the current execution represents a deleted doc is being created.
isModelGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the modelGroup attribute of the GenericType object
isModelGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
isModelGroup() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
isMultiChoiceElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the given path corresponds to a schemaNode that allows for multiple choice children elements.
isMultiChoiceElement(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the given schemaNode allows for multiple choice children elements.
isMultiNamespace() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Returns true if there is a namespace defined in addition to the default ns and the schemaNamespace.
isMultiRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Determines whether this item does or does not have multiple records associated with it.
isMultiSelect(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the multiSelect attribute of the SchemaHelper object
isMultiSelect(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Determines if the SchemaNode should rendered as a MultiSelect Element (e.g., checkboxes).
isNcsMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Returns true if this Metadata object is managed by the NCS.
isNDRCollection() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Convenience method to determine whether this collection is managed in the NDR.
isNDRCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
isNDRCollectionMDP1(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Returns true if the provided handle is for a MetadataProvider that is part of a NDR Collection Definition (as opposed to a MDP that is used to group metadata for an NCS collection that is not seen by the NDR).
isNDRCollectionMetadataProvider(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Returns true if the provided handle is for a MetadataProvider that is part of a NDR Collection Definition (as opposed to a MDP that is used to group metadata for an NCS collection that is not seen by the NDR).
isNDRCollectionMetadataProvider() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
isNDRCollectionMetadataProvider1() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
isNew() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Gets the new attribute of the SessionBean object
isNewPath() - Method in class
isNewUser() - Method in class
isNillable() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Gets the nillable attribute of the SchemaNode associated with this InputField.
isNillable() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the nillable attribute of the SchemaNode object
isOaiIngest() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Gets the oaiIngest attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
isPartOfDrc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseAnnoDocReader
True if the annotation that is part of the DRC, false otherwise.
isPartOfDRC() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader
Gets part of DRC status [true or false].
isProcessing - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
isProcessing - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
isQualified(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Gets the qualified attribute of the NamespaceRegistry class
isQuerySelectorsInitialized() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the readOnly attribute of the SchemaNode object
isRecursive() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
isRecursiveElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
isRegistered(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
isRepeating() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
isRepeatingComplexSingleton(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the provided path meets the requirememts for a repeating complex singleton element.
isRepeatingCompositorMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
isRepeatingElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the repeatingElement attribute of the SchemaHelper object
isRepeatingElement(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the repeatingElement attribute of the SchemaHelper object
isRepeatingElement(SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Determines whether an instanceDocumentNode is a repeating element (i.e., it has maxOccurs > 1 and is NOT an enumerationType).
isRequired() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
isRequired() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
isRequired() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the required attribute of the SchemaNode object
isRequiredAttribute(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if a SchemaNode defines a required attribute.
isRequiredBranch(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the schemaNode is an element, a complexType (a branch) and is required.
isRequiredChoice() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
Returns true if instances of this compositor Must have at least one member.
isRequiredContentElement(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if the given schemaNode must have a text value (in addition to possibly having subelements).
isRoot() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Tests whether this node wraps the JDOM document root element.
isRunning() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Determines whether this Harvester is currently running or not.
isRunning(Long) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Determines wheter the given ScheduledHarvest is currently running.
isRunningOneTimeHarvest(ScheduledHarvest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Determines whether a given ScheduledHarvest is already running.
isSelected(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabInputState
Is the given field/value pair selected currently?
isSetConfigured(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determines whether the given set is currently configured in this repository.
isSetDisabled(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determines whether the given set is currently disabled in this repository.
isSetEnabled(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determines whether the given set is currently enabled in this repository.
isSetInIndex(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Determines whether the given set is in the repository index.
isSimilar(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Checks whether two urls are similar within a variable "distance" that is a function of the respective lengths of the two urls.
isSimpleType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
isSimpleType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Gets the simpleType attribute of the GenericType object
isSimpleType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
Gets the simpleType attribute of the GlobalDeclaration object
isSimpleType() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Gets the simpleType attribute of the GlobalDef object
isSingleton(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Gets the singleton attribute of the SchemaHelper object
isSingleton(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Returns true if this schemaNode is the only child of it's parent.
isStemmingEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
As of 12/2004, stemming behavior is controlled by properties set in the RepositoryManager config.
isStopWord(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneStopWords
Indicates whether the given word is a Lucene stop word
isSubstitutionGroupMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalElement
isSubstitutionGroupMember() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
isTokenChar(char) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.KeywordTokenizer
Accepts all characters.
isTypeDef() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
All instances of GenericType are type definitions.
isTypeDef() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
isTypeDef() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Gets the builtIn attribute of the GlobalDef object
isUnbounded() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Gets the unbounded attribute of the SchemaNode object
isUnion() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Gets the union attribute of the SimpleType object
isUsingDatabase() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.DLESEMetadataVocabTracker
Is the system using this tracker connected to a database that handles ensuring Id consistency and UI label changes?
isUsingDatabase() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTracker
Is the system using this tracker connected to a database? If not, no error checking will be performed, no new encoded system Ids can be assigned, and changes in UI labels will not be registered.
isUtf8(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UtfTester
isUtf8(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UtfTester
isUtf8(char) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UtfTester
isValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Determines whether the XML for this record is valid.
isValid() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Gets the valid attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
isValid(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
A valid URL must have values for protocol and host.
isValid - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
isValid - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
boolean value indicates success of initialization
isValidationEnabled() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Returns true if the files being indexed should be validated, otherwise false.
isValidEmail(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
validate emails for the suggestor app.
isValidEmail(String) - Static method in class
Validates the format of an e-mail address.
isValidLock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Determine whether a given object is locked with the given key.
isValidLock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Determine whether a given object is locked with the given key.
isValidLock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Determine whether a given object is locked with the given key.
isValidUrl(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
isValidUrl(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UrlTester
Gets the validUrl attribute of the UrlTester class
item - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabList
ItemDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed from a DLESE item-level metadata record, such as ADN.
ItemDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Constructor for the ItemDocReader object
ItemDocReader(Document, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a ItemFileIndexingWriter.
ItemDocReader.RelatedResource - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
Data for a related resource.
ItemFileIndexingWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Abstract class for writing a Lucene Document for a collection of item-level metadata records of a specific format (DLESE IMS, ADN-Item, ADN-Collection, etc).
ItemFileIndexingWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ItemFileIndexingWriter
ItemIdFixer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Utilities to find the metdata objects in the NDR that have an "old-style" prefix ("") for the nsdl:itemId property, and convert to the "new-style" prefix ("").
ItemIndexer - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing
Interface for notifying watchers of indexing requests and prompts to configure and initialize.
itemRecord - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
iterator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameSet
iterator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesSet
iterator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection
The iterator over the UI labels
iterator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Returns an iterator for the current record list.


javaScriptEncode(char[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLTools
Encodes an Array of chars so that they will be valid inside JavaScript quotes.
javaScriptEncode(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLTools
Encodes a String so that it will be valid inside JavaScript quotes.
javaScriptEncodeToStr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLTools
JavaScriptWritelnFilter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters
Converts JSP, servlet, HTML or other output into a JavaScript writeln statement or places it into a JavaScript variable.
JavaScriptWritelnFilter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.JavaScriptWritelnFilter
JloTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper I am different
joinTokens(List) - Static method in class
Joins a list of tokens into a comma-delimited string
joinTokens(List, String) - Static method in class
Joins a list of tokens using provided delimiter.
JSHTMLAction_1_1 - Class in
An Action controller that handles requests for the JavaScript HTML search service.
JSHTMLAction_1_1() - Constructor for class
JSHTMLForm_1_1 - Class in
A ActionForm bean that holds data for the JavaScript HTML search service.
JSHTMLForm_1_1() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
JSHTMLForm_1_1.DateLabelPair - Class in
JspFunctions - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Provides functionality used by jsp function calls.
JspFunctions() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
jspInclude(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
jspQuotedString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
returns the input string surrounded by a string that is replaced with a quotation mark when the rendered Element is writen to disk.
jspQuotedString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
returns the input string surrounded by a string that is replaced with a quotation mark when the rendered Element is writen to disk.
jsVar - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabList


key - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
Keys - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
Contains keys that are used to retrieve data from the SimpleDataStore.
Keys() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Keys
Keys - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Contains keys that are used to retrieve data from the SerializedDataManager, which holds the repository data.
Keys() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
keySet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Gets the field names in the Lucene Document.
keySet() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Gets the field names in the Lucene Document.
KEYWORD_ANALYZER - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
KeywordAnalyzer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis
An Analyzer that includes all characters in its tokens.
KeywordAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.KeywordAnalyzer
keywords - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
KeywordsHighlight - Class in
Provide highlighting of keywords in any given string of text.
KeywordsHighlight(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Parse keyword input string and populate keywords array
KeywordsHighlightTag - Class in
Provide keyword highlighting of the body content of this tag.
KeywordsHighlightTag() - Constructor for class
KeywordTokenizer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis
Includes all characters as part of the token.
KeywordTokenizer(Reader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.KeywordTokenizer
Constructor for the KeywordTokenizer object
kill() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Gracefully kills the harvest after the current record is finished being harvested.


Label - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Basic Class to render an element label for metadata editors and viewers.
Label() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
Label(int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
Constructor for the Label object
label - Variable in class
language - Variable in class
language - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabResponseMap
language - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Description of the Field
language - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
largestTotal - Variable in class
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToBriefMetaFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToLocalizedFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToNSDLDCFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.ADNToOAIDCFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESEAnnoToLocalizedFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.DLESECollectToLocalizedFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NewsOppsToLocalizedFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleXMLFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDocumentFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModified(ServletContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLFormatConverter
Gets the time this converter code was last modified.
lastModifiedDate - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
LayoutNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout
A node in a VocabLayout tree as defined by a vocabLayout (historically called "groups") file.
LayoutNode(Element, VocabLayout) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Constructor for the LayoutNode object
LayoutNode(Element, VocabLayout, LayoutNode) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
Constructor for the LayoutNode object containing the parent node.
LazyDocumentMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A Map for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document as field/value pairs.
LazyDocumentMap(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Constructor for the LazyDocumentMap object.
LazyDocumentMap() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Constructor for the LazyDocumentMap object.
LazyDocumentMap.FieldMapEntry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A Map entry containing lucene fieldName/fieldValues
LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameList - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A List for field names in a Lucene Document.
LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameSet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A Set for field names in a Lucene Document.
LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesList - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A List for field values in a Lucene Document.
LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesSet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A Set for field values in a Lucene Document.
LdapClient - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ldap
Handles all LDAP communications for DLESE applications.
LdapClient(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Creates a client using the info in the specified properties file.
ldapClient - Static variable in class
LdapDemo - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ldap
Test driver for LdapClient.
LdapEntry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ldap
Stores the names and values of the attributes for an LDAP entry.
LdapEntry(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapEntry
LdapException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.ldap
Represents an LDAP Exception: simply wraps java.lang.Exception.
LdapLogin - Class in
Login Module that authenticates against Ldap (in particular, the NSDL Ldap server).
LdapLogin() - Constructor for class
LdapNotFoundException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.ldap
Represents an LDAP Not Found Exception.
leafMembers - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
LearningResourceReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
LearningResourceReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LearningResourceReader
length() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocs
LessonReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
LessonReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LessonReader
library_dc_to_oai_dc_transform_file - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
EXPERIMENTAL (and low fidelity) converter for library_dc to nsdl_dc.
LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
LibraryDcEnvelopeWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets
LibraryDCMetsIngester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets
Unpack a METS envelop and place the contents (metadata + content) into the NDR.
likeChildren(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Searches the children nodes for an element name and returns the number found.
line() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
line(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
line(int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
line(int, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
LinkifyTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
list2delimitedString(List, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Creates a delimited string from the provided list
LIST_COLLECTIONS - Static variable in class
The list collections request verb
LIST_CONTENT_STANDARDS - Static variable in class
The list content standards request verb
LIST_FIELDS - Static variable in class
The list fields request verb
LIST_GRADE_RANGES - Static variable in class
The list grade ranges request verb
LIST_IDENTIFIERS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The ListIdentifiers argument value
LIST_METADATA_FORMATS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The ListMetadataFormats argument value
LIST_MODE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
LIST_RECORDS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The ListRecords argument value
LIST_RESOURCE_TYPES - Static variable in class
The list resource types request verb
LIST_SETS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The ListSets argument value
LIST_STANDARDS_VERB - Static variable in class
LIST_SUBJECTS - Static variable in class
The list subjects request verb
LIST_TERMS - Static variable in class
The list terms request verb
LIST_XML_FORMATS - Static variable in class
The list xml formats request verb
listAgents() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
listCollections() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
listCollections(boolean) - Method in class
Performs a ListCollections request from a DDSWS repository.
listContains(List, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
listDocs() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
listDocs(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
listDocs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a list of all Documents in the index.
listDocs(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a list of all Documents in the index that match the given term in the given field.
listDocs(String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a list of all Documents in the index that match the given terms in the given field.
ListenerDataManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
Provides an abstract implementation of a common interface for applications needing to work with a data store.
ListenerDataManager() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
lister() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
listFields(boolean) - Method in class
Performs a ListFields request from a DDSWS repository.
listMembers() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
ListMembersRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
ListMembersRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ListMembersRequest
Constructor for the ListMembersRequest object
ListMembersRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ListMembersRequest
Constructor for the ListMembersRequest object given a handle for a Aggregator or MetadataProvider object.
listStopWords() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
listTerms() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
listTerms() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Gets a list of all terms in the index.
listTerms(String[], boolean) - Method in class
Performs a ListTerms request from a DDSWS repository.
load() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Loads the FrameworkRegistry by traversing the framework config files in the config directory.
load() - Method in class
Creates hashtable of users
load() - Method in class
Reads the data dir, constructs user instances, and registers them
load(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Load all xml documents found by traversing the specified standardsDirectory recursively
load() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
Load (or reload) the vocabulary
load() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
Load (or reload) the vocabulary
loadCollection() - Method in class
loadCollectionLevelMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
Write Collection-level metadata record to disk (NOT currently used).
loadCollectionRecords(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Loads the collections found in the collection-level records.
loaderFeedback - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.form.VocabAdminForm
loadFramework(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Loads the framework for specified xmlformat after finding the framework config file
loadItemLevelMetadata(CollectionConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
Process MetadataWrappers in NDR response.
loadListSetsConfigFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Loads the OAI sets configuration from file and configures the corresponding set mappings in this repository.
loadMappings(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
Load URL mappings from the supplied configuration file
LoadMetadataOPML - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Loads metadata groups from files specified by a given XML configuration file.
LoadMetadataOPML(boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
Constructor for the LoadMetadataVocabs object that does nothing (uses getMetadataVocabInstance() method to load and retrieve an instance of a vocab).
LoadMetadataVocabs - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Loads controlled vocabularies from files specified by a given XML configuration file.
LoadMetadataVocabs() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
Constructor for the LoadMetadataVocabs object that does nothing (use getMetadataVocabs() method to load and retrieve and instance of a vocab).
LoadMetadataVocabs(String, String, String, ServletContext, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
Constructor for the LoadMetadataVocabs object that loads an instance of a MetadataVocab object and sets it as a servlet context attribute.
loadPropertiesFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr.PropertiesManager
Loads or re-loads the properties from its file or JAR, replacing all previously loaded properties, if any.
loadSchemaHelper() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Load a SchemaHelper instance for this framework.
loadVocabs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
Load/reload a vocab instance (invoked by newVocabsChecker when it detects that the base loader file timestamp has changed)
localizeXml(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Strips all attributes (including namespace information) from a particular element within a string representation of an XML element (having arbitrary content and subelements), then removes all namespace prefixes throughout the xml using a trnasformer.
localizeXml(Document, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Remove nameSpaceInformation from the root element (as well as any attributes!) to facilitate xpath access
localizeXml(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Localizes an XML String by removing all namespaces from it.
localizeXml(Document) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Localizes a Dom4j Document by removing all namespaces from it.
localizeXml(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Localizes a Dom4j Element by removing all namespaces from it.
localizeXml(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Localizes a Dom4j Node, Document, Branch or Element by removing all namespaces from it, returning a Document.
localizeXml(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Removes all namespace information from XML.
localNamespaces - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
location - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
location - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
lock(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Request a lock for a data object.
lock(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Request a lock for a data object.
lock(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Get a user-requested lock for a data object, preventing it from being written by other threads that are using this SerializedDataManager.
LockNotAvailableException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
Indicates that a DataManager was asked to get a lock for a particular object that is already locked
LockNotAvailableException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.LockNotAvailableException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
LockNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.LockNotAvailableException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
locks - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
log(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogWriter
Create a log entry Document.
log(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogWriter
Create a log entry Document, storing and indexing the given notes.
log(Level, HttpServletRequest, int, int, String, int, int, int, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogger
log(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
Override the standard servlet logging to use our logger
log(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
Override the standard servlet logging to use our logger
log(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Logger hook
Log - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Log() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.Log
LOG_LOCALTIME - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.DleseLogManager
Time stamps debug logs are in local time, as opposed to UTC time
LOG_STD - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.DleseLogManager
Standard debug log format.
LOG_TEXT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.DleseLogManager
Debug log is created in text format, as opposed to XML.
LOG_UTCTIME - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.DleseLogManager
Time stamps debug logs are in UTC (GMT) time, as opposed to local time
LOG_XML - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.DleseLogManager
Debug log is created in XML format, as opposed to text.
logEntry(long, long, long, int, int, int, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
Logs an entry in the index.
LogException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.logging
Represents an exception occuring during logging or log parsing.
login() - Method in class
Authenticate the user.
loginModuleEnabled(String) - Static method in class
LoginUser - Class in
Class to represent a User for purposes of password (file) based authentication.
LoginUser() - Constructor for class
LogoffAction - Class in
Implementation of Action that processes a user logoff.
LogoffAction() - Constructor for class
LogonAction - Class in
Implementation of Action that validates a user logon.
LogonAction() - Constructor for class
LogonForm - Class in
Form bean for the user profile page.
LogonForm() - Constructor for class
logout() - Method in class
Logout the user.
logQuery(String, ServletContext, HttpServletRequest, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
This method must be called at just after the user's query has been processed by Lucene.
LowerCaseAnalyzer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis
An Analyzer that uses a LowerCaseFilter to normalize the text to lower case.
LowerCaseAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.LowerCaseAnalyzer
LowerCaseWhitespaceAnalyzer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis
An Analyzer that uses a WhitespaceTokenizer and a LowerCaseFilter to normalize the text to lower case.
LowerCaseWhitespaceAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.LowerCaseWhitespaceAnalyzer
LuceneFieldComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
Sorting should now be done by supplying a Sort object at search time. Sorting on returned ResultDocs is less efficient and may cause OutOfMemory errors on large result sets.
LuceneFieldComparator(String, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneFieldComparator
Sorting should now be done by supplying a Sort object at search time. Sorting on returned ResultDocs is less efficient and may cause OutOfMemory errors on large result sets.
LuceneGeospatialQueryConverter - Class in edu.ucsb.adl
Converts a geospatial query to a Lucene query.
LuceneIndex - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.index
LuceneIndexChangedEvent - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
Indicates that an event occurred affecting data managed by a DataManager source.
LuceneIndexChangedEvent(LuceneIndexChanger) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndexChangedEvent
Contruct a LuceneIndexEvent
LuceneIndexChangeListener - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.index
Provides the interface for Objects listening to a DataManager source.
luceneQuery - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocConfig
The Query used
LuceneStopWords - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
This class simply loads a hashmap of Lucene stop words from the array given by StopAnalyzer.
LuceneStopWords() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneStopWords
Constructor for the LuceneStopWords object
luceneStringToDate(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Converts a Lucene String-encoded date to a Date Object.


MAIL_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.Emailer
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.adl.LuceneGeospatialQueryConverter
Test driver.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.commands.RunXSLTransform
The main program for the RunXSLTransform class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
The main program for the SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Test program for demonstrating the Stemmer.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.TestArrayWriter
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Tester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.TestSimpleIndex
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ThreadTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.WebLogIndexingService
The main program for the WebLogIndexingService
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.AllToolsUnitTests
The main program for the AllToolsUnitTests class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.DDSPerformanceTests
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.HarvestAPITests
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapDemo
Initial invokation point for the driver; Expects 3 arg in the args array: the name of the properties file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXML
The main program for the InputXML class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.DleseAsUseCaseHelper
Examples of how to obtain DLESE info from NDR objects.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NDRCollectionUtils
The main program for the NDRCollectionUtils class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
The main program for the NdrUtils class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.HarvestInfoReader
The main program for the HarvestInfoReader class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
The main program for the NDRCollectionReader class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
The main program for the NdrResponseReader class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
The main program for the NSDLCollectionReader class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NsdlDcReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.ServiceDescriptionReader
The main program for the ServiceDescriptionReader class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.Tester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.MimeTypes
The main program for the MimeTypes class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
The main program for the ToolKit class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Command line interface for the harvester.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
The main program for the AutoForm class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
The main program for the ComplexTypeLabel class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
The main program for the DcsViewRecord class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewRecord
The main program for the EditorViewRecord class, to be invoked from the command line for debugging purposes.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
The main program for the Label class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionFileConverter
The main program for the CollectionFileConverter class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
The main program for the IDGenerator class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
The main program for the StatusFlags class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataConverter
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.DocContentMap
The main program for the DocContentMap class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ElementsOrderer
The main program for the ElementsOrderer class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceResolver
The main program for the ReferenceResolver class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
The main program for the JspFunctions class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.CollectionImporter
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.DownLoadedFile
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.EnvelopeWriter
The main program for the EnvelopeWriter class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.LibraryDcEnvelopeWriter
The main program for the LibraryDcEnvelopeWriter class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.LibraryDCMetsIngester
The main program for the LibraryDCMetsIngester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets.MetsIngester
The main program for the MetsIngester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
The main program for the ReportEntry class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReport
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReportEntry
The main program for the SyncReportEntry class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.CollectionAdopter
The main program for the CollectionAdopter class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DcStream
The main program for the DcStream class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
The main program for the DevelTools class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
The main program for the InfoStream class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionCmp
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionIntegrator
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLRecord
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.IntegrationUtils
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.ItemIdFixer
The main program for the ItemIdFixer class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsData
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MisMatches
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NCSPrep
The main program for the NCSPrep class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
The main program for the NSDLCollectionUtils class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
The main program for the NCSCollectReader class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
The main program for the NCSWebServiceClient class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NDRRepoTester
The main program for the NDRRepoTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NsdlDcWriter
The main program for the NsdlDcWriter class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
The main program for the ServiceDescription class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionReaper
The main program for the CollectionReaper class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
The main program for the SchemEditUtils class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the AccessManager class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the LdapTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the PasswordHelper class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the User class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the UserdataConverter class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the UserManager class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.ActivityReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentFormReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.AssessmentReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.CurriculumStructureReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.LessonReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdManager
The main program for the SIFRefIdManager class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdMap
The main program for the SIFRefIdMap class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AsnToAdnMapper
The main program for the AsnToAdnMapper class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
The main program for the DleseStandardsDocument class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseSuggestionServiceHelper
The main program for the DleseSuggestionServiceHelper class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnMappingDocument
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnToAdnVerifier
The main program for the AsnToAdnVerifier class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMappingInfoMaker
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMatcherPhase1
The main program for the StandardsMatcherPhase1 class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
The main program for the AsnStandardsDocument class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.DynaStandardsManager
The main program for the DynaStandardsManager class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
The main program for the SelectedStandardsBean class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
The main program for the CommCoreStandardsDocument class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceManager
The main program for the SuggestionServiceManager class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
The main program for the StandardsRegistry class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the TeachersDomainLexicon class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
The main program for the TreeCache class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util.AsnUtils
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util.RegistryExporter
The main program for the RegistryExporter class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ASNResReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ASNTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.BadCharTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ChoiceTester
The main program for the ChoiceTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CollectionConfigTester
The main program for the CollectionConfigTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CompositorTester
Create a CompositorTester instance
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DataStoreTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DcsDataTester
The main program for the DcsDataTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DcsRecordEditorFix
The main program for the DcsRecordEditorFix class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DCSServiceTester
The main program for the DCSServiceTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DcsViewRenderTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DefReportTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DocReader
The main program for the DocReader class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.Dom4jTester
The main program for the Dom4jTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.EditorViewRenderTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FieldsFileTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
The main program for the FrameworkConfigTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkTester
The main program for the FrameworkTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.GetMirrorsTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.InsertTester
The main program for the InsertTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.JloTester
The main program for the JloTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.LinkifyTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.MultiFrameworkTally
The main program for the MultiFrameworkTally class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.NamespaceCacheTester
The main program for the NamespaceCacheTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.NameSpaceTester
The main program for the NameSpaceTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.NdrGetMDHandles
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PathTester
The main program for the PathTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RegExTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RemoteSearchTester
The main program for the RemoteSearchTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RenderTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
The main program for the SchemaHelperTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaPathSorter
Read in a framework (we need the schemaNode map)
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SearchServiceClient
The main program for the SearchServiceClient class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SequenceTester
The main program for the SequenceTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SetTester
The main program for the SetTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SGTester
The main program for the SGTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SimilarUrlTester
The main program for the SimilarUrlTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SimpleDomTester
The main program for the SimpleDomTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SimpleSchemaHelperTester
The main program for the SimpleSchemaHelperTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SmartExportTester
The main program for the SmartExportTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
The main program for the TesterUtils class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TimeTester
The main program for the TimeTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp.CdTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp.ExtensionTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp.MetsTester
The main program for the MetsTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TransformTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UrlTester
The main program for the UrlTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UtfTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidationReportTester
The main program for the ValidationReportTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidationTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.XmlStringTester
The main program for the XmlStringTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.XpathTester
The main program for the XpathTester class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.XSDValidatorTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
The main program for the UrlHelper class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldFilesCheck
Read a set of fields files
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoWriter
Walk the schema and create a fields file for each xpath.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.IntegrityChecker
Read a set of fields files
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.IntegrityChecker
Read a set of fields files
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
The main program for the VocabLayout class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Read a set of groups files
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.OldFieldInfoMap
Read a set of fields files
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.SchemaToFieldsFiles
Walk the schema and create a fields file for each xpath.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.SIFFieldInfoWriter
Walk the schema and create a fields file for each xpath.
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the GetAllStandardsDocuments class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the GetStandard class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the SuggestStandards class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteSearcher
RemoteSearcher tester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.SearchServiceClient
SearchServiceClient tester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.TestWebServiceClient
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
The main program for the WebServiceClient class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the Cas class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the DDSRepositoryFetcher class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the RepositoryUtils class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
The main program for the Idmap class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnAuthors
The main program for the AsnAuthors class - runs cacheAuthorsDoc utility.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
The main program for the AsnDocument class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnHelper
The main program for the AsnHelper class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnTopics
The main program for the AsnTopics class - runs cacheTopicsDoc utility.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.ColoradoBenchmark
tester program for the ColoradoBenchmark class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.ColoradoStandardDisplay
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.CommCoreServiceHelper
The main program for the CommCoreServiceHelper class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
The main program for the StdDocument class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentEmailer
The main program for the CommentEmailer class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
The main program for the CommentRecord class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceEmailer
The main program for the ResourceEmailer class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.UrlValidator
The main program for the UrlValidator class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.surveys.CreateJavascriptSurveyFromHTMLForm
Description of the Method
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.DpcErrors
Test driver.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.EnvReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.MemoryCheck
The main program for the MemoryCheck class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabAssignIDs
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabIntegrityChecker
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
The main program for the LIBRARY_DCToNSDL_DCFormatConverter class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.OsmRecordExporter
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BreadCrumbs
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DateValidator
The main program for the DateValidator class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
The main program for the DefinitionMiner class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
The main program for the NamespaceRegistry class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
The main program for the SchemaHelper class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNamespaceConverter
The main program for the SchemaNamespaceConverter class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaProps
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator
The main program for the XMLValidator class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
The main program for the XSDatatypeManager class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Test driver.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
The main program for the XMLValidator class
makeAsnDocKey(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocKey
Returns a AsnDocKey instance created from provided docKeyAsString value (e.g., "NSES.Science.1995.D10001D0")
makeCollectionDoc(String, Map, MetaDataFramework) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataHelper
makeFinalStatusValue(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
makeFinalStatusValue(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RegExTester
makeLink(BreadCrumbs.Crumb) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BreadCrumbs
makeMapping(Element) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsData
makeMapping(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsData
makeMinimalRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Returns an instance document containing only required nodes, with the "id" field populated with provided id
makeMinimalRecord(String, CollectionConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Returns an instance document containing only required nodes, with the "id" field populated with provided id
makeMinimalRecord(String, CollectionConfig, User) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Returns an instance document containing only required nodes, with the "id" field populated with provided id and collectionConfig fields populated if collectionConfig is provided.
makeMirrorDupSims(ResultDocList) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSimUrlChecker
Create a list of DupSim instances representing each of the MirrorUrls for each of the provided ResultDocs.
makePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.DeleteRequest
makePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.FindResourceRequest
makePath() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
makeQualifiedName(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Make a qualified name - prefix:name;
makeQualifiedName(Namespace, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Returns namespace.prefix:name, or just name if a namespace is not provided;
makeRecordDoc(CreateADNRecordForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateADNRecordAction
Create an empty collection metadata document and populate from ActionForm (carForm).
makeRecordDoc(CreateADNRecordForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateMastRecordAction
Create an empty collection metadata document and populate from ActionForm (carForm).
makeRecordDoc(CreateADNRecordForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateRecordAction
Create an empty collection metadata document and populate from ActionForm (carForm).
makeSeparatePhrasesFromNodes(List) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Creates a String separated by the phrase separator term from the text of each of the Element or Attributes dom4j Nodes provided.
makeSeparatePhrasesFromStrings(List) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Creates a String separated by the phrase separator term from each of the Strings provided.
makeSeparatePhrasesFromStrings(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Creates a String separated by the phrase separator term from each of the Strings provided.
makeServiceDescription(NCSCollectReader, NDRConstants.NDRObjectType) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Creates a service description instance based on information provided as NCSCollectReader.
makeServiceDescription(DleseCollectionDocReader, NDRConstants.NDRObjectType) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Creates a service description instance based on information provided as DleseCollectionDocReader.
makeSortedGRList(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.NsdlGradeRangeHelper
Create a sorted list of gradeRangeItems using GrItemComparator.
makeStringFromNodes(List) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Creates a String separated by spaces from the text of each of the Element or Attributes dom4j Nodes provided.
makeXPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Expands xpath into namespace-aware version, hanlding attributes and attribute/value specifiers.
managableUsers - Variable in class
managableUsers - Variable in class
MANAGE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
MANAGE_COLLECTIONS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
MANAGER_ROLE - Static variable in class
MANAGER_ROLE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
map - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
map - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
map(Map, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Puts items in a Map, creating a new TreeMap if null is passed in for the myMap argument, otherwise updating the Map with the key/value pair.
map - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabResponseMap
map - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabList
map - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
mapping of user-defined names to metadata values
map - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Maps reference pointers to elements in the XML hierarchy.
MappingInfo - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
MappingInfo(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
MAPPINGS_MANAGER_DATA - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CIGlobals
MappingsData - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Reads an XML file containing mappings between ncsrecordid and aggregator handle, and produces an XML file containing more detailed information about the NCS Collection record and the NDR Collection Objects associated with the aggregator.
mappingsFile - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMappingInfoMaker
MappingsManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
MappingsManager() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
MappingsManager(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
MappingUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util
MappingUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.MappingUtils
mapSortByValue(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Puts items in a Map, creating a new Map if null is passed in for the myMap argument, otherwise updating the Map with the key/value pair.
MASTER_AGENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
MASTER_COLLECTION - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
MastFrameworkPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin
CATService FrameworkPlugin providing information specific to the mast framework.
MastFrameworkPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.MastFrameworkPlugin
match(String) - Method in class
match(String) - Method in class
match(String) - Method in class
matcher - Variable in class
matchers - Variable in class
matches(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Tells whether or not the source string matches the given regular expression.
matchGuardedPath(String) - Method in class
matchKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Find a key for a registered standards doc that matches provided key (which may contain wildcards)
matchKey(StandardsRegistry.DocMatchKey) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Find a key for a registered standards doc that matches provided DocKeyMatch instance.
matchOLD(String) - Method in class
matchStandards() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMatcherPhase1
Try to find an ASN standard for each ADN 4th level standard.
MathPathEditorRenderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Includes math_path-specific kludges, most notably the /record/general/subjects field, which requires an editing approach OTHER than than implied by the schema ...
MathPathEditorRenderer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.MathPathEditorRenderer
MAX_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_AUDIENCES - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_CATALOGERS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_CREATORS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_GEOREFERENCES - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_GEOSTANDARDS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_KEYWORDS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_RELATIONS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_RESOURCETYPES - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_SCISTANDARDS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_SUBJECTS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_TECHNICALREQS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
MAX_URLS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
maxLen - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
maxOccurs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
maxOccurs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
MAXOCCURS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
MdeAny - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders an ANY node.
MdeAny(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeAny
Constructor for the MdeAny object
MdeAttribute - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders Attributes in the Metadata Editor .
MdeAttribute(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeAttribute
MdeChoice - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Render a simple Choice compositor.
MdeChoice(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeChoice
Constructor for the MdeChoice object
MdeComplexType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders JSP for metadata editing but is "Simple" in the sense that it provides no control for adding new elements or deleting optional elements.
MdeComplexType(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Constructor for the MdeComplexType object
MdeDerivedContentModel - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders JSP for a Derived Content Model, which uses the "ComplexContent" schema element to "extend" or "restrict" an existing ComplexType.
MdeDerivedContentModel(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeDerivedContentModel
Constructor for the MdeDerivedContentModel object
MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Class responsible for rendering a Text-only content model, which is a complexType that uses a simpleContent element.
MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel
Constructor for the MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel object
MdeModelGroup - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders JSP for metadata editing but is "Simple" in the sense that it provides no control for adding new elements or deleting optional elements.
MdeModelGroup(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeModelGroup
MdeMultiChoice - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders editing fields for a Choice compositor with multiple occurances.
MdeMultiChoice(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeMultiChoice
Constructor for the MdeMultiChoice object
MdeNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Base class for rendering the document structure ("nodes") in the Metadata Editor.
MdeNode(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Constructor for the MdeNode object
MdeRepeatingAnyType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Render MetadataEditor inputs for repeating AnyType nodes.
MdeRepeatingAnyType(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingAnyType
Constructor for the MdeRepeatingAnyType object
MdeRepeatingComplexType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Render MetadataEditor inputs for all complexType elements at a given xpath, as well as a controller for adding a sibling.
MdeRepeatingComplexType(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingComplexType
MdeRepeatingDerivedContentModel - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Render MetadataEditor inputs for all complexType elements at a given xpath, as well as a controller for adding a sibling.
MdeRepeatingDerivedContentModel(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedContentModel
MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Render MetadataEditor inputs for all complexType elements at a given xpath, as well as a controller for adding a sibling.
MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel
Constructor for the MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel object
MdeRepeatingNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Abstract base class for renderning MetadataEditor fields for a repeating node.
MdeRepeatingNode(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingNode
Constructor for the MdeRepeatingNode object
MdeRepeatingSequence - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders JSP for editing and displaying repeating Sequences in the metadata editor.
MdeRepeatingSequence(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSequence
MdeRepeatingSimpleType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Render MetadataEditor inputs for all SimpleType elements at a given xpath, as well as a controller for adding a sibling.
MdeRepeatingSimpleType(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSimpleType
Constructor for the MdeRepeatingSimpleType object
MdeRepeatingSubstitutionGroup - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders JSP for Repeating Substitution Group elements for the metadata editor.
MdeRepeatingSubstitutionGroup(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSubstitutionGroup
MdeSequence - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders JSP for Sequence compositors in the metadata editor.
MdeSequence(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSequence
MdeSimpleType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders JSP for SimpleType schema elements in the metadata editor.
MdeSimpleType(RendererImpl) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSimpleType
MdeStdsNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
Renders JSP for nodes that are controlled by Standards Manager (in conjuction with suggestion service).
MdeStdsNode(RendererImpl, StandardsManager) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeStdsNode
Constructor for the MdeStdsNode object
mdp - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
mdp - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
mdpHandle - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
mdpReader() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
mdpToString(MetadataProviderReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NDRCollectionUtils
Makes a report line for provided metadata provider
mdReader - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
members - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
MemoryCheck - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
This class provides a utility to determine how much memory your application is using at any given time.
MemoryCheck() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.MemoryCheck
metadata - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
METADATA_NAMESPACES - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
METADATA_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The metadataPrefix argument
METADATA_SCHEMAS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
metadataCount - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
MetadataDirectoryInfoForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form
Bean for values used to add/edit a metadata directory for the OAI repository.
MetadataDirectoryInfoForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Constructor for the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm Bean object
MetadataFormatInfo - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Data structure that holds information about a metadata format.
MetadataFormatInfo() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Constructor for the MetadataFormatInfo object
MetadataFormatInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Constructor for the MetadataFormatInfo object
metadataFormats - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
MetaDataFramework - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Encapsulates information about a metadata framework in support of creating, displaying, editing and managing metadata records.
MetaDataFramework(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Constructor for the MetaDataFramework object given the path to a config file for the particular framework (e.g., "adn").
MetaDataFramework(File, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Constructor for the MetaDataFramework object
MetaDataFramework(FrameworkConfigReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Constructor for the MetaDataFramework object
MetaDataFramework(FrameworkConfigReader, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Constructor for the MetaDataFramework object
MetaDataHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
MetaDataHelper() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataHelper
MetadataProviderReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
/** Extension of NdrObjectReader for accessing properties, dataStreams, and relationships of NDR MetadataProvider Objects.
MetadataProviderReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Constructor for the MetadataProviderReader object at the specified NDR handle.
MetadataProviderReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataProviderReader
Constructor for the MetadataProviderReader object for the provided Document representing a NDR "get" call for a MetadataProvider object.
MetadataProviderWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer
The MetadataProviderWriter syncs collection-level information between the NCS and the NDR.
MetadataProviderWriter(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataProviderWriter
Constructor for the MetadataProviderWriter object
MetadataReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Extension of NdrObjectReader for accessing properties, dataStreams, and relationships of NDR Metadata Objects.
MetadataReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Constructor for the MetadataReader object
MetadataReader(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Constructor for the MetadataReader object with nativeFormat specified
MetadataReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Constructor for the MetadataReader object
MetadataReader(Document, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
Constructor for the MetadataReader object
MetadataUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
This class holds handy static methods for working with DLESE metadata.
MetadataUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.MetadataUtils
metadataVocab - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
The vocab manager
MetadataVocab - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Interface for classes that manage audience-based metadata controlled vocabulary UI displays and encoded ID translation to/from metadata field/value names/xpaths.
MetadataVocabAssignIDs - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Assigns encoded IDs to new vocabularies in their fields files, and checks the integrity of the existing IDs against a serialized "database" (HashMap) of encoded ID values as mapped against field/vocab pairs.
MetadataVocabAssignIDs(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabAssignIDs
Constructor for the MetadataServlet object
MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags
Tag handler for rendering vocabulary checkboxes
MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for rendering vocabulary checkboxes
MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
MetadataVocabGetOPMLTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for retreiving a vocabulary format/version/audience/language grouping as OPML
MetadataVocabGetOPMLTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabGetOPMLTag
MetadataVocabGetResponseOPMLTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for retreiving vocabulary responses re-ordered/grouped as OPML
MetadataVocabGetResponseOPMLTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabGetResponseOPMLTag
MetadataVocabHiddenInputsTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags
Tag handler for rendering vocabulary hidden inputs
MetadataVocabHiddenInputsTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabHiddenInputsTag
MetadataVocabHiddenInputsTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for rendering vocabulary hidden inputs
MetadataVocabHiddenInputsTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabHiddenInputsTag
MetadataVocabInputState - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Stores user state for selected controlled vocabularies.
MetadataVocabInputState() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabInputState
Constructor for the MetadataVocabInputState object.
MetadataVocabIntegrityChecker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Loads a MetadataVocab instance from the given loader XML, and checks the integrity of all loaded non-default groups OPML, reporting on any missing vocabularies.
MetadataVocabIntegrityChecker(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabIntegrityChecker
Constructor for the MetadataServlet object
MetadataVocabOPML - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
MetadataVocabOPML is an implementation of MetadataVocab that uses an OPML-based framework to provide a set of methods for accessing mappings between metadata vocabulary encoded IDs and their term names, as well as rendering groups of controlled vocabularies in a variety of ways (such as simple HTML checkboxes, or dHTML flyouts).
MetadataVocabOPML(boolean, String, ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Constructor for the MetadataVocabOPML object
metadataVocabReloaded(MetadataVocabReloadEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Event handler for MetadataVocabReloadEvent registers MUI groups with appropriate frameworks and then re-renders the editors for frameworks that have registered MUI groups.
metadataVocabReloaded(MetadataVocabReloadEvent) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabReloadListener
Invoked when a MetadataVocab has been reloaded.
MetadataVocabReloadEvent - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Indicates that an event occurred affecting data managed by a DataManager source.
MetadataVocabReloadEvent(MetadataVocab) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabReloadEvent
Contruct a StatusEvent
MetadataVocabReloadListener - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Provides the interface for Objects listening to a DataManager source.
MetadataVocabResponseMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Stores a list of metadata values that come from a services/indexer response, for reproducing with OPML-defined order/groupings/labels
MetadataVocabResponseMap(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabResponseMap
Audience is a user group, i.e.
MetadataVocabSelectListTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags
Tag handler for rendering vocabulary select list inputs
MetadataVocabSelectListTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabSelectListTag
MetadataVocabSelectListTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for rendering vocabulary select list inputs
MetadataVocabSelectListTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSelectListTag
MetadataVocabServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Provided as an intialization (and administrative) servlet for the DLESE Metadata UI system (OPML-based controlled vocabularies)
MetadataVocabServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
Constructor for the MetadataServlet object
MetadataVocabSetResponseGroupTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for rendering vocabulary responses, re-ordered/grouped by OPML
MetadataVocabSetResponseGroupTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSetResponseGroupTag
MetadataVocabSetResponseValueTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for setting a single value of a response list for reproducing as an OPML subset wtih MetadataVocabGetResponseOPMLTag
MetadataVocabSetResponseValueTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSetResponseValueTag
MetadataVocabTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags
Default tag handler for rendering controlled vocabularies.
MetadataVocabTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
MetadataVocabTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Default tag handler for rendering controlled vocabularies.
MetadataVocabTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
MetadataVocabTermsGroups - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Facilitates interface representation of metadata vocabulary.
MetadataVocabTermsGroups(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Constructor for the MetadataVocab object
MetadataVocabTermsGroups() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Constructor for the MetadataVocab object
MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags
Tag handler for retreiving a UI label from the given field and value
MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for retreiving a UI label from the given field and value
MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
MetadataVocabTracker - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Interface for creation of controlled vocabulary system Ids, tracking changes in metadata names and UI labels, and ensuring consistency of all three.
MetadataVocabTranslateValueTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for retreiving a metadata vocabulary encoded ID tranlation to/from its metadata name
MetadataVocabTranslateValueTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTranslateValueTag
MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags
Tag handler for rendering vocabulary as a collapsable tree menu
MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for rendering vocabulary as a collapsable tree menu
MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
MetadataVocabUiDisplayTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for retreiving the "display" attribute of the given field and value
MetadataVocabUiDisplayTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabUiDisplayTag
MetadataVocabUiLabelTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags
Tag handler for retreiving a UI label from the given field and value
MetadataVocabUiLabelTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
MetadataVocabUiLabelTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
Tag handler for retreiving a UI label from the given field and value
MetadataVocabUiLabelTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
MetaDataWrapperException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr
Wraps Exception to provide recordId and xpath so we can give detailed report to user.
MetaDataWrapperException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.MetaDataWrapperException
Constructor for the AutoFormException object
MetadataWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer
Class responsible for writing Metadata records to the NDR as Metadata Objects.
MetadataWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Constructor for the MetadataWriter object
MetadataWriter(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Constructor for the MetadataWriter object
MetaExtractService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract
MetaExtractService(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
Constructor for the MetaExtractService object
metaFormat - Variable in class
metaFormat - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabResponseMap
metaFormat - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
metastyleNames - Static variable in class
metaVersion - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabResponseMap
metaVersion - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
METHOD - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
MetsIngester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets
Unpack a METS envelop and place the contents (metadata + content) into the NDR.
MetsTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp
Class to insert values into METS instance documents.
MetsTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp.MetsTester
Constructor for the MetsTester object
MetsTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp.MetsTester
Constructor for the MetsTester object for an existing METS xml document at instanceDocPath.
MimeTypes - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit
Singleton utility class to determine the mime-type of a file based on its extension.
minOccurs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
minOccurs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
MINOCCURS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
mismatches - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionCmp
mismatches - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionIntegrator
MisMatches - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Reads spreadsheet data (xml file created from spreadsheet) with data supplied by NSDL but augmented from NCS Collect records, with the purpose of determining overlaps and gaps between the collection management info in both models.
MisMatches() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MisMatches
Constructor for the MisMatches object
mismatches - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MisMatches
MISSING_PATH - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
MISSING_VOCAB - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
missingAssociatedItemIds - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
MissingLockException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Simply wraps Exception.
MissingLockException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MissingLockException
Constructor for the MissingLockException object
MissingLockException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MissingLockException
missingValueTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
test for whether a node has a value
mkUserDn(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Given a UID, returns the corresponding full dn (distinguished name).
mkUserDn(String) - Method in class
MmdException - Exception in
Simply wraps Exception.
MmdException(String) - Constructor for exception
MmdRec - Class in
Describes a single metadata record.
MmdRec(String, String, String, String, String, long, long, long, String, String, MmdWarning[]) - Constructor for class
Creates new MmdRec with the specified values.
MmdWarning - Class in
Describes a single warning message for a metadata record.
MODEL_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
ModelGroup - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Wrapper for ModelGroup definitions in XML Schemas.
ModelGroup(Element, String, Namespace, SchemaReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ModelGroup
Constructor for the ModelGroup object
modififyAgent() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
modifyAgent() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
ModifyAgentRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
ModifyAgentRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyAgentRequest
ModifyAgentRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyAgentRequest
modifyAggregator() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
ModifyAggregatorRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
ModifyAggregatorRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyAggregatorRequest
ModifyAggregatorRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyAggregatorRequest
modifyMetadata() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
modifyMetadataProvider() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
modifyMetadataProvider() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
ModifyMetadataProviderRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
ModifyMetadataProviderRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyMetadataProviderRequest
ModifyMetadataProviderRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyMetadataProviderRequest
ModifyMetadataRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
ModifyMetadataRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyMetadataRequest
ModifyMetadataRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyMetadataRequest
modifyMetadataRequest(NdrRequest, String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Augment provided NdrRequest to form a "modifyMetadataRequest" request for updating an existing metadata object in the NDR.
modifyMetadataRequest(NdrRequest, String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NSDLCollectionWriter
Description of the Method
modifyResource() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
ModifyResourceRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
ModifyResourceRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyResourceRequest
ModifyResourceRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyResourceRequest
MonitoredTask - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
Provides a monitoring mechanism for threaded tasks
MonitoredTask() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.MonitoredTask
Constructor for the MonitoredTask object
moreLikeThis() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Update the suggestions based on the currently selected standards and the current suggestionConstraints.
move(File, File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Moves a file from one location to another.
moveFile(File, File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileCopy
MoveFilesThread() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileMoveTester.MoveFilesThread
Constructor for the SimpleThread object
moveRecord(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Move record to the destination collection, returning the ID of the new record.
MS_ADN - Static variable in class
Metadata style: adn
MS_BRIEFMETA - Static variable in class
Metadata style: briefmeta
MS_DC_QUAL - Static variable in class
Metadata style: dc_qual
MS_DC_SIMPLE - Static variable in class
Metadata style: dc_simple
MS_DLESE_ANNO - Static variable in class
Metadata style: dlese_anno
MS_DLESE_COLLECT - Static variable in class
Metadata style: dlese_collect
MS_DLESE_IMS - Static variable in class
Metadata style: dlese_ims
MS_NEWS_OPPS - Static variable in class
Metadata style: news_opps
MS_NSDL_DC - Static variable in class
Metadata style: nsdl_dc
MS_OAI_DC - Static variable in class
Metadata style: oai_dc
MS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
Metadata style: unknown (error)
Msp2EditorRenderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Includes msp2-specific kludges, most notably the /record/general/subjects field, which requires an editing approach OTHER than than implied by the schema ...
Msp2EditorRenderer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Msp2EditorRenderer
Msp2EditValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Extension of SchemEditValidator that is only concerned with a few msp2-specific fields.
Msp2EditValidator(SchemEditForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.Msp2EditValidator
Constructor for the Msp2EditValidator object
Msp2FrameworkPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin
CATService FrameworkPlugin providing information specific to the "msp2" framework.
Msp2FrameworkPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.Msp2FrameworkPlugin
multiDoc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
MULTIDOC_BOOST_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
MultiFrameworkTally - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for comaparing schemaHelpers accross mulitple frameworks.
multiRecordStatus - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
MyCallBackHandler - Class in
Callback handler used by SchemEditAuth
MyCallBackHandler(HttpSession) - Constructor for class
MyCallBackHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class
myLockedRecords(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Find records locked by a given session.
MyModuleConfig - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts
The collection of static configuration information that describes a Struts-based module.
MyModuleConfig(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts.MyModuleConfig
Construct an ModuleConfigImpl object according to the specified parameter values.
MyModuleConfigFactory - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts
A factory for creating ModuleConfig instances.
MyModuleConfigFactory() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts.MyModuleConfigFactory
myProp() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
myProp1() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
MyUcasClient - Class in
Extend the UCAS AuthClient class to implement the properties file as a static variable so its location can be determined and set by LoginModule.
MyUcasClient() - Constructor for class


name - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
name - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.Contact
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaRegistry.Schema
name() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Annotation
name() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Contributor
name - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
name - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
name - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
NameComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NameComparator
namedDefaultCreationEnabled - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
namespace - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
namespace - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_FEATURE_ID - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Namespace prefixes feature id (
NamespaceCacheTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
nameSpaceInfo - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
NamespaceRegistry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
NamespaceRegistry holds namespace information and provides namespace utilities.
NamespaceRegistry() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Initialize the data structures used by NamespaceRegistry
NAMESPACES_FEATURE_ID - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Namespaces feature id (
NameSpaceTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Description of the Class
NameSpaceTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.NameSpaceTester
Constructor for the NameSpaceTester object
NameSpaceXMLDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Class to read the ASN topics docuement and provide lookups by topic purl.
NameSpaceXMLDocReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
NameSpaceXMLDocReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
NameSpaceXMLDocReader(URL) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
Constructor for the NameSpaceXMLDocReader object
NameSpaceXMLDocReader(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.NameSpaceXMLDocReader
Constructor for the NameSpaceXMLDocReader object
nativeDataStreamFormat - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Native data stream format for this object
NCS_COLLECTToNSDL_DCFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from ADN format to the OAI DC format.
NCS_COLLECTToNSDL_DCFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_COLLECTToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
NCS_FINAL_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from NCS_ITEM to NSDL_DC format.
NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
NCS_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
NCS_TEST_AGENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin
CATService FrameworkPlugin providing information specific to the ncs_anno framework.
NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsAnnoFrameworkPlugin
NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Used to write a Lucene Document for a NCS Collection XML record.
NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Create a NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter.
NCSCollectReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Class to extract information from a ncs_collect metadata record represented as a dom4j.Document.
NCSCollectReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Constructor for the NCSCollectReader object given a dom4j.Document in ncs_collect format.
NcsItemFrameworkPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin
CATService FrameworkPlugin providing information specific to the ncs_item framework.
NcsItemFrameworkPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.NcsItemFrameworkPlugin
NCSPrep - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Utilities for working with NSDL Collection records housed in the NCS instance.
ncsRec - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
NCSWebServiceClient - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Class to extract information from the NCS via webServices.
NCSWebServiceClient() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
Constructor for the NCSWebServiceClient object
NCSWebServiceClient(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSWebServiceClient
Constructor for the NCSWebServiceClient object
NDR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
Timeout for connections to ndr server in millis
NDR_EXPORTED_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
NDR_IMPORTED_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
NDRAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action
A Struts Action controlling interaction between the NDR and DCS.
NDRAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.NDRAction
NDRAPIProxy - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
The proxy object represents the concrete implementation of the NDRAPI.
NDRAPIProxy() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy
NDRAPIProxy(NDRAPIProxy.Service) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy
Constructor based on the service ( FIND, GET, etc.
NDRAPIProxy(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy
NDRAPIProxy.Service - Enum in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
NDRCollectionReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
A Wrapper object for a NdrCollection as stored in the NDR independent of the NCS (no readers for ncs_collect).
NDRCollectionReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
Construct a NDRCollectionReader object for the provided Collection Aggregator
NDRCollectionUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr
NDRCollectionUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NDRCollectionUtils
NDRConnection - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection
NDRConnection() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
NDRConnection(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
NDRConnection(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
NDRConstants - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
This class contains constants that are used in communicating with the NDR
NDRConstants() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
NDRConstants.NDRObjectType - Enum in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
Supported object types of the NDR, used in InputXML instances and responses.
NDRConstants.OAIVisibilty - Enum in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
Permitted values for Metadata and MetadataProvider Objects in the NDR to control their visibility to the OAI.
NDRConstants.ObjectState - Enum in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
Permissible states for an NDRObject.
NDRConstants.Service - Enum in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
NDRConstants.SupportedCommand - Enum in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
ndrDateFormat - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Formats and parses dates according to utcDateFormatString.
ndrDateFormatString - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
NDRForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling interactions with the NDR.
NDRForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
NdrGetMDHandles - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
ndrHost - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
NDRIndexer - Class in
Indexes and configures collections from the NSDL Data Repository (NDR).
NDRIndexer() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the NDRIndexer object
ndrNearProductionSetup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CIGlobals
NdrObjectReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Base Class for reading NDR responses to GET Requests, used primarily to support NDR Import operations.
NdrObjectReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Constructor for the NdrObjectReader object with a XML Document (for testing purposes)
NdrObjectReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Constructor for the NdrObjectReader object with ndrHandle
NdrObjectReader(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Constructor for the NdrObjectReader object with ndrHandle and specified nativeDataStreamFormat.
NdrObjectReader(Document, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Constructor for the NdrObjectReader object
ndrProductionSetup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CIGlobals
NdrRepositoryWriterPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer
Methods to create, copy, and put Records to the Repository
NdrRepositoryWriterPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NdrRepositoryWriterPlugin
Constructor for the NdrRepositoryWriterPlugin object
NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer
Indicates a problem occured when attempting to interact with a RepositoryWriterPlugin.
NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException
NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException
NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException
NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException
NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NdrRepositoryWriterPluginException
NDRRepoTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Utilities for testing an NDR repository - can we create and modify a resource??
NDRRepoTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NDRRepoTester
NdrRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
Class to communiate directly with NDR via NDRConnection.
NdrRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Constructor for the NdrRequest object
NdrRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Constructor for the NdrRequest object with specified verb.
NdrRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Constructor for the NdrRequest object with specified verb and handle.
ndrResponse - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
NdrResponseReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Base Class for reading NDR responses to requests that return handle lists, such as "List" and "Find" requests.
NdrResponseReader(InfoXML) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
Constructor for the NdrResponseReader object
ndrServiceEnabled - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
NDRServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr
Servlet responsible for initializing the NDR proxy and placing it in the servlet Context.
NDRServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NDRServlet
NDRSync - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr
NOW Obsolete??
NDRSync(String, String, ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.NDRSync
Constructor for the NDRSync object
ndrTestSetup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
NDRToolkit - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit
Class for interacting with the NDRToolkit (sorry about the name confusion!).
NDRToolkit() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Constructor for the ToolKit object
NdrUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr
Collection of static methods for setting up NDR proxy and performing operations on the NDR.
NdrUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
NEW_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Description of the Field
NEW_STATUS_FLAG - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Description of the Field
NEWEST_FIRST - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileModDateComparator
Sort by newest first.
NewFieldInfoMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Populates the a fieldInfoMap by reading from a file specified in Framework config file (with name ending in "fields-list.xml").
NewFieldInfoMap() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.NewFieldInfoMap
Constructor for the NewFieldInfoMap object
NewFieldInfoMap(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.NewFieldInfoMap
Constructor for the NewFieldInfoMap object
newMetadata() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Get a new metadata object
newMetsDoc() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp.MetsTester
Demonstrates how values are inserted into an empty Mets document.
newReader() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndexChangedEvent
Listeners must retrieve the new path information for the reader
newRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
Creates a new ResourceRecord instance by reading from the recordTemplate.
newRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.SuggestResourceHelper
Creates a new ResourceRecord instance by reading from the recordTemplate.
newRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Creates a new ResourceRecord instance from the recordTemplate file.
newRenderer(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets a new renderer for the specified xpath and parent element.
newRenderer(String, Element, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Gets a new renderer for the specified xpath and parent element and typeDef.
newResource() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Get a new resource object
newSiblingController() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingNode
Create new item controller that goes at the bottom of a repeating node to allow user to create a new element (sibling).
NewsOppsDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that was indexed from a DLESE news and opportunities metadata record.
NewsOppsDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Constructor for the NewsOppsDocReader object
NewsOppsDocReader(Document, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.NewsOppsDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter.
NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Used to write a Lucene Document for a DLESE news-opps XML record.
NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Create a NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter.
NewsOppsToLocalizedFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from news_opps format to a localized news_opps format, which contains no namespace declarations.
NewsOppsToLocalizedFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NewsOppsToLocalizedFormatConverter
NewVocabsChecker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Check the timestamp on the base loader XML, and reload when it changes
NewVocabsChecker(MetadataVocabServlet, String, ServletContext, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.NewVocabsChecker
Constructor for the NewVocabsChecker object
next() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection.VocabUiLabelsIterator
Gets the next UI label in the collection.
nextID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Get the next ID to be assigned for this collection.
nextID() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
Gets next available number as string and updates id file
nextLockKey - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
A unique id for locking purposes
NILLABLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
NL - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
NldrMetadataRecordExporter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr
Reads XML records and converts to an exported form (i.e., "containing citableUrls").
NldrMetadataRecordExporter(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Constructor that loads the given record.
NO_BLOCK - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Indicates update operations will be allowed while others are still in progress.
NO_ERRORS - Static variable in class
NO_ERRORS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
NO_METADATA_FORMATS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAICodes
NO_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
NO_OP - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
NO_RECORDS_MATCH - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAICodes
NO_ROLE - Static variable in class
NO_ROLE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
NO_SET_HIERARCHY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAICodes
nodeExists(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Returns true if there is a node at specified xpath
nodeExistsTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Creates a test for the existence of a node in the instance document at the given path
nodeHasChildrenTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
nodeHasMembersTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
nodeHasNoMembersTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
nodeNotExistsTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Creates an element that tests for the NON-existence of an instance document node at the given path
nonNullValue(String) - Method in class
nonWrappedLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Replaces "||" in label values with spaces
normalize() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURI
normalize() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURL
normalize(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
To be called on form input from metadata editor
normalizeByProtocol() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURI
Protocol-Based Normalization (see RFC3986 6.2.4)
normalizeByProtocol() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURL
normalizeByScheme() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURI
Scheme-Based Normalization (see RFC3986 6.2.3)
normalizeByScheme() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURL
normalizeCase() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURI
Case Normalization (see RFC3986
normalizeCase() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURL
NormalizedURI - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url
NormalizedURL - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url
NormalizedURL(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURL
normalizedXPath - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
normalizedXPath - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
normalizePathSegment() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURI
Path Segment Normalization (see RFC3986
normalizePathSegment() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURL
normalizePercentEncoding() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURI
Percent-Encoding Normalization (see RFC3986
normalizePercentEncoding() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURL
normalizeStatus() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Ensure that 1) records having a status LABEL equal to the configured final status label also have the correct status VALUE, and 2) records having a final status refer to the correct collection.
normalizeStatuses() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
normalizeStatuses(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
normalizeSubjectValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
Hook to preprocess subject values before submitting them to the CAT API
normalizeSubjectValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.Msp2FrameworkPlugin
Remove semicolons from subject values.
normalizeSyntax() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURI
Performs the following: Case Normalization Percent-Encoding Normalization Path Segment Normalization
normalizeSyntax() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURL
normalizeUrl(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Stand in for the official NDR normalizing routine.
normalizeXPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Removes any and all indexing information from an XPath.
normalizeXPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Removes indexing information from XPath strings.
NoscriptAction - Class in
Implementation of Action that handles display of vocabulary selections for users with scripting turned off
NoscriptAction() - Constructor for class
notExpandableTest - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
nsContext - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
nsContext to support xpath ops
nsDefsToString(String, SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
NSDL_DC_METADATA_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
Used in nsdl_dc_info data streams
nsdl_dc_test() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TransformTester
NSDL_DCToNCS_COLLECTFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from NSDL_DC format to the NCS_COLLECT format.
NSDL_DCToNCS_COLLECTFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_COLLECTFormatConverter
NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Converts from NSDL_DC format to the NCS_ITEM format.
NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter
nsdl_item_test2() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TransformTester
NSDL_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
NsdlAnnoValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Extension of SchemEditValidator that is only concerned with a few msp2-specific fields.
NsdlAnnoValidator(SchemEditForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.NsdlAnnoValidator
Constructor for the NsdlAnnoValidator object
nsdlColl - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
NSDLCollectionReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Provides accesess to NSDL Collections in the NDR - exposing collection management information collected from each NDR Object that defines a collection, as well as the NDR Objects.
NSDLCollectionReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
Constructor for the NSDLCollectionReader object
NSDLCollectionUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
Utilities for working with NSDL Collection records housed in the NCS instance.
NSDLCollectionUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
NSDLCollectionWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer
Creates or updates the NDR Objects necessary to create a NSDL collection in the NDR, namely the collection Metadata Record, Collection Resource, Collection Aggregator, and Collection MetadataProvider.
NSDLCollectionWriter(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NSDLCollectionWriter
Constructor for the NSDLCollectionWriter object
NsdlDcReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Reads NsdlDc data stream as a dom4j.Document and provides access to components.
NsdlDcReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NsdlDcReader
Constructor for the NsdlDcReader object
NsdlDcReader(URL) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NsdlDcReader
NsdlDcWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Class to construct serviceDescription elements to be used in NDR Objects (i.e., MetadataProvider and Aggregator), as described at
NsdlDcWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NsdlDcWriter
Constructor for the NsdlDcWriter object
NsdlDcWriter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NsdlDcWriter
Constructor for the NsdlDcWriter object, given title, description and type values.
NsdlGradeRangeHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
GradeRangeHelper that accomodates the "nsdlEdLevel" vocabs, which are defined by the nsdl schemas but which are also used by others, including MSP2, res_qual, commcore, etc.
NsdlGradeRangeHelper() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.NsdlGradeRangeHelper
Constructor for the NsdlGradeRangeHelper read from file at specified path
NsdlGradeRangeHelper.GrItemComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
nsdlItemId - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
NSDLLdapClient - Class in
LdapClient for the NSDL Ldap Server
NSDLLdapClient(String) - Constructor for class
nsIterator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Utility returns an iterator for the registed namespaces
nsToString(Namespace) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
NUM_IDENTIFIERS_RESULTS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
num_records - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
NUM_RECORDS_RESULTS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
NUM_STATUS_MESSAGES - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
numAudioInProgress - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
numCompletedAnnos - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
numDbRecords - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
Total number of records in the database
NumDeletedComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NumDeletedComparator
numDocs(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
numDocs() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
NumDoneComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumDoneComparator
NumFilesComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NumFilesComparator
numGraphicalInProgress - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
NumIndexedComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NumIndexedComparator
NumIndexingErrorsComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.NumIndexingErrorsComparator
numInProgressAnnos - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
numItems - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
NumNotValidComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumNotValidComparator
numRecords - Variable in class
numSearchResults - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
Number of search results for search requests; 0 otherwise
NumSyncErrorsComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumSyncErrorsComparator
numTextInProgress - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
NumValidComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumValidComparator
NumWorkingComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo.NumWorkingComparator


OAI_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
OAIArgs - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai
This class contains OAI argument constants that are used throughout the OAI application.
OAIArgs() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
OAIChangeListener - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
Interface that receives an event message whenever an OAI record file is created, modified, exists but not modified, or deleted.
OAIChangeListenerImpl - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
Simple implementation of the OAIChangeListener interface that just prints messages to System out.
OAIChangeListenerImpl() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIChangeListenerImpl
OAICodes - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai
This class contains constants that are used throughout the OAI application.
OAICodes() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAICodes
OAIError - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai
An internal data structure that holds an individual OAI error code and a human-readable description that accompanies it.
OAIError(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIError
Constructor for the OAIError object
OAIErrorException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
Indicates an OAI protocol error code was returned by the data provider during a harvest.
OAIErrorException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIErrorException
Constructor for the OAIErrorException object
OAIErrorException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Indicates an OAI error.
oaiErrorMessage(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.HarvestMessageHandler
A message generated by the harvester when an OAI protocol error has occured.
oaiErrorMessage(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
A message generated by the harvester when a standard OAI error has occured.
oaiErrorMessage(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.SimpleHarvestMessageHandler
A message generated by the harvester when an OAI protocol error has occured.
OAIHarvesterServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
A servlet used to manage harvesting metadata via OAI-PMH.
OAIHarvesterServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
OaiPmhSearchAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action
Implementation of Action that handles the OAI-PMH search page.
OaiPmhSearchAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.OaiPmhSearchAction
OaiPmhSearchForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form
Form used to support OAI-PMH search page.
OaiPmhSearchForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Constructor for the ProviderAdminForm Bean object
OaiPmhSearchForm.DateLabelPair - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form
OAIProviderServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider
A servlet used to configure and manage a library repository.
OAIProviderServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
OAISetsXMLConfigManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Reads and writes the XML configuration file used to define OAI sets in the RepositoryManager.
OAIUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai
Contains utility methods used in OAI.
OAIUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIUtils
ObfuscateEmailAddressTag - Class in
Apply DLESE JavaScript rot13 email address encryption (for detering spambots)
ObfuscateEmailAddressTag() - Constructor for class
objectCache - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
ObjectInspector(Object) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Inspects an objects type and methods to standard out.
ObjectNotSupportedException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
Indicates that a DataManager was asked to handle an object of data that it does not understand.
ObjectNotSupportedException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ObjectNotSupportedException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
ObjectNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ObjectNotSupportedException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
objectType - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
objectType - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
objectType - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SignedNdrRequest
occurs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Identifies the nth occurence of this node in the parent's children array.
occursInfo() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
OdlSearchAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action
A Struts Action for performing DLESE ODL searches of remote data providers that support DLESE ODL Search.
OdlSearchAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.OdlSearchAction
OdlSearchForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form
A Struts Form bean for handling remote search results returned in responst to a DLESE ODL search request.
OdlSearchForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Constructor for the OdlSearchForm object
OdlSearchForm.ParamPair - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form
Holds paramter, value pairs.
OFFLINE_TEST - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy
OIDAlreadyExistsException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
Indicates that a DataManager was asked to add a new object of data with an OID that is already in use.
OIDAlreadyExistsException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.OIDAlreadyExistsException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
OIDAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.OIDAlreadyExistsException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
OIDDoesNotExistException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
Indicates that a DataManager was asked to handle an object of data associated an OID that does not exist.
OIDDoesNotExistException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.OIDDoesNotExistException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
OIDDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.OIDDoesNotExistException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
oidExists(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Determines whether an object with the given oid exists in the DataManager.
oidExists(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Determines whether an object with the given oid exists in the DataManager.
oidExists(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Determines whether an object with the given oid exists in the DataManager.
OLDEST_FIRST - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.util.FileModDateComparator
Sort by oldest first.
OldFieldInfoMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Populates a by reading from a file specified in Framework config file (with name ending in "filename-list.xml").
OldFieldInfoMap(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.OldFieldInfoMap
Constructor for the OldFieldInfoMap object
OldFieldInfoMap() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.OldFieldInfoMap
Constructor for the OldFieldInfoMap object
oneTimeHarvest(ScheduledHarvest, Date, Date, File, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Performs a one-time only harvest in the background.
onRecordChange(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIChangeListener
This method is called whenever an OAI record file has changed.
onRecordChange(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIChangeListenerImpl
This method is called whenever an OAI record file has changed.
onRecordCreate(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIChangeListener
This method is called whenever an OAI record file is created.
onRecordCreate(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIChangeListenerImpl
This method is called whenever an OAI record file is created.
onRecordDelete(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIChangeListener
This method is called whenever an OAI record file is deleted.
onRecordDelete(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIChangeListenerImpl
This method is called whenever an OAI record file is deleted.
onRecordExistsNoChange(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIChangeListener
This method is called whenever an OAI record file previously exists but has not changed.
onRecordExistsNoChange(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIChangeListenerImpl
This method is called whenever an OAI record file previously exists but has not changed.
OPEN - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Description of the Field
openElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Opens the default element
openElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Opens the specified element
OPERATOR_AND - Static variable in class
Indicates use of the AND boolean operator in the DDSQueryAction.getBooleanQuery(String[] terms, int operator, boolean useStemming) method.
OPERATOR_OR - Static variable in class
Indicates use of the OR boolean operator in the DDSQueryAction.getBooleanQuery(String[] terms, int operator, boolean useStemming) method.
OPML_GROUPS_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
OPML_NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
OPML_VERSION - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
options - Variable in class
orderElements(Document, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ElementsOrderer
orderSequenceElements(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Put sequence elements in the order specified by the sequence compositor.
orderSubElements(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Order a list of elements so that the attributes are first.
org.apache.commons.collections - package org.apache.commons.collections
This package contains a small number of collections classes that are needed for beanutils to function.
org.dlese.dpc.action - package org.dlese.dpc.action
org.dlese.dpc.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.commands - package org.dlese.dpc.commands
org.dlese.dpc.datamgr - package org.dlese.dpc.datamgr - package
Provides Servlets and other general classes used in the DLESE Discovery System. - package
Contains Struts Action classes used in the DLESE Discovery System. - package
Contains Struts Form classes used in the DLESE Discovery System. - package - package - package
org.dlese.dpc.index - package org.dlese.dpc.index
org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis - package org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis
org.dlese.dpc.index.document - package org.dlese.dpc.index.document
org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser - package org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser
org.dlese.dpc.index.reader - package org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
Provides beans used to read data returned in Lucene search results. - package
org.dlese.dpc.index.writer - package org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml - package org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml
org.dlese.dpc.junit - package org.dlese.dpc.junit
org.dlese.dpc.ldap - package org.dlese.dpc.ldap
org.dlese.dpc.logging - package org.dlese.dpc.logging
org.dlese.dpc.ndr - package org.dlese.dpc.ndr
org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy - package org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy
org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection - package org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection
org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi - package org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi - package
org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader - package org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request - package org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit - package org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit
org.dlese.dpc.oai - package org.dlese.dpc.oai
org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester - package org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action - package org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action
org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs - package org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs
org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action - package org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action
org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider - package org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider
org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action - package org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action
org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr - package org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr
org.dlese.dpc.repository - package org.dlese.dpc.repository
org.dlese.dpc.repository.action - package org.dlese.dpc.repository.action
org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing - package org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.mets
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config - package
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.tmp
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks
org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout - package org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout - package
org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract - package org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract
org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch - package org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch
org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader - package org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader
org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient - package org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn - package org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore - package org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore
org.dlese.dpc.suggest - package org.dlese.dpc.suggest
org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action - package org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action
org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment - package org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment
org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource - package org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource
org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck - package org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck
org.dlese.dpc.surveys - package org.dlese.dpc.surveys
org.dlese.dpc.util - package org.dlese.dpc.util
org.dlese.dpc.util.strings - package org.dlese.dpc.util.strings
org.dlese.dpc.util.tags - package org.dlese.dpc.util.tags
org.dlese.dpc.util.uri - package org.dlese.dpc.util.uri
org.dlese.dpc.vocab - package org.dlese.dpc.vocab
org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action - package org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action
org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags - package org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags
org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml - package org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml
org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters - package org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters
org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts - package org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts - package
org.dlese.dpc.xml - package org.dlese.dpc.xml
Contains Interfaces and APIs for working with XML including XML parsing, validation and transformations.
org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps - package org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps
Provides the mapping classes required for creating XMLMap instances.
org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr - package org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr
org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema - package org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action - package org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action
org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form - package org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form
org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor - package org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
OrganizationContributor() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.OrganizationContributor
originalsDir - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter
OsmEditValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Extension of SchemEditValidator that implements special (non-schema) validation for OSM framework.
OsmEditValidator(SchemEditForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.OsmEditValidator
Constructor for the OsmEditValidator object
OsmRecordExporter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr
Specializes NldrMetadataRecordExporter to handle export for the osm framework.
OsmRecordExporter(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.OsmRecordExporter
Constructor that loads the given ADN record for editing.
OtherPractice(String, List) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader.OtherPractice
Constructor for the OtherPractice object
otherTechnicalInfo - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
outputRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
A convenience method for outputting the current record to a given filename.
outputRecord() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Ouputs the current record to xmlFile, which is the same file used to create the current record unless outputRecord(newfile) has been called.
OutputTools - Class in
This class contains tools for formatting ouput, such as converting XML text to HTML, that are useful in many servlet/JSP based applications.
OutputTools() - Constructor for class
outXmlFile - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionCmp
outXmlFile - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionIntegrator
overline(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
ownsLock(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Does this session own the lock for the record?
ownsLock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Is a record locked by the given session?


pad(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
Page(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList.Page
Constructor for the Page object
PageList - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Manages information about the editor pages in support of SchemaEdit.
PageList() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Constructor for the PageList object
PageList(String[][]) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Constructor for the PageList object
PageList.Page - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Information about the pages/form in an editor.
pairToId(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseUtils
Converts a paramName and fieldLabel to an ID that can be used in javascript.
paramNameToNormalizedXPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Extracts an xpath from a request parameter name, and normalizes it to remove all indexing information.
paramNameToXPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Extracts the xpath portion of a paramName and decodes the xpath by converting indexing information from javscript to xpath forms.
ParamPair() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm.ParamPair
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm.ParamPair
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm.ParamPair
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm.ParamPair
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm.ParamPair
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm.ParamPair
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm.ParamPair
Constructor for the ParamPair object
ParamPair(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm.ParamPair
Constructor for the ParamPair object
parent - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
parent - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
A Element representing the parent of the node being rendered.
parent - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabList
parent - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
parent - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
The parent node of this one.
parentNodeExistsTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Creates a test for the existance of the parentNode of the node being rendered
parentNodeNotExistsTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
parse(String, Analyzer, String[], String[], Map, VirtualSearchFieldMapper, QueryParser.Operator) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.FieldExpansionQueryParser
Parses the query text to create an expanded Lucene Query.
parse(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.FieldExpansionQueryParser
Parses a query which searches on the fields specified.
parse(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.FieldExpansionQueryParser
Parses a query string, returning a Query.
parse(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
Creates a ClfLogRecord by parsing the specified input line.
parseDate(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.MetadataUtils
Converts a String of the union.dateType or ISO8601 UTC datastamp form to a Date.
parseDateString(String, SimpleDateFormat) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Formats given date string using given dateFormat.
parseISO8601DateStamp(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.MetadataUtils
Converts an ISO8601 UTC datastamp of the form yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ or the short form yyyy-MM-dd to a Java Date.
parseNdrDateString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Converts String of form used by NDR ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'") into a Date object.
parseSimpleDateString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Converts date string of form "yyyy-MM-dd" to Date object.
parseUnionDateType(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.MetadataUtils
Converts a String in a DLESE union.dateType format into a Java Date object.
parseWithSAX(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DocReader
parseWithSAX(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DocReader
parseWithSAX(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.Dom4jTester
parseWithSAX(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.Dom4jTester
parseWithSAX(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.NamespaceCacheTester
parseWithSAX(URL) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.NamespaceCacheTester
parseWithSAX(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SGTester
parseWithSAX(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SimpleDomTester
PassThroughFilter - Class in
PassThroughFilter() - Constructor for class
PASSWORD - Static variable in class
password - Variable in class
place holder for password
password - Variable in class
password - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
PasswordHelper - Class in
Manages password entries in the password file.
path - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
path - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaRegistry.Schema
path - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
path - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Identifies the location in the JDOM hierarchy of the wrapped XML element.
pathName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
A short name (such as "url") that can be used to access the instance by name.
PathTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
PathTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PathTester
pathToId(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseUtils
Converts an xpath to an ID that can be used in javascript.
PatternTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing pattern matching and regular expressinos
PatternTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.PatternTester
payload - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
pending - Variable in class
PerFieldAnalyzer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis
This Analyzer is used to facilitate scenarios where different fields require different analysis techniques.
PerFieldAnalyzer(Analyzer) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Constructs with the given Analyzer to use as a default for fields not otherwise configured.
PerFieldAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Constructs using a StandardAnalyzer as the default for fields not otherwise configured.
permitted(Subject, Permission) - Static method in class
NOT USED - returns true if provided subject has provided permission
person - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Contributor
PersonContributor(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DleseCollectionDocReader.PersonContributor
Constructor for the PersonContributor object
PHRASE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
String used to separate and preserve phrases indexed as text, includes leading and trailing white space.
placeNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.GeoReference
PLUGIN_ALL_FORMATS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Specifies in the RepositoryManager.setFileIndexingPlugin(String xmlFormat, FileIndexingPlugin plugin) method that the given plugin should be used when indexing all XML formats.
pop() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
popup - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Pretty-prints a dom4j.Node.
pp(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.AgentReader
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.HarvestInfoReader
Prints a dom4j.Node as formatted string.
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.MetadataReader
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Prints a dom4j.Node as formatted string.
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrResponseReader
Prints a dom4j.Node as formatted string.
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NsdlDcReader
Prints a dom4j.Node as formatted string.
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.ServiceDescriptionReader
Prints a dom4j.Node as formatted string.
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.Tester
Prints a dom4j.Node as formatted string.
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Prints a dom4j.Node as formatted string.
pp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
Description of the Method
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
Description of the Method
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
Utility to show XML in pretty form
pp(Node) - Static method in class
Description of the Method
pp(Node) - Static method in class
Description of the Method
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
Description of the Method
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Description of the Method
pp(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
Description of the Method
preprocessEditableDocument(DocMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
preprocessEditableDocument(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
prettyPrint(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Formats an Node as a printable string
previewDCSSetup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
primaryRecordCollectionDescriptionPage - Variable in class
principals - Variable in class
place holder for principals
principals - Variable in class
print_char_values() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.TestTools
print_char_values() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Prints the char values of all chars in range 0 to 256.
printBucketElements(CompositorGuard.CMBucket) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.SequenceGuard
Description of the Method
printCMBuckets(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.SequenceGuard
printElapsedTime(String, Date, Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.TestTools
Print the elapsed time that occured beween two points of time as recorded in java Date objects.
printElapsedTime(String, Date, Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Print the elapsed time that occured beween two points of time as recorded in java Date objects.
printElementContent(Element, Writer, int, XMLOutputter.NamespaceStack, List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLWriter
printElements() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
printEntry() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Description of the Method
printInstanceMembers() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Description of the Method
printInstanceNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
printLeafMemberNames() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
printNodeList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Description of the Method
printNodeList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Description of the Method
printNodeList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Description of the Method
printNodeList() - Method in class
Description of the Method
printOccurrences() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
printStandardsDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Walk down a hierarchical tree of DleseStandardsNodes and print an indented display
printStandardsDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Walk down a hierarchical tree of AsnStandardsNodes and print an indented display
printStandardsDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Walk down a hierarchical tree of StandardsNodes and print an indented display
printStandardsDocument() - Method in class
Walk down a hierarchical tree of StandardsNodes and print an indented display
printStatusMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Post a status message to the indexing process to let admins know the current indexing status.
printToSystemErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Sends the string to System-err-println.
printToSystemOut(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
* Sends the string to System-out-println.
process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ActionServlet
process(Document, SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.EnsureMinimalDocument
Static method to process given Document with help of given schemaHelper
process(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RequestProcessor
Override process method to catch the infamous BeanUtils.populate exception, which is thrown when a session has timed out.
process(XMLNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Recursively iterates through the children XML elements, wrapping each in an XMLNode and adding the created node to the local map.
processComments() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Process the document's (as opposed to an element's) comments for purposes of extracting the footnote.
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
processingTime - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
processOrderedElements(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Orders elements as specified by the framework configuration.
processPopulate(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ActionForm, ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RequestProcessor
processRoles(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ActionMapping) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RequestProcessor
Since we do our roles processing in the AuthenticationFilter, the only job to do here is to create a sessionBean when necessary.
processSchemaFile(URI, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Process all files in the schema tree recursively.
properties - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
A PropertiesManager that contains properties for this bean.
PropertiesManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr
Reads and writes Java properties files.
PropertiesManager() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr.PropertiesManager
Create an unloaded Properties object.
PropertiesManager(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr.PropertiesManager
Create and load this Properties hash map from the given Properties file or properties resource located in the jar.
propNameIterator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.UserInfo
Returns an Iterator over the properties specified by this UserInfo object.
props - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
PROTOCOL_VERSION - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
ProtocolVersion - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
PROVIDER_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
providerStatus - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
prtArray(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UrlTester
prtList(List) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaPathSorter
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Print a line to standard output.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.InputXMLComponent
Description of the Method
prtln(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordData
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionConfigAction
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.UcasProxyForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkAdminAction
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkConfigAction
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SchemEditAdminAction
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeAny
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeAttribute
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeChoice
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeDerivedContentModel
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeModelGroup
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeMultiChoice
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingAnyType
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingComplexType
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedContentModel
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingNode
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSequence
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSimpleType
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSubstitutionGroup
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSequence
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSimpleType
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeStdsNode
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataFileIndexingPlugin
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBeanInitializer
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseUtils
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.RecordValidationFilter
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.CollectionIntegrationForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Static method in class
prtln(String) - Static method in class
prtln(String) - Static method in class
prtln(String) - Static method in class
prtln(String) - Static method in class
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdManager
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdMap
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceManager
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CollectionConfigTester
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DcsDataTester
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DcsRecordEditorFix
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DefReportTester
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FieldsFileTester
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkTester
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidationReportTester
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidatingService
Print a line to standard out.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.NewFieldInfoMap
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.OldFieldInfoMap
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.GzipFilter
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.JavaScriptWritelnFilter
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLPostProcessingFilter
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLValidationFilter
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.GlobalDefReporter
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
print a string to std out
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.ChoiceGuard
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
prtln(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Description of the Method
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Description of the Method
prtln(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
prtln(Node, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
prtln(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
prtln(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtlnArray(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Method
prtlnBox(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
prtlnBox(Node, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
prtlnCore(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.FilterCore
Output a line of text to standard out, with datestamp, if debug is set to true.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordData
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionConfigAction
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Description of the Method
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.AbstractCATHelperPlugin
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnCATPlugin
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.GzipFilter
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.JavaScriptWritelnFilter
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLPostProcessingFilter
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLValidationFilter
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
prtlnErr(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnErr(Throwable) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Output a line of text to error out, with datestamp.
prtlnError(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
prtlnError(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
prtmap(Map) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.DocContentMap
Utility method to print the contents of a contentMap
prtParam(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkAdminAction
Description of the Method
prtParam(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SchemEditAdminAction
Description of the Method
pruneDocument(Document, SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.DocumentPruner
Description of the Method
pruneInstanceDoc() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Rid the instanceDocument of any non-required empty fields
pruneRepeatingFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Removes empty elements of repeating fields.
pruneSortedGRList(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.NsdlGradeRangeHelper
Removes GradeRangeItems that contain the item in front of them.
purge(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
Utility for cleaning up - Delete all metadata records that d0 NOT belong to collections modified since the threshold date.
push(SchemaReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Adds a new object of data.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Adds a new object of data.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Adds a new object of data.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Adds a new object of data, replacing the existing one if one exists and is not locked.
put(String, Object, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Adds a new object of data, replacing the existing one if one exists and it can be unlocked with the given key.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Method not supported.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Method not supported.
put(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestionRecord
Assign the provided value to the XML Node specified by xpath.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Updates the Document by setting the Text of the Node at the specified xpath.
PUT_COLLECTION_VERB - Static variable in class
PUT_RECORD_VERB - Static variable in class
PUT_RECORD_VERB - Static variable in class
putADNRecordTest() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DCSServiceTester
Performs a PutRecord request using file on disk, and invoking the PutRecord service INDIRECTLY (via WebServiceClient doPutRecord).
putAdnRecordViaHelper() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DCSServiceTester
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Method not supported.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Method not supported.
putCollection(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Put a collection in the repository.
putCollection(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Put a collection in the repository.
putCollection(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Puts a collection into a DDS repository.
putCollectionData(String, CollectionConfig, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NdrRepositoryWriterPlugin
putCollectionData(String, CollectionConfig, DcsDataRecord) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPlugin
PutCollectionException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Indicates a problem occured when attempting to add, modify or delete a collection in the repository.
putContent(String, byte[], String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Set the provided content into the NDR Resource object having provided resourceUrl
putFieldInfo(String, FieldInfoReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Add a FieldInfoReader to the map.
putKeywordField(String, String) - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorDocException
Adds a field to be indexed as a keyword.
putNewsRecordViaHelper() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.DCSServiceTester
putPath(SchemaPath) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
Add a SchemaPath.
putPrincipal(Set, Principal) - Method in class
Place the specified Principle in the subject and also record it in our principles Vector so we can remove them all later.
putRecord(String, String, String, CollectionIndexingSession) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Put a record in a collection, adding or replacing the given record in the repository.
putRecord(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Puts a record into the repository, replacing the existing record if one exists.
putRecord(String, String, String, String, FileIndexingPlugin, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Puts a record into the repository, replacing the existing record if one exists.
putRecord(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Abstract call to save record.
putRecord(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSSchemEditAction
Saves a metadata record either to disk in the case of a stand-alone metadata editor, or to the repository manager in the case of the integrated metadata editor.
putRecord(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.FrameworkConfigAction
putRecord(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Saves a metadata record either to disk
putRecord(String, String, String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NdrRepositoryWriterPlugin
Writes a metadata record to the NDR, with special handling for records of ncs_collect format.
putRecord(String, String, String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPlugin
Writes a metadata record to the NDR, with pecial handling for records of ncs_collect format.
putRecord(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Puts a record into a DDS repository.
PutRecordData - Class in
PutRecordData() - Constructor for class
putRecordToDCS(SuggestionRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
Insert a suggested record into the DCS specified by client configuration.
putRecordToDCS(SuggestionRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.SuggestResourceHelper
putRecordToDCS(SuggestionRecord, ValidatorResults) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.SuggestResourceHelper
Insert a suggested record into the DCS specified by client configuration.
putRecordToDCS(SuggestionRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Insert a suggested record into the DCS specified by Suggestor's configuration.
putTextField(String, String) - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ErrorDocException
Adds a field to be indexed as text.
putVocabLayout(String, VocabLayout) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Add a VocabLayout to the map.


query - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocConfig
The query used
Query - Class in
Provides access to the meta-metadata database.
Query(int, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor: Makes the connection to the database.
QUERY_BOTH - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Use to query within both other and the same collection
QUERY_BOTH - Static variable in class
The queryType parameter for the findDups method: return all results.
QUERY_OTHER - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Use to query within a other collection
QUERY_OTHER - Static variable in class
The queryType parameter for the findDups method: only return results not from the collection collKey.
QUERY_SAME - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Use to query within a the same collection
QUERY_SAME - Static variable in class
The queryType parameter for the findDups method: only return results from the collection collKey.
QUERY_TYPE - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
quoteWrap(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Return the given string wrapped in quotation marks


rankNum - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
If search: rank of first result in the displayed page.
read() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
readBinaryFile(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.ContentUtils
reader - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
READER_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
ReaderStack - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Mains a pushdown stack of SchemaReaders for use in StructureWalker to resolve qualified names and find GobalDef instances from the GlobalDefMap.
ReaderStack(GlobalDefMap) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Constructor for the ReaderStack object
readerType - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ADNFragDocReader
readerType - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
readFile(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Reads a file into a StringBuffer.
readFile(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Reads a file into a StringBuffer.
readFileFromJarClasspath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Reads a file from a JAR or location in the runtime classpath.
ReadFileTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util.tags
Tag for displaying the contents of a system file
ReadFileTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.tags.ReadFileTag
readFileToEncoding(File, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Reads a file to a StringBuffer that will be in the given character encoding, for example UTF-8.
readInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Reads an InputStream into a StringBuffer and closes the stream when done.
readOnly - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
Is this element required (by the indexer) to be present in all records?
reap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionReaper
Description of the Method
recId - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
recId - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.Emailer
RECOMMEND_COLLECTION - Static variable in class
RECOMMEND_RESOURCE - Static variable in class
RECOMMENDED_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
RECOMMENDED_STATUS_FLAG - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
RecommenderAction - Class in
An Action that handles DCS related web service requests.
RecommenderAction() - Constructor for class
RecommenderForm - Class in
A ActionForm bean that holds data for DDS web services and has access to vocab info.
RecommenderForm() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
RecommenderForm.DateLabelPair - Class in
record - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Record - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Bean for displaying an index of metadata records in the StandAlone metadata editor (see StandAloneSchemEditAction).
Record(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Record
Constructor - creates a new Record containing given Document and assigns it given id.
RecordData - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Holds data related to a single item-level record such as it's annotations and records that refer to the same resource.
RecordData(DleseAnnoDocReader[], ItemDocReader[], String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordData
Contruct the record data for an item-level record.
recordDataService - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
The record data service
RecordDataService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Provides data related to a given collection-level record such as its associated IDs and annotations.
RecordDataService(String, MetadataVocab, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Constructor for a RecordDataService that has access to an MmdRec Query service.
recordId - Variable in class
RecordList - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Class to manage a list of records (e.g.
RecordList() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Constructor for the RecordList object
RecordList(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Constructor for the RecordList object
RecordList(String, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Contructor for the RecordList object given a query string and a lucene index
RecordList(ResultDocList, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Constructor for the RecordList object given a ResultDocList and a SimpleLuceneIndex.
RecordList(String[], SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Constructor for the RecordList object given an array of ids
RecordOperationsAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action for handling operations on single records, such as Copy, Delete, Move, and New.
RecordOperationsAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.RecordOperationsAction
RecordOperationsForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling requests to support Schemedit.
RecordOperationsForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
records - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
RECORDS_DIR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CIGlobals
recordsDir - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
recordsProcessed - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
recordTemplate - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
XML File from which suggestionRecords are created
RecordUpdateException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Indicates a problem occured when attempting to add, modify or delete a record the repository.
RecordValidationFilter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Filter that validates XML and updates dcsDataRecord with the results of validation.
RecordValidationFilter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.RecordValidationFilter
rectifyInstanceDoc(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper
Update instanceDocument to make the benchmark elements in the instance doc correspond to the selected standards in the CAT UI.
RedirectEncoder(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Encodes a string used in the URL sent to the redirect server and ensures it does not contain problematic characters for the Apache 1 mod_redirect rules (the character sequence %2F is replaced with /).
ref - Variable in exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceException
A string representation of a character or numerical reference (e.g., Δ or �a9;)
ReferenceException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Stores information about a problem trying to resolve a numeric or character reference within form input.
ReferenceException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceException
Constructor for the ReferenceException object
ReferenceResolver - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Resolves numeric and character references (e.g, or δ) into their unicode representations.
ReferenceResolver() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceResolver
Constructor for the ReferenceResolver object
ReferenceResolver.ResolverResults - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Returned by ReferenceResolver.resolve storing the resolved input string and a list of errors describing references that could not be resolved.
referrer - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
The referrer, but long ago was misspelled it as the "referer" HTTP request header.
refresh() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Write Document to disk and then set docMap to null, forcing a re-read upon next access.
refresh() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Causes all values to be re-read from config file on disk.
refresh() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Force update by clearing cached values
refresh() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Force update by clearing cached values
refresh() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
RegExTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing pattern matching and regular expressinos
RegExTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RegExTester
register(CollectionConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Register a collection by placing it's CollectionConfig instance in the map.
register(MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Register provided MetaDataFramework.
register(User) - Method in class
Adds provided User instance to the managed users.
register(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Register a Standards Document located at specified path
register(Namespace) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Register a namespace by placing itto the uriMap (mapping uri to its namespace) and resets default namespaces so they will be recomputed using updated uriMap.
registerNamespaces(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Register all the namespaces defined in the docuement's rootElement.
registerSessionBean(SessionBean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Register a sessionBean by putting it into the sessionBeanMap.
registerUiLabels(HashMap, HashMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.DLESEMetadataVocabTracker
Step through all of the current (non-retired) values in the vocab_values table and examine the UI labels, comparing what is in the DB with what was just loaded from the XML
registerUiLabels(HashMap, HashMap) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTracker
Register the current state of UI labels in the database
RegistryExporter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.util
Dumps the contents of a StandardsRegistry contents to file in tab-delimited form (one row per standards doc).
reindexDocs(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Re-indexes all documents that match the given term within the given field.
reindexDocs(String, String[], boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Re-indexes all documents that match the given terms within the given field.
reindexDocs(String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Reindexes Documents managed by this FileIndexingService that match the given Lucene query.
reindexDocs(Document[], boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Reindexes the given Documents.
reindexDocs(ResultDocList, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Reindexes the Documents in the given ResultDocs.
reindexRecord(String, FileIndexingPlugin, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Reindexes an existing record in the repository, updating any related data from outside of the record XML such as annotations or data from a FileIndexingPlugin, replacing the existing index entry.
reinit() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdManager
RelatedResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader.RelatedResource
Relation() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Relation
Constructor for the Relation object
Relation(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Relation
Constructor for the Relation object
relation - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Relation
relations - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
release() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Description of the Method
release() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Description of the Method
release() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabGetOPMLTag
Description of the Method
release() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabGetResponseOPMLTag
Description of the Method
release() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSetResponseGroupTag
Description of the Method
release() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSetResponseValueTag
Description of the Method
release() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
Release from memory
release() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Description of the Method
releaseAllLocks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Release all locks held by this session.
releaseAllLocks() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Release all locked records.
releaseAllLocks(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Release all the locks owned by a particluar session.
releaseLock(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Release the read/write lock.
releaseLock(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Release lock for given record.
releaseLock(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Releases the lock for given record, regardless of what session owns the lock.
releaseLock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Release lock held by specified sesssion
RELEVANCE_REC_SORT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
reload() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Reload all the FieldInfoReaders in the map
reload() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Reload all the VocabLayouts in the map
reloadConfigFiles() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Instructs the RepositoryManager to re-read and re-load the values found in it's configuration files.
reloadIdExclusionDocument() - Static method in class
reloadIdExclusionDocument() - Static method in class
remoteHost - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
Remote host IP number.
RemoteResultDoc - Class in org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch
This class wraps the individual items that are returned by RemoteSearcher.searchDocs(String).
RemoteResultDoc(String, String, String, RemoteSearcher) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
Constructor for the RemoteResultDoc object.
RemoteResultDoc(Element, RemoteSearcher) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
Construct a RemoteResultDoc from a MatchingRecord element (of the reponse from the UrlCheck Web Service)
RemoteSearcher - Class in org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch
RemoteSearcher plays a role anaogous to SimpleLuceneIndex in the DDS, only it performs searches for records using a DDS Web Service (version 1.0).
RemoteSearcher(String, MetadataVocab) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteSearcher
Constructor for the RemoteSearcher object
RemoteSearchTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
RemoteSearchTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RemoteSearchTester
remoteUser - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
The username as which the user has authenticated via password protection.
remove(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Removes an existing data object, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
remove(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Removes an existing data object iff the object is not locked.
remove(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Removes an existing data object, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
remove(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Removes an existing data object iff the object is not locked.
remove(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Removes an existing data object, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock for the object.
remove(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Removes an existing data object iff the object is not locked by another user.
remove(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Removes an existing data object, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock for the object.
remove(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Removes an existing data object iff the object is not locked by another user.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Method not supported.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Method not supported.
remove() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection.VocabUiLabelsIterator
This method is not supported.
remove(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Removes the definition that is defined for the given field and term.
remove(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Removes all term definitions that are defined for the given field.
remove(MappingInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
remove(String) - Method in class
Writes password file with current user information.
remove(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
removes a node from the dom4j Document.
REMOVE_INVALID_RECORDS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
removeAdminEmail(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Removes the given admin e-mail from the repository.
removeAdminEmail(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Removes the given admin e-mail at the given ArrayList index from the repository.
removeAnalyzer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Removes the Analyzer that is configured for the given field, if one exists.
removeAnyTypeFields(List, DocMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Remove specified Anytype fields from the managedFields of this inputManager and also from the instanceDocument.
removeAttributeValueDn(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: removes a single value from a single attribute, or removes the entire attribute and all values, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
removeComment(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Removes the first identified comment from the element of this node, if one exists.
removeCompression(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Removes the given compression value.
removeCompression(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Removes the given compression item.
removeDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Remove the given desctiption from the repository.
removeDescription(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Remove the given descrtiption item from the repository.
removeDirInfo(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
removeDocs(String, String, FileIndexingServiceWriter) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Removes all documents that match the given term within the given field.
removeDocs(String, String[], FileIndexingServiceWriter) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Removes all documents that match the given terms within the given field.
removeDocs(String, String, FileIndexingServiceWriter, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Removes all documents that match the given term within the given field.
removeDocs(String, String[], FileIndexingServiceWriter, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Removes all documents that match the given terms within the given field.
removeDocs(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
removeDocs(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
removeDocs(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Removes all Documents that match the given term within the given field.
removeDocs(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
removeDocs(String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Removes all documents that match the given terms within the given field.
removeELbrackets(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
Remove jsp expressionLanauge brackets used to support indexing in jsp pages (i.e., ${...}) from a path.
removeElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Removes the element at specified path
removeEntireList(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Removes a list of names, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
removeEntityRefs(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
Removes entityRefs from the provided string
removeEntityRefs(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Removes entityRefs from the provided string
removeEntryDn(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: removes an entry from the LDAP database, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
removeFieldInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Description of the Method
removeFromCache(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
removeHexChars(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Unencodes chars that have been encoded into hex.
removeHTMLComments(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.HTMLTools
Removes all HTML comments from a String.
removeInProgresstLogEntries() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Removes log entries showing entrytype status inprogress and replaces them with an error message indicateing that the given harvest was terminated by a server shut-down or crash.
removeListener(DataListener) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Remove a DataListener from this DataManager.
removeListener(WorkFlowServices) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Description of the Method
removeListener(RepositoryEventListener) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Description of the Method
removeListener(MetadataVocabReloadListener) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
Description of the Method
removeListName(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Removes a single "DLESElistMember" name from the specified list.
removeMetadataNamespace(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Removes the metadata namespace for the given metadataPrefix (XML format).
removeMetadataSchemaURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Removes the metadata schema URL for the given metadataPrefix (XML format).
removeNodes(String, XMLNode, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Removes one or more like elements from the parent XMLNode.
removeOAISetSpecDefinition(File, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.OAISetsXMLConfigManager
Removes the given OAI set definition from the ListSets config XML file and writes it to disc.
removeOAISetSpecDefinition(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Removes the given OAI set definition from repository configuration.
removePlugin(RepositoryWriterPlugin) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriter
Unregister a RepositoryWriterPlugin.
removeScheduledHarvest(Long, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Removes the given ScheduledHarvest.
removeSetBySetSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Removes the cofiguration (SetInfo) for the given set of files from the repository and deletes the index entries for that set of files.
removeSetInfo(SetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Remove the given set of files from the repository.
removeSetInfo(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Removes the given set of files form the repository.
removeSiblings(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Remove a node and all it's siblings (having the same element name) from the parent node.
removeTree() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
Remove least recently used tree from the cache
removeTree(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
Remove specified tree from the cache
removeUserAttributeValue(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Removes a single value from a single attribute, or removes the entire attribute and all values, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
removeUserAttributeValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Removes a single value from a single attribute, or removes the entire attribute and all values, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
removeUserEntry(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Removes an entry from the LDAP database, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
removeUserObject(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Removes a serialized Java Object, and associated attributes, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
removeVocabLayout(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
removeXMLComments(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLUtils
Removes all XML comments from a String.
renameEntryDn(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Deprecated: Low level method: renames an entry in the LDAP database, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
renameUserEntry(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Deprecated: Renames an user entry in the LDAP database, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
render(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Produce a Element representing an editor for the node at xpath.
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeAttribute
render(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeChoice
Render children elements of a choice compositor.
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Render this complex type element
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeDerivedContentModel
Render a derived content model (complexType) by calling either renderExtension or renderRestriction as appropriate.
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel
The base element is rendered as the base type before rendering the children.
render(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeModelGroup
Render children elements of a ModelGroup compositor.
render(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeMultiChoice
Render children elements of a choice compositor.
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingAnyType
Identical to SimpleJspRenderer.renderRepeatingElement, but adds a controller for deleting items`
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingComplexType
Identical to SimpleJspRenderer.renderRepeatingElement, but adds a controller for deleting items`
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedContentModel
Identical to SimpleJspRenderer.renderRepeatingElement, but adds a controller for deleting items`
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel
Identical to SimpleJspRenderer.renderRepeatingElement, but adds a controller for deleting items`
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingNode
Render method is supplied by concrete classes
render(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSequence
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSimpleType
Identical to SimpleJspRenderer.renderRepeatingElement, but adds a controller for deleting items`
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSubstitutionGroup
Does not attempt to preserve order of elements in the instance document, but rather groups them by their element name.
render(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSequence
render() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSimpleType
render_display_mode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSimpleType
render_edit_mode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeAny
render_edit_mode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSimpleType
render_edit_mode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeStdsNode
Renders a managed standards field, unless this collection does not allow the suggestion service, in which case the field is rendered as a repeating simple type
renderAndWrite(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Description of the Method
renderAndWrite(String, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
renderAndWrite() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
renderAttribute() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render an Attribute Node
renderAttribute() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Render an Attribute schemaNode
renderAttribute() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Render an attribute
renderChoice(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render a choice node.
renderChoice(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Render a choice compository via either MdeChoice, for simple choices, or MdeMultiChoice for choice compositors that have more than one occurance
renderChoice(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Render a choice Compositor
renderComplexType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render an editor for a schemaNode defined as ComplexType
renderComplexTypeConcrete() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Implementation-specific method to render an editor for a schemaNode defined as ComplexType
renderComplexTypeConcrete() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Renders a complexType element by creating an containerBox and then populating it with a formattedLabel and the complexType element contents (via renderSubElements).
renderComplexTypeConcrete() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
A complexType is displayed iff: it is required or it satisfies the viewNode predicate.
renderDerivedContentModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render a Derived Content Model (ComplexType having ComplexContent element)
renderDerivedContentModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Render a derived content model (complexType).
renderDerivedTextOnlyModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render a derived Text-Only content model (ComplexType having SimpleContent element)
renderDerivedTextOnlyModel() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Render a Text-only content model, which is a complexType that uses a simpleContent element.
renderEditorPages() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Generate the pages of the editor for records of this MetaDataFramework.
renderer - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Renderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Abstract class for rendering an editor for a SchemaNode (an Element or Attribute defined in an XML Schema).
Renderer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Constructor for the Renderer object
RendererHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Manages global rhelper information for a Renderer Instance as well as providing a renderer factory for instantiating new renderer objects.
RendererHelper(Element, MetaDataFramework, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Constructor for the RendererHelper object with renderer class name explicitly specified.
RendererHelper(Element, MetaDataFramework, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Constructor for the RendererHelper object
RendererImpl - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Concrete class for rendering a JSP-based representation of a SchemaNode (an Element or Attribute defined in an XML Schema).
RendererImpl() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Constructor for the Renderer object
renderInputElement(String, SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Gets the inputElement attribute of the EditorRenderer object
renderModelGroup(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
renderModelGroup(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
called with group element, e.g., <xs:group ref="nameGroup"/>
renderNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.MathPathEditorRenderer
Intercept renderNode calls for certain paths and use jsp tags instead of autoform
renderNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Msp2EditorRenderer
Intercept renderNode calls for certain paths and use jsp tags instead of autoform
renderNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render an editor for the schemaNode (i.e., a Node of the schema's instanceDocument) specified by the xpath field.
renderNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SIFEditorRenderer
Suppress rendering of SIF_ExtendedElements field, which includes "any" construct and does not (at this point) contain any fields we need to supply.
renderRepeatingElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DleseEditorRenderer
If this element has been configured to use suggestion service, render using MdeStdsNode, otherwise render as usual.
renderRepeatingElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render an element having an unbounded sequence of subelements
renderRepeatingElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
renderRepeatingElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Render a repeating element
renderRepeatingSubstitutionGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
renderRepeatingSubstitutionGroup() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
renderSequence(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render the subelements of a sequence compositor
renderSequence(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
renderSequence(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Render a Sequence Compositor
renderSimpleType() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render an editor for a schemaNode defined as SimpleType
renderSimpleTypeConcrete() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Implementation-specific method to render an editor for a schemaNode defined as SimpleType
renderSimpleTypeConcrete() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
renderSimpleTypeConcrete() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Concrete render method for SimpleType elements
renderSubElements() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Render the subitems of the current ComplexType element by walking the children elements of the type definition.
renderSubElements(GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Render the subelements of specified proxyTypeDef, used to render derived models.
renderSubElements(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Render the given subElements (or those of the current ComplexType if no subElements are provided).
renderSubElements(GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
renderSubElements() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render the subitems of the current ComplexType element by walking the children elements of the type definition.
renderSubElements(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Render the given subElements (or those of the current ComplexType if no subElements are provided).
renderSubElements(GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
renderSubElements(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Render the given subElements (or those of the current ComplexType if no subElements are provided).
renderSubElements() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
renderSubElements(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Render the provided list of subelements
renderSubElements() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Render the subElements of the current typeDefinition
renderSubjectsNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.MathPathEditorRenderer
Custom renderer for the Subjects node using a tag file.
renderSubjectsNode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Msp2EditorRenderer
Custom renderer for the Subjects node using a tag file.
RenderTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing metadata editor rendering on a specific node of a specific framework
renderTextExtensionElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel
Render the extension element of a Derived Text-Only Model.
renderTextExtensionElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel
Render the extension element of this derivedTextOnlyModel element
repeatingComplexSingletonChildPath - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Place holder for a path to a repeating child.
replace(String, String) - Method in class
Perform string match and replace
replace(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.strings.FindAndReplace
Given an input string, replace all occurences of a string sequence (reg.
replace(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.strings.StringUtil
Given an input string, replace all occurences of a string sequence with a given replacement string.
replaceAdminEmail(int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Add the given admin e-mail to the repository.
replaceAliasedFieldNames(String) - Static method in class
Substitutues the searchable field names for the common field names that user's may use in their query string.
replaceAll(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Replaces each substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement.
replaceDescription(int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Add the given admin Description to the repository.
replaceFirst(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Replace first occurrance of exact match (case sensitive)
replaceFirst(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Replaces the first substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement.
replaceSetInfo(String, SetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Replace a given SetInfo object with a new one, updating the index as appropriate.
replaceSetInfo(int, SetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Replace a given SetInfo object with a new one, updating the index as appropriate.
replaceStatusEntry(String, StatusEntry) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Removes statusEntry corresponding to provided changeDate, and then adds new statusEntry
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
report(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
report(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SignedNdrRequest
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Description of the Method
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Description of the Method
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdMap
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
prints debugging information about this AsnStandardsManager
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.DynaStandardsManager
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Description of the Method
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceManager
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Debugging utility
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
Report - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
Report(DcsSetInfo, String[]) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
Report(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.ErrorManager
Report on files containing errors.
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
report() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnAuthors
Report.ReportEntry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
REPORT_FUNCTIONS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.GlobalDefReporter
reportConfiguredLoginModules() - Static method in class
Gets (and prints) the configuredLoginModules as list of loginModule class names
ReportEntry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr
Class to capture the results of a NDRSync operation in which a metadata record is written to the NDR.
ReportEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
Constructor for the ReportEntry object
ReportEntry(String, String, InfoXML) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.ReportEntry
reportError(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Log an error
reportError(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Log an error
reportError(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Log an error
reportMessage(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Log a message
reportMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Log a message
reportMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Log a message
reportMetadataProviders(List) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NDRCollectionUtils
Reports on provided list of mdp handles.
reportMissingXSDatatypes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
Find the dataTypes of elements in the SchemaNodeMap that are not present in the XSDatatypeManager.
REPOSITORY_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
REPOSITORY_INFO_FORM - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
REPOSITORY_NAME - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
RepositoryAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.action
Implementation of Action that handles all OAI-PMH and ODL requests.
RepositoryAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
RepositoryAdminAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.action
Action that handles administration of an OAI metadata repository.
RepositoryAdminAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAdminAction
RepositoryAdminForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form
This class uses the getter methods of the ProviderBean and then adds setter methods for editable fields.
RepositoryAdminForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Constructor for the RepositoryAdminForm Bean object
RepositoryEvent - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
Event indicating that a repository event occurred, exposes an event name (e.g., 'recordMoved') as well eventData in the form of a map.
RepositoryEvent(String, Map) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryEvent
Contruct a RepositoryEvent
RepositoryEventListener - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
A Simple, servletContext-aware, listener for RepositoryEvents that prints event info to the log
RepositoryEventListener() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryEventListener
Constructor for the RepositoryEventListener object
RepositoryEventListener(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryEventListener
Constructor for the RepositoryEventListener object
RepositoryEventListenerInterface - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
Provides an interface for Objects listening to a Repository events source.
RepositoryForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form
A base class bean for creating output used in OAI requests.
RepositoryForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Constructor for the RepositoryForm object
RepositoryIndexingObserver - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
RepositoryIndexingObsever initializes IDGenerators for each collection after reindexing the entire repository (all collections).
RepositoryIndexingObserver(CollectionRegistry, RepositoryManager) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryIndexingObserver
Constructor for the RepositoryIndexingObserver object
RepositoryInfoForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form
Bean for values used in the OAI Identify request including repository name, description, admin e-mail, and namespace identifier.
RepositoryInfoForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryInfoForm
Constructor for the RepositoryInfoForm Bean object
repositoryManager - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
The RepositoryManager
RepositoryManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Manages a repository of metadata files for use in discovery, cataloging, OAI and other applications.
RepositoryManager(File, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Constructor for the RepositoryManager.
RepositoryManager(File, File, String, String, String, String, RecordDataService, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Constructor for the RepositoryManager.
repositoryManager - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
repositoryService - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
RepositoryService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
Methods to wrap the RepositoryManager class and provide other methods and services over the repository.
RepositoryService(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Constructor for the RepositoryService object, requiring ServletContext.
RepositoryUtils - Class in
Provides functions that use the DDSServicesToolkit to get information about collections, itemRecords, terms and other data from a DDS repository.
RepositoryUtils(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryUtils object
RepositoryUtils(DDSServicesToolkit) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RepositoryUtils object
RepositoryWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
The class includes methods to create, copy, and put Records to the main Repository, and RepositoryWriterPlugins if so configured.
RepositoryWriter(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriter
Constructor for the RepositoryWriter object
RepositoryWriterPlugin - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
Methods to create, copy, and put Records to the Repository
RepositoryWriterPluginException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
Indicates a problem occured when attempting to interact with a RepositoryWriterPlugin.
RepositoryWriterPluginException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPluginException
RepositoryWriterPluginException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPluginException
RepositoryWriterPluginException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPluginException
RepositoryWriterPluginException(String, String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPluginException
request() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
request(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
request - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
requestAgent - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
requestDateUtc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
The date and time of request, UTC (GMT) time.
requestExec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy
Make the request to the NDR for executing the contents of the XML String representing an InputXML object.
requestGET(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
requestGET(String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
RequestProcessor - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
My first cut at a RequestProcessor.
RequestProcessor() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RequestProcessor
requestString - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
The request line as it came from the client.
RequestTesters - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
RequestTesters() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
requestType - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
The DLESE request type: search/full/other.
requiredByCopyRecord - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
Description of the Field
requiredByMinimalRecord - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
Is this element required by the copyRecord
requiredRole - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
requirement - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.TechnicalReq
reservedStatusLabels() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Description of the Method
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Reset bean properties to their default state, as needed.
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Reset bean properties to their default state, as needed.
reset() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Resets the data in the form to default values.
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Reset form attributes associated with multiple check inputs.
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
reset() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Reset all properties to their default values.
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
reset() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Reset all bean properties to their default state.
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Necessary to set role to a default value in the case in which no selection is made for roles.
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
Stub for reseting form variables
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
We need this method to allow gradeRange to be zero'd out as a multibox.
reset(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
resetBoostingFactorDefaults() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Resets the boosting factors to the default values.
resetLargestTotal() - Method in class
Description of the Method
resetPagingLinks() - Method in class
Description of the Method
resetValidator() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
resolve(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceResolver
Resolves a string by replacing numeric (e.g., ©) and character references (e.g., δ) with thier equivalent unicode representation.
resolveLeafNameToCM(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Given a leaf element name, find the CompositorMember that ultimately controls it
resolveLeafNameToCMName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
Uses resolveLeafNameToCM to return the instanceQualifiedName of the CompositorMember that controls the leafElement of leafName.
resolveReferences(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Identifies entity references and attempts to resolve them
ResolverResults(String, List) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceResolver.ResolverResults
Constructor for the ResolverResults object
resolveToInstancePrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
resource - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NSDLCollectionReader
resource - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.ResourceType
resourceCount - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
ResourceEmailer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource
Formats and sends email notifying of a newly suggested resource
ResourceEmailer(String, SuggestHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceEmailer
Constructor for the ResourceEmailer object
ResourceRecord - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource
Wrapper for a suggested resource record, which is in ADN item-level format and represented as a Document.
ResourceRecord(Document, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Constructor - creates a new ResourceRecord but doesn't assign an id
ResourceType() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.ResourceType
Constructor for the ResourceType object
ResourceType(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.ResourceType
Constructor for the ResourceType object
resourceTypes - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
resourceURL - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
ResQualEditorRenderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Includes res_qual-specific kludges ...
ResQualEditorRenderer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ResQualEditorRenderer
ResQualFrameworkPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin
CATService FrameworkPlugin providing information specific to the res_qual framework.
ResQualFrameworkPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.plugin.ResQualFrameworkPlugin
ResQualStandardsManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Extends AsnStandardsManager by exposing a setXmlFormat call, which is necessary to the res_qual scheme.
ResQualStandardsManager(String, String, File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.ResQualStandardsManager
Constructor for the ResQualStandardsManager object
ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
SuggestionsServiceHelper for the CAT REST standards suggestion service, operating over res_qual framework, which presents special considerations ...
ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper(SchemEditForm, CATHelperPlugin) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper
Constructor for the ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper object
restoreSerializedObject(String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Restores a Serialized object from the given file path, pulling if from a RAM cache if caching indicated at construction time.
RESULT_CODE_NO_SUCH_COLLECTION - Static variable in class
RESULT_CODE_NO_SUCH_RECORD - Static variable in class
RESULT_CODE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class
resultDoc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
ResultDoc - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
A factory container for a hit that is returned from a SimpleLuceneIndex search.
ResultDoc(ResultDocConfig, int, float) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Constructor for the ResultDoc that is used by the SimpleLuceneIndex class during search result hit list compilation to create a ResultDocCollection.
ResultDoc(Document, ResultDocConfig) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Constructor for the ResultDoc that is used by the SimpleLuceneIndex class during search result hit list compilation to create a ResultDocCollection.
ResultDoc(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Constructs a ResultDoc using the Document provided.
ResultDocConfig - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
Contains the arbitraty attributes, the index and the users query, making them available in DocReaders.
ResultDocConfig(String, Query, Filter, HashMap, SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocConfig
Constructor for the ResultDocConfig.
ResultDocConfig(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocConfig
Minimum constructor for the ResultDocConfig.
ResultDocList - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
A List of ResultDocs returned by a SimpleLucenIndex search.
ResultDocList() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocList
Creates an empty ResultDocList that can not be expanded.
ResultDocList(ResultDoc[]) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocList
Creates a ResultDocList backed by the given resultDocs that can not be expanded.
ResultDocList(TopDocs, ResultDocConfig) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocList
Creates a ResultDocList backed by the given search results that can not be expanded.
ResultDocs - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
ResultDocs(ResultDoc[], BitSet) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocs
results() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocs
RESUMPTION_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The resumptionToken argument
revertToSaved(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataManager
Remove the cashed DcsDataRecord, in effect reverting to the last saved version of the record, since it will be read from disk next time it is accessed.
rhelper - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
rhelper - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Data structure containing global information required by individual Renderer instances.
rm - Variable in class
rm - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
rmSetInfo() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
role - Variable in class
RoleBean(String, String) - Constructor for class
RoleBean(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the RoleBean object
RoleCollectionComparator - Class in
Sort the names of role-associated collections.
RoleCollectionComparator() - Constructor for class
RoleManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
RoleManager(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
Constructor for the RoleManager object
roleMapTable - Variable in class
Roles - Class in
Assigns an integer "value" to a role to support "inheritance" of role-based permissions
Roles() - Constructor for class
roles - Static variable in class
Roles.Role - Enum in
RolesTest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
RolesTest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
RolesTest.Role - Enum in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
roleTable - Variable in class
root - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
The root element to be Rendered.
root - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
The root node of this XMLRecord.
RootAsnStandard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn
Root standard of the Sandards Document representing the top-most standard in the hierarchy for the Document.
RootAsnStandard(AsnDocStatement, AsnDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.RootAsnStandard
Constructor for the RootAsnStandard object
rootElementName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
rootElementName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaRegistry.Schema
RootStandard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore
Root standard of the Sandards Document representing the top-most standard in the hierarchy for the Document.
RootStandard(Element, StdDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.RootStandard
Constructor for the RootStandard object
Rot13 - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util.strings
Basic Rot13 implementation.
Rot13() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.strings.Rot13
run() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileMoveTester.MoveFilesThread
Main processing method for the SimpleThread object
run() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ThreadTester
run() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.AutoExportTask
run() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.NewVocabsChecker
Main processing method for the NewVocabsChecker object
runCommand(String, StringBuffer, StringBuffer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Runs the given command-line command.
runGC() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.MemoryCheck
Runs object finization and the garbage collector several times.
runSync(DcsSetInfo, SyncReport) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
Sync the collection and item level info for the collection specified by "setInfo".
RunXSLTransform - Class in org.dlese.dpc.commands
Command-line routine that performs XSL transforms of XML files or directories of files.
RunXSLTransform() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.commands.RunXSLTransform
RWLock - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
RWLock() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.RWLock


satisfies(Roles.Role) - Method in enum
satisfies(RolesTest.Role) - Method in enum org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest.Role
saveEditedRecord(String, Document, User) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Save an edited record to disk and update the index accordingly.
saveNewRecord(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Saves and indexes a newly created record.
saveRecord(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Save a record to disk.
saveUser(User) - Method in class
Writes data for specified user to disk as XML file
SCHEDULED_HARVESTS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Keys
Description of the Field
ScheduledHarvest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs
Data structure that holds the info needed to configure a regular-occuring harvest of a particular repository.
ScheduledHarvest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Constructor for the ScheduledHarvest object
ScheduledHarvest(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, File, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Constructor for the ScheduledHarvest object
ScheduledHarvestManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
Runs, logs and manages ScheduledHarvests.
ScheduledHarvestManager(SimpleDataStore, File, SimpleLuceneIndex, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Constructor for the ScheduledHarvestManager
Schema(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaRegistry.Schema
SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING_FEATURE_ID - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Schema full checking feature id (
SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNamespaceConverter
SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FEATURE_ID - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Schema validation feature id (
schemaFile - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
schemaHelper - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
the schemaHelper provided schema info
schemaHelper - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
schemaHelper - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Helper providing schema-related functionalities for the framework of the suggestions
SchemaHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Class encapsluting semantics of XML Schemas.
SchemaHelper(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Constructor for the SchemaHelper object
SchemaHelper(File, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Constructor for the SchemaHelper object for disk-based schema
SchemaHelper(URL) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Constructor for the SchemaHelper object
SchemaHelper(URL, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Constructor for the SchemaHelper object using web-based schema.
SchemaHelperException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Simply wraps Exception.
SchemaHelperTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Description of the Class
SchemaHelperTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
Constructor for the SchemaHelperTester object
schemaInstanceNamespaceUri - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
schema Instance Namespace Uri
schemaName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SimpleSchemaHelperTester
SchemaNamespaceConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
schemaNamespaceUri - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
schema Namespace Uri
schemaNode - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
schemaNode - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
The SchemaNode which wraps the schema element (which may represent an Element Attribute) being rendered
SchemaNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
SchemaNode wraps a node in the Schema's instance document, and stores information about it such as whether the node is an attribute or element, if is required, and its xpath.
SchemaNode(Element, GlobalDef, String, SchemaNodeMap) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Constructor for the SchemaNode object used for Schema elements that refer to Global Elements, such as attributes and elements
SchemaNode(Element, GlobalDef, String, SchemaNodeMap, GlobalDef) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
SchemaNode constructor used for schema elements defined as SimpleType or ComplexType types.
SchemaNodeMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Map structure holding SchemaNode instances, keyed by XPaths to the Nodes.
SchemaNodeMap() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Constructor for the SchemaNodeMap object
schemaNodeMap - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.StructureWalker
Mapping from xpath to schemaNode instance
SchemaNodeMap.DocOrderComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Comparator to sort the keyMap in document order.
SchemaPath - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Provides information about a schema element that is not expressed in the XML Schema, but that is helpful in displaying and editing documents within a framework.
SchemaPath(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
Constructor for the SchemaPath object
SchemaPath(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
Constructor for the SchemaPath object
SchemaPathComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Class to sort lists of PathMap instances by their xpath property.
SchemaPathComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathComparator
SchemaPathMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Map holding SchemaPath instances that are defined in the framework configuration files, instantiated by FrameworkConfigReader instances, and accessed by MetaDataFramework.
SchemaPathMap() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
Constructor for the SchemaPathMap object
SchemaPathSorter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
SchemaPathSorter(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaPathSorter
SchemaPathSorter.DocOrderComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
SchemaProps - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Stores XML schema properties defined in the root schema File
SchemaProps(URI) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaProps
Constructor for the SchemaProps object for disk-based schema
schemaReader - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
schemaReader - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
SchemaReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
SchemaReader traverses an XML schema, which may be represented using multiple files, and extracts the key schema elements (including Data Type definitions and global elements).
SchemaReader(Document, URI, DefinitionMiner, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
Constructor for the SchemaReader object.
SchemaRegistry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Description of the Class
SchemaRegistry() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaRegistry
SchemaRegistry.Schema - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
SchemaToFieldsFiles - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
EXPIREMENTAL - Class to extract definitions from framework schemas and populate "fields_files"
SchemaToFieldsFiles(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.SchemaToFieldsFiles
Constructor for the SchemaToFieldsFiles object
SchemaUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
SchemaUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
SchemaViewerAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action
Just a minimal action that will set up a form bean and then forward to a jsp page this action depends upon an action-mapping in the struts-config file!
SchemaViewerAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.SchemaViewerAction
SchemaViewerForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form
Controller for the SchemaViewer app.
SchemaViewerForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
SchemaViewerServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Servlet to visualize XML Schemas
SchemaViewerServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaViewerServlet
SchemEditActionErrors - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Subclasses ActionErrors to maintain certain error-types in document order to improve readibility of error displays in UI.
SchemEditActionErrors() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditActionErrors
No-argument Constructor for the SchemEditActionErrors object
SchemEditActionErrors(SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditActionErrors
Constructor for the SchemEditActionErrors object with SchemaHelper argument, which is needed to maintain errors in document order.
SchemEditActionErrors.DocOrderComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Compares two "page error" actionMessages wrt to instance document order so that editing errors can be presented in the same order in which they occur in the document being edited.
SchemEditAdminAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Controller for the ADN Editor
SchemEditAdminAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SchemEditAdminAction
SchemEditAdminForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling requests to support Schemaedit.
SchemEditAdminForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
SchemEditAuth - Class in
Auth module for SchemEdit authentication
SchemEditAuth(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the SchemEditAuth object
SchemEditErrors - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Methods to create ActionErrors for the Metadata Editor.
SchemEditErrors() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditErrors
SchemEditForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling requests to support MetaDataEditor.
SchemEditForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
SchemEditServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Servlet responsible for initializing widely-used classes and placing them into the servlet context as attributes.
SchemEditServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditServlet
SchemEditUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Utility methods for SchemEdit
SchemEditUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
SchemEditValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Validates the metadata fields present in a http request.
SchemEditValidator(SchemEditForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Constructor for the SchemEditValidator object
sciStandards - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
score - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
The Lucene score assigned to the Document, or -1 if none available.
search(String, String, String, String, String[], int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Searches and retrieves attributes for 0 or more entries, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
search(String, String, String[], int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Searches and retrieves attributes for 0 or more entries, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
search(Query) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Return the results of search with the provided query, performing new search only if a new query string is provided or if the index has changed since the last search.
search(Query, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Description of the Method
search(String, String, int, int, String, int, String, Map, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Performs a Search request from a DDSWS repository.
SEARCH_TYPE_NAMES - Static variable in class
Identifiers that get printed in the query/search logs
SEARCH_VERB - Static variable in class
The search request verb
searchDC(int, int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy
searchDn(String, String, String, String, String[], int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: searches and retrieves attributes for 0 or more entries, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
searchDocs(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
searchDocs(String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
searchDocs(String, String, Filter) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
searchDocs(String, String, Collector) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
searchDocs(String, String, Filter, Collector) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
searchDocs(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String, Sort) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String, Analyzer) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String and Analyzer, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String, HashMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(Query, HashMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the Query object, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String, HashMap, Analyzer) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String, String, Filter, Sort) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String, default field and Filter, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String, Filter) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String and Filter using the pre-defined default field, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(Query, Filter) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven Query and Filter using the pre-defined default field, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(Query) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven Query using the pre-defined default field, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String, Filter, HashMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String and Filter using the pre-defined default field, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(Query, Filter, Sort, HashMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven Query Object and Filter using the pre-defined default field, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String, Filter, Sort, HashMap, Analyzer) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Performs a search over the index using the qiven query String and Filter using the pre-defined default field, returning an ordered array of matching ranked results.
searchDocs(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteSearcher
analogus to SimpleLuceneIndex.searchDoc, performs a search and returns an array of RemoteResultDoc objects that represent the results of the search.
searchDocs(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.SearchServiceClient
Performs a Web Service Search (using the org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.WebServiceClient) and returns results as a List of ADNItemDocReader instances.
SearchHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Class to perform searches and cache the results as well as the query and sort information.
SearchHelper(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Constructor for the SearchHelper object
searchKey - Variable in class
SearchServiceClient - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class to extract information from the NCS via webServices.
SearchServiceClient() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SearchServiceClient
Constructor for the SearchServiceClient object
SearchServiceClient(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SearchServiceClient
Constructor for the SearchServiceClient object
SearchServiceClient - Class in org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch
SearchServiceClient performs searches for records using a DDS Web Service (version 1.0), returning results as ADNItemDocReader instances.
SearchServiceClient(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.SearchServiceClient
Constructor for the SearchServiceClient object
searchServiceClient - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
SearchServiceClient.TitleComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
searchServiceUrl - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
SEARCHTYPE_DDSWS_SEARCH - Static variable in class
Indicates web service search by client using general search request
SEARCHTYPE_DDSWS_USER_SEARCH - Static variable in class
Indicates web service search by client using user search request
SEARCHTYPE_GENERAL_RSS - Static variable in class
Indicates an RSS general request
SEARCHTYPE_HISTOGRAM - Static variable in class
Indicates histogram search by user
SEARCHTYPE_JSHTML_SEARCH - Static variable in class
Indicates a JSHTML service search
SEARCHTYPE_ODL_SEARCH - Static variable in class
Indicates web service search by client using the ODL request
SEARCHTYPE_SEARCH - Static variable in class
Indicates textual search by user
SEARCHTYPE_WHATSNEW - Static variable in class
Indicates whats new search by user
SEARCHTYPE_WHATSNEW_RSS - Static variable in class
Indicates an RSS whats new request
sef - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
the ActionForm providing fields to validate
SELECT_ALL - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.action.SimpleQueryAction
String to display for selecting all
SELECT_ALL - Static variable in class
SELECT_ALL - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
SELECT_NONE - Static variable in class
SELECT_NONE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
SELECTED_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
SelectedStandardsBean - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn
Helper class to provide information about the currently selected standards in the UI, which may span several standards documents.
SelectedStandardsBean(List, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Constructor for the SelectedStandardsBean object
selectNodes(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Select Nodes for provided xpath
selectNodes(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Get list of all nodes selected by provided xpath
selectSingleNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Select Single node for provided xpath
selectSingleNode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Gets first node at proviced xpath
SendEmail - Class in
Handles sending emails.
SendEmail(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the SendEmail object
sendError(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
sendError(int, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
sendNotification(SuggestForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.Emailer
Construct and send email notification of a suggestion.
SEQUENCE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Sequence - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
Description of the Interface
Sequence(ComplexType) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Sequence
Sequence(ComplexType, Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Sequence
SequenceGuard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor
Implementation of CompositorGuard for Sequence Compositors
SequenceGuard(Compositor, Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.SequenceGuard
Constructor for the SequenceGuard object
SequenceGuard(Compositor, List) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.SequenceGuard
Constructor for the SequenceGuard object
SequenceTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
SequenceTester(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SequenceTester
serailizeObject(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Serializes an object to the given file path, placing it in a RAM cache if caching indicated at construction time.
SerializedDataManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
A Hashtable-like interface for reading and writing persistent Java objects from and to disc.
SerializedDataManager(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Constructs a new SerializedDataManager that reads and writes data to the given dataPath directory.
SerializedDataManager() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Constructor for the SerializedDataManager object, restores a serialized SerializedDataManager.
SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests - Class in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
SerializedDataManagerTest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
SerializedDataManagerTest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
serverLogin - Static variable in class
serverName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
The name of the server that received the request.
serverPassword - Static variable in class
serverPort - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
The port number of the server that received the request.
SERVICE_COMPLETED_ABORTED - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedServiceObserver
Indicates that indexing was aborted by request
SERVICE_COMPLETED_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedServiceObserver
Indicates that one or more of the indexing directories does not exist
SERVICE_COMPLETED_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedServiceObserver
Indicates that indexing completed with a severe error
SERVICE_COMPLETED_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedServiceObserver
Indicates that indexing completed normally
SERVICE_INFO - Static variable in class
The ServiceInfo request verb
SERVICE_INFO - Static variable in class
The ServiceInfo request verb
serviceCompleted(int, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedServiceObserver
This method is called when the service is complete.
serviceDescription - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
serviceDescription - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
ServiceDescription - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Class to construct serviceDescription elements to be used in NDR Objects (i.e., MetadataProvider and Aggregator), as described at
ServiceDescription() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Constructor for the ServiceDescription object
ServiceDescription(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Constructor for the ServiceDescription object, given title, description and type values.
ServiceDescription(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
ServiceDescription.Image - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util
Class representing an Image attribute of the serviceDescription.
ServiceDescriptionReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Reads ServiceDescription data stream as a dom4j.Document and provides access to components.
ServiceDescriptionReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.ServiceDescriptionReader
Constructor for the ServiceDescriptionReader object
ServiceDescriptionReader(URL) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.ServiceDescriptionReader
Constructor for the ServiceDescriptionReader object
serviceDescriptionTest() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
serviceInfo(boolean) - Method in class
Performs a ServiceInfo request from a DDSWS repository.
servletContext - Variable in class
servletContext - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
servletContext - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
ServletContextFileIndexingPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
This abstract class implements FileIndexingPlugin to provide access to the ServletContext during the indexing process.
ServletContextFileIndexingPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ServletContextFileIndexingPlugin
ServletContextRepositoryWriterPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
This abstract class implements RepositoryWriterPlugin to provide access to the ServletContext during the indexing process.
ServletContextRepositoryWriterPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.ServletContextRepositoryWriterPlugin
SessionBean - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
A Session-scoped Bean for information that needs to be available to different controllers and their jsp pages.
SessionBean(HttpSession, ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Constructor for the SessionBean object
SessionBean() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Argumentless Constructor for the SessionBean object.
sessionBean - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
SessionBean.IdComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by session id.
SessionBean.IdleTimeComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Implements Comparator to enable sorting SessionBeans by their sessions idle time
sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Called when a session is created with sole effect of putting the created session into the activeSessions map.
sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Notified when a session is about to be destroyed - removes the session from the activeSessions map and unregisteres sessionBean.
SessionIndexingPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing
SessionIndexingPlugin(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.SessionIndexingPlugin
SessionInfoAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Action supporting asynchronous exchange of information between UI and session, e.g., saving "collectionFilter" information that stored in the sessionBean and therefore accessible to any jsp page.
SessionInfoAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SessionInfoAction
sessionRegistry - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
SessionRegistry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Maintains a registry of sessions and also manages record locking.
SessionRegistry() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Constructor for the SessionRegistry object.
SessionsAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Action supporting session reporting.
SessionsAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SessionsAction
SessionsForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
This class uses the getter methods of the ProviderBean and then adds setter methods for editable fields.
SessionsForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SessionsForm
SET - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The set argument
SET_INFOS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
setAccessionedDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the accessionedDate attribute of the DleseBean object
setAccessionStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets the accession status for this Set.
setActionPaths(List) - Method in class
setActions(List) - Method in class
setAdd(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the add attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setAdd(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the add attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setAdditionalIndices(Hashtable) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
setAddress(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.GetURL
Sets the address attribute of the GetURL object
setAddWbr(String) - Method in class
Sets the addWbr attribute of the KeywordsHighlightTag object
setAdminEmail(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryInfoForm
Sets the adminEmail attribute of the RepositoryInfoForm object
setAdminUser(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the adminUser attribute of the User object
setAdnDocReader(ADNItemDocReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the adnDocReader attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setAgentHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Set the NDR connection agentHandle for this object.
setAgentHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the handle of the NDR agent object for this collection.
setAgentHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the agentHandle attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setAggregatorFor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddAggregatorRequest
Sets the aggregatorFor attribute of the AddAggregatorRequest object
setAggregatorFor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyAggregatorRequest
setAggregatorHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the handle of the NDR aggregator object for this collection.
setAggregatorHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the aggregatorHandle attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setAllowDupDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the allowDupDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setAllowDupDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the allowDupDir attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setAllowSuggestions(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
setAltText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Sets the altText attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
setAnalyzer(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Sets the Analyzer to use for the specified search field, overridding the previous one if it existed.
setAnnotatedItem(XMLDocReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
setAnnotations(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the annotations attribute of the DleseBean object
setAppAgent(AgentReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
setArchivedReports(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the archivedReports attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setAsnHelper(AsnServiceHelper) - Method in class
setAsyncJason(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the asyncJason attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Sets an attribute Object that will be available for access here and from the FileIndexingServiceWriters.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Sets an attribute that will be available for access in search results by calling DocReader.getAttribute(String) or ResultDoc.getAttribute(String).
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Sets an attribute Object that will be available for access using the given key.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets an attribute Object that will be available for access using the given key.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Sets the value of an attribute for the element of this node.
setAttributeDn(String, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: sets the value of a single attribute, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
setAudience(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
Audience is a user group, i.e.
setAudiences(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the audiences attribute of the DleseBean object
setAuthor(String) - Method in class
Sets the author attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setAuthority(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the authority attribute for this collection, which is used to determine whether the collection is managed in the NDR.
setAuthority(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the authority attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setAuthority(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
setAuthorizedFor(String) - Method in class
Sets the role name for which this user is authorized
setAuthorizedFor(String) - Method in class
Sets the role name for which this user is authorized
setAuthorizedFor(String) - Method in class
Sets the role name for which this user is authorized
setAuthorizedFor(String) - Method in class
Sets the role name for which this user is authorized for
setAuthorizedFor(String) - Method in class
Sets the role name for which this user is authorized for
setAvailableDocs(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Sets the availableDocs attribute of the AsnStandardsManager object
setAvailableFormats(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
setAvailableSets(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
setBackupOne(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the backupOne attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setBackupThree(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the backupThree attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setBackupTwo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the backupTwo attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setBaseRenderLevel(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the baseRenderLevel attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setBaseRenderLevel(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the baseRenderLevel attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setBaseServiceUrl(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.NSDLCollectionUtils
setBaseStd(String) - Method in class
setBaseURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the baseURL attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setBaseURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the baseURL attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setBaseURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
setBaseURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the baseURL to the OAI provider.
setBestPracticesLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the renderer attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setBestPracticesLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the bestPracticesLabel attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setBogusUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setBoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Sets the value of boundingBox.
setBrandURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Sets the brandURL attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
setBrowserHandles(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
Handles to either aggregator or mdp objects for use in NDR Browser
setCachedRecIndex(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Sets the cachedRecIndex attribute of the SearchHelper object
setCalculateCountsForFields(String) - Method in class
Sets the fields to generate term counts for, separated by spaces.
setCalculateCountsForFieldsAsArray(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the fields to generate term counts for, or null for none.
setCanAssignCollectionAccess(boolean) - Method in class
setCanonicalHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Set the NDR specified canonical header for this connection.
setCatalogers(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the catalogers attribute of the DleseBean object
setChangeDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Sets the changeDate attribute of the StatusEntry object
setCollapsible(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the collapsible attribute of the VocabNode object
setCollectCollectionID(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Sets the value of collectCollectionID.
setCollection(String) - Method in class
setCollection(String) - Method in class
Sets the collection attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
setCollection(String) - Method in class
Sets the collection attribute of the HistogramForm object
setCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the collection attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object
setCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the collection attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Sets the collection attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
setCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the collection attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Sets the collection attribute of the StatusForm object
setCollection(String) - Method in class
setCollection(String) - Method in class
Sets the collection attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setCollection(String) - Method in class
Sets the collection attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setCollection(String) - Method in class
setCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Sets the collection attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
setCollectionAccessMap(Map) - Method in class
setCollectionAgent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Sets the collectionAgent attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
setCollectionConfig(CollectionConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
setCollectionConfigMod() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Sets the collectionConfigMod attribute of the CollectionRegistry object
setCollectionConfigMod(long) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
setCollectionDocReader(DocReader) - Method in class
Sets the collection attribute of the HistogramForm object
setCollectionFrameworkLoaded(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
setCollectionKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the collectionKey attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setCollectionKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the collectionKey attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setCollectionKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
setCollectionKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of collection.
setCollectionLabels(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the collectionLabels attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setCollectionLabels(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the collectionLabels attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setCollectionLabels(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the collectionLabels attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setCollectionMetaName(String) - Method in class
Sets the collectionMetaName attribute of the HistogramForm object
setCollectionName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setCollectionName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Sets the collectionName attribute of the StatusForm object
setCollectionOptions(List) - Method in class
setCollectionOptions(List) - Method in class
Sets the collectionOptions attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setCollectionPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
setCollectionRecordsLocation(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the absolute path to the collectionRecordsLocation.
setCollectionRecordsLocation(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the absolute path to the collectionRecordsLocation.
setCollectionRoles(List) - Method in class
setCollections(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the collections attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setCollections(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the collections attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setCollections(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the collections attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setCollections(List) - Method in class
setCollections(String[]) - Method in class
setCollectionsVocabDisplay(MetadataVocab, RepositoryManager) - Static method in class
Sets the "noDisplay" property of collection vocab nodes according the results of the repository manager's getEnabledSetsHashMap()
setCollectionType(int) - Method in class
setCommand(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the command attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setCommand(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
setCommand(String) - Method in class
setCommand(String) - Method in class
setCommand(String) - Method in class
Sets the command attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setCommand(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setCommonDirs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the commonDirs attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setConfigAttributes(HashMap) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Sets the configuration attributes - called by the factory method that creates the FileIndexingServiceWriter.
setConfigDirectory(File) - Method in class
Sets the configDirectory attribute of the NDRIndexer object
setConfigDirectory(File) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.ItemIndexer
Indicates the directory where ItemIndexer config files reside.
setConnection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Set the connection for this object give a url.
setContacts(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Sets the contacts attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
setContent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
setContentLength(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Sets the contentLength attribute of the GenericResponseWrapper object
setContentType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Sets the contentType attribute of the GenericResponseWrapper object
setContentURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
setContextURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the contextURL attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setContextURL(String) - Method in class
Sets the contextURL attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setContextURL(String) - Method in class
Sets the contextURL attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setContextUrl(String) - Method in class
Sets the contextUrl attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setContextURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the contextURL attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setContextURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the contextURL attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setContextURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
setContextURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
Sets the contextURL attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
setContextURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the contextURL attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setContextURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Sets the contextURL attribute of the DCSViewForm object
setContextURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the contextURL attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
setCoppa(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
setCopyright(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the copyright attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setCopyright(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the copyright attribute of the DleseBean object
setCost(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the cost attribute of the DleseBean object
setCreatedDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the createdDate attribute of the DleseBean object
setCreationDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Writes a String representaton of the date to various locations in the instance document.
setCreationDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
writes a String representaton of the date to both contributor and metaMetadata/dateInfo nodes.
setCreators(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
setCreators(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the creators attribute of the DleseBean object
setCrs(String[]) - Method in class
setCs(String) - Method in class
Sets the cs attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setCssClassName(String) - Method in class
Sets the cssClassName attribute of the SetKeywordsHighlightTag object
setCurrentAdminEmail(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the currentAdminEmail attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setCurrentAdminEmail(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the currentAdminEmail attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setCurrentDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the currentDescription attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setCurrentDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the currentDescription attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setCurrentPage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the currentPage attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setCurrentRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Sets the currentRecId attribute of the RecordList object
setCurrentRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Sets the currentRecId attribute of the RecordList object
setCurrentResultDoc(ResultDoc) - Method in class
Sets the currentResultDoc attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setCurrentSetDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the currentSetDescription attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setCurrentSetDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the currentSetDescription attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setCurrentSetDirectory(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the currentSetDirectory attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setCurrentSetDirectory(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the currentSetDirectory attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setCurrentSetFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the currentSetFormat attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setCurrentSetFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the currentSetFormat attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setCurrentSetName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the currentSetName attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setCurrentSetName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the currentSetName attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setCurrentSetSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the currentSetSpec attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setCurrentSetSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the currentSetSpec attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setCurrentStdDocKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the currentStdDocKey attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setCurrentTree(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Sets currentTree using its key (framework/version/audience/language/id)
setCurrentTree(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Sets the currentTree OPMLTree using the system info.
setCurrentVocabFramework(String) - Method in class
Sets the currentVocabFramework attribute of the HistogramForm object
setCurrentVocabGroup(String) - Method in class
Sets the currentVocabGroup attribute of the HistogramForm object
setCurrentVocabName(String) - Method in class
Sets the currentVocab attribute of the HistogramForm object
setDataInfoStream(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Sets the dataInfoStream attribute of the NdrRequest object
setDataStream(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi.DataStreamWrapper
setDataStream(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.dcsapi.DataStreamWrapper
setDataStream(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddMetadataRequest
Sets the dataStream attribute of the AddMetadataRequest object
setDataStream(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyMetadataRequest
setDatestamp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the datestamp attribute of the RepositoryForm object
setDcsCollections(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
A list of setInfo instances for each collection NOT registered with NDR
setDcsDataRecord(DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
Sets the dcsDataRecord attribute of the ADNRecordForm object
setDcsDataRecord(DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the dcsDataRecord attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setDcsDataRecord(DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Sets the dcsDataRecord attribute of the StatusForm object
setDcsId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
setDcsSetInfo(DcsSetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the dcsSetInfo attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object
setDcsSetInfo(DcsSetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the dcsSetInfo attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setDcsSetInfo(DcsSetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
setDcsSetInfo(DcsSetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Sets the dcsSetInfo attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
setDcsSetInfo(DcsSetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Sets the dcsSetInfo attribute of the ThreadedService object
setDcsStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
The dcsStatus that is given to suggested records.
setDcsStatusNote(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
The dcsStatusNote that is given to suggested records.
setDcsXml(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.SimpleQueryAction
Sets the debug attribute of the SimpleQueryAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Sets the debug attribute of the SerializedDataManager class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the previous set of results.
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the DDSQueryAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the DDSServlet object
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the NDRIndexer object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Sets the debug attribute object
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileMoveTester
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.ExtractorQueryParser
Sets the debug attribute of the FieldQueryParser object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.FieldExpansionQueryParser
Sets the debug attribute of the FieldQueryParser object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.FileIndexingServiceDocReader
Sets the debug attribute.
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDoc
Sets the debug attribute of the SimpleLuceneIndex object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocList
Sets the debug attribute of the SimpleLuceneIndex object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleFileIndexingObserver
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Sets the debug attribute of the SimpleLuceneIndex object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.WebLogIndexingService
Sets the debug attribute object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Sets the debug attribute of the FileIndexingServiceWriter object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Sets the debug attribute of the FileIndexingServiceWriter object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Sets the debug attribute of the NdrUtils class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NdrObjectReader
Sets the debug attribute of the NdrObjectReader class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.Tester
Sets the debug attribute of the NdrObjectReader class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Sets the debug attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.HarvesterAdminAction
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.HarvestReportAction
Sets the debug attribute of the HarvestReportAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Sets the debug attribute object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.OAIHarvesterServlet
Sets the debug attribute.
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Sets the debug attribute object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the debug attribute object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.OdlSearchAction
Gets the HTTP parameters that should be used to retrieve the previous set of results.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Sets the debug attribute of the DocumentService object
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.OAIProviderServlet
Sets the debug attribute of the DocumentService object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the debug attribute of the DocumentService object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAction
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.RepositoryAdminAction
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexer
Sets the debug attribute of the CollectionIndexer object
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Sets the debug attribute of the IndexingManager object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.OAISetsXMLConfigManager
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordData
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.BatchOperationsAction
Sets the debug attribute of the BatchOperationsAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CollectionServicesAction
Sets the debug attribute of the CollectionServicesAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateADNRecordAction
Sets the debug attribute of the CreateADNRecordAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateMastRecordAction
Sets the debug attribute of the CreateMastRecordAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateRecordAction
Sets the debug attribute of the CreateRecordAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAdminAction
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSBrowseAction
Sets the debug attribute of the DCSBrowseAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSQueryAction
Sets the debug attribute of the DCSQueryAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSViewAction
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.RecordOperationsAction
Sets the debug attribute of the RecordOperationsAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SessionInfoAction
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SessionsAction
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StaticRecordAction
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StatusAction
Sets the debug attribute of the StatusAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DleseEditorRenderer
Sets the debug attribute of the DleseEditorRenderer class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorRenderer
Sets the debug attribute of the EditorRenderer class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.EditorViewerRenderer
Sets the debug attribute of the EditorViewerRenderer class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.MathPathEditorRenderer
Sets the debug attribute of the MathPathEditorRenderer class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeAny
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeAny class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeAttribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeChoice
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeChoice class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeComplexType
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeComplexType class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeDerivedContentModel
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeDerivedContentModel class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeDerivedTextOnlyModel class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeModelGroup
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeMultiChoice
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeMultiChoice class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeNode class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingAnyType
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeRepeatingAnyType class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingComplexType
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedContentModel
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeRepeatingDerivedTextOnlyModel class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingNode
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeRepeatingNode class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSequence
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSimpleType
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeRepeatingSimpleType class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeRepeatingSubstitutionGroup
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSequence
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeSimpleType
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeStdsNode
Sets the debug attribute of the MdeStdsNode class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Msp2EditorRenderer
Sets the debug attribute of the Msp2EditorRenderer class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Sets the debug attribute of the Renderer object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Sets the debug attribute of the RendererHelper class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Sets the debug attribute of the RendererImpl class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ResQualEditorRenderer
Sets the debug attribute of the ResQualEditorRenderer class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SIFEditorRenderer
Sets the debug attribute of the SIFEditorRenderer class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
Sets the debug attribute of the ViewerRenderer class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter
Sets the debug attribute of the FrameworkConfigConverter object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataConverter
Sets the debug attribute of the DcsDataConverter object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the debug attribute of the DcsDataRecord class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.RecordValidationFilter
Sets the debug attribute of the RecordValidationFilter object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the debug attribute of the MetaDataFramework class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.CollectionIntegrationAction
Sets the debug attribute of the CollectionIntegrationAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.FileUploadAction
Sets the debug attribute of the NDRAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.NDRAction
Sets the debug attribute of the NDRAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.CollectionAdopter
Sets the debug attribute of the CollectionAdopter class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
Sets the debug attribute of the DevelTools class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NDRRepoTester
Sets the debug attribute of the NDRRepoTester class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Record
Sets the debug attribute of the Emailer object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionIndexingObserver
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryIndexingObserver
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SetupServlet
Sets the debug attribute of the SetupServlet class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.SIFReferenceAction
Sets the debug attribute of the SIFReferenceAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsRegistry
Sets the debug attribute of the StandardsRegistry class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Sets the debug attribute of the FieldInfoMap class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Sets the debug attribute of the FieldInfoReader class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoWriter
Sets the debug attribute of the FieldInfoWriter class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.ErrorManager
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
Sets the debug attribute of the FieldFilesChecker class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.SchemaToFieldsFiles
Sets the debug attribute of the SchemaToFieldsFiles class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.SIFFieldInfoWriter
Sets the debug attribute of the SIFFieldInfoWriter class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteSearcher
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.SearchServiceClient
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the debug attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the debug attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
Sets the debug attribute of the SuggestAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
Sets the debug attribute of the SuggestCommentAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
Sets the debug attribute of the SuggestResourceAction class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestXMLAction
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentEmailer
Sets the debug attribute of the CommentEmailer object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the debug attribute of the Emailer object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
Sets the debug attribute of the SuggestCommentHelper object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.Emailer
Sets the debug attribute of the Emailer object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceEmailer
Sets the debug attribute of the ResourceEmailer object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the debug attribute of the Emailer object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.SuggestResourceHelper
Sets the debug attribute of the SuggestResourceHelper object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.UrlValidator
Sets the debug attribute of the UrlValidator class
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestCommentServlet
Sets the debug attribute of the DDSServlet object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Sets the debug attribute of the SuggestHelper object
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestResourceServlet
Sets the debug attribute of the DDSServlet object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
Sets the debug attribute
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
Sets the debug attribute of the DDSServlet object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.VocabAdminAction
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
Sets the debug attribute of the DDSServlet object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts.FieldValidators
Sets the debug attribute object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.OsmRecordExporter
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DefinitionMiner
Sets the debug attribute of the DefinitionMiner class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Sets the debug attribute of the SchemaHelper class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Sets the debug attribute of the SchemaNodeMap class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaReader
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.StructureWalker
Sets the debug attribute of the StructureWalker class
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Sets the debug attribute of the SimpleLuceneIndex object
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Sets the debug attribute of the object
setDebugInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
setDebugz(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLPostProcessingFilter
Sets the debug attribute of the XMLPostProcessingFilter object
setDebugzz(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.GzipFilter
Sets the debug attribute of the GzipFilter object
setDebugzz(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.JavaScriptWritelnFilter
Sets the debug attribute of the JavaScriptWritelnFilter object
setDebugzz(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLValidationFilter
Sets the debug attribute of the XMLValidationFilter object
setDefaultAnalyzer(Analyzer) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Sets the default Analyzer to use from here forth.
setDefaultDir(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the defaultDir attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setDefaultDocKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
Sets the defaultDocKey attribute of the AsnStandardsManager object
setDefaultState(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Sets the defaultState attribute of the CollapseBean object
setDefaultXmlFormatInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the default schema and namespace for the given XML format, used in the OAI ListMetadataFormats response.
setDefDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the defDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setDefinition(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the definition attribute of the VocabNode object
setDefinition(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the definition attribute of the VocabNode object
setDefinition(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the vocab node definition
SetDefinitionsForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form
Bean for values used to add/edit OAI set definitions.
SetDefinitionsForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Constructor for the SetDefinitionsForm Bean object
setDeletedStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the deletedStatus attribute of the RepositoryForm object
setDeleteRecord(String) - Method in class
setDepartment(String) - Method in class
setDepartment(String) - Method in class
Sets the department attribute of the User object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Sets the value of description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets the description, which must be in XML form.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the description attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DcStream
Sets the description attribute of the DcStream object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NsdlDcWriter
Sets the description attribute of the NsdlDcWriter object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Sets the description attribute of the ServiceDescription object
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Sets the description attribute of the GuardedPath object
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Sets the description attribute of the GuardedPath object
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Sets the description attribute of the AsnStatement object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the description attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the description attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the description attribute of the CommentRecord object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the description attribute of the ResourceRecord object
setDescription(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the description attribute of the VocabNode object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the description attribute of the VocabNode object
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the vocab node src (file for information panel)
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the description attribute of the DleseBean object
setDest(String) - Method in class
setDestCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
The collection of the DCS in which suggestions are placed.
setDestPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the destPath attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setDirectory(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Sets the dir attribute of the DirInfo object
setDirInfo(int, DirInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets the dirInfo attribute of the SetInfo object
setDirInfo(int, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets the dirInfo attribute of the SetInfo object
setDirMetadataFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Sets the dirMetadataFormat attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
setDirNickname(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Sets the dirNickname attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
setDirPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Sets the dirPath attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
setDiscussionURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the discussionURL attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setDiscussionURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the discussionURL attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setDiscussionURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the discussionURL attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setDiscussionURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the discussionURL attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setDisplayContent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the displayContent attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setDisplayMode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the displayMode attribute to either TREE_MODE (to display all standards) or LIST_MODE (to display either suggested or selected standards);
setDisplayState(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Sets the displayState for a document node corresponding to the given key.
setDisplayState(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Sets the displayState attribute of the default element of the CollapseBean object
setDivider(boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the divider attribute of the VocabNode object
setDivider(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the divider attribute of the VocabNode object
setDivider(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the divider attribute of the vocab node (for UI list dividing)
setDoc(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingServiceData
setDoc(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocReader
Sets the Lucene Document that is being read by this DocReader.
setDocKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Doc key settable by UI.
setDocMap(Document) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the docMap attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setDocOrderIndex(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
setDocReader(XMLDocReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the docReader attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setDocReader(XMLDocReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Sets the docReader attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
setDocRoot(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
used by stand-alone AutoForm to explicitly set docRoot
setDocumentation(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Sets the SAX locator, which indicates the current position of the parser within the document (line number, column number).
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Sets the SAX locator, which indicates the current position of the parser within the document (line number, column number).
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Sets the SAX locator, which indicates the current position of the parser within the document (line number, column number).
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Sets the SAX locator, which indicates the current position of the parser within the document (line number, column number).
setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Sets the SAX locator, which indicates the current position of the parser within the document (line number, column number).
setDone(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Sets the done attribute of the TaskProgress object
setDrcBoostFactor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the boosting factor used to rank items in the DRC.
setDrcBoostFactor(double) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the boosting factor used to rank items in the DRC.
setDrcBoostFactor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the boosting factor used to rank items in the DRC.
setDupItemsIndex(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the de-duping index to use.
setDuplicate(DupSim) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Sets the duplicate attribute of the ValidatorResults object
setDuplicateUrlRecs(ResultDoc[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setDuplicateUrlRecs(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the duplicateUrlRecs attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setDups(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setDups(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the dups attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setDupUsername(String) - Method in class
setEditor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the editor attribute for batch status change.
setEditor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Sets the editor attribute of the StatusEntry object
setEditorConfig(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the editorConfig attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setEditorMode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Keeps track of from where the schemedit admin interface was entered.
setEditors(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the editors attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
setEditors(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
setEditRec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the editRec attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object
setEditRec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the editRec attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setEditRec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Sets the editRec attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
setEditRecordLink(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the editRecordLink attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setEditRecordLink(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
Sets the editRecordLink attribute of the ADNRecordForm object
setElementId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setEmail(String) - Method in class
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Set the from address.
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the email attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the email attribute of the CommentRecord object
setEmailFrom(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Sets the emailFrom attribute of the SuggestHelper object
setEmailPrimary(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the emailPrimary attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setEmailPrimary(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the emailPrimary attribute of the ResourceRecord object
setEmailTo(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Sets the emailTo attribute of the SuggestHelper object
setEnabled(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets the enabled status [true | false].
setEnabledDisabled(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the enabledDisabled attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setEndGrade(int) - Method in class
Sets the endGrade attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setEntryKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
setError(String) - Method in class
Sets the error attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setError(String) - Method in class
Sets the error attribute of the DDSViewCollectionForm object
setError(String) - Method in class
Sets the error attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setError(String) - Method in class
Sets the error attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setError(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
setError(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Sets the error attribute of the TaskProgress object
setErrorCode(String) - Method in class
Sets the errorCode attribute of the object
setErrorCode(String) - Method in class
Sets the errorCode attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
setErrorList(List) - Method in class
Sets the errorList attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setErrorList(List) - Method in class
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Sets the errorMessage attribute of the SubmitNewsOppsForm object
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class
Sets the errorMsg attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class
Sets the errorMsg attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class
Sets the errorMsg attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class
Sets the errorMsg attribute of the RecommenderForm object
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of errorMsg.
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class
Sets the error message
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class
Sets the errorMsg attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class
Sets the errorMsg attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
setExampleFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
setExampleId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
setExampleId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
setExcludedDirs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the excludedDirs attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setExcludedQuery(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the excludedQuery attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setExcludedTerms(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the excludedTerms attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setExitPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the exitPath attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setExportBaseDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the exportBaseDir attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setExportDir(String) - Method in class
Sets the exportDir attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setExportDirectory(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the exportDirectory attribute of the CollectionConfig object
setExportDirectory(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the exportDirectory attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setExportingSession(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the exportingSession attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setExportingSet(DcsSetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the exportingSet attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setExportReport(ExportReport) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the exportReport attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setFailedRecordList(RecordList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Records that failed batch op
setFeedbackStandards(List) - Method in class
Sets the feedbackStandards attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setFeedbackStandards(String) - Method in class
Sets the feedbackStandards attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setField(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the vocabulary field attribute of the VocabActionForm object
setField(String) - Method in class
Sets the field attribute of the VocabForm object
setField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabGetOPMLTag
Sets the field attribute of the MetadataVocabSetResponseGroupTag object
setField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
Sets the field attribute of the MetadataVocabTag object
setField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTranslateValueTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabUiDisplayTag
Sets the field attribute of the MetadataVocabUiDisplayTag object
setField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setFieldId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setFieldId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setFieldId(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the fieldId attribute of the VocabNode object
setFieldId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the fieldId attribute of the VocabNode object
setFieldId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Each vocab term has a field and a value.
setFieldInfoReader(FieldInfoReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the fieldInfoReader attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setFieldName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
Sets the fieldName attribute of the MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag object
setFieldName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
Sets the fieldName attribute of the MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag object
setFieldType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
setFileIndexingPlugin(FileIndexingPlugin) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Sets the FileIndexingPlugin that will be used during the indexing process to index additional fields.
setFileIndexingPlugin(String, FileIndexingPlugin) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the fileIndexingPlugin that will be used during indexing.
setFileIndexingService(FileIndexingService) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Sets the fileIndexingService attribute of the FileIndexingServiceWriter object
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.tags.ReadFileTag
Sets the filename attribute of the ReadFileTag object
setFinalStatusFlag(StatusFlag) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
setFinalStatusLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the finalStatusLabel (the display label) for this collection's final Status.
setFinalStatusLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the finalStatusLabel attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setFirstname(String) - Method in class
setFirstName(String) - Method in class
Sets the firstName attribute of the User object
setFirstPage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Sets the firstPage attribute of the PageList object
setFootnote(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Setter method for the XML footnote comment.
setForceValidation(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the forceValidation attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Sets the format attribute of the DirInfo object
setFormatOfRecords(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the formatOfRecords attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object
setFormatOfRecords(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the formatOfRecords attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setFormats(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the formats attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setFormats(List) - Method in class
Sets the formats attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setFormats(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the formats attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setFormats(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the formats attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setFormats(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the formats attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setFormats(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the formats attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setFormBeanName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Sets the formBeanName attribute of the RendererHelper object
setForwardPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
setForwardUrl(String) - Method in class
Sets the forwardUrl attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setFramework(MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the framework attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setFramework(MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
Sets the framework attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setFramework(MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Sets the framework attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
setFrameworkConfigFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
setFrameworkName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the frameworkName attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setFrameworkName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Sets the framework attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
setFrameworkPlugin(CATHelperPlugin) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the frameworkPlugin attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setFrameworks(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
setFrameworks(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.FrameworkAdminForm
setFrameworks(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Sets the frameworks attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
setFrom(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the from attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setFullText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Sets the fullText attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
setFullTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the fullTitle attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setGeographyStds(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the geographyStds attribute of the DleseBean object
setGeographyStds(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the geographyStds attribute of the DleseBean object
setGeoReferences(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the geoReferences attribute of the DleseBean object
setGetAbbreviated(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
Sets the getAbbreviated attribute of the MetadataVocabUiLabelTag object
setGetAbbreviated(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
Sets the getAbbreviated attribute of the MetadataVocabUiLabelTag object
setGlobalDef(GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Sets the globalDef attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
setGr(String) - Method in class
Sets the gr attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setGradeLevels() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
Sets the gradeLevels attribute of the AsnStatement object Grade levels are represented by purls (e.g, from which we pluck the leaf (4 in this case).
setGradeRanges(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the gradeRanges attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setGradeRanges(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
GradeRange xpath is //educational/audiences/audience/gradeRange to set a gradeRange we have to be concerned with the entire AUDIENCE element at this point (Suggest-a-url), none of the other fields have meaningful values, so we can simply wipe out the existing audiences and add new ones
setGranularity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the granularity attribute of the RepositoryManager object.
setGroup(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Group is used to reference a particular spot WITHIN the vocabulary hierarchy.
setGroupLevel(int) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the groupLevel attribute of the VocabNode object
setGroupLevel(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the groupLevel attribute of the VocabNode object
setGroupLevel(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the groupLevel attribute of the VocabNode object
setGuardedExitPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the guardedExitPath attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setGuardedPaths(List) - Method in class
setHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Sets the handle attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest object
setHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
setHarvestAll(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the harvestAll attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setHarvestAttributes(Date, Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.HarvestLogWriter
Sets the harvest attributes for this harvest.
setHarvestAttributes(Date, Date) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.HarvestMessageHandler
Sets harvest attributes for this harvest.
setHarvestAttributes(Date, Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
Sets the harvest attributes for this harvest.
setHarvestAttributes(Date, Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.SimpleHarvestMessageHandler
Sets the harvest attributes for this harvest.
setHarvestDatasource(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the harvestDatasource attribute of the InfoStream object
setHarvestDatasourcePublic(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the harvestDatasourcePublic attribute of the InfoStream object
setHarvestDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the harvestDate attribute of the InfoStream object
setHarvestDir(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Sets the harvestDir attribute of the ScheduledHarvestManager object
setHarvestDir(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the harvestDir attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setHarvestedDataDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the harvestedDataDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setHarvester(Harvester) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
Sets the harvester attribute of the IndexingHarvestMsgHandler object
setHarvesterStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the harvesterStatus attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setHarvesterStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the harvesterStatus attribute of the RepositoryManager object
setHarvestHarvestType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the harvestHarvestType attribute of the InfoStream object
setHarvestIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the harvestIdentifier attribute of the InfoStream object
setHarvestingInterval(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the harvestingInterval attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setHarvestRecordDatestamp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the harvestRecordDatestamp attribute of the InfoStream object
setHasCollectionSpecified(String) - Method in class
Sets the hasCollectionSpecified attribute of the HistogramForm object
setHash(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the hash attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setHash(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
setHasMenuItemSelected(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether one or more itmes in a menu is selected.
setHasSubtotalsGreaterThanZero(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Sets the hasSubtotalsGreaterThanZero attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
setHeadElementName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
setHeadless(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the headless attribute of the DDSViewCollectionForm object
setHighlightColor(String) - Method in class
Sets the highlightColor attribute of the SetKeywordsHighlightTag object
setHomePage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Sets the homePage attribute of the PageList object
setId(String) - Method in class
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the id attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
setId(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddAgentRequest
setId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets the record ID for this SetInfo.
setId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
setId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the id attribute of the CollectionConfig object
setId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the discussionURL attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the id attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Sets the id attribute which represets the *default element* to be operated upon when a "key" is not specified.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the id attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the id attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setId(String) - Method in class
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the id attribute of the DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm object
setId(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the id attribute of the VocabNode object
setId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the id attribute of the VocabNode object
setId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the encoded system Id (indexed & used in search queries)
setID(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the iD attribute of the DleseBean object
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddResourceRequest
Sets the identifier attribute of the AddResourceRequest object
setIdentifier(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddResourceRequest
Sets the identifier attribute of the AddResourceRequest object
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the record attribute of the RepositoryForm object used in the OAI GetRecord request.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DcStream
Sets the identifier attribute of the DcStream object
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NsdlDcWriter
Sets the identifier attribute of the NsdlDcWriter object
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Sets the identifier attribute of the ServiceDescription object
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class
Sets the identifier attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setIdexingDaysOfWeek(int[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the idexingDaysOfWeek as an array of Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK fields, or null if none.
setIdMapperErrors(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the id mapper errors that are available in the index.
setIdMapperExclusionFilePath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the path to an XML file the defines IDs that the IDMapper service should exclude from its list of duplicates.
setIdPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the idPrefix attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setIdPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the idPrefix for this collection that is used to construct record IDs.
setIdPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the idPrefix attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setIdPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.IDGenerator
setIdPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
setIds(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Sets the value of ids.
setIdSearch(String) - Method in class
Sets the idSearch attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setImage(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Creates an image instance and adds it to the ServiceDescription object
setImage(ServiceDescription.Image) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Sets the image attribute of the ServiceDescription object
setImageHeight(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Sets the imageHeight attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
setImageWidth(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NCSCollectReader
Sets the imageWidth attribute of the NCSCollectReader object
setIncludedDirs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the includedDirs attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setIncludedFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the includedFormat attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setIncludedQuery(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the includedQuery attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setIncludedTerms(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the includedTerms attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setIndex(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Method in class
setIndex(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Method in class
Sets the index attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
setIndex(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Method in class
Sets the index attribute of the HistogramForm object
setIndex(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
Sets the index attribute of the RecordList object
setIndexDefaultAndStemsField(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Sets whether to index the default, admindefault, and stems field for this record.
setIndexedAccessionStatuses(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the indexedAccessionStatuses attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setIndexedFormats(List) - Method in class
Gets all formats that exist natively in the index.
setIndexedFormats(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets all formats that exist natively in the index.
setIndexedFormats(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
setIndexedFormatsLabels(List) - Method in class
Gets all formats that exist natively in the index.
setIndexedFormatsLabels(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Gets all formats that exist natively in the index.
setIndexingStartTime(Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the date and time the indexer is/was scheduled to start.
setIndexingStartTime(Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the date and time the indexer is/was scheduled to start.
setIndexLastModified(long) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
setIndexOnValidation(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Sets the indexOnValidation attribute of the ThreadedService object
setIndexToUse(String) - Method in class
Sets the indexToUse attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
SetInfo - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Data structure used in the RepositoryManager to hold information about a set of metadata files.
SetInfo() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Constructor for the SetInfo object
SetInfo(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Constructor for the SetInfo object
SetInfo.FormatComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by format.
SetInfo.NameComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by name.
SetInfo.NumDeletedComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numDeleted.
SetInfo.NumFilesComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numFiles.
SetInfo.NumIndexedComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numIndexed.
SetInfo.NumIndexingErrorsComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by numIndexingErrors.
SetInfo.SetSpecComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by setSpec.
SetInfo.StatusComparator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.repository
Implements Comparator to enable sorting by status.
setInformation(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the information attribute of the DleseBean object
setInfoStream(String, Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.DataComponent
Inserts the provided info stream element into the datastream designated by "format".
setInline(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
Sets the inline attribute of the GenericType object
setInputValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Sets the inputValue attribute of the SuggestXMLForm object
setInstitution(String) - Method in class
setInstitution(String) - Method in class
Sets the institution attribute of the User object
setInstName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the instName attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setInstName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the instName attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setInstName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the instName attribute of the CommentRecord object
setInstName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the instName attribute of the ResourceRecord object
setInterface(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Interface is a particular UI within a given system.
setIntervalGranularity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the intervalGranularity attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setIp(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Sets the ip attribute of the SessionBean object
setIsAbstract(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
setIsActionMapping(boolean) - Method in class
setIsEmptySearch(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the isEmptySearch attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setIsExporting(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the isExporting attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setIsLastInSubList(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Sets the isLastInSubList attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
setIsLastInSublist(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Sets the isLastInSublist attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
setIsLastInSubList(boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the isLastInSubList attribute of the VocabNode object
setIsLastInSubList(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the isLastInSubList attribute of the VocabNode object
setIsLastInSubList(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the isLastInSublist attribute of the VocabNode object
setIsMakingDeletedDoc(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Sets whether this DocWriter is making a deleted document.
setIsOaiPmhEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets whether OAI-PMH ListRecords and ListIdentifiers functionality is enabled for this repository.
setIsSingleDoc(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Sets the whether this writer should write a single record doc rather than a multi-item doc.
setIsValidating(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the isValidating attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setIsZipPresent(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the isZipPresent attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setItemID(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the itemID attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setItemID(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the itemID attribute of the CommentRecord object
setItemText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
setItemTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the itemTitle attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setItemURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the itemURL attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setJson(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.UcasProxyForm
setKeyFile(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
setKeywords(String) - Method in class
Sets the keywords attribute of the KeywordsHighlightTag object
setKeywords(String) - Method in class
Sets the keywords attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setKeywords(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the keywords attribute of the DleseBean object
setKeywords(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the keywords attribute of the DleseBean object
SetKeywordsHighlightTag - Class in
Provide keyword highlighting of the body content of this tag.
SetKeywordsHighlightTag() - Constructor for class
setKeywordWeighting(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Keywordweighting specifies how many times the keyword contents are repeated before they are inserted into the keyword field of the Contraint instance.
setKy(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI.
setKy(String) - Method in class
Sets the ky attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the label attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the label attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setLabel(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the label attribute of the VocabNode object
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the label attribute of the VocabNode object
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the user interface label
setLabelAbbrev(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the labelAbbrev attribute of the VocabNode object
setLabelAbbrev(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the labelAbbrev attribute of the VocabNode object
setLabelAbbrev(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the abbreviated user interface label
setLabelClass(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
Sets the labelClass attribute of the Label object
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Language will allow for support of internationalization.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
Language will allow for support of internationalization.
setLargestTotalInThisGroup(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Sets the largestTotalInThisGroup attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
setLastEditor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the lastEditor attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setLastHarvestTime(Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the lastHarvestTime attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setLastModified(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the lastModified attribute of the ResourceRecord object
setLastname(String) - Method in class
setLastName(String) - Method in class
Sets the lastName attribute of the User object
setLastOneTimeHarvest(ScheduledHarvest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the lastOneTimeHarvest attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setLastRunHarvest(ScheduledHarvest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the lastRunHarvest attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setLastSyncDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the lastSyncDate attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setLastSyncDate(Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the lastSyncDate attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setLastTouchDate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the lastTouchDate attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setLdapUserInfo(String) - Method in class
setLevel(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Sets the level attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
setLibraryTotal(SimpleLuceneIndex, RepositoryManager, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Set the total for this vocab value, with added query (for things like collection)
setLibraryTotal(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Sets the libraryTotal attribute of the HistogramVocabNode object
setLink(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the link attribute of the InfoStream object
setList(VocabList) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the list attribute of the VocabNode object
setList(VocabList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the list attribute of the VocabNode object
setList(VocabList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the vocab node sub-list
setLoaderFeedback(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.form.VocabAdminForm
Sets the loaderFeedback attribute of the VocabAdminForm object
setLockedRecords(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
setLockedRecords(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SessionsForm
setLogging(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Sets the logging attribute of the AutoForm class
setLogging(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.DcsViewRecord
setLogging(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Sets the logging attribute of the RendererHelper class
setLogging() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SetupServlet
Sets the logging attribute of the SetupServlet class
setMailServer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
Sets the mailServer attribute of the SuggestHelper object
setManagableUsers(List) - Method in class
setManagableUsers(List) - Method in class
Sets the managableUsers attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
After successful initialization, this method creates the map of actual name:value pairs defined within this specific XMLMap instance.
setMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Use this method to populate the XMLMap with the desired named values.
setMap() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLMap
Use this method to populate the XMLMap with the desired named values.
setMappingInfo(MappingInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.CollectionIntegrationForm
setMappingsManager(MappingsManager) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.CollectionIntegrationForm
setMasterAgent(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
setMasterCollection(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
setMatcher(UrlPatternMatcher) - Method in class
setMAX_DIRS() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the mAX_DIRS attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setMaxGrade(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRange
Sets the maxGrade attribute of the GradeRange object
setMaxNodes(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
Sets the maxNodes attribute of the DleseStandardsDocument object
setMaxNodes(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
Sets the maxNodes attribute of the AsnStandardsDocument object
setMaxNodes(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
Sets the maxNodes attribute of the CommCoreStandardsDocument object
setMaxNodes(int) - Method in class
Sets the maxNodes attribute of the TeachersDomainLexicon object
setMaxResults(int) - Method in class
Sets the maxResults attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setMaxSearchResults(int) - Static method in class
Sets the maximum number of search results that can be returned by the service.
setMaxStringLength(String) - Method in class
Sets the maxStringLength attribute of the KeywordsHighlightTag object
setMdpHandleMap(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
handleMap associates a setSpec with the corresponding mdpHandle
setMemberOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddResourceRequest
Creates "memberOf" relationship to provided aggregatorHandle.
setMemberOf(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyResourceRequest
setMenuItemsMap(HashMap) - Method in class
Sets the Map of all items in the smart link menus, keyed by their menu and item number of the form slm0-0, where slm0 is the ID for the menu and 0 is the ID for the item in that menu.
setMessage(String) - Method in class
Sets the message attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the message attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Sets the message attribute of the ProviderAdminForm object
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the message attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the message attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setMetadata(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the metadata attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setMetadata(String) - Method in class
Sets the metadata attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setMetadata(String) - Method in class
Sets the metadata attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setMetadata(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the metadata attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setMetadata(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the metadata attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setMetadata(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the metadata attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setMetadata(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the metadata attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setMetadataFor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddMetadataRequest
Sets the metadataFor attribute of the AddMetadataRequest object
setMetadataFor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyMetadataRequest
setMetadataFormats(Hashtable) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the metadataFormats attribute of the RepositoryForm object
setMetadataNamespace(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Sets the metadataNamespace attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
setMetadataNamespace(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Sets the metadataNamespace attribute of the MetadataFormatInfo object
setMetadataNamespace(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the metadata namespace for the given metadataPrefix (XML format).
setMetadataNamespace(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the metadataNamespace attribute of the InfoStream object
setMetadataPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the metadataPrefix attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setMetadataPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the metadataPrefix attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setMetadataPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Sets the metadataPrefix attribute of the MetadataFormatInfo object
setMetadataProvidedBy(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddMetadataRequest
Sets the metadataProvidedBy attribute of the AddMetadataRequest object
setMetadataProvidedBy(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyMetadataRequest
setMetadataProviderHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the handle of this collections metadataProvider object in the NDR.
setMetadataProviderHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the metadataProviderHandle attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setMetadataProviderHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the ndrHandle attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setMetadataRecordsLocation(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the absolute path to the metadataRecordsLocation.
setMetadataRecordsLocation(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the absolute path to the metadataRecordsLocation.
setMetadataSchema(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.MetadataDirectoryInfoForm
Sets the metadataSchema attribute of the MetadataDirectoryInfoForm object
setMetadataSchemaURL(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the metadata schema URL for the given metadataPrefix (XML format).
setMetadataVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class
setMetadataVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class
Sets the metadataVocab attribute of the DDSUtils object
setMetadataVocabAudience(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Sets the metadataVocabAudience attribute of the XMLDocReader object
setMetadataVocabAudienceDefault(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the metadataVocabAudienceDefault attribute of the RepositoryManager object
setMetadataVocabLanguage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Sets the metadataVocabLanguage attribute of the XMLDocReader object
setMetadataVocabLanguageDefault(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the metadataVocabLanguageDefault attribute of the RepositoryManager object
setMetaFormat(String) - Method in class
Sets the metaFormat attribute of the VocabForm object
setMetaFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
MetaFormat is the metadata format, i.e.
setMetaFormat(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the metaFormat attribute of the VocabNode object
setMetaFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the metaFormat attribute of the VocabNodeOPML object
setMetaFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the metaFormat attribute of the VocabNodeTermsGroups object
setMinGrade(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRange
Sets the minGrade attribute of the GradeRange object
setMinStringLength(String) - Method in class
Sets the minStringLength attribute of the KeywordsHighlightTag object
setMsg(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Sets the msg attribute of the TaskProgress object
setMuiGroups(MetadataVocab, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Returns a list of xpaths for which MUI Groups files exist for this framework.
setMultiDocBoostFactor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the boosting factor used to rank resources that have multiple records.
setMultiDocBoostFactor(double) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the boosting factor used to rank resources that are referenced by more than one record.
setMultiDocBoostFactor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the boosting factor used to rank resources that have multiple records.
setMyFile(FormFile) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.FileUploadForm
setMySes(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the mySes attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setN(int) - Method in class
Sets the n attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setN(int) - Method in class
Sets the n attribute of the RecommenderForm object
setN(int) - Method in class
Sets the n attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
setN(int) - Method in class
Sets the n attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
setName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
setName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets the name attribute of the SetInfo object
setName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the name attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Sets the name attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
setName(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the name attribute of the VocabNode object
setName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the name attribute of the VocabNode object
setName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the Metadata name
setNameFirst(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the nameFirst attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setNameFirst(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the nameFirst attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setNameFirst(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the nameFirst attribute of the CommentRecord object
setNameFirst(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the nameFirst attribute of the ResourceRecord object
setNameLast(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the nameLast attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setNameLast(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the nameLast attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setNameLast(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the nameLast attribute of the CommentRecord object
setNameLast(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the nameLast attribute of the ResourceRecord object
setNamespaceIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryInfoForm
Sets the namespaceIdentifier attribute of the RepositoryInfoForm object
setNcsAgent(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
setNdrApiBaseUrl(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
setNdrCollections(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
A list of setInfo instances for each collection registered with NDR
setNdrHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
setNdrHandle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the ndrHandle attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setNdrOaiLink(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the ndrOaiLink attribute of the CollectionConfig object
setNdrOaiLink(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the ndrOaiLink attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setNdrServer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the ndrServer attribute of the CollectionConfig object
setNdrServer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the ndrServer attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setNdrSyncError(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the ndrSyncError attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setNewPath(boolean) - Method in class
setNewRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
Sets the newRecId attribute of the SIFReferenceForm object
setNewRole(boolean) - Method in class
setNewRole(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the newRole attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setNewUser(boolean) - Method in class
setNextId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
setNodesIsLastInSubList(VocabList, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Sets the isLastInSubList attribute of each vocab node
setNodeText(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Sets the nodeText for specified path, creating new node if necessary.
setNoDisplay(boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the noDisplay attribute of the VocabNode object
setNoDisplay(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the noDisplay attribute of the VocabNode object
setNoDisplay(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the noDisplay attribute of the vocab node (for UI suppression)
setNoDisplayOriginal(boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the noDisplayOriginal attribute of the VocabNode object
setNoDisplayOriginal(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the noDisplay attribute of the vocab node (for UI suppression)
setNoDisplayOriginal(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the noDisplay attribute of the vocab node (for UI suppression)
setNonPaigingParams(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the nonPaigingParams attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setNonPaigingParams(String) - Method in class
Sets the nonPaigingParams attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setNonPaigingParams(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the nonPaigingParams attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setNonPaigingParams(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the nonPaigingParams attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setNonPaigingParams(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the nonPaigingParams attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setNonPaigingParams(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Sets the nonPaigingParams attribute of the DCSViewForm object
setNsdlAboutCategory(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the nsdlAboutCategory attribute of the InfoStream object
setNsdlItemId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the nsdlItemId attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setNsHeight(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Sets the nsHeight attribute of the MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag object
setNsWidth(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Sets the nsWidth attribute of the MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag object
setNumDocs(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
setNumHarvestedLast(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the numHarvestedLast attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setNumIdentifiersResults(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the numIdentifiersResults attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setNumIdentifiersResults(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the numIdentifiersResults per resumptionToken to be returned in OAI ListIdentifiers requests.
setNumIdentifiersResults(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the numIdentifiersResults attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setNumIndexingErrors(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the number of indexing errors that are present.
setNumIndexingErrors(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the number of indexing errors that are present.
setNumIndexingErrors(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the number of indexing errors that are present.
setNumPagingRecords(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the number of records to display per paiging request.
setNumPagingRecords(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of records to display per paiging request.
setNumPagingRecords(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the number of records to display per paiging request.
setNumPagingRecords(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the number of records to display per paiging request.
setNumPagingRecords(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the number of records to display per paiging request.
setNumPagingRecords(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Sets the number of records to display per paiging request.
setNumRecordsForNotification(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Sets the number of records harvested before statusMessage notifications to the HarvestMessageHandler are made.
setNumRecordsResults(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the numRecordsResults attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setNumRecordsResults(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the numRecordsResults per resumptionToken to be returned in OAI ListRecords requests.
setNumRecordsResults(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the numRecordsResults attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setOaiFilterQuery(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets a Lucene query that filters the records served by the OAI data provider.
setOaiIdPfx(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Sets the oaiIdPfx attribute of the ProviderBean object
setOaiIdPfx(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the oaiIdPfx attribute of the RepositoryForm object
setOAISetSpecDefinition(File, SetDefinitionsForm) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.OAISetsXMLConfigManager
Sets the definition for a given OAI set, writing the ListSets config XML to file.
setOAISetSpecDefinition(SetDefinitionsForm) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the definition for a given OAI set, initializing it in the repository and writing the ListSets config XML to persistent file.
setObjectMap(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setObjectState(String, NDRConstants.ObjectState) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Sets the state of the NDR Object corresponding to provided handle.
setObjectState(NdrObjectReader, NDRConstants.ObjectState) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Sets the objectState attribute of the NdrUtils class
setObjectType(NDRConstants.NDRObjectType) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
Sets the objectType attribute of the NdrRequest object
setOperator(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Sets the boolean operator used during searches.
setOptional() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
setOrder(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.SortWidget
Sets the order attribute of the SortWidget object
setOtherTechnicalInfo(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the otherTechnicalInfo attribute of the DleseBean object
setPageList(PageList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the pageList attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setPageList(PageList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the pageList attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setPageTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the pageTitle attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setParamName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Sets the paramName attribute of the InputField object
setParsingDefinitions(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Not strictly part of the SAX interface, but we use this to figure out which type of XML we're parsing (definitions/terms vs.
setPass(String) - Method in class
setPass2(String) - Method in class
setPassword(String) - Method in class
Set the password.
setPath(String) - Method in class
setPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdManager
Sets the path attribute of the SIFRefIdManager class
setPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Sets the path attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
setPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Appends this node's name and number of occurrence to a path.
setPathArg(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the pathArg attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setPercentAdjust(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.HistogramVocabNode
Percentages are adjusted to account for extra UI space (in the browse case, the total number displayed next to the percentage image bar).
setPolicyType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the policyType attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setPolicyUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the policyUrl attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setPopup(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
setPref(String, String) - Method in class
Set the User's rref for specified collection.
setPreserveGradeRanges(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the preserveGradeRanges attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setPrevId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
setPreviousPage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the previousPage attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setPrimaryResultDoc(ResultDoc) - Method in class
Sets the primaryResultDoc attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setPrimaryResultDocCollectionKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the primaryResultDocCollectionId attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setPrimaryResultDocId(String) - Method in class
Sets the primaryResultDocId attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setPrimaryUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setPrint(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.tags.StoreBodyTag
Sets the print attribute of the StoreBodyTag object
setPrivateKeyFile(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
setProgress(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the progress attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setProgress(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
setProp(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report
setProp(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaProps
setPropsPath(String) - Static method in class
Sets the propsPath attribute of the MyUcasClient class
setProviderBaseUrlEnding(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the end portion of the OAI baseURL that is being used, for example 'provider'.
setProviderStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the status of the OAI data provider.
setProxyResponse(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
Stores result of async call to NDR
setQ(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the q attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setQ(String) - Method in class
Sets the q attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setQ(String) - Method in class
Sets the q attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setQ(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the q attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setQ(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the q attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setQ(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the q attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setQuery(String, String, Query) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Sets the Query assigned for the given field and term, overwriting any previous definition.
setQuery(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Sets the Query assigned for the given field and term, overwriting any previous definition.
setQuery(String) - Method in class
Sets the query attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setQuerySelectorsInitialized(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
setRe(String) - Method in class
Sets the re attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setReaderType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Sets the readerType attribute of the ADNItemDocReader object
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Sets the readOnly attribute of the SchemaNode object
setRebuildOnStart(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the rebuildOnStart attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setRebuildOnStart(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the rebuildOnStart attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the recId attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
Sets the recId attribute of the ADNRecordForm object
setRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Sets the recId attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
setRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the recId attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Sets the recId attribute of the StatusForm object
setRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Sets the recId attribute of the SessionBean object
setRecId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
Sets the recId attribute of the SIFReferenceForm object
setRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the record attribute of the RepositoryForm object used in the OAI GetRecord request.
setRecordFilename(String) - Method in class
Sets the recordFilename attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setRecordFormat(String) - Method in class
Sets the recordFormat attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setRecordFormat(String) - Method in class
Sets the recordFormat attribute of the RecommenderForm object
setRecordFormat(String) - Method in class
Sets the recordFormat attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
setRecordFormat(String) - Method in class
Sets the recordFormat attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
setRecordId(String) - Method in class
setRecordId(String) - Method in class
Sets the resourceId attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setRecordList(RecordList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the records to be operated on in the batch operation
setRecordsDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the recordsDir attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setRecordsDir(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the recordsDir attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setRecordsDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the recordsDir attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setRecordsDir(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the recordsDir attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setRecordsDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the recordsDir attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setRecordsLocation(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the absolute path to the collectionRecordsLocation and the metadataRecordsLocation.
setRecordXml(String) - Method in class
setRecordXml(String) - Method in class
Sets the recordXml attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setRecordXml(String) - Method in class
Sets the recordXml attribute of the RecommenderForm object
setRecordXml(DDSServicesForm, ResultDoc) - Method in class
Sets the record XML in the form bean using the localized version of XML.
setRecordXml(DDSServicesForm, ResultDoc) - Method in class
Sets the record XML in the form bean using the stripped but not localized version of XML.
setRecordXml(String) - Method in class
Sets the recordXml attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
setRecordXml(String) - Method in class
Sets the recordXml attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
setReferer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Sets the referer attribute of the StatusForm object
setReferer(String) - Method in class
Sets the referer attribute of the StatusForm object
setRelations(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the relations attribute of the DleseBean object
setRelDisplayed(String) - Method in class
Sets the relDisplayed attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setRemoveInvalidRecords(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the removeInvalidRecords attribute.
setRenderer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the renderer attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setRenderer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the renderer attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setRenderer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the renderer that will create the editor for records of this framework.
setRenderMode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
setRenderMode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
RenderMode determines whether we are editing a record, or simply viewing its contents.
setRepeating() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
setRepeatingField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Stores repeating values that stores repeating elements which may have empty values after the form is submitted.
setReport(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
setReportFunction(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
setReportTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the reportTitle attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setReportTitle(String) - Method in class
Sets the reportTitle attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setReportTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the reportTitle attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setReportTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the reportTitle attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setReportTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the reportTitle attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setReportTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Sets the reportTitle attribute of the DCSViewForm object
setRepositoryDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryInfoForm
Sets the repositoryDescription attribute of the RepositoryInfoForm object
setRepositoryIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the repositoryIdentifier attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setRepositoryIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the oaiIdentifier attribute of the RepositoryManager object
setRepositoryIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the repositoryIdentifier attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setRepositoryManager(RepositoryManager) - Method in class
Sets the repositoryManager attribute of the HistogramForm object
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the repositoryName attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the repositoryName attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryInfoForm
Sets the repositoryName attribute of the RepositoryInfoForm object
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the repositoryName attribute of the RepositoryManager object
setRepositoryName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the repositoryName attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setRepositoryPrimaryIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.InfoStream
Sets the repositoryPrimaryIdentifier attribute of the InfoStream object
setRepositoryServiceClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
The repositoryServiceClient is used to place suggestions in a DCS instance.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the request attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Sets the request attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Sets the request attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the request attribute of the HarvestReportForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the request attribute of the OdlSearchForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the request attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
Sets the request attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
Sets the request attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the request attribute of the DCSQueryForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Sets the request attribute of the DCSViewForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
Sets the request attribute of the StaticRecordForm object.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Sets the request attribute of the SessionBean object
setRequestAgent(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Sets the requestAgent attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest object
setRequestedFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the requestedFormat attribute of the RepositoryForm object
setRequestedXmlFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Sets the XML format that will be returned by the XMLDocReader.getRequestedXmlFormat() method.
setRequestUrl(URL) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Sets the requestUrl attribute of the WebServiceClient object
setRequestUrl(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Sets the requestUrl attribute of the WebServiceClient object
setRequired() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ComplexTypeLabel
setRequired() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
setRequiredRole(String) - Method in class
setResourceContent(Resource, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Sets the resourceContent of the provided resource object
setResourceContent(Resource, byte[], String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Sets the resourceContent attribute of the NDRToolkit object
setResourceContent(Resource, byte[], String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Sets the resourceContent attribute of the NDRToolkit object
setResourceResultLinkRedirectURL(String) - Method in class
Sets the resourceResultLinkRedirectURL attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setResourceResultLinkRedirectURL(String) - Method in class
Sets the resourceResultLinkRedirectURL attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setResourceTypes(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the resourceTypes attribute of the DleseBean object
setResourceURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the resourceURL attribute of the DleseBean object
setResponseGroup(PageContext, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Initiate the re-ordering/grouping/labeling of a flat list of metadata values in a search response (Services or otherwise) by indicating an audience grouping (OPML tree)
setResponseGroup(PageContext, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Initiate the re-ordering/grouping/labeling of a flat list of metadata values in a search response (Services or otherwise) by indicating an audience grouping (OPML tree) sans version
setResponseGroup(PageContext, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Initiate the re-ordering/grouping/labeling of a flat list of metadata values in a search response (Services or otherwise) by indicating an audience grouping (OPML tree)
setResponseGroup(PageContext, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Initiate the re-ordering/grouping/labeling of a flat list of metadata values in a search response (Services or otherwise) by indicating an audience grouping (OPML tree) sans version
setResponseGroup(PageContext, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Gets the responseGroup attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
setResponseGroup(PageContext, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Initiate the re-ordering/grouping/labeling of a flat list of metadata values in a search response (Services or otherwise) by indicating an audience grouping (OPML tree) sans version
setResponseList(ArrayList, PageContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Adds an ArrayList of metadata values to the re-ordering/grouping/labeling cache
setResponseList(String[], PageContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Adds an ArrayList of metadata values to the re-ordering/grouping/labeling cache
setResponseList(ArrayList, PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Adds an ArrayList of metadata values to the re-ordering/grouping/labeling cache
setResponseList(String[], PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Adds an ArrayList of metadata values to the re-ordering/grouping/labeling cache
setResponseList(ArrayList, PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Adds an ArrayList of metadata values to the re-ordering/grouping/labeling cache
setResponseList(String[], PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Adds an ArrayList of metadata values to the re-ordering/grouping/labeling cache
setResponseValue(String, PageContext) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocab
Adds a single metadata value to the re-ordering/grouping/labeling cache
setResponseValue(String, PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Adds a single metadata value to the re-ordering/grouping/labeling cache
setResponseValue(String, PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Caches a response value for rendering within proper order/grouping
setResult(ResultDoc) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the result attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setResult(ResultDoc) - Method in class
Sets the result attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setResult(ResultDoc) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the result attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setResult(ResultDoc) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the result attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setResult(ResultDoc) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Sets the result attribute of the DCSViewForm object
setResult(ResultDoc) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
Sets the result attribute of the StaticRecordForm object
setResultCode(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of resultCode.
setResultDoc(ResultDoc) - Method in class
Sets the resultDoc attribute of the DDSViewCollectionForm object
setResultDoc(ResultDoc) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the resultDoc attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setResultDoc(ResultDoc) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Sets the resultDoc attribute of the RecordOperationsForm object
setResultDoc(ResultDoc) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the resultDoc attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setResultIndex(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class
Sets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class
Sets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class
Sets the results attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex.
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the results attribute of the RepositoryForm object
setResults(SearchHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the search results returned by the SimpleLuceneIndex after sorting them.
setResults(SearchHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Sets the search results.
setResults(ResultDoc) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SearchHelper
Sets the results to the single resultDoc provided
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class
Sets the results attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class
Sets the results attribute of the RecommenderForm object
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class
Sets the results attribute of the DDSRSS20Form object
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class
Sets the results attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
setResults(ResultDocList) - Method in class
Sets the results attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
setResultsLength(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the total number of results that should be returned to the harvester.
setResultsOffset(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the array index offset for the result set that should be returned to the harvester.
setResultsPerPage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the resultsPerPage attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setResumptionToken(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the resumptionToken that should be returned with the results.
setRole(Roles.Role) - Method in class
setRole(Roles.Role) - Method in class
Sets the role attribute of the GuardedPath object
setRole(String) - Method in class
setRole(String) - Method in class
setRole(String) - Method in class
Sets the role attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setRole(String, Roles.Role) - Method in class
Set the User's role for specified collection.
setRole(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the role attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setRole(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the role attribute of the CommentRecord object for the contributor/PERSON tagset.
setRoleOptions(List) - Method in class
setRoleOptions(List) - Method in class
setRoleOptions(List) - Method in class
Sets the roleOptions attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setRoles(Map) - Method in class
setRoles(Map) - Method in class
Sets the roles attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setRoles(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.struts.HotActionMapping
setRootElementName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the rootElementName attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setRootElementName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the rootElementName attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setRq(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
setRq(String) - Method in class
Sets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
setRq(String) - Method in class
Sets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
setRq(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
setRq(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
setRq(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the refined query string entered by the user, used to search within results.
setRunAtTime(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the time of day to begin the regular harvests, in 24 hour time for example 23:15.
setS(int) - Method in class
Sets the s attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setS(int) - Method in class
Sets the s attribute of the RecommenderForm object
setS(int) - Method in class
Sets the s attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
setS(int) - Method in class
Sets the s attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
setSampleRecordFile(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the sampleRecordFile attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setSave(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.tags.StoreBodyTag
Sets the save attribute of the StoreBodyTag object
setSavedContent(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the savedContent attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setSc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
setSc(String) - Method in class
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
setSc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
setSc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
setSc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI via a Select tag.
setScheduledHarvests(Hashtable) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the scheduledHarvests attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setSchema(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Sets the schema attribute of the MetadataFormatInfo object
setSchemaHelper(SchemaHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditActionErrors
Sets the schemaHelper attribute of the SchemEditActionErrors object
setSchemaHelper(SchemaHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the schemaHelper attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setSchemaHelper(SchemaHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
Sets the schemaHelper attribute of the SuggestForm object
setSchemaHelper(SchemaHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Sets the schemaHelper attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
setSchemaNode(SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Sets the schemaNode attribute of the SchemaViewerForm object
setSchemaNodeReadOnly(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
set the isReadOnly attribute of the schemaNode specified by the given xpath to true
setSchemaURI(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the schemaURI attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setSchemaURI(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the schemaURI attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setSchemaURI(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the schemaURI attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setScienceStds(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the scienceStds attribute of the DleseBean object
setScienceStds(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the scienceStds attribute of the DleseBean object
setScs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI.
setScs(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI.
setScs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI.
setScs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI.
setScs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI.
setScs(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the scs attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setSearcher(SimpleLuceneIndex) - Method in class
Sets the searcher attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setSearchMode(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the searchMode attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setSearchServiceClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
Sets the searchServiceClient attribute of the SuggestCommentHelper object
setSearchString(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setSearchType(String) - Method in class
Sets the searchType attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setselectedAccessionStatuses(String[]) - Method in class
setselectedAccessionStatuses(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
setSelectedFrameworks(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
setSelectedGradeRanges(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the selectedGradeRanges attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setSelectedIdMapperErrors(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the selectedIdMapperErrors attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setSelectedIdMapperErrors(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the selectedIdMapperErrors attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setSelectedKeywords(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the selectedKeywords attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setSelectedType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setSelSetSpecs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Gets the OAI SetSpecs that have been selected by the user in the UI.
setSelStatus(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the selStatus attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setServer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
Set the server for this object.
setServerUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the serverUrl (scheme, hostname and port) displayed in the OAI data provider baseUrl and elsewhere.
setServiceIsActive(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the serviceIsActive attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setServiceName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the serviceName attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setServiceReport(Report) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Sets the serviceReport attribute of the ThreadedService object
setServicesSubmissionError(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Sets the servicesSubmissionError attribute of the SuggestXMLForm object
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in class
Sets the servletContext attribute of the HistogramForm object
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ServletContextFileIndexingPlugin
Sets the ServletContext to make it available to this plugin during the indexing process.
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Sets the servletContext attribute of the MetadataWriter object
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryEventListener
Sets the servletContext attribute of the RepositoryEventListener object
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.ServletContextRepositoryWriterPlugin
Sets the ServletContext to make it available to this plugin during the indexing process.
setServletContext(ServletContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.SmileEventListener
Sets the servletContext attribute of the SmileEventListener object and initializes the smileMoveEventUrl.
setSes(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI.
setSessionBeans(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
setSessionBeans(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SessionsForm
setSessionId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexingSession
setSet(SetInfo) - Method in class
setSetDescription(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the setDescription attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setSetInfo(DcsSetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the setInfo attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setSetInfoData(RepositoryManager) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets data in the SetInfo for display in the UI.
setSetInfoData(RepositoryManager) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
Adds DcsSetInfo properties to those of repository.SetInfo for this DcsSetInfo instance.
setSetMap(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setSetName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the setName attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setSets(ArrayList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the sets attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setSets(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the sets attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setSets(ArrayList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the sets attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setSets(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
Sets the sets attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object.
setSets(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.RecordOperationsForm
Sets the sets attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setSets(List) - Method in class
Sets the sets attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object.
setSets(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Sets the sets attribute of the SessionBean object
setSetSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the setSpec attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setSetSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the setSpec attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setSetSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the setSpec attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setSetSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Sets the setSpec attribute of the SetInfo object
setSetSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the setSpec attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setSetSpecs(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Sets the setSpecs attribute of the RepositoryForm object
setSetURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Sets the setURL attribute of the SetDefinitionsForm object
setSfmts(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the sfmts attribute of the SimpleQueryForm object
setSfmts(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the selected formats.
setSfmts(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the sfmts attribute of the HarvestReportForm object
setSfmts(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the sfmts attribute of the OdlSearchForm object
setSfmts(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the selected formats.
setShare(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Sets the share attribute of the SuggestCommentForm object
setShare(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the share attribute of the CommentRecord object
setShBaseURL(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shBaseURL attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShDontZipFiles(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the value of shDontZipFiles.
setShEnabledDisabled(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shEnabledDisabled attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShHarvestDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shHarvestDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShHarvestedDataDir(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shHarvestedDataDir attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShHarvestingInterval(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shHarvestingInterval attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShIntervalGranularity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shIntervalGranularity attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShMetadataPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shMetadataPrefix attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShortTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the shortTitle attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setShowAdvanced(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
setShowAnonymousSessions(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SessionsForm
setShowNSPrefixInLabels(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Sets the showNSPrefixInLabels attribute of the RendererImpl class
setShowNumChanged(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the showNumChanged attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
setShowQueryOptions(String) - Method in class
Sets the showQueryOptions attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setShowQueryOptions(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the showQueryOptions attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setShowVocabErrors(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the showVocabErrors attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
setShowVocabMessages(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the showVocabUpdates attribute of the DDSAdminForm object
setShRepositoryName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shRepositoryName attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShRunAtTime(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the runAtTime attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShSet(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shSet attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShSetSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shSetSpec attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setShUid(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the shUid attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setSifmts(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the selected indexed formats.
setSifTypes(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setSimilarMirrorUrls(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Sets the similarMirrorUrls attribute of the ValidatorResults object
setSimilarPrimaryUrls(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Sets the similarPrimaryUrls attribute of the ValidatorResults object
setSimilarUrlRecs(ResultDoc[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setSimilarUrlRecs(ResultDocList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the similarUrlRecs attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setSims(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setSims(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the sims attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setSize(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabSelectListTag
Sets the size attribute of the MetadataVocabSelectListTag object
setSize(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSelectListTag
Sets the size attribute of the MetadataVocabSelectListTag object
setSkipTopRow(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the skipTopRow attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setSkipTopRow(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the skipTopRow attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setSortField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the sortField attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setSortSetsBy(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the sortSetsBy attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setSortSetsBy(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the sortSetsBy attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setSortSetsBy(String) - Method in class
Sets the sortSetsBy attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setSortSpec(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
Sets the sortSpec attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setSortWidgetParams(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the sortWidgetParams attribute of the DCSQueryForm object.
setSource(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
set source file, used when creating new CollectionConfig's by first reading a default config file and then assigning a new source so it will be written to a new config file
setSource(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the source attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setSource(File) - Method in class
Sets the file path for this object (where it is flushed).
setSpec - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
SetSpecComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.SetSpecComparator
setSplitBySet(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the splitBySet attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setSrc(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the src attribute of the VocabNode object
setSrc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the src attribute of the VocabNode object
setSrc(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the src attribute of the VocabNode object
setSrcs(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the collection that has been selected by the user in the UI.
setSss(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the sss (selectedStatuses) attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
setSss(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the sss (selectedStatuses) attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
setStandard(AsnStandard) - Method in class
setStandards(List) - Method in class
setStandardsDocument(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Sets the asnDocument attribute of the AsnSuggestionServiceHelper object
setStandardsList(List) - Method in class
setStandardsManager(StandardsManager) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the standardsManager attribute of the MetaDataFramework object (called by loadSchemaHelper)
setStart(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Sets the starting index for the records to display.
setStart(int) - Method in class
Sets the starting index for the records to display.
setStart(int) - Method in class
Sets the starting index for the records to display.
setStart(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvestReportForm
Sets the starting index for the records to display.
setStart(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.odlsearchclient.action.form.OdlSearchForm
Sets the starting index for the records to display.
setStart(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the starting index for the records to display.
setStart(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
Sets the starting index for the records to display.
setStartGrade(int) - Method in class
Sets the startGrade attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setState() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
setState(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabInputState
Sets the state attribute of the MetadataVocabInputState object
setState(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabInputState
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by setState()
setStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the status attribute for batch status change.
setStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the status attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Sets the status attribute of the StatusForm object
setStatus(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Sets the status attribute of the StatusEntry object
setStatus(String, String, String) - Method in class
Updates the status of a single record.
setStatus(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Sets the status attribute of the CharArrayWrapper object
setStatusComment(String) - Method in class
Sets the statusComment attribute of the DDSManageCollectionsForm object
setStatusEntry(String) - Method in class
setStatuses(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the statuses attribute of the DCSBrowseForm object
setStatuses(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
setStatuses(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Sets the statuses attribute of the ThreadedService object
setStatuses(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the statuses attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setStatuses(String[]) - Method in class
setStatusFlags(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the statusFlags attribute of the BatchOperationsForm object
setStatusFlags(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
setStatusLabels(List) - Method in class
Sets the statusLabels attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setStatusLabels(List) - Method in class
setStatusMap(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Write the contents of this collection's StatusMap to the collection-config file.
setStatusMap(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
NOTE: if we edit the config record via schemedit, the record is automatically updated and then we have to reload it.
setStatusNote(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.BatchOperationsForm
Sets the statusNote attribute for batch status change.
setStatusNote(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
Sets the dcsStatusNote attribute of the StatusForm object
setStatusNote(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Sets the statusNote attribute of the StatusEntry object
setStatusOptions(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the statusOptions attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setStdId(String) - Method in class
setStemmingBoostFactor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the boosting factor used to rank items with matching stemmed terms.
setStemmingBoostFactor(double) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
As of 12/2004, stemming behavior is controlled by properties set in the RepositoryManager config.
setStemmingBoostFactor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the boosting factor used to rank items with matching stemmed terms.
setStemmingEnabled(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets whether stemming support is enabled.
setStemmingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
As of 12/2004, stemming behavior is controlled by properties set in the RepositoryManager config.
setStemmingEnabled(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets whether stemming support is enabled.
setStemWords(String) - Method in class
Sets the stemWords attribute of the DDSReportingForm object
setSu(String) - Method in class
Sets the su attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setSubGroup(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
SubGroup is used to reference a particular spot WITHIN the vocabulary hierarchy, for example, setting "Visual" for a call to the resource types vocab would return only those values within the "Visual" sub-grouping as defined in the OPML.
setSubjects(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the subjects attribute of the DleseBean object
setSubList(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
Sets the subList attribute of the DleseStandardsNode object
setSubstitutionElement(Element) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
SubstitutionElement is the instance Element, complete with children, for this schemaNode.
setSubstitutionGroup(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
SubstitutionGroup is a list of GlobalElements
setSuggestedStandards(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the suggestedStandards attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setSuggestedStandards(List) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Sets the suggestedStandards attribute of the SuggestionServiceHelper object
setSuggestionsAllowedd(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
setSuggestionServiceHelper(CATServiceHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the suggestionServiceHelper attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setSyncReport(SyncReport) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
Stores results of a Sync operation
setSyncService(SyncService) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.action.form.NDRForm
setSyncService(SyncService) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
setSystem(String) - Method in class
Sets the system attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setSystem(String) - Method in class
Sets the system attribute of the VocabCachingActionForm object
setSystem(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
System is the identifier of a particular app, i.e.
setSystemProps() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
setTargetNamespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Sets the targetNamespaceUri attribute of the NamespaceRegistry object
setTaskProgress(TaskProgress) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.MonitoredTask
setTdWidth(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the tdWidth attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setTdWidth(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the tdWidth attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setTechnicalReqs(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the technicalReqs attribute of the DleseBean object
setTermsOfUse(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the termsOfUse attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setTermsOfUseURI(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the termsOfUseURI attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
SetTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
SetTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SetTester
setText(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Label
Sets the text attribute of the Label object
setTextAtPath(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Sets the textAtPath attribute of the NldrMetadataRecord object
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.connection.NDRConnection
setTimeOutSecs(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
SETTINGS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Sets the value of title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DcStream
Sets the title attribute of the DcStream object
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NsdlDcWriter
Sets the title attribute of the NsdlDcWriter object
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Sets the title attribute of the ServiceDescription object
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the title attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Sets the title attribute of the CommentRecord object
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the title attribute of the ResourceRecord object
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the title attribute of the DleseBean object
setTitleBoostFactor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the boosting factor used to rank items with matching terms in the title field.
setTitleBoostFactor(double) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
As of 12/2004, boosting behavior is controlled by properties set in the RepositoryManager config.
setTitleBoostFactor(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the boosting factor used to rank items with matching terms in the title field.
setTmpArg(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the tmpArg attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setTopic(String) - Method in class
Sets the topic attribute of the CATRequestConstraints object
setTotal(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Sets the total attribute of the TaskProgress object
setTotalNumResources(int) - Method in class
Sets the totalNumResources that are currently discoverable.
setTreeKey(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
Sets the treeKey attribute of the MetadataVocabOPML object
setTruncateString(String) - Method in class
Sets the truncateString attribute of the KeywordsHighlightTag object
setTrustedWsIps(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the trustedWsIps attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setTrustedWsIps(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the trustedWsIps attribute of the RepositoryManager, which should contain a comma-separated list of IP addresses for IPs that may access non-discoverable items through the web service.
setTrustedWsIps(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
setTupleMap(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the tupleMap for this collection, which contains name, value pairs that are automatically inserted into new metadata records.
setTupleMap(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the tupleMap attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setTupleValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Adds tuple entry to the tupleMap.
setType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DcStream
Sets the type attribute of the DcStream object
setType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.NsdlDcWriter
Sets the type attribute of the NsdlDcWriter object
setType(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.ServiceDescription
Sets the type attribute of the ServiceDescription object
setType(int) - Method in class
setTypeName(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
setTypeOptions(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
setUid(Long) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the uid attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setUninitializedFrameworks(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.FrameworkAdminForm
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.AddMetadataRequest
Sets the uniqueId attribute of the AddMetadataRequest object
setUniqueId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.ModifyMetadataRequest
setUniqueID(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsSetInfo
setUnloadedFrameworks(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
setUnloadedFrameworks(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.FrameworkAdminForm
setUntil(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the until attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setUp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
The JUnit setup method.
setUp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
setUp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.DDSPerformanceTests
setUp() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.HarvestAPITests
setup(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Configures system to communicate with specified ndrServer (on read-only basis)
setup(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Sets configuration parameters from provided properties file to communicate with an NDR instance
setup(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
Intialize NDR Constants to enable interaction with NDR.
setup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CIGlobals
setup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionCmp
setup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionIntegrator
setup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MisMatches
setup() - Static method in class
Set up from propsfile - most of this method is copied from UCAS AuthClient.
setUpdateFrequency(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the frequency by which the index is updated to reflect changes that occur in the metadata files.
setUpdateFrequency(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the frequency by which the index is updated to reflect changes that occur in the metadata files.
SetupServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Servlet responsible for initializing the schemedit environment, such as the Framework and CollectionRegistries, that do not require access to the index or vocabManager.
SetupServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SetupServlet
setupTag(PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Get the vocab object from the page context and expand system to be a concatenation of system, interface, and language
setupTag(PageContext) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
Get the vocab object from the page context and expand system to be a concatenation of system, interface, and language
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the url attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the url attribute of the SuggestResourceForm object
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Sets the url attribute of the ResourceRecord object
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.OsmRecordExporter
setUrls(String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Sets the value of urls.
setURLs(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Sets the uRLs attribute of the DleseBean object
setUrlValidator(UrlValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.SuggestResourceHelper
setUseDescription(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the useDescription attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setUseGradeRanges(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the useGradeRanges attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setUseKeywords(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the useKeywords attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setUseMetaNames(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
Sets the useMetaNames attribute of the MetadataVocabFieldValueUiLabelTag object
setUser(User) - Method in class
Sets the user attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setUserAttribute(String, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Sets the value of a single attribute, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
setUserAttribute(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Sets the value of a single attribute, using the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
setUserHasAdminRole(boolean) - Method in class
setUsername(String) - Method in class
setUsername(String) - Method in class
Set the username.
setUsername(String) - Method in class
setUsername(String) - Method in class
Sets the username attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setUsername(String) - Method in class
Set the username.
setUserProvidedKey(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
setUserRoleMap(Map) - Method in class
Sets the userRoleMap attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setUserRoles(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSBrowseForm
setUsers(List) - Method in class
setUsers(List) - Method in class
setUsers(List) - Method in class
Sets the users attribute of the UserManagerForm object
setUseSubjects(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets the useSubjects attribute of the CATServiceHelper object
setValidatedUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CreateADNRecordForm
setValidatedUrl(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the validatedUrl attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setValidateRecords(Boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Sets the validateRecords attribute of the HarvesterAdminForm object
setValidateRecords(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the setValidateRecords attribute.
setValidatingSession(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the validatingSession attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setValidationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Sets whether or not to validate the files being indexed and create a validation report, which is indexed.
setValidationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.FileIndexingServiceWriter
Sets whether or not to validate the files being indexed and create a validation report, which is indexed.
setValidationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Sets whether or not to validate the files being indexed.
setValidationReport(ValidationReport) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.CollectionServicesForm
Sets the validationReport attribute of the CollectionServicesForm object
setValidationReport(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Sets the validationReport attribute of the DcsDataRecord object
setValidatorResults(ValidatorResults) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Sets the validatorResults attribute of the SuggestForm object
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the vocabulary value (last half of field/value pair)
setValue(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldMapEntry
Throws UnsupportedOperationException
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Sets the value attribute of the InputField object.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabResponseMap
Indicates a particular value in a list of response values
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the value attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the value attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabSetResponseValueTag
Sets the value attribute of the MetadataVocabSetResponseTag object
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTranslateValueTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabUiDisplayTag
Sets the value attribute of the MetadataVocabUiDisplayTag object
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabUiLabelTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Annotation
Sets the value attribute of the Annotation object
setValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Contributor
Sets the value attribute of the Contributor object
setValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.GeoReference
Sets the value attribute of the GeoReference object
setValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.Relation
Sets the value attribute of the Relation object
setValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.ResourceType
Sets the value attribute of the ResourceType object
setValue(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.TechnicalReq
Sets the value attribute of the TechnicalReq object
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
Setter method for setting a specific metadata value.
setValue(String, GlobalDef, Namespace) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDefMap
Inserts a GlobalDef instance in the GlobalDefMap.
setValue(String, SchemaNode) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Setter method for updating a specific named value.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLMap
Setter method for updating a specific named value.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Sets the textual content of the element of this node, if it is a leaf element.
setValueId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setValueId(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTopLevelAbbrevLabelTag
Sets the system attribute of the MetadataVocabGetFieldValueUiLabel object
setValueOf(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the valueOf attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setVerb(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Sets the verb attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest object
setVerbose(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Sets the verbose attribute of the SimpleNdrRequest class
setVerbose(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
setVerbose(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.ErrorManager
setVerbose(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
Sets the verbose attribute of the FieldFilesChecker class
setVerbose(boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
Sets the verbose attribute of the SchemaHelper class
setView(String) - Method in class
view indicates which flavor of UI display is rendered (RSS for example)
setVld(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSQueryForm
Sets the vld attribute of the DCSQueryForm object
setVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class
Sets the vocab attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class
Sets the vocab attribute of the VocabCachingActionForm object
setVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class
Sets the vocab attribute of the VocabCachingActionForm object
setVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class
Constructor for the VocabForm object
setVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Constructor for the setVocab object
setVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
Sets the vocab attribute of the SuggestForm object
setVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.action.form.SchemaViewerForm
Constructor for the setVocab object
setVocabAudience(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the vocabAudience attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setVocabCacheFeedbackString(String) - Method in class
Sets the vocabCacheFeedbackString attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setVocabCacheGroup(String) - Method in class
Sets the vocabCacheGroup attribute of the DDSViewResourceForm object
setVocabCacheValue(String) - Method in class
Description of the Method
setVocabCacheValue(String) - Method in class
Description of the Method
setVocabField(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the vocabField attribute to an xpath extracted from the proviced paramName.
setVocabFieldId(String) - Method in class
Sets the vocabFieldId attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
setVocabInputState(MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class
Sets the vocabInputState attribute of the DDSAdminQueryForm object
setVocabInputState(MetadataVocabInputState) - Method in class
Sets the vocabInputState attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setVocabInterface(String) - Method in class
Sets the vocabInterface attribute of the HistogramForm object
setVocabInterface(String) - Method in class
As of MetadataUI v1.0, replaced by new constructor
setVocabInterface(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the vocabInterface attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setVocabLanguage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Sets the vocabLanguage attribute of the SchemEditForm object
setVocabValueId(String) - Method in class
Sets the vocabValueId attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
setWarnR(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the warnR attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
setWnfrom(String) - Method in class
Sets the wnfrom attribute of the DDSQueryForm object
setWorkingRenderer(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the workingRenderer attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setWorkingSchemaURI(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the workingSchemaURI attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setWorkingSchemaURI(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Sets the workingSchemaURI attribute of the MetaDataFramework object
setWrap(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the wrap attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setWrap(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag
Sets the wrap attribute of the MetadataVocabCheckboxesTag object
setWrap(boolean) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNode
Sets the wrap attribute of the VocabNode object
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Sets the wrap attribute of the VocabNode object
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Sets the wrap attribute of the vocab node (for UI table column wrapping)
setX(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Sets the x attribute of the MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag object
setXMLConversionService(XMLConversionService) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Sets the XMLConversionService used by this RepositoryManager and puts it into the index as an attribute under the key xmlConversionService for use in the XMLDocReaders.
setXmlError(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Sets the xmlError attribute of the RepositoryAdminForm object
setXmlError(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Sets the xmlError attribute of the DCSAdminForm object
setXmlFormat(String) - Method in class
setXmlFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Sets the xmlFormat attribute of the SchemEditAdminForm object
setXmlFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Sets the xmlFormat attribute for this collection.
setXmlFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfigReader
Sets the xmlFormat attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object
setXmlFormat(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigReader
Sets the xmlFormat attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object
setXmlFormat(String) - Method in class
Sets the xmlFormat attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setXmlFormat(String) - Method in class
setXmlFormat(String) - Method in class
Sets the xmlFormat attribute of the DDSRepositoryUpdateServiceForm object
setXmlFormats(List) - Method in class
Sets the xmlFormats attribute of the DCSServicesForm object
setXmlFormats(List) - Method in class
setXmlFormats(List) - Method in class
Sets the xmlFormats attribute of the DDSServicesForm object
setXmlFormats(List) - Method in class
Sets the xmlFormats attribute of the JSHTMLForm_1_1 object
setXmlRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
Sets the xmlRecord attribute of the SubmitNewsOppsForm object
setXPath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Sets the xPath attribute of the InputField object
setXpath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsManager
setXpath(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper
Sets the xpath attribute of the ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper object
setXPathFieldsPrefix(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Sets the value of xPathFieldsPrefix, which is appended at the front of the xPath fields when indexed.
setY(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag
Sets the y attribute of the MetadataVocabTreeMenuTag object
setZipLatest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Sets the zipLatest attribute of the ScheduledHarvest object
SGTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
sh - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
sh - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
sh - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
A SchemaHelper instance that provides schema-related information and services to the Renderer.
sh - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.InsertTester
sh - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
sh - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SimpleSchemaHelperTester
SH_HARVESTED_DATA_DIR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Keys
Description of the Field
sharedState - Variable in class
show(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.FrameworkConfigConverter
Utility to show XML in pretty form
show(Node) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataConverter
Utility to show XML in pretty form
showArray(String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionFileConverter
showChoiceNodes(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showChoiceNodesOLD(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showCollectionConfig() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CollectionConfigTester
Description of the Method
showComboUnionFields(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showConfig() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Output configuration properties to the console.
showDerivedContentModelNodes(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showDerivedDataTypes(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showDerivedTextOnlyModelNodes(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showElementDebugInfo - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Causes debugging information about each element to be shown in editor
showEnumerationTypes(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showFramework() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkTester
Description of the Method
showFrameworkStuff() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
Description of the Method
showGlobalDefs(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showGlobalElements(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showInstanceDoc(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showLabelDebugInfo - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Causes debugging information about the element labels to be shown in editor
showLineage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Description of the Method
showLineage() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Description of the Method
showLineage() - Method in class
Description of the Method
showList(List, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper
showMinimalDocument(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showMultiSelectElements(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showNodeDocumentation(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showNodesHavingRepeatingComplexSingletons(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
Display schema nodes for which the SchemaHelper.hasRepeatingComplexSingleton predicate returns true.
showNSDefs(String, SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showOptionalChoicePaths(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showOptionalChoicePathsOLD(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showOthers(Map) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Description of the Method
showPatterns() - Method in class
showProps() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaProps
showReaderStuff() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
showReferer(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Displays request params for debugging.
showRegistry() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CollectionConfigTester
Description of the Method
showRepeatingComplexSingletons(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showRepeatingElements(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showRequestHeaders(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Display request headers for debugging.
showRequestParameters(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Displays request params for debugging.
showRequestParameters(HttpServletRequest, String[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Description of the Method
showRequiredBranches(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showRequiredContentElements(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showRole(RolesTest.Role) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest
showRoleInfo(User, ActionMapping) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Description of the Method
showSchemaNodeMap(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showSchemaNodes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.InsertTester
showSchemaPathMap() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.FrameworkConfigTester
showSharedState() - Method in class
Debugging utility to show the contents of the sharedState map
showSimpleAndComplexContentElements(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showSingleStandard(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnTester
showStandard(AsnStandard) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnTester
showSubject(Subject) - Static method in class
Debugging - prints a string representation of provided Subject
showSubject(Subject, String) - Static method in class
Debugging - prints a string representation of provided Subjec
showSubstitutionGroups(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showTester() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.CollectionConfigTester
Description of the Method
showTypeDocumentation(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showUnboundedSchemaNodes(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showUsers() - Method in class
Debugging method to print string representation of all managed users
showXsdStringElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
showXsdStringElement(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererImpl
Hook to allow specialized renderers (in particular DleseEditorRenderer) to suppress display of xsd:string elements in certain circumstances by overriding this method.
showXSDStringExtensionFields(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
showXSDStringFields(SchemaHelper) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
show fields of xxx:string dataType, where xxx refers to the namespace prefix for the schemaNamespace.
shutDown() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.NewVocabsChecker
Description of the Method
SIFDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
SIFDocReader(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFDocReader
SIFEditorRenderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Renders JSP for SIF (Schools Interoperability Framework) metadata frameworks, adding functionality for selecting from SIF objects, and other sif-specific input objects.
SIFEditorRenderer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SIFEditorRenderer
SIFFieldInfoWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Class to generate fields files for given framework.
SIFFieldInfoWriter(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.SIFFieldInfoWriter
Constructor for the SIFFieldInfoWriter object
SIFReferenceAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action
A Struts Action controlling interaction between MetadataEditor and SIF helper, which helps users select and create SIF objects.
SIFReferenceAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.SIFReferenceAction
SIFReferenceForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form
SIFReferenceForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.action.form.SIFReferenceForm
SIFRefIdManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
Manages configurations of SIF fields that take references to other SIF objects.
SIFRefIdMap - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif
Class holding information about the paths for a SIF framework that can accept References to other SIF objects, including the acceptable object types.
SIFRefIdMap(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.sif.SIFRefIdMap
Constructor for the SIFRefIdMap object
SignedNdrRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
Class to communiate directly with NDR via NDRConnection.
SignedNdrRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SignedNdrRequest
Constructor for the SignedNdrRequest object
SignedNdrRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SignedNdrRequest
Constructor for the SignedNdrRequest object with specified verb.
SignedNdrRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SignedNdrRequest
Constructor for the SignedNdrRequest object with specified verb and handle.
similarUrlReportForDcsStatusNote() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Report the similar urls for inclusion in a dcsStatusNote
SimilarUrlTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
SIMPLE_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
SIMPLE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
SimpleDataStore - Class in org.dlese.dpc.datamgr
A Hashtable-like interface for reading and writing persistent Java objects from and to disc.
SimpleDataStore(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Constructs a new SimpleDataStore that reads and writes data to the given dataPath directory.
SimpleDataStore() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Constructor for the SimpleDataStore object, restores a serialized SimpleDataStore.
simpleDateFormat - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
simpleDateFormat - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Formats and parses dates according to SchemEditUtils.simpleDateFormatString.
simpleDateFormatString - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.NdrUtils
simpleDateFormatString - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
simpleDateString(Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Converts a Date object into a string formatted with SchemEditUtils.simpleDateFormat
SimpleDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean that provides a simple implementataion of the DocReader interface.
SimpleDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.SimpleDocReader
Constructor for the SimpleDocReader object
SimpleDocReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.SimpleDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a DocWriter.
SimpleDomTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
SimpleErrorHandler - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
A simple XML error handler that catches XML errors and warnings and saves them to StringBuffers so the errors can be extracted and displayed.
SimpleFileIndexingObserver - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
A FileIndexingObserver that simply outputs messages to System out.
SimpleFileIndexingObserver() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleFileIndexingObserver
Constructor for the SimpleFileIndexingObserver object
SimpleFileIndexingObserver(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleFileIndexingObserver
Constructor for the SimpleFileIndexingObserver object
SimpleFileIndexingObserver(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleFileIndexingObserver
Constructor for the SimpleFileIndexingObserver object
SimpleFileIndexingPlugin - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
A FileIndexingPlugin example that indexes a single field with a single value.
SimpleFileIndexingPlugin() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleFileIndexingPlugin
SimpleFileIndexingServiceDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean meant for subclassing that provides a basic implementataion of the FileIndexingServiceDocReader interface.
SimpleFileIndexingServiceDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.SimpleFileIndexingServiceDocReader
Constructor for the SimpleFileIndexingServiceDocReader object
SimpleFileIndexingServiceDocReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.SimpleFileIndexingServiceDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document that was created by a FileIndexingServiceWriter.
SimpleHarvestMessageHandler - Class in org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester
Outputs harvest status messages to standard output.
SimpleHarvestMessageHandler() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.SimpleHarvestMessageHandler
SimpleLogin - Class in
Base class for a variety of simple login modules that simply authenticate a user against some database of user credentials.
SimpleLogin() - Constructor for class
SimpleLuceneIndex - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
A simple API for searching, reading and writing Lucene indexes.
SimpleLuceneIndex(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Initializes or creates an index at the given location using a default search field named "default" and a StandardAnalyzer for index searching and creation.
SimpleLuceneIndex(String, Analyzer) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Initializes or creates an index at the given location using a default search field named "default" and the given Analyzer.
SimpleLuceneIndex(String, String, Analyzer) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Initializes or creates an index at the given location using the default search field, additional stop words and analyzer indicated.
SimpleNdrRequest - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request
Class to communiate directly with NDR via NDRConnection with no payload (url only - no InputXML object).
SimpleNdrRequest() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Constructor for the SimpleNdrRequest object
SimpleNdrRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Constructor for the SimpleNdrRequest object with specified verb.
SimpleNdrRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
Constructor for the SimpleNdrRequest object with specified verb and handle.
SimpleQueryAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.action
A Struts Action for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
SimpleQueryAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.action.SimpleQueryAction
SimpleQueryForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.action.form
A Struts Form bean for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
SimpleQueryForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.action.form.SimpleQueryForm
Constructor for the SimpleQueryForm object
SimpleQueryForm.ParamPair - Class in org.dlese.dpc.action.form
Holds paramter, value pairs.
SimpleSchemaHelperTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Description of the Class
SimpleSchemaHelperTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SimpleSchemaHelperTester
SimpleType - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Wrapper for SimpleType definitions in XML Schemas.
SimpleType(Element, String, Namespace, SchemaReader) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Constructor for the SimpleType object
SimpleTypeLabel - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Class to render an element label for metadata editors and viewers.
SimpleTypeLabel() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.SimpleTypeLabel
SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
This is the default writer for generic XML formats.
SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Constructor for the SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter object
SimpleXMLFormatConverter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
A simple demonstraion implementation of the XMLFormatConverter interface.
SimpleXMLFormatConverter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleXMLFormatConverter
SimSorter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck
Comparator to sort DupSim instances by order of their IDs.
SimSorter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.SimSorter
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Gets the number of fields in the Document.
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameList
Number of Fields in the Document
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameSet
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesList
Number of field values in the Document
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldValuesSet
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Gets the number of fields in the Document.
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection
The number of items in this collection
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocList
The number of search results.
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
The number of registered collections
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.ErrorLog
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
The number of registered frameworks
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReport
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RecordList
The number of items
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsDocument
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsDocument
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsDocument
size() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.StandardsDocument
The number of nodes in this tree.
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.Log
size() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
skipFieldValidation(InputField) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.Msp2EditValidator
skipFieldValidation(InputField) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.NsdlAnnoValidator
Suppress validation of all fields under MATERIALS_LIST_PATH
skipFieldValidation(InputField) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.OsmEditValidator
Suppress validation of the pubName field, since it is handled in validateForm
skipFieldValidation(InputField) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
skipFieldValidation(InputField) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SmileEditValidator
Suppress validation of all fields under MATERIALS_LIST_PATH
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
skippedEntity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
SmartExportTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
smartPut(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.DocMap
Tests xpath against provided schema (via SchemaHelper) before putting value, creating a new Node if one is not found at xpath.
SmileEditValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Extension of SchemEditValidator that is only concerned with a few msp2-specific fields.
SmileEditValidator(SchemEditForm, MetaDataFramework, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SmileEditValidator
Constructor for the SmileEditValidator object
SmileEventListener - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository
RepositoryEventListener that provides Smile specific handlers for some events.
SmileEventListener() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.SmileEventListener
No parameter Constructor for the SmileEventListener object
SmileEventListener(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.SmileEventListener
Constructor for the SmileEventListener object providing servletContext
smudge(char[]) - Static method in class
Zero the contents of the specified array.
smudge(byte[]) - Static method in class
Zero the contents of the specified array.
SnowballAnalyzer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis
A Snowball Analyzer for English word stemming.
SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING - Static variable in class
Indicates the optional sort order for search results should be ascending
SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING - Static variable in class
Indicates the optional sort order for search results should be descending
SORT_ORDER_NO_SORT - Static variable in class
Indicates no sorting should be applied to search results
SortDocsAlphabetically - Class in
Description of the Class
SortDocsAlphabetically() - Constructor for class
SortInputFieldAscending - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Comparator to order input fields in "natural order" of their xpath attribute.
SortInputFieldAscending() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SortInputFieldAscending
SortInputFieldDescending - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Comparator to order input fields in reverse "natural order" of their xpath attribute.
SortInputFieldDescending() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SortInputFieldDescending
SortRecsByLastMod - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Comparator for sorting Record instances in the StandAlone configuration metadata editor.
SortRecsByLastMod() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SortRecsByLastMod
SortReports() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService.SortReports
SortResultDocsAlphabetically - Class in
Description of the Class
SortResultDocsAlphabetically() - Constructor for class
SortStatusEntries - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Comparator to sort StatusEntry elements in reverse order of their "dateChanged" property.
SortStatusEntries() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.SortStatusEntries
SortStatusFlags - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Comparator to sort StatusFlag instances natural order of their "label" property.
SortStatusFlags() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SortStatusFlags
SortTermAndDeftns - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Comparator to sort Records in reverse order of their creation date
SortTermAndDeftns() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.SortTermAndDeftns
SortWidget - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display
SortWidgets are used to display lists of search results, and to render the controls for changing the field upon which results are sorted, as well as the order in which the results are sorted.
SortWidget(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.SortWidget
Constructor for the SortWidget object
SortWidget(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.SortWidget
Constructor for the SortWidget object, where the sort order is explicitly defined.
source - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
spacer(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.LayoutNode
split(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.
ssht - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.InsertTester
StandAloneSchemEditAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Metadata Editor controller for xml records to be created and edited in a particular disk directory rather than reading and writing to a indexed repository.
StandAloneSchemEditAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StandAloneSchemEditAction
Standard - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore
Extends StdElement to include hierarchy information, such as "children" and "ancestors"
Standard(Element, StdDocument) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
Constructor for the Standard object given an XML Element and the containing StdDocument instance;
STANDARD_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
StandardComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard.StandardComparator
STANDARDS_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
STANDARDS_FILE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
StandardsDocument - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
Interface for classes representing an educational standard (e.g., an ASN Standard Document) as a heirarchy of standards nodes in support of display and selection in the metadata editor.
StandardsManager - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
Manages information about a standards document in the context of a SuggestionServiceHelper.
StandardsMappingInfoMaker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util
StandardsMappingInfoMaker() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMappingInfoMaker
StandardsMatcherPhase1 - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util
Tool to help match asf and adn standards, and to identify standards that cannot be matched.
StandardsMatcherPhase1(String, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.StandardsMatcherPhase1
Constructor for the StandardsMatcherPhase1 object - builds two data structures that are then used to generate reports: 1 - "idMap" -- which is initialized to hold an empty entry for each ASN id (the entry will later be filled) 2 - "matchKeyIdMap" -- which holds an entry (an ASN ID) for each match key (when ASN and ADN stds have same match keys).
StandardsNode - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
Node in a hierarchical structure of content standards, used to display standards using mui-oriented commands and therefore modeled after the VocabNode interface.
StandardsRegistry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
Class to manage potentially many ASN standards documents, refered to using AsnDocKey instances.
startCDATA() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
startDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Invoked at the start of any document parse
startDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
startDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
startDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Invoked at the start of any document parse
startDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Invoked at the start of any document parse
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Invoked upon opening tag of an XML element
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Invoked upon opening tag of an XML element
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Invoked upon opening tag of an XML element
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Invoked upon opening tag of an XML element
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Invoked upon opening tag of an XML element
startElementDefinition(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Invoked upon opening tag of a definitions XML element
startElementUI(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Start element for the UI files
startEntity(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
startIndexingTimer(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingManager
Starts or restarts the indexing timer thread to run every 24 hours, beginning at the specified time/date.
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.LoadMetadataVocabs
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabOPML
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
(SAX) Required by SAX, but not used here
startTester(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Starts a FileMoveTester iff one is not already initialized.
startTimerThread(long) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Start or restarts the timer thread with the given update frequency.
StaticRecordAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action for handling query requests that access a SimpleLuceneIndex.
StaticRecordAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StaticRecordAction
StaticRecordForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
StaticRecordForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StaticRecordForm
Constructor for the StaticRecordForm object
Record status: accessioned and discoverable
Record status: accessioned and not discoverable
STATUS_DEACCESSIONED - Static variable in class
Record status: deaccessioned
STATUS_HISTORY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.RoleManager
STATUS_NEW - Static variable in class
Record status: new
STATUS_REJECTED - Static variable in class
Record status: rejected
STATUS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
Record status: unknown (error)
StatusAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
A Struts Action controlling interaction during editing of workflow status information asociated with individual metadata records.
StatusAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.StatusAction
statusChanged(StatusEvent) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusListener
Invoked when a DataManager has changed existing data.
statusChanged(StatusEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.WorkFlowServices
StatusChanged even handler.
StatusComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo.StatusComparator
StatusEntry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Wrapper for a StatusEntry element of a DcsDataRecord.
StatusEntry() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Constructor for the StatusEntry object
StatusEntry(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Constructor for the StatusEntry object given parameters as Strings.
StatusEntry(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Constructor for the StatusEntry object given parameters as Strings.
StatusEntry(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEntry
Constructor for the StatusEntry object given a Element containing the values for statusEntry attributes.
statuses - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
StatusEvent - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Indicates that an event occurred affecting data managed by a DataManager source.
StatusEvent(DcsDataRecord) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.StatusEvent
Contruct a StatusEvent
StatusFlag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Hold a tuple of status value, label and accompanying decription.
StatusFlag(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlag
Constructor for the StatusFlag object
StatusFlag(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlag
Constructor for the StatusFlag object
StatusFlag(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlag
Constructor for the StatusFlag object that accepts a Element and parses it into label and description values.
StatusFlags - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Hold a tuple of status value and accompanying decription.
StatusFlags() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
StatusForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
ActionForm bean for editing the status information associated with each metadata record
StatusForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
StatusListener - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs
Provides the interface for Objects listening to a DataManager source.
statusMessage(int, int) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.HarvestMessageHandler
A status message indicating the number of records currenlty harvested and the number of resumption tokens issued.
statusMessage(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.HarvestMessageHandler
A status message indicating an event that took place during the harvest, such as a request made to the data provider.
statusMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
A status message indicating an event that took place during the harvest, such as a request made to the data provider.
statusMessage(int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.IndexingHarvestMsgHandler
A status message indicating the number of records currenlty harvested and the number of resumption tokens issued.
statusMessage(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.SimpleHarvestMessageHandler
A status message indicating an event that took place during the harvest, such as a request made to the data provider.
statusMessage(int, int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.SimpleHarvestMessageHandler
A status message indicating the number of records currenlty harvested and the number of resumption tokens issued.
statusNames - Static variable in class
stdDoc - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
StdDocument - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore
Encapsulates an ASN Standards Document by reading the source XML file and creating a hierarchy of Standard instances.
StdDocument(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Constructor for the StdDocument object given the path to an XML file.
StdElement - Class in org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore
StdElement(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
Constructor for the StdElement object
stem() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Stem the word placed into the Stemmer buffer through calls to add().
Stemmer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
Stemmer implements the Porter stemming algorithm.
Stemmer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Constructor for the Stemmer object
STEMMING_BOOST_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
STEMMING_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
STEMS_ANALYZER - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
stemsFieldName - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Stems field 'stems'
stemWordsInLuceneClause(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Stems each of the words in a given Lucene clause String, returning the same String with the word parts in stemmed form.
stemWordsInString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
Stems each of the words or tokens in a given String, returning a String of stemmed tokens with all other characters removed.
stop() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileMoveTester
STOP_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
stopAllHarvests() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Stops all running harvests gracefully.
stopIndexing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Stops the indexing process if it is currently taking place.
stopIndexing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Instructs the indexer to stop processing updates.
stopIndexing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Instructs the indexer to stop indexing wherever its at in the process.
stopProcessing - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
stopProcessing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
Halts a threaded service.
stopProcessing - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
stopProcessing() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Halts a threaded service.
stopTester() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Stops the FileMoveTester
stopTimerThread() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.FileIndexingService
Stops the indexing timer thread.
stopTimerThread(Long) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.ScheduledHarvestManager
Stops the timer
StoreBodyTag - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util.tags
Description of the Class
StoreBodyTag() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.tags.StoreBodyTag
storeinDB(Rec[], int) - Method in class
store the records' info in the CAS database
storeObjectDn(String, String, String, String[][], Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Low level method: stores a serialized Java Object, and associated attributes, using the specified dn/pswd for authorization.
storeUserObject(String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Stores a serialized Java Object, and associated attributes, using the specified uid/pswd for authorization.
stringToDate(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.document.DateFieldTools
Converts a string produced by DateFieldTools.timeToString(long) or DateFieldTools.dateToString(java.util.Date) back to a time, represented as a Date object.
stringToTime(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.document.DateFieldTools
Converts a string produced by DateFieldTools.timeToString(long) or DateFieldTools.dateToString(java.util.Date) back to a time, represented as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
StringUtil - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util.strings
String utility class that provides sub-string replacement and quoted string escaping
StringUtil() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.strings.StringUtil
stringUtil - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Description of the Field
stringUtil - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
stripFunctionCall(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
Strips the function call from a request parameter name, leaving a xpath.
stripNamespacePrefix(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
stripXmlDeclaration(BufferedReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Strips the XML declaration and DTD declaration from the given XML.
stripXmlDeclaration(BufferedReader) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLUtils
Strips the XML declaration and DTD declaration from the given XML.
StructureWalker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Creates an empty "XPath-equivant" instance document Document based on a venetian-blind-type XML Schema.
StructureWalker(Element, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.StructureWalker
Constructor for the StructureWalker object
stuffId(String, String, MetaDataFramework) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Insert a new id into an existing metadata record
stuffId(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Place the provided ID into the provided recordXml.
stuffValue(DocMap, String, String, SchemaHelper) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
subElementValue(Element, String) - Method in class
Gets the text value of the specified child of a given parent element.
subGroup - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
subject - Variable in class
SUBJECT_SESSION_KEY - Static variable in interface
subjects - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
submit() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
submit(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.NdrRequest
submit() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
submit(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
SuggestAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action
Abstract controller for a Suggestor Client.
SuggestAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
SuggestCommentAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action
* Action controller for the Suggest a Comment servlet.
SuggestCommentAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
SuggestCommentForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling requests that access a SuggestionRecord the QA DataBase and Records.
SuggestCommentForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
SuggestCommentHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment
Provides services for SuggestComment Client.
SuggestCommentHelper(File, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.SuggestCommentHelper
SuggestCommentHelper Constructor.
SuggestCommentServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest
Initializes the SuggestCommentHelper and sets up the Suggest a Resource context.
SuggestCommentServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestCommentServlet
SuggestForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form
Base ActionForm for Suggestor controllers that access a SuggestionRecord.
SuggestForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
SuggestHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest
Provides functionality to help Suggestor clients collection suggestions and write them to DCS instances.
SuggestHelper(File, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestHelper
SuggestHelper Constructor
SuggestionRecord - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest
Wrapper providing accessors for a suggestion record, which is represented as a Document of the framework determined by the SchemaHelper attribute.
SuggestionRecord(Document, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestionRecord
Constructor for the SuggestionRecord object
SUGGESTIONS_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
SuggestionServiceConfig - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config
Encapsulates configuration for a suggestion service, incuding the framework that the service operates for and what standards files are to be used for that particular framework.
SuggestionServiceConfig(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceConfig
Constructor for the SuggestionServiceConfig object with provided configuration Element.
SuggestionServiceHelper - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
Run-time support for handling interaction with user in the context of content standard assignment aided by a suggestionService (e.g., CAT).
SuggestionServiceManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config
Reads a SuggestionService configuration file and provides access to the individual configurations (each corresponding to a MetaDataFramework).
SuggestionServiceManager(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.config.SuggestionServiceManager
Constructor for the SuggestionServiceManager object, which reads a configuration file and creates SuggestionServiceConfig instances for each configured framework.
SuggestResourceAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action
* Action controller for the Suggest a Resource servlet
SuggestResourceAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
SuggestResourceForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form
ActionForm bean for handling requests that access a SuggestionRecord the QA DataBase and Records.
SuggestResourceForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
SuggestResourceHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource
SuggestUrlManger - provides services for suggestor Client.
SuggestResourceHelper(File, SchemaHelper) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.SuggestResourceHelper
SuggestResourceHelper Constructor.
SuggestResourceServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest
Initializes the SuggestResourceHelper and sets up the Suggest a Resource context.
SuggestResourceServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestResourceServlet
SuggestStandards - Class in
SuggestStandards() - Constructor for class
Constructor for the SuggestStandards object
SuggestStandards(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the SuggestStandards object supplying username, password and baseUrl
SuggestUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest
Utilities supporting the Suggestor clients.
SuggestUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
SuggestXMLAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action
Form submission processor that generates an XML doc based on the form input values, named as XPath expressions.
SuggestXMLAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestXMLAction
SuggestXMLForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form
A Struts Form bean for handling submission of XML records based on XPath-name HTML form inputs
SuggestXMLForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestXMLForm
suite() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
A unit test suite for JUnit
suite() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
suite() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.AllToolsUnitTests
A unit test suite for JUnit
suite() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.DDSPerformanceTests
suite() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.HarvestAPITests
swapIndexes() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.WebLogIndexingService
sync() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.NDRSync
Sync a collection with the NDR by first updating collection-level (metadataProvider, aggregator) information in the NDR and then updating outOfSync metadata with the NDR.
sync(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
Initializes data structures needed to sync collection, and then kicks off a new thread to do the actual sync (see runSync).
synchWithCollectionManager(ServletContext) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabServlet
Grab the MetadataVocab and RepositoryManager from the servlet context, and if both exist, invoke the synchronization of the CM "enabled" states with their corresponding vocabulary "display" states.
syncItems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.NDRSync
syncItems() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
SyncReport - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr
SyncReport(CollectionConfig, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReport
SyncReportEntry - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr
Class to capture the results of a NDRSync operation in which a metadata record is written to the NDR.
SyncReportEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReportEntry
Constructor for the SyncReportEntry object
SyncReportEntry(String, String, String, InfoXML) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncReportEntry
SyncService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr
Threaded version of NDRSync
SyncService(SessionBean, ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
Constructor for the SyncService object
system - Variable in class
system - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Description of the Field
system - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag


TAB - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
taosSetup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MisMatches
taosSetup() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
TaskProgress - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
Class to report progress of a MonitoredTask via a json object.
TaskProgress(MonitoredTask) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.TaskProgress
Constructor for the TaskProgress object
TeachersDomainFrameworkPlugin - Class in
CATService FrameworkPlugin providing information specific to the "comm_core" framework.
TeachersDomainFrameworkPlugin() - Constructor for class
TeachersDomainLexicon - Class in
Reads a file representing the Teacher's Domain Lexicon XML as a Standards Document (and individual lexicon terms contained within) via the StdDocument and Standard classes.
TeachersDomainLexicon(File) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the TeachersDomainLexicon object
TeachersDomainLexicon(StdDocument) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the TeachersDomainLexicon object
TeachersDomainServiceHelper - Class in
Run-time support for CAT suggestion service, which acts as intermediary between CAT Service client and Form bean/JSP pages.
TeachersDomainServiceHelper(SchemEditForm, CATHelperPlugin) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the TeachersDomainServiceHelper object
TeachersDomainStandardsManager - Class in
StandardsManager for the TeachersDomain Framework.
TeachersDomainStandardsManager(String, String, File) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the TeachersDomainStandardsManager object
TeachersDomainStandardsNode - Class in
Implements the StandardsNode interface using information from a Commcore instance.
TeachersDomainStandardsNode(Standard, TeachersDomainStandardsNode) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the TeachersDomainStandardsNode object given a ResultDoc instance
tearDown() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
The teardown method for JUnit
tearDown() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
tearDown() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.DDSPerformanceTests
tearDown() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.HarvestAPITests
TechnicalReq() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.TechnicalReq
Constructor for the TechnicalReq object
TechnicalReq(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.TechnicalReq
Constructor for the TechnicalReq object
technicalReqs - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
TermAndDeftn - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab
Encapsulates the semantics of the TermAndDeftn element of FieldInfo files, which defines a term/definition relationship for controlled vocabulary items in a Fields file.
TermAndDeftn(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.TermAndDeftn
Constructor for the TermAndDeftn object
TermData - Class in
Class that holds data about term in one or more fields in the index.
TermData(int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the TermData object
TermDocCount - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
A TermDocCount is returned by SimpleLuceneIndex.getTermAndDocCounts(String[]) and contains the term count, the total number of documents containing the term and a list of fields in which the term appears.
TermDocCount() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.TermDocCount
TermsInfo - Class in
Class that holds data about the terms in one or more fields in the index.
TermsInfo(List, Map, String, int) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the TermsInfo object
test_dds_searches() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.DDSPerformanceTests
test_getIDs() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
A unit test for JUnit
test_getIDsSorted() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
A unit test for JUnit
test_getIDsSorted_method() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
A unit test for JUnit
test_getIDsSorted_method() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
test_getNumRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
A unit test for JUnit
test_getNumRecords() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
test_locking_methods() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
test_OAIChangeListener() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.junit.HarvestAPITests
test_put_and_get_methods() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
A unit test for JUnit
test_put_and_get_methods() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
test_random_filename_encode_decode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
A unit test for JUnit
test_random_filename_encode_decode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
test_simple_filename_encode_decode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerPerformanceTests
A unit test for JUnit
test_simple_filename_encode_decode() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManagerTest
testAdd() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ThreadTester
TestArrayWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
TestArrayWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.TestArrayWriter
Tester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
Tester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.Tester
Tester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader
Base Class for reading NDR responses to GET Requests, used primarily to support NDR Import operations.
Tester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.Tester
tester() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.Collection
TesterUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Methods to help tester classes use information in the framework config files.
TesterUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TesterUtils
testQuery() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ThreadTester
TestQuery - Class in
Test driver for
Command line parameters are: dbUrl: The URL of the MySQL database.
TestSimpleIndex - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
TestSimpleIndex() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.TestSimpleIndex
TestTools - Class in org.dlese.dpc.junit
This class holds a number of handy static methods to aid in testing.
TestTools() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.junit.TestTools
TestWebServiceClient - Class in org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient
TestWebServiceClient(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.TestWebServiceClient
TEXT_ANALYZER - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
ThreadedService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
Provides services over collections, such as Validation and Export, that run in their own thread.
ThreadedService(ServletContext, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Constructor for the ThreadedService object
ThreadedService.SortReports - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
ThreadedServiceObserver - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
This interface is used by Objects wishing to determine when a background threaded service process (E.g., Export or Validation) has completed and to perform additional processing at that time.
ThreadTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
ThreadTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.ThreadTester
TimedURLConnection - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
A URLConnection wrapper that allows a connection timeout to be set, support for gzip streaming, GET and POST data.
TimedURLConnection() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.TimedURLConnection
TimeTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
TimeTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TimeTester
timeToString(long) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.document.DateFieldTools
Converts a millisecond time to a string suitable for indexing using resolution to seconds.
title - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.reader.NDRCollectionReader
title - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
title - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
TITLE_BOOST_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
TitleComparator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SearchServiceClient.TitleComparator
toArray() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.ResultDocList
Gets the ResultDocs as an array.
toCharArray() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Convert to char[].
toCommaDelimited(Object) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Converts either a list or a iterable to a comma-delmited string, which can then be converted into a list for use by Javascript (and in particular Prototype.Array),
toElement() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingInfo
toHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UtfTester
TOKEN - Static variable in class
tokenizeID(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Tokenizes a DLESE ID by replacing the char - with a blank space.
tokenizeString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Tokenizes a String by removing all the non-letter/number chars.
tokenizeURI(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.IndexingTools
Tokenizes a URI by replacing the unindexable chars with a blank space.
tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.KeywordAnalyzer
A TokenStream that includes all characters.
tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.LowerCaseAnalyzer
Normalizes the text to lower case.
tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.LowerCaseWhitespaceAnalyzer
Normalizes the text to lower case.
tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
Generates a token stream for the given field.
toPasswdFileEntry() - Method in class
topic - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
toQueryString() - Method in class
Generate a queryString to be passed with CAT service request
toRole(String) - Static method in class
toSchemaPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
convert a jsp-encoded path into a normalized form for accessing schemaNodes
toStr() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRange
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.analysis.PerFieldAnalyzer
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.ItemDocReader.RelatedResource
String representation
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap.FieldNameList
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.Stemmer
After a word has been stemmed, it can be retrieved by toString(), or a reference to the internal buffer can be retrieved by getResultBuffer and getResultLength (which is generally more efficient.)
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Outputs a String representation of the fields/terms/queries that are defined in this VirtulSearchFieldMapper.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.BoundingBox
String representation
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapEntry
Returns a String representation of the entire set of attributes represented by this LdapEntry.
toString() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapException
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
toString() - Method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.OAIVisibilty
toString() - Method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.ObjectState
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.structs.ScheduledHarvest
Provides a String representataion for this ScheduledHarvest.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.DirInfo
Provides a String representataion for this DirInfo.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.CollectionIndexingSession
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
A String representation of this event.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.MetadataFormatInfo
Provides a String representataion for this MetadataFormatInfo.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.SetInfo
Provides a String representataion for this SetInfo.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Print the items of the mdvMap for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPathMap
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlag
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.UserInfo
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Return a string representation of the registry for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.AnyTypeInputField
Debugging utility returns a string listing key fields and values.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputField
Debugging utility returns a string listing key fields and values.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.InputManager
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
String representation for debugging
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionCmp
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionIntegrator
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLReader
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.CollectionXSLRecord
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MisMatches
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList.Page
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.PageList
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryEvent
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriterPluginException
toString() - Method in enum
toString(Roles.Role) - Static method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Return a string representation of this TypedPrincipal.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.AdnStandard
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.DleseStandardsNode
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.adn.util.AsnMappingStandard
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocKey
return a string representation of this AsnDocKey object
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnStandardsNode
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.GradeRangeHelper.GradeRangeItem
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.commcore.CommCoreStandardsNode
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.Report.ReportEntry
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.DupSim
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.NormalizedURL
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoMap
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader.OtherPractice
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Debugging method.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.TermAndDeftn
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class
Return string representation of constraints map, used for debugging
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.RemoteResultDoc
A printable representation - used for debugging
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocStatement
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnDocument
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStandard
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.asn.AsnStatement
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.Standard
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdDocument
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.standards.commcore.StdElement
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestCommentForm
Print selected fields of this object for debugging purposes
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
Print selected fields of this object for debugging purposes
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.comment.CommentRecord
Print selected fields of this object for debugging purposes
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.ResourceRecord
Print selected fields of this object for debugging purposes
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.ValidatorResults
Verbose version of reportSims for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.CharArrayWrapper
Convert to String.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.ResourceType
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean.TechnicalReq
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.nldr.NldrMetadataRecordExporter
Get a String representation of this XML.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.AttributeGroup
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BreadCrumbs.Crumb
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BreadCrumbs
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.BuiltInType
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ComplexType
String representation of the ComplexType object
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.All
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Choice
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorGuard
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.InlineCompositor
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Sequence
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalAttribute
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
toString() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDef
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalElement
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ModelGroup
String representation of the ModelGroup object
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.ReaderStack
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNode
Produces string representation for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaNodeMap
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SimpleType
Description of the Method
toString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Retrieves the name of the element of this node.
totalQuery - Variable in class
touch(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Resets the file mod time to the current time.
touch(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Resets the file mod time to the current time.
toWinPath(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Replace forward slashes in provided path with backward slashes
transform(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Perform the transform on each file in the inputFilesDir, using the given xsl stylesheet, placing the resulting transformed files into outpuFilesDir.
transform(String, String, String[], String, Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Perform the transform files in inputFilesDir corresponding to the inputFileNames passed in, using the given xsl stylesheet, placing the resulting transformed files into outpuFilesDir.
transform_file - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NCS_ITEMToNSDL_DCFormatConverter
transformFile(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TransformTester
transformFile(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TransformTester
transformFile(String, Transformer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML file using a pre-compiled Transformer.
transformFile(File, Transformer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML file using a pre-compiled Transformer.
transformFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML file using an XSL stylesheet.
transformFileToWriter(String, Transformer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML file using a pre-compiled Transformer.
transformFileToWriter(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML file using an XSL stylesheet.
transformString(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TransformTester
transformString(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TransformTester
transformString(String, Transformer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML String using a pre-compiled Transformer.
transformString(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML String using an XSL stylesheet.
transformStringToWriter(String, Transformer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML String using a pre-compiled Transformer.
transformStringToWriter(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML String using an XSL stylesheet.
transformStringUsingString(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transforms an XML String using an XSL stylesheet supplied as a String.
TransformTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
TransformTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.TransformTester
transformToFile(String, String, Transformer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transform a single file to a file at the given output path using the given transformer.
transformToFile(File, File, Transformer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transform a single file to the given output file using the given transformer.
transformToFile(File, FileOutputStream, Transformer) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Transform a single file to the given FileOutputStream using the given transformer.
TREE_MODE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
TreeCache - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards
Cashe of AsnStandardsDocuments.
TreeCache(StandardsRegistry) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.TreeCache
Constructor for the TreeCache object
TRUE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
truncate(String, int) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.JspFunctions
Truncate provided string to specified length.
TRUSTED_WS_IPS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
tryConfig(int, String, String[], String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
type - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
typeDef - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
typeDef - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
The XPath corresponding to the SchemaNode.
TypedPrincipal - Class in
This class is based on the Tagish JAAS Login Modules (, and extended only to add "COLLECTION" and "AUTH" principles.
TypedPrincipal(String, int) - Constructor for class
Create a TypedPrincipal with a name and type.
TypedPrincipal(String) - Constructor for class
Create a TypedPrincipal with a name.
TypedPrincipal() - Constructor for class
Create a TypedPrincipal with a blank name.
typeMap - Static variable in class
typeName - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
Name of the element-to-be-rendered's DataType.


UcasLogin - Class in
LoginModule that uses UCAS auth service to Authenticate.
UcasLogin() - Constructor for class
UcasProxyAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action
Controller for proxing the UCAS PeopleDB REST service.
UcasProxyAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.UcasProxyAction
UcasProxyForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form
ActionForm for stashing info from UcasProxyAction
UcasProxyForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.UcasProxyForm
uid - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnDocInfo
UNBOUNDED - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaHelper
undelete() - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RequestTesters
undeleteNDRObject(String, NDRConstants.NDRObjectType) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.DevelTools
This call does not seem to be working??
underline(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
unescapeAmpersands(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.ReferenceResolver
Escape all escaped ampersands (&) as a preprocessing step in resolution of entity references.
unhookCollection(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionReaper
Remove all data structures referring to a collection, including: vocabulary entries (collectionKey) prefix idGenerator collectionConfiguration
unhookSubCollections() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.CollectionReaper
Unhook the subcollections of a collection containing collection records.
uniqueUrlCheck(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Check values of schemapaths designated as "uniqueUrl"s for duplicate or similiar values within given collection.
uniqueValueCheck(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, SchemEditValidator) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
Checks each field in the instance document associated with a configured "uniqueValue" path for duplicate values in the same field in other records in the collection.
UniqueValueChecker - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input
Checks for duplicate values in the same record as a "reference" record at a specified path.
UniqueValueChecker(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.UniqueValueChecker
Constructor for the UniqueValueChecker object, requiring ServletContext.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
This TypedPrincipal represents an item of unknown type.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.Compositor
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.compositor.CompositorMember
UNKNOWN_EDITOR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Constants
UNKNOWN_STATUS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Description of the Field
UNKNOWN_STATUS_FLAG - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.StatusFlags
Description of the Field
UNKNOWN_USER - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Constants
UNKNOWN_VALIDITY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Constants
unlock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Remove the lock on a data object.
unlock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Remove the lock on a data object.
unlock(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Remove the lock on a data object, if it exists.
unregister(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
unregister(CollectionConfig) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
Remove the CollectionConfig from the registry.
unregister(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.FrameworkRegistry
Remove the framework for provided xmlFormat from the registry
unregister(User) - Method in class
Removes provided user from the managed users.
unregister(Namespace) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Remove a namespace from prefixMap and uriMap structures.
unregisterSessionBean(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionRegistry
Unregister a sessionBean by calling its destroy method (releasing all held locks), and removing its entry from the sessionBeanMap.
UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Description of the Field
UNTIL - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The until argument
update(String, Object, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Updates a new object of data, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
update(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.DataManager
Updates a new object of data iff the object is not locked.
update(String, Object, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Updates a new object of data, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
update(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.ListenerDataManager
Updates a new object of data iff the object is not locked.
update(String, Object, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Updates a new object of data, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
update(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
Updates a new object of data iff the object is not locked by another user.
update(String, Object, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Updates a new object of data, assuming the caller had requested and recieved the necessary lock.
update(String, Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SimpleDataStore
Updates a new object of data iff the object is not locked by another user.
update(String, String[], Document[]) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
update(String, String[], Document[], boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Updates the index by first deleting the documents that match the value(s) indicated in deleteValues in the field deleteField, then adding the documents in addDocs.
update(String, String[], Document[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Updates the index by first deleting the documents that match the value(s) indicated in deleteValues in the field deleteField, then adding the documents in addDocs.
update(String, String, Document[], boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
update(String, String, Document, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
update(String, String, ArrayList, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
update(String, ArrayList, ArrayList, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Updates the index by first deleting the documents that match the value(s) indicated in deleteValues in the field deleteField, then adding the documents in addDocs.
update(String, ArrayList, ArrayList) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.SimpleLuceneIndex
Updates the index by first deleting the documents that match the value(s) indicated in deleteValues in the field deleteField, then adding the documents in addDocs.
update(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.display.CollapseBean
Find the request parameters that specify displayStates for the content boxes of the metadataEditor's instance document, and update the collapseBean so it reflects the displayStates specified by the request.
update(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
update(MappingInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.util.integration.MappingsManager
update(String, String) - Method in class
Updates password file with username and password.
update(List, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.SelectedStandardsBean
Update SelectedStandardBean with information from UI
UPDATE_COLLECTIONS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.indexing.IndexingEvent
Indicates the watcher should update it's list of collections.
UPDATE_STATUS_VERB - Static variable in class
updateCollectionFilter(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.SessionInfoAction
updateCollectionFilter(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
The collectionFilter is used to filter UI displays using dcsTables
updateCollections() - Method in class
Update the collections that are configured in DDS.
updateDb(String) - Method in class
Updates the DB.
updateDisplayControls(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Sets various control attributes from the information contained in the request, such as displayMode, displayContent, and whether description, grade ranges, subjects, keywords, will be used in the CAT Service request.
updateIndexing(int) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.AnyTypeInputField
updateMasterStatusList() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionRegistry
updateMultiValueFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.NsdlAnnoValidator
Validate the multivalue parameters managed by the input manager.
updateMultiValueFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Validate the multivalue parameters managed by the input manager.
updateRecord(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Updates the record by writing it to the repository.
updateRecordStatus(String, StatusEntry) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Update the status of a metadata record with provided statusEntry instance.
updateSelectedStandardsBean() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.AsnSuggestionServiceHelper
Write the list of selected standards, as well as the currentStandards Doc to the SelectedStandardsBean
updateStandardsDisplay(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.asn.ResQualSuggestionServiceHelper
Initialize the collapse bean to show selected and suggested standards nodes in the display specified by "displayContent".
updateStandardsDisplay(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Initialize the collapse bean to show selected and suggested standards nodes in the display specified by "displayContent".
updateStandardsDisplay(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Hides and exposes nodes in the hierarchical standards display.
updateStatus(String, String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Change the current status of this record.
updateStatus(StatusEntry) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Update this record's status with the provided StatusEntry object.
updateStatus(StatusEntry, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.dcs.DcsDataRecord
Update this record's status with the provided StatusEntry object and notify event Listeners of change.
updateSuggestions() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Description of the Method
updateSuggestions(List) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.CATServiceHelper
Performs a query on the suggestion server using the current contraints, and updates the suggestedStandards attribute of the CATServiceHelper with the results, which is a list of standards IDS.
updateSuggestions() - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.standards.SuggestionServiceHelper
Update suggestedStandards by performing a query on the SuggestionService using current constraints.
updateTuples(MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.CollectionConfig
Ensure there is an element in the config file for each tuple defined in the metaDataFramework for this collection.
updateVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RecordDataService
Updates the MetadataVocab being used by this service.
updateVocab(MetadataVocab) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.RepositoryManager
Update the current MetadataVocab with a new one.
uploadFile(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.toolkit.NDRToolkit
Create new resource, set content to provided file, and return updated resource.
uri - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.FieldInfoReader
Description of the Field
UriMappings - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util.uri
Utility class for mapping "static" URIs (i.e.
UriMappings(ServletContext, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriMappings
Constructor for the UrlMappings object
uriMapToString() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
Debugging utility returns a printable representation of the uriMap.
UriSpoofServlet - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util.uri
Utility servlet for mapping "static" URIs (.htm) to dynamic requests (.do?) using regular expressions
UriSpoofServlet() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.uri.UriSpoofServlet
uriTest(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.SchemaHelperTester
Description of the Method
URL_CHECK_VERB - Static variable in class
URL_CHECK_VERB - Static variable in class
The UrlCheck request verb
urlCheck(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Submit a request (query) to the UrlCheck Web service and return the response as a Document.
URLConnectionTimedOutException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.util
Indicates a TimedURLConnection has timed out.
URLConnectionTimedOutException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.util.URLConnectionTimedOutException
Constructs a URLConnectionTimedOutException with the specified detail message.
URLEncoder(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils
Encodes a String for use in a URL using UTF-8 character encoding.
UrlHelper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url
Utilities for manipulating and comparing URLs
UrlHelper() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Constructor for the UrlHelper object
UrlPattern - Class in
urlPattern - Variable in class
UrlPatternMatcher - Class in
UrlPatternMatcher(String) - Constructor for class
urls - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseBean
Description of the Field
UrlTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Utilities for manipulating XPaths, represented as String
UrlTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UrlTester
UrlValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck
Uses the Search Web Service (DDSWS v1.0) to search a repository (or a collection within a repository) for ADN records having duplicate and/or similar urls in it's primary or mirrorUrl fields.
UrlValidator(String, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.UrlValidator
Constructor for the UrlValidator object
UrlValidator(SearchServiceClient, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.UrlValidator
Constructor for the UrlValidator object
use(String) - Method in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
useCache - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
useFileLocks - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.datamgr.SerializedDataManager
USER - Static variable in class
This TypedPrincipal represents a username or SID.
User - Class in
Class that represents a registered DCS User, including attributes, roles and preferences.
User(File) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the User object
User() - Constructor for class
No-argument Constructor for the User object
USER_KEY - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.Constants
The session scope attribute under which the User object for the currently logged in user is stored.
USER_SEARCH_VERB - Static variable in class
The seach all request verb
userAgent - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
The User_Agent HTTP request header, in quotes.
userAuthenticates(String, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Returns true if the subjectName/password pair authenticates successfully; false otherwise.
UserdataConverter - Class in
Converts user.xml files to a directory of username.xml records
userExists(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.ldap.LdapClient
Tests to see if a user entry exists in the LDAP database, using a the admin dn/pswd for authorization.
userHasAdminRole - Variable in class
UserInfo - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config
Bean to handle the "userInfo" element of the framework_config record, which is used to specify where information about the current user is to be placed in metadata records.
UserInfo(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.UserInfo
Constructor for the UserInfo object
UserInfoAction - Class in
Controller for creating and editing user information.
UserInfoAction() - Constructor for class
UserInfoForm - Class in
UserInfoForm() - Constructor for class
userManager - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.DCSAction
UserManager - Class in
Manages User instances and provides information about users inlcuding roles, attributes, preferences, etc.
UserManager(File) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the UserManager object
UserManagerAction - Class in
Controller for Manage Users page, which displays users and their roles for each collection, and allows for editing these roles, as well as deleting users.
UserManagerAction() - Constructor for class
UserManagerAction.CollectionRoleBean - Class in
UserManagerAction.CollectionRoleBeanSorter - Class in
UserManagerForm - Class in
ActionForm supporting the UserManagerAction.
UserManagerForm() - Constructor for class
UserManagerForm.RoleBean - Class in
username - Variable in class
username - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.metaextract.MetaExtractService
UserNameComparator - Class in
Sort Users by userName.
UserNameComparator() - Constructor for class
UserPrincipal - Class in
TypedPrincipals are derived from, and can be treated like Principals but they also contain extra information about the type of the Principal which can be USER, GROUP or DOMAIN.
UserPrincipal(String, int) - Constructor for class
UserPrincipal(String) - Constructor for class
Create a UserPrincipal with a name.
UserPrincipal() - Constructor for class
Create a UserPrincipal with a blank name.
UserRoleBean(User, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the UserRoleBean object
userTable - Variable in class
useXmlString(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Reads and parses the XML string, which is then the source of the XML used in this XMLDoc.
utcDateFormat - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
Formats and parses dates according to utcDateFormatString.
utcDateFormatString - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
utcDateString(Date) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SchemEditUtils
formats the given date in the form "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'".
UtfTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
Utils - Class in
Utility methods for com.myjaas.auth.*.
Utils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity
Command line routine that checks fields files for well-formedness, and ensures that the xpaths associated with the field files exist within the given metadata framework.
Utils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.Utils
Utils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
This class holds a number of handy static methods for generating unique ids, random numbers within a given range, parsing dates, executing command-line processes, and others.
Utils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.Utils


validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.action.form.HarvesterAdminForm
Validate the input.
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.provider.action.form.OaiPmhSearchForm
Validate the input.
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryAdminForm
Validate the input.
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.SetDefinitionsForm
Validates the form data.
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSAdminForm
Validate the input.
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.DCSViewForm
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditAdminForm
Check to make sure the client hasn't exceeded the maximum allowed upload size inside of this validate method.
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.SchemEditForm
Validate the request parameters before the Action sees them).
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.form.StatusForm
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Validate the properties that have been set from this HTTP request, and return an ActionErrors object that encapsulates any validation errors that have been found.
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Ensure that values are present for required fields before passing control to UserInfoAction.
validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
validate(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester
validate(XMLDocReader, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
validate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck.UrlValidator
Return a ValidatorResults instance containing the results of a query to find duplicate and similiar urls in the primaryUrl and mirrorUrl fields of repository records.
validate(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validate a single XML file or directory of XML files.
validate(String, Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
validate(String, String[]) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validate a single XML file or directory of XML files, processing only the xml files that match the ID list provided.
validate(String, String[], String, Date) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validate a single XML file or directory of XML files.
VALIDATE_RECORDS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Keys
Description of the Field
VALIDATE_RECORDS - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.Keys
validateAttributeFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Checks all required attribute fields for a value, and all populated attributes for schema-type compliance.
validateDeletion(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Guard against deletion of last member of a required repeating sequence.
validateDirectoryNotInRepository(Object, ValidatorAction, Field, ActionMessages, Validator, HttpServletRequest, ServletContext) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts.FieldValidators
Validates that the field value is a directory that is not already configured in the repository (RepositoryManager).
validateDocument() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Description of the Method
validateElementFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Validate the input fields corresponding to elements in the DocMap.
validateEmail(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.SuggestUtils
Simple email validation, throwing Exception containing error if not valid.
validateExportDestination(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ExportingService
validateFieldInfoPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
check the fieldInfo paths to make sure they are legal schema paths ...
validateFile(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester
validateFile(File, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester
validateFile(File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator
validateFile(File, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator
validateFile(File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validates an XML File to the external DTD or schema that is present in the File.
validateFile(File, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validates an XML File to the external DTD or schema that is present in the File.
validateFiles - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
validateForm(HttpServletRequest, CreateADNRecordForm, MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateADNRecordAction
Validate the input from user.
validateForm(HttpServletRequest, CreateADNRecordForm, MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateMastRecordAction
Validate the input from user.
validateForm(HttpServletRequest, CreateADNRecordForm, MetaDataFramework) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.CreateRecordAction
Validate the input from user.
validateForm() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.CollectionConfigValidator
In addition to validating against the schema, check statusFlags for duplicates and create SchemEditErrors if dups found.
validateForm() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.Msp2EditValidator
validateForm() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.OsmEditValidator
Custom validator for pubName field that throws a validation error when this field is empty, even though the schema allows it to be empty.
validateForm() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Validates the metadata fields contained in a request by calling validateMultiValueFields , then validateAttributeFields, and finally validateElementFields .
validateForm() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SmileEditValidator
Custom validator for MATERIALS_LIST_PATH
validateIsDirectory(Object, ValidatorAction, Field, ActionMessages, Validator, HttpServletRequest, ServletContext) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts.FieldValidators
Validates that the field value is an existing directory on the server that the application is running on.
validateMultiValueFields() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.SchemEditValidator
Ensures that all fields expecting 1 or more values have at least one value;
validateNamespaceIdentifier(Object, ValidatorAction, Field, ActionMessages, Validator, HttpServletRequest, ServletContext) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.struts.FieldValidators
Validates that the String is a valid namespace identifier for OAI.
ValidateQuery - Class in edu.colorado.bolt.cms
Servlet that validates Concept Map Service queries.
ValidateQuery() - Constructor for class edu.colorado.bolt.cms.ValidateQuery
validateRecord(Object) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
validateRecord(Object, DcsDataRecord, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryService
Validate the record and update the DcsDataRecord.
validateRecords(DcsSetInfo, String[], SessionBean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidatingService
validateRecords(DcsSetInfo, String[], SessionBean, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidatingService
Validate a set of records in a separate thread.
validateString(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester
validateString(String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester
validateString(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator
validateString(String, boolean) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator
validateString(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validates an XML String to the external DTD or schema that is present in the String.
validateString(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validates an XML String to the external DTD or schema that is present in the String.
validateSuggestForm(ActionForm, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestAction
The required fields for suggest-a-url are: url, nameFirst, nameLast, emailPrimary, instName
validateSuggestForm(ActionForm, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestCommentAction
The required fields for suggest-a-url are: url, nameFirst, nameLast, emailPrimary, instName
validateSuggestForm(ActionForm, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
The required fields for suggest-a-url are: url, nameFirst, nameLast, emailPrimary, instName
validateUri(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validates an XML document at the given URI.
validateUri(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validates an XML document at the given URI.
validateUrl(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.UrlTester
validateUrl(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.url.UrlHelper
Ensure that a urlStr contains a valid protocol and a host.
validateUrl(ActionForm, ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.SuggestResourceAction
Validate a URL for proper syntax and then process it with the UrlValidator to enforce rules for accepting a new suggestion.
validateUser(String, char[]) - Method in class
validateUser(String, char[]) - Method in class
loads pwdFile before validating User
validateUser(String, char[]) - Method in class
Validate user against using LdapClient
validateUser(String, char[]) - Method in class
Validate a user's credentials and either throw a LoginException (if validation fails) or return a Vector of Principals if validation succeeds.
validateUser(String, char[]) - Method in class
Validate the user via MyUcasClient (which uses the information in it's propsFile to authenticate itself to the UCAS Auth service).
validateVocabLayoutPaths() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
check the vocabLayoutConfig paths to make sure they are legal schema paths ...
ValidatingService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
Threaded Service for validating records.
ValidatingService(ServletContext, String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidatingService
Constructor for the ValidatingService object
ValidatingServiceException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
Indicates an error occured in the ValidatingService occured.
ValidatingServiceException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidatingServiceException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
ValidatingServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidatingServiceException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
VALIDATION_FEATURE_ID - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
Validation feature id (
validationIsStale(File, XMLDocReader) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ThreadedService
Test to see if record has been modified outside of DCS.
ValidationReport - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices
ValidationReport(DcsSetInfo, String[]) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.threadedservices.ValidationReport
ValidationReportTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Tester for DcsDataRecord and related classes.
ValidationReportTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidationReportTester
Constructor for the ValidationReportTester object
ValidationTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
ValidationTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidationTester
validatorResults - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestResourceForm
ValidatorResults - Class in org.dlese.dpc.suggest.resource.urlcheck
Holds results of a search over a repository or a collection within a repository for similar and/or duplicate records.
ValidatorTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
ValidatorTester(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester
ValidatorTester.ForgivingErrorHandler - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
ValidatorTester.MyErrorHandler - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.BadCharChecker.BadCharEntry
valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Method called each time a attribute is bound to this SessionBean's session.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy.Service
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.NDRObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.OAIVisibilty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.ObjectState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.Service
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.SupportedCommand
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest.Role
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.DocumentMap
Gets all field values that are present in the Lucene Document.
values() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.LazyDocumentMap
Gets all field values that are present in the Lucene Document.
values() - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRAPIProxy.Service
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.NDRObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.OAIVisibilty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.ObjectState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.Service
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants.SupportedCommand
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.RolesTest.Role
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueType - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
A String used to (somewhat informally) describe the type of the element
valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.SessionBean
Method called each time any attribute is removed from this SessionBean's session.
verb - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
VERB - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.OAIArgs
The verb argument
verbose - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.request.SimpleNdrRequest
version - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.integrity.frameworks.FieldFilesChecker
version_transform_file - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.NSDL_DCToNCS_ITEMFormatConverter
ViewerRenderer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform
Renders JSP for viewing metadata records within the DCS (as opposed to within a metadata editor).
ViewerRenderer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.ViewerRenderer
viewNodeTest(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.RendererHelper
Used by the viewing classes (not the editing classes) to test that a node exists and has content.
VirtualSearchFieldMapper - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
Maps virtual search field/term pairs to Lucene Queries.
VirtualSearchFieldMapper(QueryParser) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.VirtualSearchFieldMapper
Constructor for the VirtualSearchFieldMapper object
vocab - Variable in class
vocab - Variable in class
vocab - Variable in class
vocab - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.remotesearch.reader.ADNItemDocReader
Description of the Field
vocab - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.suggest.action.form.SuggestForm
vocab - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.form.VocabAdminForm
vocab - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
vocab - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.MetadataVocabTag
Description of the Field
vocab - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.tags.opml.MetadataVocabTag
VocabAction - Class in
Implementation of Action that handles display of library controlled vocabularies.
VocabAction() - Constructor for class
VocabAdminAction - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action
Implementation of Action that handles administration of a controlled vocabulary
VocabAdminAction() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.VocabAdminAction
VocabAdminForm - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.form
A Struts Form bean for presenting vocab configuration information
VocabAdminForm() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.action.form.VocabAdminForm
vocabCache - Variable in class
vocabCacheGroup - Variable in class
VocabCachingActionForm - Class in
A Struts Form bean for handling DDS requests that use controlled vocab caching (for redisplay in proper order/groupings)
VocabCachingActionForm() - Constructor for class
vocabCompare - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
vocabEntry - Variable in class
VocabForm - Class in
A Struts Form bean for handling controlled vocabulary displays.
VocabForm() - Constructor for class
vocabInterface - Variable in class
VocabLayout - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout
Class to read a "groups file" for a single schemaNode and create the LayoutNodes representing it's controlled vocab items.
VocabLayout(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
Constructor for the VocabLayout object
VocabLayout(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayout
Constructor for the VocabLayout object using specified file.
VocabLayoutConfig - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout
Populates the a groupInfoMap by reading from a file specified in Framework config file (with name ending in "fields-list.xml").
VocabLayoutConfig() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Constructor for the VocabLayoutConfig object
VocabLayoutConfig(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
VocabLayoutConfig(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.vocab.layout.VocabLayoutConfig
Constructor for the VocabLayoutConfig object
VocabList - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
List/map combination for accessing VocabNodes
VocabList() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabList
VocabNode - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
Interface for a controlled vocabulary tree node
VocabNodeOPML - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
MetadataVocabOPML implementation of a controlled vocabulary tree node
VocabNodeOPML(OPMLTree.TreeNode) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Constructor for the VocabNodeOPML object
VocabNodeOPML(String, OPMLTree.TreeNode) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Constructor for the VocabNodeOPML object
VocabNodeOPML(OPMLTree.TreeNode, VocabList) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Constructor for the VocabNodeOPML object
VocabNodeOPML(String, OPMLTree.TreeNode, VocabList) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Constructor for the VocabNodeOPML object
VocabNodeOPML(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeOPML
Constructor for the VocabNodeOPML object
VocabNodeTermsGroups - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
VocabNode is a node within the vocab hierarchy of a MetadataVocab instance
VocabNodeTermsGroups(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabNodeTermsGroups
Constructor for the VocabNode object
VocabUiLabelsCollection(String, String[], String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection
Constructor for the VocabUiLabelsCollection object
VocabUiLabelsIterator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection.VocabUiLabelsIterator
VocabUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.vocab
VocabUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.VocabUtils


warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class edu.colorado.bolt.cms.ValidateQuery
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Harvester
Handles warnings.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester.ForgivingErrorHandler
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.ValidatorTester.MyErrorHandler
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator.MyErrorHandler
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
WebLogEntryWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Writes a Lucene Document for data in a single web log entry.
WebLogEntryWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogEntryWriter
Constructor for the WebLogEntryWriter object
WebLogIndexingService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index
Indexes Web and query log files using Lucene.
WebLogIndexingService(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.WebLogIndexingService
WebLogReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean for accessing the data stored in a Lucene Document that logs a single web request.
WebLogReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Constructor for the WebLogReader object
WebLogReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.WebLogReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a DocWriter.
WebLogWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Writes a Lucene Document that holds information about a client request to an HTTP servlet.
WebLogWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.WebLogWriter
Constructor for the WebLogWriter object
WebServiceClient - Class in org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient
WebServiceClient provides helpers to communicate with webservices via timed connections (time out is adjustable).
WebServiceClient(String) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClient
Constructor for the WebServiceClient object.
WebServiceClientException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient
Indicates that a WebClient received an error from a DDS Web Service
WebServiceClientException() - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClientException
Constructs an Exception with no specified detail message.
WebServiceClientException(String) - Constructor for exception org.dlese.dpc.serviceclients.webclient.WebServiceClientException
Constructs an Exception with the specified detail message.
WebServicesFilter - Class in
WebServicesFilter() - Constructor for class
whatKindOfRepeatingElement(SchemaNode, GlobalDef) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.SchemaUtils
Based on logic of RendererImpl.renderRepeatingElement, prints out the name of the class instantiated to render provided schemaNode.
where - Variable in class
WHITESPACE_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface org.dlese.dpc.index.LuceneIndex
WIKI_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.ndr.apiproxy.NDRConstants
WorkFlowServices - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit
Listens for StatusChanged events generated by DcsDataManager via DcsDataRecord.updateStatus.
WorkFlowServices(ServletContext) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.WorkFlowServices
Constructor for the WorkFlowServices object
wrappedLabel(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.MetadataVocabTermsGroups
Replaces "||" in label values with <br>&nbsp;
write(String, CollectionConfig, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataProviderWriter
Constructor for the MetadataProviderWriter object
write(String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Convenience method to write the metadata record identified by recId along with dcsDataRecord, to the NDR.
write(String, String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
Writes metadata record to NDR using provided "recordXml" metadata if provided, or metadata obtained from from the index if recordXml is null.
write(String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NSDLCollectionWriter
Convenience write method that doesn't require ncs_collect metadata to be supplied (this will be obtained from index in the callee).
write(String, String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.NSDLCollectionWriter
Creates or updates collection-level NDR Objects necessary to define a NSDL collection in the NDR, including collection-level metadata object, collection resource, and collection aggregator.
write(Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLWriter
writeCollectionInfo(DcsSetInfo) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.NDRSync
Write collection-level info (metadataProvider and Aggregator) for the specified collection (set) to the NDR.
writeCollectionInfo(DcsSetInfo, SyncReport) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.SyncService
Write collection-level info (metadataProvider and Aggregator) for the specified collection (set) to the NDR.
writeDataAsTextFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.vocab.DLESEMetadataVocabTracker
This method writes a text-based version of the entire vocabulary (even retired values!) that simply lists each field/value system ID, along with the metadataValue.
writeDocToFile(Document, File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Writes Document to File
writeDocToFile(Document, File, OutputFormat) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
Write XML Document to disk using specified OutputFormat
writeEditableDocument(Document, File) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
Converts an editable Document into a writable xmlRecord (string) via getWritableRecordXml and writes it to disk.
writeFile(String, File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Writes a file containing the given content using UTF-8 encoding.
writeFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Writes a file containing the given content using UTF-8 encoding.
writeFile(StringBuffer, File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Writes a file containing the given content using UTF-8 encoding.
writeFile(StringBuffer, String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.util.Files
Writes a file containing the given content using UTF-8 encoding.
writeGzipResponse(char[], HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.FilterCore
Writes the response content to the client using gzip compression.
writeJsp(Element, File, String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
Writes Element to disk as JSP page to be included in a master page at run time.
writeOnDestroy - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.AbstractConfigReader
Description of the Field
writePrettyDocToFile(Document, File) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.Dom4jUtils
write formated xml to file to faciliate human-readibility
writeProps() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.MetaDataFramework
update config file with current values
writePropsFile() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr.PropertiesManager
Writes the properties to the same file that was used to read them, preserving any comments in the file.
writePropsFile(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.propertiesmgr.PropertiesManager
Writes the properties to the given file path.
writer - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.AutoForm
writeRecord(String, String, XMLDocReader, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriter
Convenience method for RepositoryServices calls that have the docReader handy, calls writeRecord after computing required params.
writeRecord(String, String, String, String, DcsDataRecord) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.repository.RepositoryWriter
Writes provided metadata to the index and to other registered repositories, such as the NDR.
writeRegularResponse(StringBuffer, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.FilterCore
Writes the response to the OutputStream without gzipping it, for use if the client can not accept a gzip response.


xml2json(String) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLUtils
Convert XML to JSON.
xmlConversionService - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.ndr.writer.MetadataWriter
XMLConversionService - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Manages the conversion of XML files from one format to another using XSL or Java classes.
XMLConversionService(File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Constructor for the XMLConversionService.
xmlConversionServiceFactoryForServlets(ServletContext, File, File, boolean) - Static method in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLConversionService
Factory for use in Servlets to create an XMLConversionService using configurations found in the Servlet context parameters.
XMLDoc - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Reads and parses an XML document.
XMLDoc(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
Reads and parses the XML document.
XMLDoc() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLDoc
A non-initialized XMLDoc.
XMLDocReader - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A bean meant for subclassing that contains methods to read search results from indexed XML records.
XMLDocReader() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Constructor for the XMLDocReader object
XMLDocReader(Document) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.reader.XMLDocReader
Constructor that may be used programatically to wrap a reader around a Lucene Document created by a FileIndexingServiceWriter.
XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
A collection of user interface labels derived from vocabulary field/value IDs.
XMLDocReader.VocabUiLabelsCollection.VocabUiLabelsIterator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.reader
The Iterator
XMLDocumentFormatConverter - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Implementations of this interface are used by the XMLConversionService to convert content from one format to another.
XMLException - Exception in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Simply wraps Exception.
xmlFile - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
source XML file
xmlFile - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
The source XML file used to identify the XML hierarchy.
XMLFileFilter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
A FileFilter for xml files.
XMLFileFilter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLFileFilter
XMLFileIndexingWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Creates a Lucene Document from any XML file by stripping the XML tags to extract and index the content.
XMLFileIndexingWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Constructor for the XMLFileIndexingWriter.
XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer
Factory used to create the XmlFileIndexingWriter appropriate for handling a given XML format.
XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory(SimpleLuceneIndex, XMLIndexerFieldsConfig) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory
Constructor for use when no RecordDataService is needed.
XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory(RecordDataService, SimpleLuceneIndex, XMLIndexerFieldsConfig, Hashtable) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory
Constructor for use when a RecordDataService is needed.
XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory(RecordDataService, SimpleLuceneIndex, XMLIndexerFieldsConfig) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriterFactory
Constructor for use when a RecordDataService is needed.
xmlFormat - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.action.AbstractSchemEditAction
XMLFormatConverter - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Implementations of this interface are used by the XMLConversionService to convert XML from one format to another.
XMLIndexer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml
Adds index fields to a Lucene Document from any well-formed XML.
XMLIndexer(Document, String, XMLIndexerFieldsConfig) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Constructor for the XMLIndexer object
XMLIndexer(String, String, XMLIndexerFieldsConfig) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Constructor for the XMLIndexer object
XMLIndexer(URL, String, XMLIndexerFieldsConfig) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexer
Constructor for the XMLIndexer object
XMLIndexerFieldsConfig - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml
Holds a configuration for XML fields indexed by XMLIndexer and used in PerFieldAnalyzer.
XMLIndexerFieldsConfig(URL) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.xml.XMLIndexerFieldsConfig
XMLMap - Interface in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Provides a hashmap-like interface into an XML-based metadata file, hashed by user-defined named keys.
xmlNamespacePrefix - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
xmlNamespaceUri - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.NamespaceRegistry
URI of xml namespace
XMLNode - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Creates an object wrapper for JDOM XML elements and for accessing their content.
XMLNode(Element) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Constructor wraps a JDOM Element with a new node.
XMLNode(Element, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLNode
Constructor wraps a JDOM Element with a new node.
XMLPostProcessingFilter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters
Performs post-processing of an XML stream and gzips the response if supported by the browser.
XMLPostProcessingFilter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLPostProcessingFilter
XMLQueryParser - Class in org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser
Creates a Lucene Query from an XML representation of a query.
XMLQueryParser() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.index.queryParser.XMLQueryParser
xmlRecord - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.maps.DleseXMLReader
convenience abstraction of the XML DOM
XMLRecord - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Creates a wrapper implementation for accessing a JDOM XML document and for mapping the JDOM elements to a local HashMap.
XMLRecord(File) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLRecord
Accepts an XML file and maps its XML structure to a HashMap.
xmlString - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.logging.ClfLogRecord
An arbitrary string, generally XML.
XmlStringTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
xmlToHtml(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.repository.action.form.RepositoryForm
Provides HTML encoding for XML resulting in text that looks good in a Web browser.
xmlToHtml(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.input.RecordValidationFilter
xmlToHtml(String) - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLPostProcessingFilter
Get html-displayable version of provided xml
xmlToHtml(String) - Static method in class
Provides HTML encoding for XML resulting in text that looks good in a Web browser.
xmlToHtmlIndent(String) - Static method in class
Provides HTML encoding for XML resulting in text that looks good in a Web browser.
XMLUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
This class holds static methods for use in XML processing.
XMLUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLUtils
XMLValidationFilter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters
Use XMLPostProcessingFilter instead
XMLValidationFilter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.webapps.servlets.filters.XMLValidationFilter
XMLValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Validate XML against a schema using a cached validator.
XMLValidator(URI) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XMLValidator
Constructor for the XMLValidator object
XMLValidator - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
XMLValidator uses Xerces to parse and validate xml files in a directory or an individual xml file you specify.
XMLValidator() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLValidator
XMLValidator.MyErrorHandler - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Error Handler to store validation messages, and compile them into a string buffer as a report.
XMLWriter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Subclassed from JDOM's XMLOutputter, in order to tweak output.
XMLWriter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XMLWriter
xpath - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.mde.MdeNode
xpath - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.autoform.Renderer
JSP - encoded xpath to the element being rendered.
xpath - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.BadCharChecker.BadCharEntry
xpath - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.config.SchemaPath
The xpath in the Schema to which this SchemaPath instance refers.
XpathTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
Class for testing dom manipulation with help from SchemaHelper
XPathUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Utilities for testing and manipulating XPaths, represented as String.
XPathUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XPathUtils
XSDatatypeManager - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema
Provides Map-like interface to XSdatatypes - including built-ins and those datatypes defined by a Schema - used to validate element values within a schema-based document.
XSDatatypeManager() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
Constructor for the XSDatatypeManager object
XSDatatypeManager(GlobalDefMap) - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.XSDatatypeManager
Constructor for the XSDatatypeManager object
xsdPrefix - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GenericType
xsdPrefix - Variable in class org.dlese.dpc.xml.schema.GlobalDeclaration
XSDValidatorTester - Class in org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test
XSDValidatorTester() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.schemedit.test.XSDValidatorTester
XSLTransformer - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Transforms files or Strings using XSL stylesheets.
XSLTransformer() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLTransformer
Constructor does nothing.
XSLUtils - Class in org.dlese.dpc.xml
Utilities for working with XSL.
XSLUtils() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.xml.XSLUtils


ZIP_DIR - Static variable in class org.dlese.dpc.oai.harvester.Keys
Description of the Field
ZipFileFilter - Class in org.dlese.dpc.util
A FileFilter for zip files.
ZipFileFilter() - Constructor for class org.dlese.dpc.util.ZipFileFilter


_getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.ADNFileIndexingWriter
Gets the id(s) for this item.
_getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter
Gets the id of this annotation
_getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the ID of this collection record.
_getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter
Gets the id attribute of the DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter object
_getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NCSCollectionFileIndexingWriter
Gets the ID of this collection record.
_getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.NewsOppsFileIndexingWriter
Gets the ID of this collection record.
_getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter
Returns null to handle by super.
_getIds() - Method in class org.dlese.dpc.index.writer.XMLFileIndexingWriter
Return unique IDs for the item being indexed, one for each collection that catalogs the resource.
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